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Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
There are still people insisting this is de facto violence. If this ever went to trial (doubtful), the judge would scoff at the mere thought.

It's almost as if there is an ulterior motive/agenda in play.

Regardless of what you think about it it's assault. No judge is going to "scoff" at an adult doing this to a minor. If the kid decides to press charges the man is likely to end up with record, which can impact is future job prospects. I dunno why people are applauding this like it's some amazing thing, the guy lost his job and will probably end up in court over a fucking hat.
Oct 25, 2017
It's a a hate symbol. Americans don't need to co-opt anything for the MAGA hat to be an overt hate symbol along with the blue line. And we don't have to wait for any crimes against humanity because America never stopped being America.

As if everyone's else suffering is ambiguous, you just don't care.

"Make America great again" means something very specific. It's not ambiguous at all

If you're going to insult me for not seeing a 3 year old red hat as analogous to the symbol used for the worst genocide in history, then I don't know what to tell you. In no way am I condoning MAGA bros here for being the dipshits they largely are, but we need some perspective in these kinds of conversations. I'd sooner call the confederate flag a comparison rather than some stupid hat my brother-in-law has.

The government is placing families with children in fucking concentration camps. The Supreme court is about to be turned into a far-right puppet. when is the right time to get angry? When are we allowed to fight back according to you? When everyone else gets marched into camps it will already be too late.

I never said don't fight back, just that I don't like the MAGA hat to swastika comparison. Just don't assault and dox a 16 year old for being a dipshit in a fast food place and I'll support the fight. You can't rely on the fighting words doctrine for stuff like this.

Anyway, I'm bowing out. Already got a (perfectly valid) warning for something I sadly think many people would unironically agree with.


Apr 17, 2018
Yep, I agree it's fair enough for them to make those arguments. I'm not sure it's healthy for everyone else to. It's a tough one, and should be considered with fact and nuance as far as possible.

They made their opinion public so that they could affect public opinion. They want us to take this as seriously as possible.
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Oct 31, 2017
I will never understand people getting angry when someone points out that how actions/people are perceived by the public is important.

Have you not been paying attention? There was audio of the president bragging about sexual assault before the election and you're talking about public perception. At some point, you have to start being honest with yourself and the world
Oct 25, 2017






How could anyone ever mistake the two.

Holy shit the US is fucked
Oct 27, 2017
Oh man the MLK qoute sweet. As if what happend benefitted minorities at all. A grown man throwing shit at a kid is bad optics. It will not make anything better for your ideology. And as a preemptive parry yeah so is the current administrations treatment of immigrant kids. The rights bad actions doesn't suddenly negate the lefts. An adult being fired for attacking (that's how it will be headlined) a MAGA kid isn't a positive in any aspect especially for leftists.

He's posted that same MLK quote two or three times in other threads already.... he's on a roll leave him be (lol). Fighting fire with fire, I read somewhere that 4chan have tried to dox the guy who threw the soda in his face. Sooner or later someone is going to get hurt by this escalation.


Oct 27, 2017
If you're going to insult me for not seeing a 3 year old red hat as analogous to the symbol used for the worst genocide in history, then I don't know what to tell you. In no way am I condoning MAGA bros here for being the dipshits they largely are, but we need some perspective in these kinds of conversations. I'd sooner call the confederate flag a comparison rather than some stupid hat my brother-in-law has.

I never said don't fight back, just that I don't like the MAGA hat to swastika comparison. Just don't assault and dox a 16 year old for being a dipshit in a fast food place and I'll support the fight. You can't rely on the fighting words doctrine for stuff like this.

Anyway, I'm bowing out. Already got a warning for something I think many people would unironically agree with.

Except here's the thing, the hat has taken on a new meaning of hate. People just remember a well known symbol like the Swastika and naturally will compare them.

Doesn't change the fact that right now in this generation MAGA is 100% a sign of hate, bigotry and racism.
Oct 31, 2017
If you're going to insult me for not seeing a 3 year old red hat as analogous to the symbol used for the worst genocide in history, then I don't know what to tell you. In no way am I condoning MAGA bros here for being the dipshits they largely are, but we need some perspective in these kinds of conversations. I'd sooner call the confederate flag a comparison rather than some stupid hat my brother-in-law has.

I never said don't fight back, just that I don't like the MAGA hat to swastika comparison. Just don't assault and dox a 16 year old for being a dipshit in a fast food place and I'll support the fight. You can't rely on the fighting words doctrine for stuff like this.

Anyway, I'm bowing out. Already got a warning for something I sadly think many people would unironically agree with.

I don't give a fuck about the Holocaust comparison because MAGA is unambiguously a hate symbol that your family wears so clearly the threat isn't towards you

It's a hate symbol, just like the swastika is. Period
Oct 27, 2017
Have you not been paying attention? There was audio of the president bragging about sexual assault before the election and you're talking about public perception. At some point, you have to start being honest with yourself and the world
What the fuck is up with the Whataboutism responses? Trump being a scumbag doesn't make this dude look any less shit in my eyes for throwing a tirade against a kid.
Oct 31, 2017
What the fuck is up with the Whataboutism responses? Trump being a scumbag doesn't make this dude look any less shit in my eyes for throwing a tirade against a kid.

You're tsk tsking about public perception is laughable in defending people who don't care about that shit at all. It only one side is concerned about being perceived as civil, that side will lose

Just a kid wearing a hat pining for the great America eras of segregation and overt white supremacy, gotta watch out how the public perceives our reactions to them


Oct 25, 2017

We have virtually no limit on "speech" in this country, what you see above is considered speech. We cannot stand by using our voices and reasoning with nazi's and those who would seek to leave them in power. You only fight speech with speech when you are on a level playing field and both parties agree the problem can be solved by speech and are willing to *listen*, this is not the case today. You do not reason with nazi's, you stomp them out before the fire gets too large. You don't reason with racists or else our racism problem would be a hell of a lot smaller if that worked. You agitate, you disrupt, you don't allow yourself to be ignored or set aside. They certainly aren't gonna come to the table in good faith waiting to have a civil conversation.

I bet you can get that trending LZ


To be honest, I watched the video and read the original story without hearing the part where the racist little shit (allegedly) went on a loud white nationalists and frankly Nazi tear. Not sure I'd have been restrained enough for harsh language.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
He's posted that same MLK quote two or three times in other threads already.... he's on a roll leave him be. Fighting fire with fire, I read somewhere that 4chan have tried to dox the guy who threw the soda in his face. Sooner or later someone is going to get hurt by this escalation.
What, something like this?

Or this?

Or this?

Perhaps this one?

Or any of these?
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Oct 29, 2017
I mean... by virtue of that is what you're doing? It's super obvious so I don't know how to explain it. If you think Nazism is irrelevant when we're in the midst of the biggest resurgence of Nazism ever that is complacency which is implicitly advocating it. It's not even like you're not wasting your breath on it, you are actively using energy to argue against those who are fighting against nazis, you're standing in the way, it's actually even worse than complacency.

Also as an aside what is your avatar?

Please reread:

His ideology is not irrelevant to my beliefs with respect to racism, only to the higher principle that no one has the right to get physical with someone just because they don't like and disagree with what they're saying. In principle I'll never agree with crossing the line from speech into physical confrontation, no matter what it is. The principle supersedes, and as such, what it does is relegated irrelevant.

That doesn't mean it's irrelevant in general. I value the right of free speech, expression, and our ability to have it much higher than I do anything else. I vehemently oppose racism so please stop stating I don't, be it actively, passively, or by complacency. Nothing could be further from the truth. You guys keep trying to paint me with a disgusting brush simply because I an intolerant of violence against those who embrace abhorrent beliefs and speak them freely. I disagree with them doing so, I don't disagree with their right to do so nor do I encourage the use of violence to stop it.

Avatar is a torch.

What even is this post? Soda being thrown is worst than racism. That's where we are at now. Not surprised. Saw the same thing in the Tammy thread. WATER?! NOOOOO!

Racism is bad, but come on liberals, not THAT bad!
This is not what I'm saying at all.

There's a big line between having good old fashioned arguments and straight up demonizing someone for their race, gender, etc...

If I went up to a PoC spouting racist bullshit I'd better be ready to take one in the kisser as should all of these assholes. They absolutely deserve it

Then the one throwing the punch to the one spouting racist bullshit better be ready to go to jail.

Dearest minority: everything is fine for me, so lay down and take it.

Dearest anyone encouraging this nonsense: stop believing you have the right to fight words with violence. Since when does that equate to lying down and taking it? It's possible to use words in response.

Hate speech is violence and will inevitably meet the retaliation of violence. Downplay it all you want. I am happy that you made it known where you stand and stopped fucking around.

Hate speech is not violence.

Yes, I'm happy as well. I stand for free speech against the fascists who wish to destroy it because they conflate and cannot distinguish between words and violent action. Violence is to be met with violence, and I'll be first to be on that line. Harsh words and disgusting ideologies are not.
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Apr 17, 2018
To be honest, I watched the video and read the original story without hearing the part where the racist little shit (allegedly) went on a loud white nationalists and frankly Nazi tear. Not sure I'd have been restrained enough for harsh language.

Yup. High and mighty comfortable types will never understand what it feels like because they haven't been a minority who has been called a slur or heard about the desire for their extermination. They literally do not understand why hate speech is violence and do not care to.

You cannot tell me to take the high road when someone just spit in the faces of my dead relatives and expressed that you want my child and the rest of my race to die. That is a damaging message and it is easily provable that it has been historically.


Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
Why the fuck are people going on about optics or how this is perceived in the media? These two aren't running for fucking Congress. There's no election coming that this event will have any impact on whatsoever. So good optics/bad optics don't mean a fucking thing.

We get it, you sympathize with the racist white teenager. State it and move on but please don't shovel bullshit at us about optics or how this is perceived on a national stage. In a week, no one is going to give a fuck about this in the media because they would've moved on to the latest Trump outrage.
Oct 27, 2017
User Warned: Antagonistic drive-by
Endorsing the harassment of a child doesn't get you banned here? whoa. This is some next level shit :)


Oct 25, 2017
He's old enough to have a drink thrown at him.

He's young enough to hopefully realize how much a fucking idiot he is.

Hopefully this is a learning experience.


Oct 26, 2017
It always amuses me how quickly these people get on the local news. Quick enough to dodge the racist backstory.


Apr 17, 2018
Hate speech is not violence.

Yes, I'm happy as well. I stand for free speech against the fascists who wish to destroy it because they conflate and cannot distinguish between words and violent action. Violence is to be met with violence, and I'll be first to be on that line. Harsh words and disgusting ideologies are not.

Hate speech is violence. Why do you think some European countries have banned it? Why would you allow hate groups to assemble? Someone already died in Charlottesville.

I've been punched in the face and I've had hate speech used against me. I know which one is more damaging on a societal level.

You're talking down to me despite the fact that I think you have jack shit regarding experience in this department.

Deleted member 17092

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The MAGA hat is worst than a nazi swastika.

Should have learned something in the last 60 years and wearing that hat tells everyone you support a racist, anti-semitic, misogynistic piece of shit traitor. It's 2018. Stop.


Nov 2, 2017
Pensacola, FL
He's old enough to have a drink thrown at him.

He's young enough to hopefully realize how much a fucking idiot he is.

Hopefully this is a learning experience.

Doubtful. Racism is learned and he's probably still living with the people who taught him.

It always amuses me how quickly these people get on the local news. Quick enough to dodge the racist backstory.

Was it a Sinclair station? Wouldn't surprise me if they left out parts on purpose.


User requested permanent ban
Oct 25, 2017
Regardless of what you think about it it's assault. No judge is going to "scoff" at an adult doing this to a minor. If the kid decides to press charges the man is likely to end up with record, which can impact is future job prospects. I dunno why people are applauding this like it's some amazing thing, the guy lost his job and will probably end up in court over a fucking hat.
If you don't think the judge will use his discretion and weigh the motivating factors (ie witness account) and ultimately dismiss something as trivial as this then I don't know what to tell you. Moreover tax payers dollars would go to complete waste.
Oct 27, 2017
"When they go low, we go high" gave us Trump.
Not throwing liquids on racists.



Attributing a garbage slogan to me when I never said it, nice tactic. If the guy were to walk up to the kid and talk shit fine. He threw a drink, just full caveman dipshit mode. He got fired and now a MAGA hat shitty kid gets to define the encounter for everyone on the outside looking in. And you applaud it. Amazing strategy I can see why the left has been so successful as of late.


Oct 25, 2017
Attributing a garbage slogan to me when I never said it, nice tactic. If the guy were to walk up to the kid and talk shit fine. He threw a drink, just full caveman dipshit mode. He got fired and now a MAGA hat shitty kid gets to define the encounter for everyone on the outside looking in. And you applaud it. Amazing strategy I can see why the left has been so successful as of late.
They have been successful as of late. Glad you're paying attention.


Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
Attributing a garbage slogan to me when I never said it, nice tactic. If the guy were to walk up to the kid and talk shit fine. He threw a drink, just full caveman dipshit mode. He got fired and now a MAGA hat shitty kid gets to define the encounter for everyone on the outside looking in. And you applaud it.
Oh like he wouldn't be seen by people like you to be verbally assaulting/harassing the teenager? Get real man. We're not buying your bullshit.

Amazing strategy I can see why the left has been so successful as of late.
And you just outed yourself.

Chicken Wing

Apr 17, 2018
They're lucky that's all they got. Racists like this deserve every single thing that happens to them. Womp womp.
Jun 10, 2018
Their ideology is irrelevant to me. You don't get to get physical with someone simply because you cannot control your emotions. Confront them by talking, by screaming if necessary. Once anyone lays their hands or tosses something at them, they can fuck right off as far as I'm concerned. They've lost the battle at that instant.

Right, I'm OK with blacks being lynched and agree with white supremacy because I don't agree with physically assaulting someone for what they say. You got me.

The dog-piling predictably commences, and I'm not going to continue. You (and others) can label me a racist, Nazi sympathizer, and white supremacist all you want simply because I don't cheer people getting physical against those who espouse disgusting ideologies. That doesn't align me with any ideology, "champ", it desires the continuance of civility in a time where it is threatened the most and needs to be striven towards. Yes, I know all the Left's responses to this, none of their arguments I agree with, nor will I ever.
Of course you don't agree: You aren't black, and therefore, aren't a direct target for white supremacist's violent ideologies.

Your apathy would be sad if it wasn't already expected.
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