
Oct 26, 2017
Maybe the pertinent question shouldn't be "why do corps always fuck up worker treatment" but rather "is outrageous corporate growth only possible with inhumane exploitation of labor?"


Oct 25, 2017
Isn't amazon known for terrible working conditions? Or basically burning you out in a year or two? Google too?
So again... which of these companies have workers losing limbs or wading through human excrement.

The FANG companies have their own worker issues to be sure.

This whataboutism doesn't work on multiple levels because they are tech, advertising, content and logistics companies.

Tesla is an automotive manufacturer regardless of how much it wants to be a SV tech company to justify its valuation.

And other automotive manufacturers are not seeing these problems because manufacturing is built on predictability, planning, strong processes, reliability. Not erratic whims.


Oct 30, 2017
So again... which of these companies have workers losing limbs or wading through human excrement.

The FANG companies have their own worker issues to be sure.

This whataboutism doesn't work on multiple levels because they are tech, advertising, content and logistics companies.

Tesla is an automotive manufacturer regardless of how much it wants to be a SV tech company to justify its valuation.

And other automotive manufacturers are not seeing these problems because manufacturing is built on predictability, planning, strong processes, reliability. Not erratic whims.

Do you have different data than OSHA? I'm seeing similar serious violations in other auto manufacturing plants.

Here are OSHA violations of Tesla, GM, and Ford.


Oct 25, 2017
I am referring to specific and unusual workplace hazards pointed out in this and other articles.

Galescu spends his shift walking — sometimes running — alongside the cars and welding as he goes, he said.
Employees can be drafted without warning and put on an unfamiliar production line with a few minutes of training.
Once, someone recounted, the men's bathroom was so busy that an employee put toilet paper down next to a clogged toilet and defecated right there.
During "burst builds" the production system is revved up to test whether it can perform at a certain rate.

Yes, every company is going to have workplace injury claims. Accidents will happen and they should be properly investigated.

I am less convinced that every company has people defecating on the floor. I'm quite certain that has not happened anywhere I've worked, maybe it has where you do.
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Oct 27, 2017
Once, someone recounted, the men's bathroom was so busy that an employee put toilet paper down next to a clogged toilet and defecated right there.


Oct 25, 2017
Isn't amazon known for terrible working conditions? Or basically burning you out in a year or two? Google too?
Amazon, yes. Especially for its warehouse workers, but its tech workers often get worked to the bone too.

Google creates a lot of burnout too, but it's subtly different because Google's work culture is very intrusive in its worker's lives. You're encouraged to integrate your life with Google. You eat there (for free!), you get around driving Google-provided cars, work out at Google gyms, get on-site Google services for common life necessities like haircuts and stuff, and you're surrounded by friends who also work at Google. This leads people to stay and work at or near Google's offices WAY longer than a normal person would at any other job (things like "I'll just stay till 7 for dinner and then head home after"), and your life becomes intertwined with work a lot more than with other jobs. It becomes hard to detach yourself from Google if you want more separation between your life and your work. A lot of people don't like that lifestyle, and end up leaving after a while.

Either way, working your employees to the point where they suffer physically, socially and mentally is never a good thing, and should never be encouraged. Some employers tout the whole ~but we're doing important work~ thing, but it's not an excuse for abusing your employees.