
Oct 25, 2017

U.S. television studio ABC has apologies to Indian fans of its crime drama "Quantico" after an episode featuring Indian nationalists trying to frame Pakistan in a terrorist plot sparked online outrage against Bollywood actor Priyanka Chopra, who plays a lead role in the show.

"The episode has stirred a lot of emotion, much of which is unfairly aimed at Priyanka Chopra, who didn't create the show, nor does she write or direct it," said Walt Disney-owned ABC in its statement.

After the recent Quantico episode, Chopra has faced online attacks at home, and even some calls to boycott her work and the brands that she endorses, including South Korean giant Samsung Electronics Co.

Others called on the government to black out the scene where Chopra, who stars as an FBI agent in the series, holds up sacred Hindu prayer beads as evidence that the plotter in the episode, planning to detonate a nuclear bomb in New York, was an Indian nationalist.

"The myth of Hindu terror, by a fake story, enters American television with the help of Priyanka Chopra. Would any Pakistani actress betray Pakistan or Islam the way she betrays India and Hinduism?", David Frawley, a Hindu scholar based in the United States, tweeted.

Some choice tweets

Some Indians are being very sexist and ultra nationalists regarding this, mostly I think from the pro-modi group. The surprising thing is I have not seen a single high rt and highly liked tweet from an Indian defending Priyanka Chopra

Deleted member 16657

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
What the fuck are those articles in those tweets?

Artistic freedom is alright, but defaming an entire nation in order to pursue an agenda and cater to an India-hating audience is outrageous and intolerable. Moreover, the fact that this episode is ironical to the ground realities is going to not only create an unmanageable controversy but also drive away whatever little fan base the show enjoys from India. Priyanka Chopra is a widely followed Indian actor and she plays the lead in 'Quantico'. Despite being well aware of the ground realities, she chose to act in a show that blatantly disrespected the most tolerant nation on the planet. She probably did it for fame, money and of course to stay in sync with the global liberal cabal. It's shameful to say the least.

tell me more about this global liberal cabal


Oct 27, 2017
Hindu Nationalist are horrible. Indian nationalism is one of the most toxic things I have ever seen.


Oct 25, 2017
Dumb. Right wingers really have a victim mentality. It's just a damn fictional story.


Oct 27, 2017
Mewlings of ignorant nationalist propagandists.

She is just an actor, is she not? You can't pin these things on her. She could have chosen not to do these things sure but she didn't write or direct this. You can't say she has an agenda for showing up to work and performing tasks laid before her.
Oct 25, 2017
I mean there was nothing really fake about the plot. Hindu extremists just angry and want to hate on a woman


Oct 28, 2017
I mean as a Muslim from the middle east I see this aimed in my direction endlessly in American media but okay I guess.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean as a Muslim from the middle east I see this aimed in my direction endlessly in American media but okay I guess.

Yep, I saw this episode of the show and half the episode is portrayed as the terrorists being Pakistani muslim extremists but then the heroes figure out the terrorists are actually Hindu extremists from India trying to frame Pakistan.

If the terrorists had ended up being Muslim, there would be no problem at all and no apologies from the show or network.

Kinda absurd.


Nov 5, 2017
you don't know about the Rohingya's?

Anyway Hindutva is terrible for India.

Nope, never heard of 'em. I guess I should watch the episode, or visit wiki.

Very much so. Extremism can pop up in any ideology, regardless of how much peace it may preach.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I mean, if the big 3 monotheistic religions can be so terrible (at the extremes) while believing in a omnipotent being is watching them nonstop, logic and consistency between actions and beliefs obviously isn't a factor.


Oct 27, 2017
Houston, TX
Yep, I saw this episode of the show and half the episode is portrayed as the terrorists being Pakistani muslim extremists but then the heroes figure out the terrorists are actually Hindu extremists from India trying to frame Pakistan.

If the terrorists had ended up being Muslim, there would be no problem at all and no apologies from the show or network.

Kinda absurd.
You are completely correct, my friend. This is a pretty pathetic display by Indian nationalists. Indian nationalism which is an inherently toxic mentality in and of itself.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
"Most tolerant country in the world"
Top Kek.

Nationalism and jingoism is one of the reasons I don't like my country

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
Hindu nationalists have bombed places and framed Muslims/Pakistanis in the past in India.


Jan 20, 2018
I take it that from this point onwards everytime one of these shows has a muslim terror plot that the network apologizes to the muslim community for hurting their feelings.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Hindu nationalist extremists are fucking frightening. They also have massive numbers so they lobby and complain very loudly and effectively. You should see the shit they pulled off in California regarding high school textbook curriculums. Basically completely wiped out history of the caste system.


Oct 25, 2017
Western Canada
Goddamn. Nationalism is a hell of a drug. Imagine getting this mad because the bad guy in a TV show was from your country.

ABC should not have felt the need to apologize to these morons.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
Yep, I saw this episode of the show and half the episode is portrayed as the terrorists being Pakistani muslim extremists but then the heroes figure out the terrorists are actually Hindu extremists from India trying to frame Pakistan.

If the terrorists had ended up being Muslim, there would be no problem at all and no apologies from the show or network.

Kinda absurd.
Pretty much...


Jun 7, 2018
Has ABC ever apologized when one of its shows portrays Arabs/Muslims/Russians as the bad guys?


Dec 25, 2017
Hindu nationalists are complete fucking nutjobs who think anyone who isn't Hindu is out to "get them". They have no problem ignoring blatant hypocrisy and calling for violence towards anyone who so much as sneezes in a way they deem offensive. Goddamn benchods.


Oct 25, 2017
For all their desperation to show their strength, it seems one of the most common denominators of a Nationalist is being so deeply wounded by the most minimal of things.

And I agree with the sentiment here, had the fictional set of terrorists been Muslim in earnest, there'd be no apologise here.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Oct 29, 2017
Hindu nationalism is fucked.


May 18, 2018
Why even have Muslim or Hindu terrorists constantly on these shows. Maybe American shows should stop demonizing brown skinned people as terrorists irrespective of whether they are Muslim or Hindu. The hypocrisy is what should be criticized here as enough Indians have died from American funded and sponsored terrorism.


Oct 25, 2017
India and Pakistan better thank their lucky stars that Israel and Palestine take up all the air time because if they didn't, their shameful behavior would be out there for all to see.


Oct 27, 2017
Nationalism is a poison anywhere it occurs. I hope the actor in those tweets won't be attacked by right-wing extremists just because she took an acting job.


Feb 25, 2018
I can't believe ABC would actually apologies for this. So, lets not offend anyone, unless they are Muslim or Pakistani. The open nature of racism in Western media is astonishing. Anti Pakistani racism in the West is at a crisis level from what I can see.

And India is commonly called the most religious country on the planet by historians. Hindu nationalism and terrorism is an everyday thing in India.

Lets not forget the current leader of India, Modi, lead violent mobs to murder at least 10,000 on the streets of Gujrat, and rape at least 100,000 women. That is who India voted for their leader. Lets not even get into what India does in Kashmir.

We need to stop ignoring the terrorism and racism against these vulnerable minorities in India.
Oct 27, 2017
I take it that from this point onwards everytime one of these shows has a muslim terror plot that the network apologizes to the muslim community for hurting their feelings.
If there will be muslims who will be furious they'll be portrayed like that and who will attack the actors involved, then yes probably.

The takeaway here isn't that they should apologize. They shouldn't have to, especially considering..
Hindu nationalists have bombed places and framed Muslims/Pakistanis in the past in India.
..and I'd guess they most likely wouldn't if the actor wasn't attacked.


Oct 28, 2017
Egyptian residing in Denmark
Yep, I saw this episode of the show and half the episode is portrayed as the terrorists being Pakistani muslim extremists but then the heroes figure out the terrorists are actually Hindu extremists from India trying to frame Pakistan.

If the terrorists had ended up being Muslim, there would be no problem at all and no apologies from the show or network.

Kinda absurd.
This sounds like a really cool plot!


Oct 25, 2017
Did any tv show ever give an apology about portrayals of Muslim terrorists for the last couple of decades?


May 18, 2018
Hindu nationalists have bombed places and framed Muslims/Pakistanis in the past in India.

When did Hindu nationalists bomb places and frame Pakistan? Kindly back up such statements with facts.

I can't believe ABC would actually apologies for this. So, lets not offend anyone, unless they are Muslim or Pakistani. The open nature of racism in Western media is astonishing. Anti Pakistani racism in the West is at a crisis level from what I can see.

And India is commonly called the most religious country on the planet by historians. Hindu nationalism and terrorism is an everyday thing in India.

Lets not forget the current leader of India, Modi, lead violent mobs to murder at least 10,000 on the streets of Gujrat, and rape at least 100,000 women. That is who India voted for their leader. Lets not even get into what India does in Kashmir.

We need to stop ignoring the terrorism and racism against these vulnerable minorities in India.

Wait, Modi lead violent mobs that raped 100,000 women?! And Indians voted this violent rapist into power? And Obama invited this rapist of 100,000 women to the White House for a State Dinner? And Hindu terrorism is an everyday thing in India?

I guess racism and religious hate against Indians and Hindus are okay on here.

Hindu nationalism is no doubt wrong. But kindly stop shitting on Hindus and Indians because idiots attacked the actress who was in a show that had Hindu terrorists. I am sure there are a billion Indians who have not even heard about this issue.

Is there religious violence, mobs killing people, ignorance and intolerance in India? Yes, as would be expected in a third world country with high levels of poverty, ignorance and illiteracy. But India is still a diverse, secular country with 800 million Hindus and nearly 300 million muslims living together in peace. It is the country with the second highest population of muslims in the world. Our most popular actors are muslim, our most popular president was muslim, we have had Christian presidents of congress, Sikh prime ministers, atheists who are chief ministers.

But of course Hindus are just going around slaughtering and raping minorities everyday in India, right?

Nationalism is on the rise everywhere in the world and it's happening in India as well with Modi/BJP. But maybe don't generalize about India and Hindus and shit on them. That's just pushing hate against Hindus with made up nonsense.

And If western media does not apologize to Muslims about portraying Muslims/Arabs as terrorists all the time, then that's the fault of western media. Maybe instead of getting angry at Hindus complaining about Hindus being portrayed as terrorists, get angry at Western Media portraying brown skinned people as terrorists.
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Ethan Hutn

Jan 20, 2018
Are they gonna apologize for the cancer that was Homeland too? Fucking nationalists. Ask any Muslim living in India about the shit they pull off constantly. Modhi etc.


Feb 25, 2018
User Banned (3 Days): Inflammatory Generalizations + Unsourced Claims
India a country that voted in Modi, the Indian Hitler. Why is this dude so popular in India? Really fucked up. A really really bad look.

This guy literally directed mobs of vicious Indian nationalists, as they threw babies on bayonets and raped a 100,000 women. His popularity exploded. Fuck all these people that defend India and Modi. Fucking disgusting. India also practices female infanticide, and is one of the most religous and oppressive countries on the planet. Looks at what they do in Kashmir. Shameful.

Some people are just complete unable to own up to anything their country does. Delusional I would say. This episode of Quantico is nothing compared to how other groups of people are maimed in the media. Hurt feelings my ass. Pathetic ABC would actually apoligise for this.

It's actually scary and eye opening. Are we really going to ignore this shit because of hurt feelings?
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Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
BJP & rise of Hindu nationalism is extremely scary. Didnt BJP members defend that mob of extremists Hindu's who were about to kill that muslim just because he visited one of their temples with his Hindu girlfriend recently? BJP party members defended those sick monsters that raped and killed that 8yr old muslim girl.

Modi is a cunt for what he done in the past but he's now in power, its especially scary as India tolerant mix of people and cultures feels as if its regressing, his party is full of politicians uninhibited with their racism. Some even want to tear down the Taj Mahal as they see it as an affront to the country's Hindu past.
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Oct 25, 2017
When did Hindu nationalists bomb places and frame Pakistan? Kindly back up such statements with facts.

Wait, Modi lead violent mobs that raped 100,000 women?! And Indians voted this violent rapist into power? And Obama invited this rapist of 100,000 women to the White House for a State Dinner? And Hindu terrorism is an everyday thing in India?

I guess racism and religious hate against Indians and Hindus are okay on here.

Hindu nationalism is no doubt wrong. But kindly stop shitting on Hindus and Indians because idiots attacked the actress who was in a show that had Hindu terrorists. I am sure there are a billion Indians who have not even heard about this issue.

Is there religious violence, mobs killing people, ignorance and intolerance in India? Yes, as would be expected in a third world country with high levels of poverty, ignorance and illiteracy. But India is still a diverse, secular country with 800 million Hindus and nearly 300 million muslims living together in peace. It is the country with the second highest population of muslims in the world. Our most popular actors are muslim, our most popular president was muslim, we have had Christian presidents of congress, Sikh prime ministers, atheists who are chief ministers.

But of course Hindus are just going around slaughtering and raping minorities everyday in India, right?

Nationalism is on the rise everywhere in the world and it's happening in India as well with Modi/BJP. But maybe don't generalize about India and Hindus and shit on them. That's just pushing hate against Hindus with made up nonsense.

And If western media does not apologize to Muslims about portraying Muslims/Arabs as terrorists all the time, then that's the fault of western media. Maybe instead of getting angry at Hindus complaining about Hindus being portrayed as terrorists, get angry at Western Media portraying brown skinned people as terrorists.

I can't speak to the 100000 claim, but he did turn a blind eye to mobs murdering 2000 Muslims.

And let's not forget he was a longtime activist of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, of which the BJP is an offshoot.


Nov 4, 2017
Disappointed, scared and angry. I'm sick of religious intolerance, threats and dogpiling by extremists.


Oct 25, 2017
Disappointed in abc for falling prey to Hindu nationalism..

It's not like then plotline is unreasonable.

Beyond that, it's not like they will stop showing Muslim terrorists. So this is absurd.


Oct 25, 2017
Do people out there really think there's a secret liberal agenda to defame India? What the hell am I reading?


May 18, 2018
I can't speak to the 100000 claim, but he did turn a blind eye to mobs murdering 2000 Muslims.

And let's not forget he was a longtime activist of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, of which the BJP is an offshoot.

Modi should have certainly done more as Chief minister and deployed forces to control the violent mobs that killed people. But making statements that he personally led mobs that raped 100,000 women? Like come on. Stick to the facts.

Couple of things about his election. He was investigated and cleared by the Supreme court of India of charges that he was involved in the Gujarat massacre when he was chief minister. This happened when the opposition party that hates the BJP was in power. Now the Guardian and other Western powers can say that India's supreme court judgement is wrong and that Modi was a willful participant in what happened. Indians happen to believe in their judicial system and Modi was cleared of wrongdoing.

Two, Modi and the BJP came to power because of the large amount of votes from states like Uttar Pradesh. These are some of the poorest states with high levels of illiteracy, lack of jobs, religious discrimination etc. The more educated, well off South tend to vote for their local parties. A BJP minster in UP would advocate for not eating beef while a BJP minister in the South would advocate for eating beef. So the BJP in itself is different in different parts of the country. Generalization of the party and it's politics don't work.

RSS is crap and that's why Modi/BJP will not win in states down south where they try to push Hindi as the national language and it gets rejected again and again. The non-Hindi speaking states have never voted for the BJP.

At the end of the day, a lot of Indians voted for Modi for economic change. Not for his religious views. The country has become less tolerant as a whole on all sides, nationalism is on the rise. But there is no strong opposition party to take on these guys and so we are stuck with Modi/BJP.
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