
Oct 27, 2017
Shawshank Redemption was a banal experience to me where the main character felt like a boring dweeb and I can't figure out why people are so in love with it. I think my memory of it is worse than how I felt watching it too.
Jul 4, 2019
While it has a couple of laughs, never really cared for Ghostbusters.
I was also sort of meh on Wings of Desire. Loved Paris, Texas, but just didn't click with Wings for some reason.


Definitely not shooting blanks
Jan 5, 2020
I haven't seen the latest Dune but I thought the one before it was average at best.

I think Pulp Fiction is good not great which is odd as my little brother has it as top 3.


Oct 27, 2017
Deadpool is one of the unfunniest pieces of shit that I cannot fathom that people actually like. Complete incompatibility with my sense of humour

I also hated Lady Bird while really liking all of Gerwig's other movies


Feb 25, 2020
La La Land - I'm not saying it's a terrible musical, but it certainly is much worse than every film it borrows from, and that benefits from having a great opening number and from most of its audience not knowing of said films it borrows from. It was a fine film, just not that great to me. (I do like the other Damien Chazelle Films, though).

Interstellar - I actually can't explain why. Characters explaining things and the monologues about love, and all that, I guess. I never bothered to rewatch it afterwards. It just infuriated me to the point I felt for the first time ever the need to leave a screening. I didn't leave just because I watched at a massive Imax screen and was sitting in the middle of the room and had to bother plenty of people to leave. And the ticket had been incredibly expensive and felt bad about it.
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Oct 25, 2017
Chicago. The Oscar for that movie baffles me.

The Thin Red Line. The only movie I've ever seen people walk out of in the theater. It's pretentious, overlong nonsense that feels like it's going to end about five times before it at last, mercifully, does.

I think OP needs to define what "Acclaimed" means? Because there is acclaimed, as in a high user score and acclaimed meaning it is a critical darling and award winner. A film may not necessarily be both.

I would not consider Avengers an "acclaimed" film, but that depends on the definition we are using.

All you need to know is that this is a patented Era "Your favorite thing ain't shit" thread.


Oct 30, 2017
I tried really hard to like Uncle Boonmee and Memoria...did not like either of them at all. The former is better than the latter but man, I love slow arty films but they took the piss.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd like to add Villeneuve's Arrival to my list. I've enjoyed all his movies (esp BR2049); but I just don't understand why this one was so critically acclaimed.

Ive also watched it multiple times to hopefully 'get it'....but no dice


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Wonder Woman fell flat for me, Gal Godot is just not fun to watch in the role, all the big action setpieces like No Man's Land fell entirely flat, the third act and the whole twist with Ares is... awful. And that Electric Chello theme song, that freaking terrible theme song...

At least Snyderverse is done now, I hope the next iteration of Wonder Woman is better.


Oct 25, 2017
I didnt dislike it, just thought it was fine overall, but I wasn't thrilled with The Godfather tbh

I wasn't really a fan of Across The Spiderverse either


Oct 27, 2017
Could you expand on this?

Not even to say I strongly disagree but I'm curious.

Fletcher's methods are shown to be effective, and while I doubt that Chazelle set out to make a movie that ultimately justifies the character's brutality and abuse as the lathe that produces greatness, the cinematic form (and Simmons' performance) can't help but make it somewhat seductive.

It's the American History X problem of making an anti-Nazi film that Nazis like because they think it makes them look cool.


Feb 6, 2019
From the last few years:
My Octopus Teacher - A midlife crisis masquerading as a profound nature doc.
Summer of Soul - Great material ruined by constant unnecessary and disruptive talking heads.
Asteroid City - Wes Anderson has become a parody of himself making films with less substance than the average MCU film.
The Color Purple (both versions) - Way too schmaltzy and afraid of lesbians.
Prey - Mediocre action thriller with little tension.
All Quiet on the Western Front - Much worse adaptation than the 1930 one.
King Richard - Terribly mediocre Oscar baity biopic with a hammy Will Smith central performance.
Coda - Maybe the most baffling Oscar winner of all time. Zero ambition, terrible cliched writing, uninspired direction.

I also think French New Wave as a whole is terribly overrated with the possible exception of Agnes Varda.


Dec 18, 2017
Drive - great soundtrack but the movie itself was incredibly boring

Batman Begins - felt like a boring remake of The Shadow.

The Royal Tenenbaums - completely unfunny garbage.


Oct 25, 2017
Dune: Part Two
The End of Evangelion
Spider-Man: No Way Home

It's not exactly a hatred for EoE so much as a "guess that's a thing that exists" kind of reaction, particularly something that I can treat as being whatever if accepting it as an alternate rather than the true ending to the series given the former being the apparent intent. Either way, it was a useful contributing factor in getting me interested in the manga's version of events.
Blade Runner 2049
Hated it
Always felt like I was taking crazy pills whenever seeing how much praise this movie got. Even tried watching it twice, in theaters and on cable, and still didn't like it.


Oct 25, 2017
The ones I can think of right now are:
Forrest Gump
Mad Max Fury Road
Kill Bill
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Feb 6, 2019
Interstellar - I actually can't explain why. Characters explaining things and the monologues about love, and all that, I guess. I never bothered to rewatch it afterwards. It just infuriated me to the point I felt for the first time ever the need to leave a screening. I didn't leave just because I watched at a massive Imax screen and was sitting in the middle of the room and had to bother plenty of people to leave. And the ticket had been incredibly expensive and felt bad about it.
I agree with everything said here. I was almost angry when I left the theatre. I was so disappointed.

Flame Flamey

Feb 8, 2018
I grew up in Los Angeles, and I watched La La Land in a downtown theater around Christmas; just did not land for me.


Oct 25, 2017
Shawshank Redemption was a banal experience to me where the main character felt like a boring dweeb and I can't figure out why people are so in love with it. I think my memory of it is worse than how I felt watching it too.

Literally one of my favorite movies and love it everytime I rewatch it, which is rare for me to do, I don't rewatch most movies.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I have tried ET twice and can't get into it. Maybe it's a thing where I need to have kids and watch it with them to enjoy it. Didn't attempt to watch until I was an adult and maybe that's the problem.


Nov 3, 2017
A History of Violence - I remember seeing this in the theaters and thinking it was absolutely terrible. I figured that was the general concenus since it seemed like others were laughing at the movie and not with it. However I found out later it's beloved and that has actually made me want to re-watch it. |

Barbie - Found it was pretty boring overall. Some funny moments, but cheesier than I expected it to be.


Oct 27, 2017
The Deer Hunter.

It's just...boring. So, so boring. There is some tension during the infamous roulette scene, but the wedding 'intro' is insufferable and most of everything else is plodding too. I didn't get the praise when I first watched it and I still don't.

First few times I tried to watch The Godfather I ended up falling asleep, in comparison, but I eventually made it through and there the slow pacing actually led to something. Or The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. They're both slow rather than boring. Or Apocalypse Now (just not the redux, which is about as much fun to watch as Deer Hunter).

Skimming through the IMDB top 250 I'm not having anything else jump out at me. Lots of 'meh' movies like American Beauty, but nothing else I outright hate.
Jun 10, 2018
Kubrick's The Shining.

It grates my everything when I see people hold that film up as one of the genre's greats, because to me it's a terrible adaptation that misses the point of the novel.


Oct 30, 2017
California for now
LA La Land. Fuck that

Polanski films. I don't care how much they mean to you. That man is a rapist.

Once upon a time in Hollywood. Tarantino goes full Hollywood bj.. And foot job too.

Lion King (live action) no. Fuck that.

Joker. Glad I watched it and didn't jump to conclusions. But I didn't like it

Green Book. Not popular here yes, but it sadly won awards. The movie was a lie.
May 24, 2019
I thought District 9 was crap when watching it new and then found out that was a very unpopular opinion (at least with people I knew. I don't think I was checking what the internet thought at the time.)
Jun 10, 2018
Inside Out. I know people loved it, but it just bored me to tears. Although I liked the concept, it was just tedious and predictable when I watched it.
This is another one for me. Just found the execution of the concept underbaked, along with finding a HUGE problem with some the character decisions/sequence of events.


Aug 30, 2019
Both Hereditary and Midsommar bored me to tears but people seemed to be all over them back then. I just didn't get he hype for them and found both of them rather predictable.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
My two big examples are probably Love Actually and Avatar.

Edit: I also did not like basically any of Blade Runner 2049 except the casino ballroom fight.


Sep 1, 2022
Blade Runner 2049

One of the few movies I traveled to see in IMAX as I love the original and it's the only film I have ever fallen asleep to in a theater. Watched it again when it came to Blu-ray and I still didn't like it at all. Kinda feel the same way about Villeneuve's other films, they all feel sterile.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
Fletcher's methods are shown to be effective, and while I doubt that Chazelle set out to make a movie that ultimately justifies the character's brutality and abuse as the lathe that produces greatness, the cinematic form (and Simmons' performance) can't help but make it somewhat seductive.

It's the American History X problem of making an anti-Nazi film that Nazis like because they think it makes them look cool.
That's the exact film I was thinking of and why I asked! I knew a guy in college who thought Norton was "badass" but only in the black and white scenes... yeah.

I still like both films a lot though but I can definitely understand the criticism. I think there is enough there showing how Fletcher's methods lead to self destruction, with Neiman's personal life falling apart and the former student committing suicide.

But yeah, it can appear seductive and the final scene can be viewed as triumphant or as terribly sad depending on who's watching it.


Oct 27, 2017
Chicago. The Oscar for that movie baffles me.

The Thin Red Line. The only movie I've ever seen people walk out of in the theater. It's pretentious, overlong nonsense that feels like it's going to end about five times before it at last, mercifully, does.

All you need to know is that this is a patented Era "Your favorite thing ain't shit" thread.

I figured as such.

That said, The Thin Red Line is the only Malick movie I can tolerate.