Cokie Bear

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
When your specific belief is just a null-hypothesis, and you can't answer the question on what you actually believe, it makes you look silly. Belief is one of those human things. We all believe in something.

When someone tells me there belief is 'not in god', it comes off as a deflection, not an answer. Why not 'not in mystical fairies' or 'not in goblins'?

When have you ever asked someone "What do you believe in?" for them to respond with "Not god"? Thats not a conversation I can ever picture taking place.


Oct 26, 2017
No, it's not. It really really isn't.

One can be an Agnostic Theist, an Agnostic Atheist, a Gnostic Theist or an Gnostic Atheist.

Gnostic: Knowledge. The "A" prefix means "Without". So Agnostic means 'Without knowledge" or "Without knowing.

You can believe in a god or gods but not claim it as truth because you have no proof. This makes you an Agnostic Theist. Or you can believe that a god exists and claim that it's absolute truth, making you a Gnostic Theist. I seriously doubt any of these exist, btw.

And you can not believe in a god or gods yet accept that you lack the knowledge to prove said deities don't exist. This makes you an Agnostic Atheist. Or you could be an Atheist who claims that they know 100% that he doesn't exist as a fact. That's a Gnostic Atheist.

I'm an Agnostic Atheist because while I don't BELIEVE God exists, I can't prove it anyway and avoid making a positive claim like that. Because I don't know.

You seem to think all Atheists are of the Gnostic variety. That isn't necessarily true. In fact, most Atheists are of the Agnostic variety because Agnosticism is the default stance of anyone that hasn't learned of/accepted a religion yet.
Thanks for laying it out for the thread, it's too easy to mix these up when talking about atheism and the distinctions are important.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
why can't people keep their thoughts to themselves?

why feel the need to blabber out loud that you are religious or atheist?

I agree. No one cares. No one is listening and you're only upsetting others who just want to live a merry life. In fact why speak of anything at all. People should just stay quiet all the time. No one wants to talk to you. No one wants to be talked to. Nothing about anyone is interesting. Speech is actually a evolutionary disadvantage because all it does it bother everyone and potentially bring unto them an untimely headache. Let's all just stay silent. And not see each other ever again. Don't you dare leave the house.


Oct 25, 2017
I wonder how many gnostic atheists we have here...


Oct 25, 2017
I agree. No one cares. No one is listening and you're only upsetting others who just want to live a merry life. In fact why speak of anything at all. People should just stay quiet all the time. No one wants to talk to you. No one wants to be talked to. Nothing about anyone is interesting. Speech is actually a evolutionary disadvantage because all it does it bother everyone and potentially bring unto them an untimely headache. Let's all just stay silent. And not see each other ever again. Don't you dare leave the house.

You're cool.


Dec 4, 2017
They fight for women's reproductive rights, among others. :)

She was a customer, not an employee, but... no, this is not reasonable. If a co-worker overhears a conversation that offends them when that conversation is not antagonistic in any way, disciplining the conversing employees would be absolutely insane.

Of course they should, because that's openly bigoted, hostile and antagonizing to them and that would create a hostile work environment. A co-worker asking another if they believe in God and them discussing the answer to that question is not an attack on anyone.

How is it confrontational? Atheism just means a lack of belief in gods. That's it.

That people would seriously suggest, or even claim, that the word "atheist" is confrontational, is absolutely mind-blowing to me. I could kinda see it for calling yourself a Satanist, but atheist? Not even a little bit. It's as neutral a word as it gets. Calling yourself an atheist is as "confrontational" as calling yourself a Christian.

All of this.

It's ironic how often folks on era like to randomly remind everyone how they loathe the atheists on here, despite the kind of stuff being posted in this thread about atheists.

This is why I think everyone's beliefs, or lack of, just needs to be kept to themselves. IRL and online. The kind of stuff we have to put up with from society and online as soon as they find out we don't believe the thing they believe we're suddenly spoken to and treated like a contagious "other".

Cokie Bear

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
That's agnosticism. Atheism is you saying you're 100% certain there is no god.

It's not, and anybody who says they're 100% sure if a god exists or not shouldn't be taken seriously, because nobody knows for certain.

When discussing the existence of a god you're not discussing what you or anyone else knows, you're discussing what you and others believe. Like, I don't believe a god exists but obviously I don't know for sure. An atheist is just someone who hasn't been convinced that a god exists, and thinks it's unlikely that one does exist.


Nov 1, 2017
I know im not going to be changing general public opinion or discourse on a video game forum, but the term Naturalist fits both gnostic and agnostic atheism perfectly and actually proposes a belief structure instead of a non-belief.

A Naturalist believes in what they can see or experiment on. You are effectively saying 'I believe in Science'.


Oct 25, 2017
I agree. No one cares. No one is listening and you're only upsetting others who just want to live a merry life. In fact why speak of anything at all. People should just stay quiet all the time. No one wants to talk to you. No one wants to be talked to. Nothing about anyone is interesting. Speech is actually a evolutionary disadvantage because all it does it bother everyone and potentially bring unto them an untimely headache. Let's all just stay silent. And not see each other ever again. Don't you dare leave the house.
Get in the fucking robot, Shinji.


Oct 28, 2017
I know im not going to changing general public opinion or discourse on a video game forum, but the term Naturalist fits both gnostic and agnostic atheism perfectly and actually proposes a belief structure instead of a non-belief.

A Naturalist believes in what they can see or experiment on. You are effectively saying 'I believe in Science'.

You don't believe in science. Theres nothing to believe, it just is. I reject your need to have a belief structure entirely.


Oct 28, 2017
Brittany, France
I know im not going to be changing general public opinion or discourse on a video game forum, but the term Naturalist fits both gnostic and agnostic atheism perfectly and actually proposes a belief structure instead of a non-belief.

A Naturalist believes in what they can see or experiment on. You are effectively saying 'I believe in Science'.
Why is it so important to you that people "believe in something" ?
I don't "believe" in science.


Oct 25, 2017
You did the right thing. No need to get all smug and debate her like some self-righteous atheists. Just keep it moving. I do the same when someone calls me out on it.
Feb 16, 2018
people sending signals to their fingers to produce sentences on an electronic device and sending them to the rest of the world pretending that they don't "believe" in science
Oct 27, 2017
I think the users in here suggesting that atheism is something it's not and that atheists should dance around what they actually think for the sake of other's delicate sensibilities are arguments in favour of atheists 'coming out'.


Oct 26, 2017
I know im not going to be changing general public opinion or discourse on a video game forum, but the term Naturalist fits both gnostic and agnostic atheism perfectly and actually proposes a belief structure instead of a non-belief.

A Naturalist believes in what they can see or experiment on. You are effectively saying 'I believe in Science'.
I do not agree, no.
Science does not require belief, that is the exact purpose of it.

I have seen this tactic before. First they say "oh you just believe in something else, you believe in science!".
They do that because they are well aware that it's silly to base your life philosophies on something that is obviously made up and requires belief. It's a trap set up to lead to a gotcha moment that you are just as silly as them.

Leading to "But science has been wrong many times!" Which is right, but again, that is the exact point of science. To be constantly challenged, to evolve and add new results and knowledge. Not based on scripture written millenia ago. That science has been wrong is the proof that science is right, and does not require belief, it destroys belief constantly.

I consider myself an atheist because I reject belief.


Nov 1, 2017
No. What I can see, just is. I don't have to "believe" in it.
This whole thing you got going is completely irrelevant to what atheism is anyway.

I don't get why belief is such a scary term. It just means an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists. Truly, if you say something 'is', you believe in it.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't get why belief is such a scary term. It just means an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists. Truly, if you say something 'is', you believe in it.
It's not, it's just you're misusing it to label atheists to better fit your world view and no one wants to play along with you.


Nov 6, 2017
Demanding that people declare what they believe only proves the point about which side is confrontational.
Oct 25, 2017
Demanding that people declare what they believe only proves the point about which side is confrontational.

Please don't say that shit, many atheists, including myself, are calling them out.

Earlier you basically were victim blaming atheists because theists would treat them like shit and now this, at least try to not seem like an ass.


Oct 27, 2017
An atheists belief is in direct conflict with a theist. They should find that offensive.
Why would they find that offensive? People believe in all types of different shit. Finding that "offensive" makes no sense.

If they come out and say "I think people who believe in god(s) are stupid." Yeah, that would be offensive. Just simply not believing in the same thing? Finding that offensive would be pathetic.


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
Yes and I understand that; and agree on all accounts.

I don't consider it a "fight" as worthy as the fight LGBT people have had to go through and continue to go through, so that's also where the analogy falls flat. Atheists are discriminated against, openly and loudly at workplaces even in progressive areas. I sat as a boss of mine and some co-workers loudly proclaimed that they would never work with an atheist, at a Fortune 50 company in liberal Seattle. They'd be fired within hours if they said the same thing about gay people; but in the end my atheism is NOTHING to me compared to what being gay is to a gay person. So while discrimination might be rampant against me I don't consider it a fight worthy of most individuals time and energy; over time our society IS getting less religious, more and more people don't believe, and more and more people are accepting of atheism. That's without anyone really "fighting" for it; and if anything many "fighting" for it are not really helping (as many atheists will tell you they want nothing to do with the loud and proud "Atheists" for that reason.)

So my advice is to keep quiet in most situations; even if some people on Resetera want to tell me my advice is "demonstrably bad" (get off your high horse TyrantGuardian ).

I can't agree with your reasoning. Perhaps I'm complacent about living in a country where being an atheist means nothing much. Hardly anybody else in my country ever goes to church anyway, and religion has lost its relevance for most of us. But that's no reason to avoid saying, if asked, that you're an atheist. I put it on forms in hospitals and other medical contexts, because those people like to know about any pastoral needs I may have. Maybe one day humanist chaplains will be commonplace. I register my religious belief as atheist in the decennial census, and that is definitely worth doing because the result will be atheist-friendly public planning policy in my area. Visibility does matter. There is no disadvantage. If you live in a country where being a visible atheist brings problems, consider that this may be overwhelmingly due to the scarcity of visible atheists.

I don't agree that equal treatment for people of all religious positions is not worth fighting for. It certainly is, and it's an easily won fight as we've found here in Europe.


Oct 27, 2017
Limbus Patrum
I always find it fascinating those who deem you an "agent of Satan put on earth to lead her astray" versus those who see you as a cause to be converted. It sounds like she hasn't really absorbed the teachings of her religion nor is open minded enough to have a educated discussion on religion.

Ocean Bones

Oct 29, 2017
I refuse to believe she didn't mention your hat tipping on facebook. I want screencaps!

(Also agnostic/atheist) next time tell just tell 'em to fuck off.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
As a Christian I think she was given a great opportunity to proselytize and she kind of blew it by thinking only of herself in that moment, that's a real shame.


Oct 25, 2017
I was expecting to read the OP and find they were in fact being an asshole like people who bang on about there being no God can be, but no, the Facebook post too lol


Nov 1, 2017
Why would they find that offensive? People believe in all types of different shit. Finding that "offensive" makes no sense.

If they come out and say "I think people who believe in god(s) are stupid." Yeah, that would be offensive. Just simply not believing in the same thing? Finding that offensive would be pathetic.

Not believing in the same thing? Cool, that is fine. But when your belief is simply to reject theirs, that is what I view as inherently confrontational.

Not believing in the same thing implies that you do have some beliefs, which could lead to an enlightening conversation instead of a negative one.