
Prophet of Truth
May 30, 2018
Honestly, I'm done with the thread and OP
he can't back up his own claims with any proof
repeats the same narrative even though its proven bullshit
doesn't respond to any criticisms of his "theories" like why remasters look worse, why pc games are downgraded, or give examples of any last-gen games that look as good as current-gen
At this point, he is either trolling or delusional IDK and IDC now

since OP asks me to believe his word alone, ill post some actual comments from devs

"Oh, you decided to port the game to consoles at some point"; that was never the case. When we started to develop Overwatch, it was our goal from day one to have this game playable on consoles. It was kind of a dream of ours.

In a nutshell, the final game doesn't look as good as players were expecting after early footage, and to add insult to injury, it's because while the first two games were developed for the PC - the second one being a graphical showpiece - The Witcher 3 came to PC, PS4 and Xbox One simultaneously.
Even CD Projekt has agreed, had this not been the case it could have looked a lot prettier and taken advantage of more technology. That said, they've also commented that without console versions, there wouldn't be the budget for the game at all.

In a chat with Engadget, Fares was talking about displaying his game on PS4, and all the advantages that supposedly had. Fares says there aren't any, really.
"Do you want the honest truth? This machine, [the PS4], is not so strong as you think," Fares says. "This is like a five-year-old PC. If consoles were as powerful as PCs are today, you would see all different games. Most of the work developers put out there is to make them work on consoles."

"As long as the current console generation exists and as long as we keep pushing the PC as well, the more difficult it will be to really get the benefit of both", Crytek boss Cervat Yerli tells Edge magazine.

"Yeah, and right now, even as is, with Ashes we had to do things that in the short term cost us some things with the presentation. There are things we didn't want to have to do but had to to hit hardware requirements that would make the game viable."​
So it sounds like the true potential of PC gaming isn't just held back by consoles, but by all lower end hardware- which includes the bulk of gaming PCs on the market as well. Given that lower end hardware is also lower cost, and therefore more widely bought into by the market, this is an unavoidable problem, and one that will never go away- consoles themselves have nothing to do with it whatsoever.​

Im out


Oct 25, 2017
The guy is a joke.
Everyone in here is aware he said he could make a scene from Detroit Too Human in UE4 in 24 hours right?
I feel like that needs to be a tag on him or something.
Was that him? I thought that was someone else.

I think you are thinking of shark##.

Not saying the OP here isn't wildin' out, though.


Oct 25, 2017



Nov 3, 2017
Its going to give me a warm chuckle comparing the first ps5 exclusive title from Naughty Dog/Guerrilla to any of these titles as i reminisce on how clueless some people can be
Apr 4, 2018
Vancouver, BC
As long as the games arent designed for a much improved baseline regarding hardware, there is very little "next-gen" about it. Slapping on some RTX features on a current-gen game is impressive (and Iḿ a big proponent of ray tracing) but that is NOT "next-gen". Rendering higher quality assets in a current-gen game is NOT "next-gen".

If your logic is sound, why arent there any games on PC (maybe Star Citizen as the sole exception) that REQUIRE AS A MINUMUM a beefy octocore CPU, 16+ gigs of VRAM and 32+ gigs of memory, 8+ TFLOP GPU and a fast SSD? Please explain that to me.

Even as consoles next-gen get more powerful, PC developers will still make their games as scalable as possible. They have to, otherwise they cut off the majority of the PC market. The fact that a PC game works on a very low-spec PC has little to do with the "next-gen" credibility of a title, but has everything to do with the capability and budget of a game. Take for example, Doom being ported back to the switch, but also being one of the best-looking current-gen PC and and console games.

The SSD is the only part of that equation you list that could drastically change things for next-gen from a modern top-end PC, as open-world games could potentially stream-in 10X the detail. Otherwise, games on Ultra settings already require upwards of 20-24GB of memory (16GB of System ram, with up to 8+GB of Vram), and support CPUs far better than anything that will be in next-gen consoles.

I could certainly see the next Xbox and PS pushing greater detail and density in scenes, but it won't be without sacrificing image quality. I would also say, that if anyone actually expects all next-gen console games to have full-scene Ray-tracing at 4k 60fps, you are fooling yourself. I think it will be amazing seeing what amazing tricks/smoke and mirrors console and PC devs do to push and blend the tech into games. It will certainly make for some remarkable looking games int he next 1-5 years.


Oct 27, 2017
i though fallen order looked dated. that may be because the game lacks tons and tons of polish though..
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Lukemia SL

Jan 30, 2018
PS4 exclusive threads are going to be so quiet now.

Right? I think someone was onto something earlier when they said Death Stranding will make the list next year when the exclusive period is up.

They are both Perm'd! Well now the race is on to guess the alt accounts. I wouldn't be surprised if they were the same person. The Koolaid they were drinking was too similiar

No way VFX was just duration pending when I last saw it, they must have had enough. Damn, he really had it out for anyone who gave praise to Sony games, blindly attacking their posts if they post a pic thinking it looked good.


Oct 31, 2017
While I don't agree with how the company is run Star Citizen is the only real next gen game available today.


Oct 26, 2017
Helsinki, Finland
My thread wasn't a troll thread at all. Yet, I get trolled for listing games I feel are next-gen already on the PC (obviously the features that consoles are lacking this gen are available on PC). I would love for every platform to have the same hardware specs, but that's just not going to happen. The PC is an agnostic hardware that can be built up with very high end up-to-date hardware at any time. It's a moving target. The consoles stay stagnant for years. There is nothing wrong with mentioning what I think games will look like for next-gen when their hardware specs are much more powerful than what we have now.

Changing my point to what? I have opinions like everyone else does. I'm entitled to them. Why should I change my opinion to cater to people who are rude, don't know me and certainly can't describe what they consider "next-gen" details? I'm willing to engage in healthy conversation if we can put aside the silly behavior. I just shared what I felt looked like a great starting point to next-gen since these games have much more bells and whistles that would cause them not to run on current console hardware. The games coming for next-gen hardware will have some of these same algorithms. Creativity will always change. We welcome that.

It's probably pointless to answer this as you're banned now, but here it goes anyways.

It's not about having an opinion, but how you address it. It's fairly obvious, that you aren't interested in a healthy discussion about a subject you've been preaching for years, considering the rude tone when things don't go your way, but only trying to prove your stance right, again and again. Looking down on others, and calling them fanboys, when they disagree with you, doesn't help your argument at all. It just makes you sound obnoxious, and ultimately makes you seem the very same you called others.


Oct 29, 2017
Mt. Whatever
Unfortunate OP got banned. He's abrasive and shit, and knows how to rile certain people up but... sigh. I had fun talking tech with him in previous threads. And he's one of the few people here who could actually break down some of the higher-tech rendering/VFX stuff to a more understandable format. :(

I'll miss you VFX_Veteran and I hope it isn't a perma. If you make it back, PM me and I'll invite you to a forum where a lot of former PC-Era hangs out.

You should try Deathstranding...The environments are comparable to in FFXV but just look better, particularly in terms of terrain geometry and character models.

Yeah maybe I will try the PC version when it's out. If you are saying however that the PS4 ver. of DS can compare to maxed out PC version of FFXV though, let me just say I SEVERELY doubt that.

I mean the PS4 version barely has any AF, textures look like soup outside 15 feet lol.


Oct 26, 2017
Ugh, that ban. I don't agree with all the games in the OP (especially JFO) but I think Control with RTX on PC absolutely looks like some next-gen stuff. People equating it with some fancy AO clearly haven't played it. The amount it adds to the picture in full motion in some of the crazier fights in that game is just amazing to see. A ton of areas in that game are really substantially worse with it off, which the game makes easy to toggle so you can see for yourself.

Metro's RTX global illumination is really good also, but other parts of that game's visuals let it down like animations.

Also the argument that nothing can be thought of as 'next-gen' because the games are made to run on current gen base consoles doesn't really hold water. Games are scalable and some titles can really push things. They definitely won't look as good as mid to late next gen games purely from the progress of time and technology but they can and probably will hold up to early next-gen software. Look at Crysis 3 for example which came out in 2013. The PC version of that blew the doors off anything released that year on any platform and still looks amazing today. There is a reason you still see it used in Digital Foundry benchmarks and comparison videos 5 years after it's release.


Nov 11, 2017
User Banned (Permanent) - Cross forum drama, recently returning from a 2 week ban, and long history of infractions.
@grandwizob - I've started a thread on GAF where me and other developers in the industry will be contributing by explaining topics in graphics tech from games with a little more in-depth analysis from some sites like DF. We will try to answer some really popular questions like what seems to be a sticking point in current gen graphics and what to look for in the next-gen consoles. I'm verified on that site and people don't take me for a "joke" so there's a lot less trolling and more listening.


Lukemia SL

Jan 30, 2018
Permabanned and all, checked that thread they treat him the same way, no one is "listening" even if VFX is tagged and vetted as an industry professional, qit's an uncivil back and forth. Straight to the point a mod had to tell him to stop PC flexing in a console thread.
So yeah different site, same conclusion.
Maybe mods should lock this up.


Oct 28, 2017
Unfortunate OP got banned. He's abrasive and shit, and knows how to rile certain people up but... sigh. I had fun talking tech with him in previous threads. And he's one of the few people here who could actually break down some of the higher-tech rendering/VFX stuff to a more understandable format. :(

I'll miss you VFX_Veteran and I hope it isn't a perma. If you make it back, PM me and I'll invite you to a forum where a lot of former PC-Era hangs out.

Yeah maybe I will try the PC version when it's out. If you are saying however that the PS4 ver. of DS can compare to maxed out PC version of FFXV though, let me just say I SEVERELY doubt that.

I mean the PS4 version barely has any AF, textures look like soup outside 15 feet lol.

fair enough, however, I haven't played the PC version of FFXV. Nothing I have seen in videos of it though impresses me as much as DS, which has better terrain geometry, better character models, better water rendering. I think the PC version will clearly look more impressive than what FFXV looks like on that platform.


Oct 25, 2017
Permabanned and all, checked that thread they treat him the same way, no one is "listening" even if VFX is tagged and vetted as an industry professional, qit's an uncivil back and forth. Straight to the point a mod had to tell him to stop PC flexing in a console thread.
So yeah different site, same conclusion.
Maybe mods should lock this up.
It's a case where some people really think they're playing God but everyone else sees them as a compulsive annoyance :P

Lukemia SL

Jan 30, 2018
It's a case where some people really think they're playing God but everyone else sees them as a compulsive annoyance :P

You're not wrong here, I don't know why I feel closure though, maybe because he was a nuisance through three different enthusiast sites.

I don't know how his permaban got lifted on gaf but he seems better off there where they moderate threads with blindfolds on their eyes now.


Oct 25, 2017
You're not wrong here, I don't know why I feel closure though, maybe because he was a nuisance through three different enthusiast sites.

I don't know how his permaban got lifted on gaf but he seems better off there where they moderate threads with blindfolds on their eyes now.
I think it's best we not bring up the old place too much, but I recall that everyone banned was given pardons after the mass exodus, so not surprising, heh. But yeah, best we stop here, this thread should never have been made in the first place

Lukemia SL

Jan 30, 2018
I think it's best we not bring up the old place too much, but I recall that everyone banned was given pardons after the mass exodus, so not surprising, heh. But yeah, best we stop here, this thread should never have been made in the first place

I'm cool with that, I won't mention it again.
That makes a lot of sense I remember I got approval for an account (0 posts still) straight as everything went to pot. So I don't think special emails are a thing I just used my standard one.
oh well thanks for the info on it.


Nov 19, 2017
I must admit the only reason I saved this thread was to laugh at this PC fanboy and to see just how wrong they were.

Here is a next gen game




Oct 29, 2017
Glad this thread got bumped, missed the new developments lol

That's quite something indeed. At least there won't be more of this.