Jun 22, 2019
You say "just make a new show" as if that isn't a ridiculously complicated process that would take quite some time.

This crew is already working on the new season of Rick and Morty as we speak. And I'm sure most, if not all of them, would rather continue working on that.

And I'd rather Roiland the wife beater not get royalties. 🤷

And no, I didn't say make a new show as if it's not difficult or complicated. You injected that yourself into my statement. The "if they care about their workers" part should have denoted that I think AS would just tell their workers "sorry get fucked it's too hard."

But I also assume AS is just gonna end up paying royalties to Roiland TBH, and I hope to be wrong on that.
Jun 22, 2019
Seriously, even if they were able to magically get all the approvals and start a new show right now today, it would be over a year (and that's being extremely charitable) before it even aired, never mind proving itself and getting the episode and merchandising commitments R&M currently has.

That's all corporate shit and corporate overlords aren't at risk of losing livelihoods, the actual creative people actually making the show would still be getting paychecks for working on a show though. I don't give a shit that a new show would need a year or more to air? Why does that even matter?

There's no reason to just assume R&M is gonna still be the biggest show ever 1-2 years from now either, btw.

Like y'all completely ignored "if AS cares about their workers" and replied as if that wasn't pivotal context in my post. No shit if Warner/Discovery/whatever doesn't care about anything but money like any other corporation, I'm just saying that if the whole creative crew gets laid off if R&M gets canned, that's on fucking AS/Discovery/etc.
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Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
And I'd rather Roiland the wife beater not get royalties. 🤷

And no, I didn't say make a new show as if it's not difficult or complicated. You injected that yourself into my statement. The "if they care about their workers" part should have denoted that I think AS would just tell their workers "sorry get fucked it's too hard."

But I also assume AS is just gonna end up paying royalties to Roiland TBH, and I hope to be wrong on that.

What you want to happen isn't realistic or logical.

Roiland was fired, his career is over and he's now facing major legal troubles. He's done.


Oct 25, 2017
That's all corporate shit whose livelihood aren't in danger, the actual creative people actually making the show would still be getting paychecks. I don't give a shit that a new show would need a year or more to air? Why does that even matter?

There's no reason to just assume R&M is gonna still be the biggest show ever 1-2 years from now either, btw.
Weather it's big 1-2 years from now doesn't matter when they're contractually obligated to fill out the remaining episode order.

You also completely ignored my other post where I went into detail about what a completely asinine idea it is to just start a new show to slide everyone over to. That will never ever happen. You asking why you should care and why that matters that they would have to abruptly stop their current work and start over literally from scratch to create a brand new thing that won't be seen for years is extremely enlightening about how much you really care about the crews of these shows.
Jun 22, 2019
What you want to happen isn't realistic or logical.

Roiland was fired, his career is over and he's now facing major legal troubles. He's done.
Weather it's big 1-2 years from now doesn't matter when they're contractually obligated to fill out the remaining episode order.

You also completely ignored my other post where I went into detail about what a completely asinine idea it is to just start a new show to slide everyone over to. That will never ever happen. You asking why you should care and why that matters that they would have to abruptly stop their current work and start over literally from scratch to create a brand new thing that won't be seen for years is extremely enlightening about how much you really care about the crews of these shows.

In case you missed it cause I had to do an edit in my prior post, you're ignoring the crucial "IF ADULT SWIM GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THEIR WORKERS" part of the original post you two took issues with .

Like I hate to pull the strawman card, but y'all are making rebuttals for claims you mistakenly think I made, rather than my actual claims. I ignored that one post because it's all strawman-related, I'm aware of the actual difficulty and unlikelihood BECAUSE I KNOW CORPORATIONS DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THEIR WORKERS.

My entire point was that the correct thing to happen if legally Roiland was owed royalties, and AS did give a shit about workers (they don't), is that R&M should maybe have a final season to wrap things up (arguably), before the workers can be put toward a new project. So if they cancel R&M (which is ALREADY not happening), yet fire the workers, my response is AS/Discovery is at fault for that and needs to get fucked.

Hope that's all clear, sorry I had to add a bunch of texts via edits, I assure you that was all done immediately within accidentally (or regrettably) clicking the post button.
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Oct 25, 2017
In case you missed it cause I had to do an edit, you're ignoring the crucial "IF AS GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THEIR WORKERS" part of the post.

Like I hate to pull the strawman card, but y'all are making rebuttals for claims you mistakenly think I made, rather than my actual claims.
AS does give a shit about their workers which is why they fired the singular piece of shit that caused the problem and are letting every other person involved keep their current jobs through the remaining 40 episodes.

Gamer @ Heart

Oct 26, 2017
People calling for it to be canceled are baffling to me.

It's a universe where they can do fucking anything and justify whatever they want with any bat shit reason for why their voices are different if they do decide to not go with lookalike. I honestly expect some meta rotating VA shenanigans.


Oct 25, 2017
I wouldn't be without sympathy for workers who lose their jobs if it happens, but I see zero reason why AS can't have the exact same team make a new show (that could even be a spiritual successor) if they actually cared about their workers. So if the creative team just gets canned altogether if Roiland gets no royalties, then fuck AS, I guess.

Let's say Adult Swim does create a new show with the exact same team. While the new scripts are being written, what are the animators and voice actors being paid to do?


Oct 28, 2017
I wouldn't be without sympathy for workers who lose their jobs if it happens, but I see zero reason why AS can't have the exact same team make a new show (that could even be a spiritual successor) if they actually cared about their workers. So if the creative team just gets canned altogether if Roiland gets no royalties, then fuck AS, I guess.
Scrubs' new show just rolled into season 9 because it would have never worked as an actual spinoff with a different name. Cougar Town couldn't even rename after it quickly ditched its original premise because people's DVR subscriptions wouldn't have carried over. Rian Johnson had to subtitle Glass Onion "A Knives Out Mystery" over his objections because the general audience mostly doesn't know anything about who makes what. If any company has ever somehow found broad success with a show, the only thing the audience follows are the brand names. That's the show name and in some cases the stars -- but (1) we want to recast Rick and Morty here, and (2) nearly no one knows who voice actors are. Hell, I just read that TTRPG podcasts lose an incredible amount of listeners every time they do even a limited run of non D&D gaming. Their audience mostly doesn't actually play D&D. But the brand loyalty is to D&D more than even the actual podcasts.

So yes, Adult Swim could make a spiritual successor show. The overwhelming odds are that it wouldn't succeed. Solar Opposites basically is another Rick and Morty (albeit without Harmon, by design) and nearly no one cares about Solar Opposites. Google estimates 148 million search results for "rick and morty" vs 1.2 million for Solar Opposites.

A show succeeding is nearly as rare as lighting striking. You can bring almost the whole team back to do almost the same thing on a brand new show and it is an absolute crapshoot whether the audience that theoretically loves this stuff will come to this new thing.

you're ignoring the crucial "IF ADULT SWIM GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THEIR WORKERS" part of the original post you two took issues with .
We're not ignoring it, we're pointing out that this is a meaningless disclaimer. It's like saying "if a roaring furnace could actually be super cold, then ice cream wouldn't melt in it", then washing your hands of the inevitable ice cream melting.

Adult Swim employ the R&M cast and crew because R&M makes money. If your proposed new show doesn't make money, and it probably won't, then they will stop employing those workers. You are still basically asking for them to lose their jobs, but in an absurdly complicated way. They have jobs right now that don't have to end.

Yes, bad people get paydays. Two awful NBA team owners were forced to sell in the last eight years. They didn't just contract the teams and somehow find some magic morally pure way to make sure Donald Sterling and Robert Sarver got nothing. That sucks, but not as much as destroying the livelihoods of thousands of people just to be pure.
Jun 22, 2019
People calling for it to be canceled are baffling to me.

Are people calling for it be cancelled if Roiland gets zero future money off it?
Serious question.

That sucks, but not as much as destroying the livelihoods of thousands of people just to be pure.

Media-producing corps have been destroying the livelihoods of thousands of people every month by cancelling shows that their algorithms claim aren't doing what they should be even when the shows are popular or have hype behind them. It's especially egregious with animated shows. Shows are even delisted off streaming services so the creators behind them don't have to be paid royalties just so the evil corporate fukwads can think they'll get more money. But when it comes to cancelling a show to prevent a wife beater from collecting free $$$, apparently that's a line too far, even though the whole concept of risked livelihoods is exclusively at the whims of corporate figureheads anyway who could easily guarantee those people had jobs if the corporate figureheads gave half a shit?
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Oct 25, 2017
Are people calling for it be cancelled if Roiland gets zero future money off it?
Serious question.
Justin is fired. He's gone. We don't know if he will get residuals for the episodes he already worked on, but we do know that whatever he gets will be a fraction of what he would have gotten by staying on. He will never get paid for recording voice work for new episodes. He will never get paid for writing or producing new episodes. He is not involved with the production of the show at any level anymore.


Aug 3, 2020
I will only sleep easily once every single person associated with Rick and Morty in any way loses their job. This is justice. Roiland can't get away it.


Oct 25, 2017
If a business needed to be burned to the ground every time we learned a shitty person potentially makes money from its operation, there'd be no businesses left on the planet. Folks should be happy some kind of a stand was taken and he'll at least be making much, much less money from it going forward. There are bigger villains making way more money from other shit you love and using it for worse purposes. Take the win.
Jun 22, 2019
I don't know if people really love R&M in here, or just really love to use workers losing their jobs as a scapegoat (when corps are exclusively at fault for any lost jobs). Also, now we arrive at "It's bad to want R&M canceled if Roiland gets royalties cause the royalties might be small, and so many awful people exist making even more money anyway."

What a fucking garbo thread, lol.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know if people really love R&M in here, or just really love to use workers losing their jobs as a scapegoat (despite corps being exclusively at fault for any lost jobs).

Let's say Adult Swim does create a new show with the exact same team. While the new scripts are being written, what are the animators and voice actors being paid to do?
Jun 22, 2019

Let's say Adult Swim does create a new show with the exact same team. While the new scripts are being written, what are the animators and voice actors being paid to do?

The rest of R&M that's still being animated, because it's not even cancelled, and I already said you could have a final season to wrap things up even if it was being cancelled. JFC. You could also pay people up front for future work while they get temporary side jobs while waiting for a new project (if you gave a shit about workers, which again companies don't), but such a thing won't ever happen, as nobody cares to ever hold corps accountable, because dystopia is just reality.
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Oct 25, 2017
I don't know if people really love R&M in here, or just really love to use workers losing their jobs as a scapegoat (when corps are exclusively at fault for any lost jobs). Also, now we arrive at "It's bad to want R&M canceled if Roiland gets royalties cause the royalties might be small, and so many awful people exist making even more money anyway."

What a fucking garbo thread, lol.
I work in the animation industry and have spent the last three years seeing my friends and colleagues lose their jobs and their homes and their health insurance because of how poorly they're treated and how unstable the industry is, so yeah I'm gonna side with "remove the piece of shit and take away as much of his income, or even all of it if possible, so the rest of the crew can keep their jobs and healthcare" VS "burn it all down over one fucking loser"


Oct 25, 2017
The rest of R&M that's still being animated, because it's not even cancelled, and I already said you could have a final season to wrap things up even if it was being cancelled. JFC. You could also pay people up front for future work while they get temporary side jobs while waiting for a new project (if you gave a shit about workers, which again companies don't), but such a thing won't ever happen, as nobody cares to ever hold corps accountable, because dystopia is just reality.

Literally what

You want it cancelled but not right away it can keep going for a bit but also Justin Roiland can't get royalties.

And we're the ones not making sense
Jun 22, 2019
User Banned (5 Days): Hostility over a Series of Posts and Threads; History of Hostility
It's so funny to me that my simple takeaway point of, "so if the creative team just gets canned altogether if Roiland gets no royalties, then fuck AS, I guess" generated an entire page of rebuttals about how hard it is for corporate figureheads to not fire people. And people call this place left-leaning. 🤣

Cool so exponentially more people can lose their jobs and healthcare than already have, awesome

"If I keep insisting they want everything burned to the ground, and then they joke about killing the whole parent company because of that, I'll look like I care about workers if I do a somber response about all the lost jobs."

Literally what

You want it cancelled but not right away it can keep going for a bit but also Justin Roiland can't get royalties.

And we're the ones not making sense

Wow you can't even fucking read. Good god, way to miss like most of my actual statements (made before people even started to argue with me about the feasibility of having workers keep their jobs if R&M theoretically got canned, to boot).
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Jun 12, 2021
Maybe it's unfair to assume this but seeing this made me think that maybe Adult Swim knows more about his gross shit then what's public already.
I haven't watched Rick and Morty in a while but I think it'd be pretty funny if they recast Rick and Morty with voices that are entirely different and never mention it in the show. Get Patrick Stewart to play Rick and the woman who voices Bobby Hill in king of the hill to play Morty.


Mar 13, 2019
The rest of R&M that's still being animated, because it's not even cancelled, and I already said you could have a final season to wrap things up even if it was being cancelled. JFC. You could also pay people up front for future work while they get temporary side jobs while waiting for a new project (if you gave a shit about workers, which again companies don't), but such a thing won't ever happen, as nobody cares to ever hold corps accountable, because dystopia is just reality.
Paying people for uncertain future work and encouraging them to get side jobs today is complete nonsense from the perspective of protecting jobs. You have just described contract work - the exact opposite relationship to what anyone who's currently in stable, salaried employment is going to want to be moved onto.


Oct 27, 2017
Some people are ignoring that Rick and Morty doesn't just support Rick and Morty workers. I'm pretty sure a lot of Adult Swim's programming is subsidized by the Rick and Morty benefits.

I doubt Adult Swim could survive in the current Warner Bros climate without Rick and Morty.

Wonky Mump

Oct 30, 2017
Good at Adult Swim removed him, the impression in the video posted earlier in the thread sounds pretty good so just let that guy do it (provided he's not an ass.)


Oct 26, 2017
People calling for it to be canceled are baffling to me.

It's a universe where they can do fucking anything and justify whatever they want with any bat shit reason for why their voices are different if they do decide to not go with lookalike. I honestly expect some meta rotating VA shenanigans.
Yeah, now that you mention it, that would be the best course of action. Pop Team Epic always rotating its VAs between each episode and all the meta stuff that came with it was pretty fun and R&M suits pretty well for that kind of random humor. I also was in the "If Roiland is gone, the show is gone" camp because in some way he literally was Rick & Morty. But the show has had a big writing team for ages and the VA situation can be made fun of. Did Roiland even contribute significantly to the writing in recent years? I only watched up to the start of S4.


Oct 27, 2017
You could also pay people up front for future work while they get temporary side jobs while waiting for a new project
There isn't a place in existence where this is an actual thing.

"Sure, we're not doing anything right now, but let me subsidize you while you get get another job so I can maybe try to hire you again once the new project starts even though and then have to scramble and hopefully find someone else that meshes with the team and doesn't drop out and push the project back further as we continue to hunt for a replacement".


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
If burn it all down means kill Discovery permanently, I'm fuckin in! Cause this thread has lost the plot so much, lol.

What a fucking garbo thread, lol.

Wow you can't even fucking read.

Instead of attacking people and saying that the thread is "garbo," maybe take a step back and ask yourself, "Why are numerous people pushing back on my posts?"

Again, your thoughts on the future of the series and what should be done with those who are employed by this show's existence have not been realistic or logical. Multiple people have tried to explain why but you keep doubling down and acting more and more childish about a topic you don't seem to be fully informed on.


Oct 28, 2017
Great news. The show was so big that even cancelling it would never be the end, and continuing with him is unconscionable. This way at least there's a slim chance the recast works and the show's popularity can be divorced from Roiland.


Oct 25, 2017
Surprised at people wondering how the show can continue. There are probably hundreds of voice actors who can imitate the voices perfectly, that's their thing. All the most famous animated characters have had lots of different voice actors over the years. Unless Roland writes the show as well, then there is an issue.

Night Terror

Feb 1, 2018
We'll see how fans react. The R&M vocal fan base can be pretty toxic.

Was on the subreddit and the top responses were pretty mild, although there was a fair share of people going the "he's not guilty yet". It seems most people are pretty aware of this and actively understand why it's being done, despite the expected toxic bunch.

Which is honestly a surprise.


Nov 13, 2019
Was on the subreddit and the top responses were pretty mild, although there was a fair share of people going the "he's not guilty yet". It seems most people are pretty aware of this and actively understand why it's being done, despite the expected toxic bunch.

Which is honestly a surprise.
I would say I expected a hot mess in Reddit only to be greeted with actually well upvoted good responses about it

I was.. Kinda shocked


You know what that means
Oct 25, 2017
Wow they actually did the right thing. Figured they would fight it as long as possible.

Time to flesh out Bushworld Adventures into a full blown series. And focus exclusively on Wall drama in Solar Opposites.

I feel bad for everyone who got caught up in this mess. Terrible people just can't stop themselves from being terrible.

It's time Adult Swim focused on what the people really want anyway.


Seriously, WBD should be investing all the money dollars into this. Show came around at the right time. It easily has the potential to replace R&M as Adult Swim's main draw.


Oct 28, 2017
Lancaster, CA
This is great to hear. Fuck that piece of shit!

And I'm glad the crew can continue on with the show without Roiland in tow. I'll also add to the fact it wouldn't simply be easy to move on to other projects in the event Rick and Morty is suddenly cancelled.


Oct 25, 2017

Adult Swim Severs Ties With ‘Rick And Morty’ Co-Creator Justin Roiland After Domestic Violence Charges; Voice Roles Will Be Recast

Justin Roiland of Adult Swim's Rick and Morty is no longer in business with Warner Bros Discovery. The show will go on with a new voice for Rick.

Might as well just cancel the show, honestly.

Yeah just let it die for petes sake

Take all the talent that aren't fucking around and let them create something new they can be proud of


Oct 28, 2017
The recent thread we've had gave pretty strong evidence the guy is a predator and possibly a pedophile as well, he had to go. It's hard to dissociate the person and the creative, but I really enjoyed the show.

I know it's equally Dan Harmon's baby as much as Justin Roiland's, but I don't know how this remains the same show w/o his voices.

While I agree the show won't be the same without Roiland's, it is dubbed in many different languages all over the world. Some fans won't even notice the different voices.


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
I know it's equally Dan Harmon's baby as much as Justin Roiland's, but I don't know how this remains the same show w/o his voices.
Eh the show idea sure. Between both of them, they have 10 episodes to their name. More episodes were written by others than Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon. It's more the Rick and Morty's writer's room's baby at this point than either of the creators.