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Nov 17, 2017

Torpedo Vegas

Oct 27, 2017
Parts Unknown.
Jokes aside i have always found this to be one of the more fascinating stories of our solar system. Something big enough to knock an ice giant on its side, but not destroy it. I can't even imagine what that must have looked like.

Between this story, the migration of Jupiter, the impact theory, and the mystery of Sedna I wish I had the power to go back and watch this stuff happen in real time.
There's only one thing that could do that to an Ice Giant.


Roll Tahd, Pawl
Oct 25, 2017
Sounds like a pain in the ass

Hehehe it sounds like your anus

Should change the name of this planet to avoid this
Urectum would be good

(one of my favorite futurama moments)

This is why lube is important.

Uranus got pounded real hard it seems.

The name of that event?

The Large Hardon Collider.

I came for the jokes and wasn't disappointed.

Cthulu was prepared to take over the earth.

he wasn't prepared for....


now he's forever trapped in....

I'll let myself out

"Something absolutely huge slammed into Uranus when it was still young, causing it to tilt dramatically and spin on its side."


I really hope it lubed up.

I would really like a conclusive answer or theory about Uranus's rings.

Well, at least it didn't fully prolapse. But yea, impact was hard enough to change which way it swings forever.

idk my anus seems fine

So Harvey Weinstein is not the biggest sexual predator in the solar system after all?

Sounds like a regular Friday night downtown.

That was back when Uranus was in college. I'm not gonna judge.

I mean, it's fine though, Uranus is absolutely huge, it can take this sort of pounding.



Oct 25, 2017
Yeah this has been k own for a while. I actually read a study a little while back that it was a number of collisions, cause just one would've flipped the planet up side down.

I'm always down to talk astronomy. Do we have an astronomy thread?
Good point actually. Is there an OT or somesuch?

Yeah though it hasn't been posted in much.


Oct 27, 2017
I saw this during a fire drill at work. Standing outside with a bunch of other people....I couldn't stop giggling. I'm fairly new here, too; they probably think I'm a maniac now.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah once I learned about Gamma Ray Bursts and the likelihood of a comet/asteroid as a kid space became fucking scary.

It would be more worthwhile to try to win the lottery ten times in a row than worrying about a gamma ray burst hitting the Earth. The galaxy (much less the universe) is filled with a ton of world annihilating shit but it's also incomprehensibly huge with mostly nothing between anything of note.