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Black Chamber

Oct 27, 2017
United States
It's only pretty bad when you compare it to 4K video quality. As it is, it's watchable and easy to discern what is going on.
It's not the most exciting gameplay snippet and it's recorded in a very, very bad quality but what does there look or scream "delay" exactly? Combat looks so far the best in a first-person RPG game (it's never going to look and feel like playing Doom and in the case of a RPG, it definitely shouldn't - well, maybe if the player has every combat+gun abilities max out), movement and animations in general looked totally fine, etc.. so again I ask the same question : what does in those videos scream delay?
Nothing. The poor video quality of the leak is affecting mindsets that it has to be 4K to look almost complete as a project.

Some of the devs have even stated that from now until release they are in the polishing/optimization phase, adding final touches and asset details which seems to indicate to me that the game is almost done.
I was never saying what's seen here is the reason for delay. I just don't think we are gonna see it in April. I hope I'm wrong.
I hope you're wrong too :)

Black Chamber

Oct 27, 2017
United States
My eyes just about rolled out of my head reading this. I never said it wasn't watchable or hard to discern, just that the quality of the video is crap.
It is of poor visual quality - but it's definitely watchable.

I just mentioned that about the 4K video quality because people that have seen this leaked footage seem to think that the game looks horrible because the footage isn't of high-quality.


Oct 25, 2017
I think this is my most hyped and awaited game of this generation after The Witcher 3. But, so far, all the recent footage the have shown to us, especially that dip dive gmaplay video has put my hype on the ground a bit.

I've not seen anything absolutely phenomenal on it, it just looks okayish. I'm pretty sure they have some awesome footages and gameplay behind doors they have not been looking forward to showing off yet.
Mar 29, 2018
I guess it's cool that you can have a conversation with pedestrians without having to get off your Akira ass motorcycle. That's about the only thing in there that really sticks out to me and it's suuuuper minor. lol.

OH SHIT WAS THAT A DOUBLE JUMP ONTO THAT RED BOX AT 7:15. I do love a good double jump.
Pretty sure double jump was in the first gameplay video? And unlocked in a skill tree


Oct 25, 2017
Pretty sure double jump was in the first gameplay video? And unlocked in a skill tree
Oh okay. I either missed or forgot. I'm frankly surprised by its presence because it's hard to imagine that we have a jet up our butt or something, so I'm curious to hear how they justify it. The claw climbing stuff makes sense but a double jump is video game as fuck.


Oct 25, 2017
Looked good to me. I mean tough to gather too much from a potato cam, but I thought the bike section looked cool.

I also really love the smaller animations on the character models, like when you are first talking to Placide at that table, with Johnny Silverhand lurking in the back.

Could also hear some of them ambient OST in the background. Sounds dope.


Jul 10, 2018
Why? Honest question. Empty worlds feel lifeless to me.
From the wiki

Pacifica is the most dangerous part of town, abandoned and overrun by gang activity. Separated from the rest of the city, it's a place of immense poverty. Originally it going to be fancy place of hotels and malls but investors pulled out left abandon. This cause the abandon hotel become the blackmarket place.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
It's a good time to remind everyone that BCD demos that are never meant to be see by the public outside of VERY specific and curated b-roll look a lot uglier than the stuff we see in official demos which a lot of the time, have to resemble the final game as much as possible. If say, a playtester were to record footage of TLOU2 with a potato cam too, a lot of people would be saying "yikes" and have a whole lot of criticisms that essentially boil down to "unfinished game is unfinished'


Oct 25, 2017
Why? Honest question. Empty worlds feel lifeless to me.
Assuming the 2018 demo wasn't complete bullshit, the proper downtown district looked much more lively:


Black Chamber

Oct 27, 2017
United States
Looked good to me. I mean tough to gather too much from a potato cam, but I thought the bike section looked cool.

I also really love the smaller animations on the character models, like when you are first talking to Placide at that table, with Johnny Silverhand lurking in the back.

Could also hear some of them ambient OST in the background. Sounds dope.
I agree! The animations were incredibly detailed and the gunplay looked extremely satisfying, with not only the hit reactions from enemies; but also the incredible environmental destruction. It really felt like a cinematic fire fight! And yeah both the soundtrack and what plays on the radio sounded incredible! I hope they reveal the artists making the radio music for the game soon.
Pacifica is supposed to be desolate.


Oct 30, 2017
World looks pretty desolate.

The area of the map is the outskirts of Night City which is supposed to be kind of a desolate wasteland. Inside the city is where the major action occurs. If you choose your background as a Nomad, you actually start in the desolate areas and work your way inwards. The outskirts of cities are a transition into the empty desolate that span between the mega cities.


Across the dustbowls and empty highways of middle America
roam the vast Nomad packs. Families, clusters of different families, sometimes entire towns, left to dry up by climate change, corporate greed and neglect, have taken to roaming the country, looking for new places to call home. Most Nomad families maintain strict moral codes and obey the old laws of the land, though of course there are always some dark, twisted exceptions. Members of a Nomad pack can always call on family to defend them, though – loyalty within the Family is fierce and unquestioning. It is the only way they have survived


Oct 25, 2017
Kinda off topic, but is there any official reason that era seems to be okay with leaked footage, but not magazine scans?


Nov 7, 2017
Not gonna call anyone out specifically but I can't shake the feeling that some of this thread is straight astroturfing.


Oct 25, 2017
The area of the map is the outskirts of Night City which is supposed to be kind of a desolate wasteland. Inside the city is where the major action occurs. If you choose your background as a Nomad, you actually start in the desolate areas and work your way inwards. The outskirts of cities are a transition into the empty desolate that span between the mega cities.

Pacifica isn't part of outskirts / wasteland.


Mar 16, 2018
i get the feeling there is zero chance driving is gonna be anywhere near close as good as in a gta. i just hope it's noch watch dogs 1 tier of bad.

Detective Pidgey

Alt Account
Jun 4, 2019
I was so hyped for this game but the more I see (I didn't see any of these leaks) my hype goes down. I still look forward to playing it, but honestly right now I feel like I rather had them making a game similar to Witcher 3 again. Been playing it non stop lately and it's just so good.

But I'm getting ahead of myself, new things are good too and maybe I'll be loving this game to death come April.
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