
Oct 27, 2017
India has been more sensitive about this shit than Pakistan for a minute
There was an entire season of Homeland about Pakistan if I am not mistaken. There is even more out there, I am sure. But I never saw any outrage on the same level as this tiny plot reveal labeling the terrorist as Hindu.


Oct 25, 2017
Modi should have certainly done more as Chief minister and deployed forces to control the violent mobs that killed people. But making statements that he personally led mobs that raped 100,000 women? Like come on. Stick to the facts.

Couple of things about his election. He was investigated and cleared by the Supreme court of India of charges that he was involved in the Gujarat massacre when he was chief minister. This happened when the opposition party that hates the BJP was in power. Now the Guardian and other Western powers can say that India's supreme court judgement is wrong and that Modi was a willful participant in what happened. Indians happen to believe in their judicial system and Modi was cleared of wrongdoing.

Two, Modi and the BJP came to power because of the large amount of votes from states like Uttar Pradesh. These are some of the poorest states with high levels of illiteracy, lack of jobs, religious discrimination etc. Modi/BJP would never win in the more educated, well off South. A BJP minster in UP would advocate for not eating beef while a BJP minister in the South would advocate for eating beef. So the BJP in itself is different in different parts of the country. Generalization of the party and it's politics don't work.

At the end of the day, Indians voted for Modi for economic change. Not for his religious views. The country has become less tolerant as a whole on all sides, nationalism is on the rise. But there is no strong opposition party to take on these guys and so we are stuck with Modi/BJP.

There are electoral breakdowns for the 2014 election, the BJP/Modi gained in the South.


The BJP victory also appears to have redrawn the political map of India (see figure 2). After winning more than one-quarter (25.6 percent) of ballots cast and 182 seats in the 1998 general election, the BJP experienced a secular decline on both counts. In 2009, its tally dropped to 116 seats, limited to a few select pockets of the country. This smattering of seats grew by leaps and bounds in 2014, and now touches all four corners of the country, from Gujarat in the west to Assam in the east, and from Tamil Nadu in the south to Jammu & Kashmir in the north.


But I do agree that the 2014 election was largely won on the economic message. Unlike the 'economic anxiety' meme/cover for racist and bigoted views from the US election, it was an actual factor in the Indian election.


Oct 27, 2017
Yep, I saw this episode of the show and half the episode is portrayed as the terrorists being Pakistani muslim extremists but then the heroes figure out the terrorists are actually Hindu extremists from India trying to frame Pakistan.

If the terrorists had ended up being Muslim, there would be no problem at all and no apologies from the show or network.

Kinda absurd.

This. What a world.


Oct 25, 2017
India has been more sensitive about this shit than Pakistan for a minute

India is a rising power on the world stage and the more nationalist/extremist elements want to present a country that's without fault. They'd rather people not talk about the rape epidemic that's plaguing the country or talk about the caste system or the fact that some people refuse to use toilets, even though they have access to them.


Oct 26, 2017
As a Sikh.

FUCK Hindu nationalists and FUCK their feelings.

India is a horrible nation and a light needs to be shone on many issues in the country.


Oct 27, 2017
India is a rising power on the world stage and the more nationalist/extremist elements want to present a country that's without fault. They'd rather people not talk about the rape epidemic that's plaguing the country or talk about the caste system or the fact that some people refuse to use toilets, even though they have access to them.
That's a first. I know there's issues surrounding proper sanitation systems much like in many developing nations but people refusing to use toilet facilities when they have access to them. Any link?

Also besides Hindu nationalism, I think this is a touchy issue because of India-Pakistan relations, where each country maintains that the other is undermining it through funding terrorist activities and India in particular strongly denies such allegations.


Oct 25, 2017
That's a first. I know there's issues surrounding proper sanitation systems much like in many developing nations but people refusing to use toiler facilities when they have access to them. Any link?


"Many people regard open defecation as part of a wholesome, healthy, virtuous life," a recent study conducted in Bihar, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh found. Researchers at the New Delhi-based Research Institute for Compassionate Economics added that the practice is "not widely recognized among rural north Indians as a threat to health."

Those five northern Indian states account for 45% of the country's households without a toilet, according to data from the 2011 census. But even in homes where toilets were installed, many people still prefer to go outside.

The RICE study found that out of 3,235 rural homes, 43% had a working toilet. Of those, over 40% had at least one member of the household who nevertheless opted to defecate in the open. When asked why, almost 75% said they did so because it was pleasurable, comfortable and convenient.

They've since turned to publicly shaming people to get them to use toilets.

Oct 27, 2017
That's a first. I know there's issues surrounding proper sanitation systems much like in many developing nations but people refusing to use toilet facilities when they have access to them. Any link?

Also besides Hindu nationalism, I think this is a touchy issue because of India-Pakistan relations, where each country maintains that the other is undermining it through funding terrorist activities and India in particular strongly denies such allegations.
There is this:


May 18, 2018
There are electoral breakdowns for the 2014 election, the BJP/Modi gained in the South.



But I do agree that the 2014 election was largely won on the economic message. Unlike the 'economic anxiety' meme/cover for racist and bigoted views from the US election, it was an actual factor in the Indian election.

If you look at that map, while Congress lost, the 'Others' took over those seats instead of BJP. That's why I stated that it would be the local parties that win there. The article you stated, says that BJP won a smattering of seats everywhere. This is true - in the southern Indian state of Kerala, BJP got one seat for the first time. One. The BJP cannot form a government in the southern states of Kerala, TN and Andhra Pradesh. And because Hindus in Kerala are rather liberal and eat beef, the BJP there had to promise them access to good beef to even stand a chance of winning. This is in stark contrast to the North - those grey areas in the 2014 map, where BJP governments have outlawed eating beef and people have been lynched on rumors of doing so.

The politics of the entire country vary from state to state. It depends on issues like religion, caste, economy, language, food, transportation, jobs etc.

Another reason for the BJP winning is that the Congress has no real leadership and is almost gone from the scene.

That's a first. I know there's issues surrounding proper sanitation systems much like in many developing nations but people refusing to use toilet facilities when they have access to them. Any link?

There's this notion that toilets and bathrooms are unsanitary and unhygienic and hence it's better and cleaner to do one's business out in the open among the fields and fresh air. That's why so many villagers are still resistant to have toilets. Governments also do not do a good job maintaining public toilets which are a horror in India. And as pointed out in the article posted above these are the same poor, high population states - UP, MP, Bihar etc. - that elect people based on caste, religion and backward thinking.


Oct 27, 2017
I understand some mild irritation given the low levels of representation of Indians in US media, but as the 'apology' states it is nothing to do with the actress so leave her alone.


Oct 25, 2017
ABC shouldn't have apologized, Hindu nationalists are as extremist as any other group out there.


Oct 26, 2017
They would have more of a claim if India's government wasn't controlled by Hindu Nationalists with countless religious violence crimes to their name right this very moment.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
When did Hindu nationalists bomb places and frame Pakistan? Kindly back up such statements with facts.
Meeca Masjid bombing, megalaon blasts, ajmer bombing, etc. In all these cases, Muslims were initially rounded up, tortured and then released before it was revealed RSS was involved.


Oct 27, 2017
The funny thing is in Indian/Bollywood movies whenever there is a terrorist plot or even just an evil villian it's 99.9% of the time portrayed with people having Muslim names and even driving that fact home by inserting "Salaam" or "Khuda Hafiz".

So yeah, they can fuck off with this victim mentality. They don't deserve an apology for anything.


Oct 25, 2017
I had no idea Hindu extremists were a thing. Are their Buddhist extremists too?
Just remove 'hindu' and think of a generic term ______ nationalist. It should not conjure happy imagery because it is never a good thing. Extremist Hindu nationalism is a violent, exclusionary and regressive movement responsible for a lot of suffering.


Nov 23, 2017
If the terrorists were Muslim, no one would be blinking a fucking eye. Hindu nationalists can fuck right off with this victim mentality. ABC shouldn't apologize just because they happen to be poc


Oct 25, 2017
Poor Priyanka having to deal with this BS. I'm sure there are more egregious plots in Indian films. Fucking hypocrites.


Oct 25, 2017
Hindu nationalist extremists are fucking frightening. They also have massive numbers so they lobby and complain very loudly and effectively. You should see the shit they pulled off in California regarding high school textbook curriculums. Basically completely wiped out history of the caste system.

??? Holy shit, that's fucked up


Oct 27, 2017
The worst thing about all of this news is that Priyanka Chopra has essentially painted a giant target on her back and will need to have a shit load of extra security whenever she's in India.


Oct 25, 2017
Didn't the most tolerant nation on the planet recently have a group of nationalists massacre a muslim village? Kids included? Not to mention raping the survivors?


May 18, 2018
Meeca Masjid bombing, megalaon blasts, ajmer bombing, etc. In all these cases, Muslims were initially rounded up, tortured and then released before it was revealed RSS was involved.

You said, that Hindu Nationalists 'framed Pakistan'. When did they do that in all these cases?

In the Mecca Masjid bombing, both RSS and Islamic terror outfits were investigated for the crime.

In the Ajmer blasts the hindu suspects were investigated and arrested.

In the Malegaon blasts, Police arrested members of SIMI for the crime and later arrested the true culprits. This is not the Hindu nationalists framing anyone. This is the police being biased and bad at investigation.

Where in all this did Hindu Nationalists frame Pakistan for these blasts? Are you saying that Indian muslims are Pakistanis?

By the way, in most of these blasts, the police go after outfits that have links to Lashkar-e-Taiba funded by the Pakistani government. And Lashkar is a terrorist outfit responsible for the 2008 mumbai attacks in which 164 people were killed and 300 injured. Even the US has a 10 million dollar bounty on Hafiz Saeed.

Didn't the most tolerant nation on the planet recently have a group of nationalists massacre a muslim village? Kids included? Not to mention raping the survivors?

Maybe people can give actual examples and facts of what they are talking about instead of saying these things? What exactly are you talking about here? When did a muslim village get massacred in India recently?

But if we are talking about villagers being massacred, then there are reports from Myanmar about Hindus being massacred by the Rohingyas:

Rohingya Muslim militants in Myanmar killed dozens of Hindu civilians during attacks last August, according to an investigation by Amnesty International.

The group called Arsa killed up to 99 Hindu civilians in one, or possibly two massacres, said the rights group. Arsa had denied involvement.

The report details how Arsa members on 26 August attacked the Hindu village of Ah Nauk Kha Maung Seik.

"In this brutal and senseless act, members of Arsa captured scores of Hindu women, men and children and terrorised them before slaughtering them outside their own villages," the report said.

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Oct 27, 2017
Right wing nationalists are always operating in bad faith, they're whjny little shits regardless of where they're from.


May 18, 2018
All the fear mongering about Hindus and Indians in this thread is rather eye opening. A lot of clear anti-Hindu/India hate parading as truth- Like did you hear that Muslim villages were massacred and survivors raped recently?! 100,000 women were raped, poor Pakistan was getting framed by evil Hindu nationalists, all the minorities are oppressed and scared for their lives, dirty Indians don't even use toilets etc. Is there anything left?

And all in a thread about some Hindus being pissed at an actress for her show's portrayal of Hindu terrorists. Damn.

For people who are truly curious about Indian muslims instead of all this fear mongering, here is Salman Rushdie's POV of India and muslims:



Oct 25, 2017
All the fear mongering about Hindus and Indians in this thread is rather eye opening. A lot of clear anti-Hindu/India hate parading as truth- Like did you hear that Muslim villages were massacred and survivors raped recently?! 100,000 women were raped, poor Pakistan was getting framed by evil Hindu nationalists, all the minorities are oppressed and scared for their lives, dirty Indians don't even use toilets etc. Is there anything left?

And all in a thread about some Hindus being pissed at an actress for her show's portrayal of Hindu terrorists. Damn.

Everyone is talking about Indian nationalists and Hindu extremists not non-nationalists and non-extremists. This is about the pro modi extreme nationalist crowd reacting to a piece of fiction about extremism which mind you has been kind of a plot of Bollywood movies too


Oct 25, 2017
I'm so sick of India's incredibly thin skin with this shit. What about Indian culture breeds this level of insecurity? Is it just because they have a large population, so there's a higher probability of angry, outspoken opinion?


Oct 25, 2017
Everyone is talking about Indian nationalists and Hindu extremists not non-nationalists and non-extremists. This is about the pro modi extreme nationalist crowd reacting to a piece of fiction about extremism which mind you has been kind of a plot of Bollywood movies too
It seems to be a common tactic of Hindu nationalists/extremists to reframe any criticism towards their extremism as hatred towards Indians or people of Hindu faith at large. There was a similar incident on Twitter not too long ago that I'm forgetting. It's kind of similar to how people portray criticism of the Israeli government as antisemitic.

EDIT: Here's the incident I was thinking of. Many of the tweets were mortifying.


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
I'm so sick of India's incredibly thin skin with this shit. What about Indian culture breeds this level of insecurity? Is it just because they have a large population, so there's a higher probability of angry, outspoken opinion?

Right-wing nationalists exist in every country. India having a population of one billion means more of those nationalists post. This is the result. Most of the posts are probably from the northern region of India which has the largest population but is also a stronghold of the BJP.


May 18, 2018
Everyone is talking about Indian nationalists and Hindu extremists not non-nationalists and non-extremists. This is about the pro modi extreme nationalist crowd reacting to a piece of fiction

Then maybe we should talk about the pro-modi nationalist crowd reacting to this piece of fiction? And not make false statements about how these nationalists massacred a 'muslim village recently, kids included and raped the survivors'. If one makes such strong statements about the massacre of entire communities then back that up with evidence.

Otherwise this is just fear mongering and initiating hate against a community because everyone around here just seems to accept such statements as fact. I came into this thread after seeing a comment about 100,000 women being raped by a mob led by Modi and was baffled when no one confronted him about this blatant falsehood. Do people really think that minorities are massacred and raped on such large scales in India and that Indians are okay with this? All because some pro-Modi nutjobs on the internet are pissed off at Priyanka Chopra?
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Oct 25, 2017
Then maybe we should talk about the pro-modi nationalist crowd reacting to this piece of fiction? And not make false statements about how these nationalists massacred a 'muslim village recently, kids included and raped the survivors'. If one makes such strong statements about the massacre of entire communities then back that up with evidence.

Otherwise this is just fear mongering and initiating hate against a community because everyone around here just seems to accept such statements as fact. I came into this thread after seeing a comment about 100,000 women being raped by a mob led by Modi and was baffled when no one confronted him about this blatant falsehood. Do people really think that minorities are massacred and raped on such large scales in India and that Indians are okay with this?

Are you talking about that ONE post and reapplying to everyone who was critical of nationalists ? That user was banned .

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
This is such an insane overreaction it's not even funny.

Also if I were them I would be way more worried about the real problems in India that make the country look bad rather than a fictional story from network television.


Oct 26, 2017
Dallas, TX
I mean, even ignoring that the people offended seem to be scummy ultranationalists, I get it sucks when your side gets portrayed as the bad guys, but what country hasn't ever had to play the villain in one story or another? Even American media with all its over reliance on evil Arabs and evil Russians still finds plenty of room for plots about evil American governments. It's like you're protesting because a show didn't make the Muslims the bad guys for once.

The Emperor

Oct 25, 2017
As someone from India (albeit grown up in the UK), I have been to mumbai many times and seen what sort of crap Hindu nationalists get up to.

Nationalism there is a huge issue. Theatres and couples get hackled on valentines by hindu nationalists was one of the example I witnessed whilst visiting Mumbai (parents live there now so have spent lots of time there).


Oct 25, 2017
Were these the same benchods that sent Deepika death threats for Padmavaati a few months earlier? The rise of nationalism in India is deeply worrying.


Oct 26, 2017
Wow looks like they're it's defence force for everything here.

I think ABC only apologised to protect the actress. Now everyone should make noise when they show Muslims or Russians as terrorist. We need apologize too


Oct 25, 2017
At the end of the day, a lot of Indians voted for Modi for economic change. Not for his religious views. The country has become less tolerant as a whole on all sides, nationalism is on the rise. But there is no strong opposition party to take on these guys and so we are stuck with Modi/BJP.
Honestly this sounds no different than "economic anxiety" excuse.
The fact is nationalism and extremism has risen in his tenure to heights not seen since forever