
Apr 5, 2022
Hopefully looks as good as the Memoria Fan Project!

Final Fantasy IX: Memoria Project - Alexandria at Night

Two months after posting our reveal trailer, we're happy to share another teaser trailer - Alexandria at Night (make sure to keep watching until the end!). W...

Final Fantasy IX: Memoria Project - Welcome to Alexandria

Earlier this year, we shared an early screenshot of our ambitious #FinalFantasyIX fan project with the world, and as a result, our team was able to grow from...


Sweet Commander
Oct 25, 2017
FFIXs artstyle is horrendous to me. It's one of those games where I don't think people are lying about it being the 'best in series' but I straight up don't believe them.

As is customary when dropping a Final Fantasy Hot Take™, I have to point out that my favourite is VIII (and yes I'm bitter about this news) and my least favourite is XII. Do with that information as you see fit.
Jul 24, 2018
Yes - FFIX's cast, when rendered as chibi figures with realistic rendering, are indeed awkward and scary. And perfect. No notes.

It's crazy how people want them to look realistic when one of the characters is a literal ratlady. 9 is very cartoony thus a more charming artstyle would serve it better.


May 14, 2020
I'll be honest and say that IX didn't really vibe with me when I first played it. Never did manage to finish it in the end.

But my tastes have changed a lot since then, and I'll be interested in diving in again.


Oct 27, 2017
I wonder if they are going to fully voice this.
I don't know how it was in ENG, but in my language many characters had different dialects and that created such a colorful world that would be weird but also amazing to see dubbed.
Probably? Seems like something SE pushes for with their big games, then some of their mid-sized ones too (again, WoFF).
It's funny how he actually made a game recently (programer, writer and producer, director) but nobody really cared about it so this janitor bit is still a thing.
It was great! That said... Was he involved with the FFXII remaster at all?


Nov 11, 2022
Fairly certain it's releasing on everything except Switch.

(I'm not an insider and don't know anything beyond the platforms - the poster in the OP could be right and Sony later dropped a bag but afaik it was all platforms except Switch)

Sure, because if we believe the insider, big if, then it will be on Switch 2, because it's 2+ years away.


Oct 25, 2017
Hopefully looks as good as the Memoria Fan Project!

Final Fantasy IX: Memoria Project - Alexandria at Night

Two months after posting our reveal trailer, we're happy to share another teaser trailer - Alexandria at Night (make sure to keep watching until the end!). W...

Final Fantasy IX: Memoria Project - Welcome to Alexandria

Earlier this year, we shared an early screenshot of our ambitious #FinalFantasyIX fan project with the world, and as a result, our team was able to grow from...
Yeah I did a replay with it and honestly don't feel that compelled to go for a Remake unless they drastically change the gameplay somehow and add stuff like voice acting. Memoria is pretty damn great.

edit: got mixed up with Moguri mod.

Oct 27, 2017
Nooo not Trials of Mana. Why do people keep saying that?

A remake of IX with this level of quality would be worse than no remake at all.


What is wrong with a Trials of Mana graphics style remake? The game looks beautiful, runs well, interiors have enough details to not be bland and boring. Of course the transition from 2d backgrounds to 3d will always lose some details, even with a high budget FF VII Remake style, considering how highly detailed those backgrounds were, but i would prefer a remake to what we have now. Something also done to some gameplay flaws like the pace of combat system, trance system, some quality of life added, and that's it, a great remaster/remake.

Actually, let's say not properly Trials of Mana, because it's a bit on the low budget side, but DQ XI (first release, not the Definitive Edition one) level graphics would be perfect.


May 25, 2021
This has been rumoured for so long. I'm excited to see it. Best Final Fantasy game finally getting the respect it deserves.


Jun 20, 2018
Fairly certain it's releasing on everything except Switch.

(I'm not an insider and don't know anything beyond the platforms - the poster in the OP could be right and Sony later dropped a bag but afaik it was all platforms except Switch)
If it's really a more low budget release than it will be on switch. Otherwise they don't even have to bother releasing it in Japan


Nov 26, 2018
My favourite FF and one of my favourite games. I really hope they can get it right, I think it won't be so easy to adapt its artstyle to modern standard. Something like this would be just perfect.



Born to be Wise and Corrupted by Vengeance
Dec 15, 2020

FFIXs artstyle is horrendous to me. It's one of those games where I don't think people are lying about it being the 'best in series' but I straight up don't believe them.

As is customary when dropping a Final Fantasy Hot Take™, I have to point out that my favourite is VIII (and yes I'm bitter about this news) and my least favourite is XII. Do with that information as you see fit.

Jokes aside I would be disappointed If they do a small remake or low-budget to one of the best Final Fantasy, I am not saying they do something like the FF7R but this game is worth voice over and a redesigned combat system while maintaining turn based combat system.

Because if they are not going to why bother? OG still looks great and has aged quite well


Oct 28, 2017
FFIXs artstyle is horrendous to me. It's one of those games where I don't think people are lying about it being the 'best in series' but I straight up don't believe them.

As is customary when dropping a Final Fantasy Hot Take™, I have to point out that my favourite is VIII (and yes I'm bitter about this news) and my least favourite is XII. Do with that information as you see fit.

A lot of people can find it ugly and the best in the series at the same time.

IX is by far my favorite FF but i also think VIII looks better. Not that i would call IX ugly, i probably did at some point when i started playing it, but it grew on me fast.

I love VIII as well, all the PS1 FFs are great, but i don't think VIII was bound to have a remake just because it was the next after VII. V and VI never got any kind of remake either, and if it was all about popularity, FFX would have to be the next one to get a full remake.

There's a lot of factors in play for IX to have one, and i doubt it will be nearly as big budget or ambitious as VIIR now.


Oct 25, 2017
My favourite FF and one of my favourite games. I really hope they can get it right, I think it won't be so easy to adapt its artstyle to modern standard. Something like this would be just perfect.

This would be too good to be true tbh. I half expect Square to drop this Remake onto some external partner that will fuck shit up like with FFX HD.
Nov 21, 2017
Guys you will never believe it but you know what else is real, FF Tactics Remaster.

Source: Nvdia leak from a few years ago.


tag reference no one gets
Oct 25, 2017
It's crazy how people want them to look realistic when one of the characters is a literal ratlady. 9 is very cartoony thus a more charming artstyle would serve it better.

Yeah I'd rather they stick close to the source material and not go down the Disney live action remake route where they obliterate the art style for boring realism


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
Guys you will never believe it but you know what else is real, FF Tactics Remaster.

Source: Nvdia leak from a few years ago.

this pretty much

I can tell you this Grubb just looked at the closed thread here and then made his own news. He has no knowledge in regards to Japanese companies, most of his sources are in the west.
Feb 16, 2022
My favourite FF and one of my favourite games. I really hope they can get it right, I think it won't be so easy to adapt its artstyle to modern standard. Something like this would be just perfect.

This uncomfortably toes the line between stylized and realistic for me. I'd prefer they go more realistic ala 7R or more stylized ala KH3.


May 25, 2018
I dream of a Fantasian (except more zoomed-in maybe) style remake of Final Fantasy IX. Or a fairy-tale book artstyle. Then again, having a blast on Moguri Mod so it's not the most urgent thing right now.


Nov 1, 2017


Timestamp: 30:39 in case it doesn't work.

Credit to r/finalfantasy for sharing this.

Previous rumor thread on this.

[Rumor] Final Fantasy IX Remake, Potentially PlayStation Exclusive/Marketing, Not Coming to Switch Rumor

The rumor comes from someone that in the past have leaked Persona 3 Remake Unfortunally seems it will a long time before the game releases

Also new info that came after, shared with the superior light theme





One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
When people say IX is ugly they are talking about character designs right? I still don't agree but no way you guys mean the backgrounds. To this day FFIX depicts one of the most gorgeous worlds in all of gaming to me to the point where I am not even sure a full 3D remake could capture that.
Calling the world ugly is straight up insanity to me. It's like calling the desert wet or something. My brain can't handle it.


Dec 11, 2018
Didn't Natedrake also confirmed it is coming ? I think he said it is still a bit far off and Tactics Remaster is coming first or something. But I don't remember in what thread he said that


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
It's funny how he actually made a game recently (programer, writer and producer, director) but nobody really cared about it so this janitor bit is still a thing.

Yeah but that game was made with the budget of an Asylum movie on his break of his janitorial duties


Prophet of Regret Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 7, 2019
I just wanna see it at this point. Nailing the char design and world style will be key. Needs to be as nailed as FF7R in terms of character designs, as in perfect modern adaption of the old designs.

No Nomura should be involved for char design.

Mar Tuuk

Oct 31, 2017
If SE is finally actually doing this, they have to go full remake and put the budget in. Fans already embarrassed them with the Moguri Mod.


Sweet Commander
Oct 25, 2017

Jokes aside I would be disappointed If they do a small remake or low-budget to one of the best Final Fantasy, I am not saying they do something like the FF7R but this game is worth voice over and a redesigned combat system while maintaining turn based combat system.

Because if they are not going to why bother? OG still looks great and has aged quite well

A lot of people can find it ugly and the best in the series at the same time.

IX is by far my favorite FF but i also think VIII looks better. Not that i would call IX ugly, i probably did at some point when i started playing it, but it grew on me fast.

I love VIII as well, all the PS1 FFs are great, but i don't think VIII was bound to have a remake just because it was the next after VII. V and VI never got any kind of remake either, and if it was all about popularity, FFX would have to be the next one to get a full remake.

There's a lot of factors in play for IX to have one, and i doubt it will be nearly as big budget or ambitious as VIIR now.
Yeah I'll definitely be paying attention to this to see if It's any easier on my eyes. If there's ever a game that shows Square still care about classic turn-based FF, it's this one. That's what the OG one was after all. So yeah, if that's the thought process then I'm totally happy with this remake. Just let me fantasize a bit about a hypothetical FFVIIIR. Balamb Garden in HD... Exceed system for the gunblade... Total UI customization...

J 0 E

Oct 27, 2017
Do you think Hiroyuki Ito has finally left the broomstick and is helming the project? (I know he directed a small game, recently).


Oct 27, 2017
Best FF. I really want this to be a "simple" remake. I just want the same game with faster combat and redone graphics in the same style. No perspective switch or anything like that, just make the same game with today's technology.


Nov 4, 2021
Nooo not Trials of Mana. Why do people keep saying that?

A remake of IX with this level of quality would be worse than no remake at all.


If this what we ultimately end up with, I'd be pretty pleased. This not gonna get FFVIIR's budget but it this decent compromise. But buy gods rework the battle system rebalance it something flows better and smooth. FFIX ATB has aged so badly that wouldn't mind scrapping it for FFX's CTB.


Best Avatar Thread Ever!
Nov 20, 2017
Kingdom of Corona
Is it just me, or I'm the one person on resetera that doesn't have inside information? Lol

Seems so many people here know about this game