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Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
What is different about India that things like this occur? Are locals as horrified as we are, or is setting people on fire and throwing acid in faces not indicative of a profoundly abnormal mindset over there? He could have just stabbed her to death. The choice to burn her means he wanted to torture her. That takes so much more viciousness. Where does that come from?
Bandit Queen. Watch the movie.


Dec 7, 2017
In a country with 1.3 billion people they can't find a prostitute to satisfy their needs. Sick bastards.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I hope this thread doesn't get locked. I want to understand why seemingly average men in India (and Pakistan, etc) act in ways only the most rare and vile of killers do over here. Surely being raised thinking of women as property isn't enough to unlock the ability torture another human being to the degrees we're discussing.

Bandit Queen. Watch the movie.

Thank you - I'll look it up.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017

Jesus fuck. India needs some goddamn vigilantes.


Oct 25, 2017
I hope this thread doesn't get locked. I want to understand why seemingly average men in India (and Pakistan, etc) act in ways only the most rare and vile of killers do over here. Surely being raised thinking of women as property isn't enough to unlock the ability torture another human being to the degrees we're discussing.

It's a society where some men feel they can ask a woman they've never met to marry them on the spot.

And if she refuses, these men feel obligated, pressured, expected, to react violently to defend their honour.

Which can come in the form of acid being thrown on the girl, just for refusing marriage.

That type of mindset is so incomprehensible.

Soony Xbone Uhh

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
This is so sickening. At least it has national reach now and they will be brought to real justice and not some village council bullshit...

Still sad, that a young woman has to be burned alive for this. But normal rape seems to be still considered a mild offense in huge parts there...


Oct 28, 2017
Knew it was India before i clicked.

What was shocking was that he did this over a fine and situps.

I am against the death penalty, but cases like this makes it extremely hard.


Oct 28, 2017
100 sit ups... This is a disgrace of a punishment.

India needs to figure out its issue with rape and toxic masculinity very soon. So many innocent lives taken or ruined. It's all extremely sad.
Oct 26, 2017
India as a country is very stupid when you look at their values. They devalue girls because they're not boys (related to the whole dowry element), not realizing that their dumbfuck mentality will disrupt the balance that comes with having both men and women. Like, look at the logical conclusion if every family were satisfied and had just sons, your population comes at a standstill because you have overwhelmingly more men and less women. None of this makes sense.

When you devalue women to the point that you view them as simply sex objects and not as another human being with a life, personality, rights and freedoms, it's no wonder they are in a garbage state where rape and gross sexual violence is rampant. A lot of people are asking how this can change, but it all starts with valuing women as human beings and not as walking fleshlights.

Frankly, these men that continue to rape and destroy women's bodies should die and be made examples of (and don't give me the bs argument about the death penalty. They should suffer the consequences for destroying the human body in gross ways). Not get fucking 100 sit-ups like that's going to teach them anything.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I hate to say it but India is fucked. Aren't there any politicians doing anything besides saying stupid shit like they invented the internet?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Rape was bad enough, but to set her on fire while she was alive.

That is pure hatred for another fellow human, and for simply seeking justice.

This is mental gymnastics to a evil level, I'm sorry but these men need to be executed, I know it's wrong but I don't think they deserve to draw any more air. Life imprisonment would be ideal, but my anger at their actions makes it really hard to reconcile with a punishment where they get to reflect on thier barbarity.


Oct 25, 2017
Please avoid creating threads that leave no room for discussion. Awareness is critical, but let's not resort to sweeping generalizations about a society at large. Effective avenues for advocacy are available for those who want to effect change.
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