Deleted member 5535

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Some tweets for things we know for quite some time but some more from a respectable journalist like Jason.



DF Deet Master
Oct 25, 2017
I remember hearing how EA was actually a decent place to work, so this doesn't surprise me too much


Oct 25, 2017
Wow!!!!!! I can't believe it takes a fucking reporter to say what's been said by Bioware for months!!!!

It's almost as if working at EA isn't some flesh pit fuckhouse like you maggot mouths suggest!!!


Oct 27, 2017
Something's gone really wrong with the top--level decision making at Bioware. IIRC didn't EA give them a lot of leeway/freedom on Andromeda as well?

Deleted member 1635

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017

I'm sure the pressure is as subtle as he's making it out to be, but asking "Where's your Destiny?" or saying the studio needs to get on board with the corporate-wide GaaS initiative and figure out how to monetize their games past the initial point of sell is basically forcing them to make an online game. I mean, everyone knows what happens to EA studios that don't perform. Not that the people in charge of Bioware weren't interested in giving it a try, but I doubt there was zero pressure to do it.


Jan 25, 2019
People dislikes EA because of their recent practices also people needs to stop pointing fingers on EA due to their studios failures. Don't forget that months before release BioWare said that it's their idea and that's what they wanted to make. I still understand EA's hate though


Oct 27, 2017

Lord Vatek

Jan 18, 2018
EA has its share of issues but I never bought into the idea that they were the be all end all of the problems its developers face.

Anthem is BioWare's problem and BioWare's alone.
Nov 23, 2017
Not to slight OP or Jason, he does great work, but does this need to be said? Bioware execs have said this as overtly as they are allowed to, but just no one believes them for some reason.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, it sounds like Andromeda and Anthem had all the time in the world.

Not the rushed piece of shit that DA2 was but just two very confusing messes..

What the fuck is going at Bioware?
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
The problem is that it does not really matter who intended what with Anthem. The problem is that Anthem is a loot game that feels like the loot part was hacked in at the last moment. The world also feels incredibly boilerplate and the story and gameplay is so disjunct that I understand everyone who looks at it and says: This has to be a decision from corporate, this studio can't have degraded that much in just one project.


Nov 3, 2017
Even for Visceral the one thing we know EA told them was "Fifa Ultimate team is bringing 800k a year, what are you gonna do for us?"
It makes sense for Bioware to be making Anthem, it doesn't look to be that far from their wheelhouse after the MassEffect games either.
Maybe they took on more than they could chew and this is the result.
Interestingly if Nintendo was handling Bioware, they probably would have cancelled Anthem if they saw it going nowhere.
The cutting room floor is not necessarily evil.


Apr 4, 2018
Reminds me how everyone immediately flipped out on EA for Mass Effect 3 being crap until it came out that all of the terrible creative decisions came straight from Bioware.


Oct 27, 2017
Not to slight OP or Jason, he does great work, but does this need to be said? Bioware execs have said this as overtly as they are allowed to, but just no one believes them for some reason.
I think you answer your own question. It does need to be said because people are still repeating the same stuff. So either they don't know, or they're deliberately ignoring it.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I agree with Jason. The current people who are left at Bioware are total corporate shills.... that's why thy are still there.


One Winged Slayer
Jun 21, 2018
The sooner people realize that BioWare is in fact at fault for anthem, the better.


Oct 28, 2017
Game development is of course incredibly complex, and the stories discussed in the enthusiast press are almost invariably wrong in most details, and/or completely lacking in nuance. Moreover there's almost no point in trying to write a proper story of these things as the press and audience isn't really interested in the full complexity of the story, but instead a weird YCS-ish discussion around publishers and developers. It's a very frustrating part of working in gamedev, but I assume largely the case for other fields like banking. I imagine it was incredibly painful listening to mainstream discussions of CDOs, derivatives, etc., for years around the crisis, if you worked in that sector.


self-requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
Yeah this doesn't really surprise me. The narrative many, many try to push on this site about how evil (the word used in multiple cases unfortunately) EA are has always been an undesirable thing to talk about for me personally, mainly because it's surely just not true but also because the people saying this are just proving they're inability to understand and discuss these things with nuance, even if their theories were indeed correct. Reminds me of that Hbomberguy video about CAD and how embarrassing it was at showcasing how 'gamers' actually think about (semi).serious things, with him referencing the discourse around EA's closure of Visceral really being quite relevant here.

EA make some bad decisions, and definitely some bad games, I for one can't believe how quickly I moved on from both Battlefront games despite being so excited for them, but I can't say I ever have gone as far as believing the kinda stuff that Schreier disproves here basically.


Nov 3, 2017
The problem is that it does not really matter who intended what with Anthem. The problem is that Anthem is a loot game that feels like the loot part was hacked in at the last moment. The world also feels incredibly boilerplate and the story and gameplay is so disjunct that I understand everyone who looks at it and says: This has to be a decision from corporate, this studio can't have degraded that much in just one project.
Maybe the project had troubles in development and that solution is what the devs found to solve their problem and the whole thing end up undercooked.
Again to take Retro Studio as an example, there's literally years between Prime 3 and DKCR and DKCR managed to take form very late in the development.
Shit happens.
Oct 26, 2017
Bioware choosing to make a genre they clearly had no idea about and while having no good ideas for the genre seems pretty weird.

Anthem has like.... no ideas.

Deleted member 5535

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Not to slight OP or Jason, he does great work, but does this need to be said? Bioware execs have said this as overtly as they are allowed to, but just no one believes them for some reason.

Because unfortunately this argument still is being made. So I saw Jason twitter and thought that it would be nice to be posted here for discussion and give more information about the situation.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like that's still an unhealthy way of approaching game development but it's still a notable distinction I guess. It's not something that can change in the current AAA dev landscape.


Does not approve of this tag
Oct 25, 2017
Wow!!!!!! I can't believe it takes a fucking reporter to say what's been said by Bioware for months!!!!

It's almost as if working at EA isn't some flesh pit fuckhouse like you maggot mouths suggest!!!
lmfao, I love how aggressive this post is.
Oct 27, 2017
Wow!!!!!! I can't believe it takes a fucking reporter to say what's been said by Bioware for months!!!!

It's almost as if working at EA isn't some flesh pit fuckhouse like you maggot mouths suggest!!!

Yeah, I was thinking this isn't remotely new. They've flat out said it multiple times because it's one of the first assumptions people had


Oct 25, 2017
The problem is that it does not really matter who intended what with Anthem. The problem is that Anthem is a loot game that feels like the loot part was hacked in at the last moment. The world also feels incredibly boilerplate and the story and gameplay is so disjunct that I understand everyone who looks at it and says: This has to be a decision from corporate, this studio can't have degraded that much in just one project.

And this is why people will keep saying it until others realize- this isn't on EA.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly does not shock me at all. It is easy to blame the company over the game studio you love as everyone blames Activsion for Bungie and all the things they disliked in Destiny. At the end of the day it is easy to see that perhaps the issue really is Bioware and not EA just like in the future it will be interesting to see who fans blame for Destiny decisions they do not like.

Hyun Sai

Oct 27, 2017
Reminds me how everyone immediately flipped out on EA for Mass Effect 3 being crap until it came out that all of the terrible creative decisions came straight from Bioware.
It's incredible how you can replace Mass Effect 3 with Anthem and it works.

Too bad, at least Mass Effect 3 MP was a better shlooter than Anthem by miles.


Oct 25, 2017
Maybe the project had troubles in development and that solution is what the devs found to solve their problem and the whole thing end up undercooked.
Again to take Retro Studio as an example, there's literally years between Prime 3 and DKCR and DKCR managed to take form very late in the development.
Shit happens.
I'm just saying that it is weird to expect the consumer reaction to be clairvoyant and measured to this degree. Invested communities tend to go for the conspiratorial conclusion and Anthem provides a very large target to do so.
Feb 2, 2019
Fun fact, from what I know and can confirm, outside of lay-off, EA isn't that bad with their employees and their contractor when you work for them. I don't know if it's because they're big and under scrutiny or if it's just their vision of things, but it's still a fun fact since they're viewed as the devil in person by gamers (rightfully so).


Oct 25, 2017
Wow!!!!!! I can't believe it takes a fucking reporter to say what's been said by Bioware for months!!!!

It's almost as if working at EA isn't some flesh pit fuckhouse like you maggot mouths suggest!!!
Silky popped off LOL

This post is aggro as hell but I get it because people aren't really listening.


Senior Analyst at Niko Partners
Oct 24, 2017
Is there a huge difference there?

I wouldn't say so. The outcome is the same.


Nov 3, 2017
It's been proven time and again that the narrative that EA forced BioWare to make this game against there will is here to stay. Some people aren't going to listen because it's all a conspiracy or whatever.


Nov 3, 2017
I'm just saying that it is weird to expect the consumer reaction to be clairvoyant and measured to this degree. Invested communities tend to go for the conspiratorial conclusion and Anthem provides a very large target to do so.
I can understand that but it doesn't make it true either.
EA has a reputation after all.
They have closed so many studios and mismanaged so many IPs that people don't trust them....and I can't blame them.
But really just looking at the lineup of what Bioware released, unless they were mandated from above to go this way starting in like 2005 it seems like an organic growth on their part.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Feb 2, 2018
"For sure, but that's not EA going to BioWare and saying "you need to make us a Destiny clone" - it's EA saying "if you want resources, show us how your game is going to make long-term revenue." Huge difference there! "

Love Jason, but...


Oct 25, 2017
EA never had the monopoly on bad decisions and terrible management. Bioware has proven time and again that there's a disconnect between what the studio was known for, where it wants to go and how to successfully make that creative transition.