
Oct 25, 2017
Yep, I saw this episode of the show and half the episode is portrayed as the terrorists being Pakistani muslim extremists but then the heroes figure out the terrorists are actually Hindu extremists from India trying to frame Pakistan.

If the terrorists had ended up being Muslim, there would be no problem at all and no apologies from the show or network.

Kinda absurd.
Muslims are used to it


Banned for trolling with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
what about the Russian terrorists stereotype? Someone should apologise to the Russians too..


Oct 26, 2017
So, if nobody watched the show, why people in India got upset about it?

I have never seen the show and it has veen cancelled so I assume it's bad, but it's a pretty big deal for Indians/Desi folk that an actress from their part of the world makes it in Hollywood. Not only makes it but is the lead in a big Hollywood show? Ppl might not have watched here but I'm sure it had a big following in India.

And I'm also sure they also watched both proud and always on edge to see how India and or Indians are depicted on the show. So to some of them an episode about Hindu terrorists probably feels like a betrayal, esp on the part of Chopra.
Oct 26, 2017
Indian nationalists are so obnoxious and full of themselves when I encounter them on the internet, and these are the well off ones who undoubtedly think highly of themselves even more than normal. If they expressed a modicum of humility then I'd be able to tolerate it.