
Oct 27, 2017


Notable upcoming events

Battle of the Belts IX - Saturday January 13th

Revolution: Sting's Last Match - Sunday March 3rd


USA: Wednesdays 8/7c for Dynamite on TBS, Fridays 10/9c for Rampage on TNT, Saturdays 8/7c for Collision on TNT

International: Fite.tv with AEW+




You know what that means
Oct 25, 2017
It's Monday. You know what that means. ❤️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

Happy new year, friends! Top five things I'm looking forward to in 2024:

-The return of HAYTER TIME! 🚨

-The rise of the women's division

-Swerve Strickland: World Heavyweight Champion

-Tons of good-ass wrassling

-Internet wrassling fans stop being miserable sods and learn to just enjoy wrassling… please?

Love y'all! Hope everyone has a healthy and happy new year! 🫂


Oct 26, 2017
I've been on sabbatical for a few months, but I'm ready to jump back in. The PPV sounded like a drag for the most part, but AEW can rebound. MJF had a great run even though it apparently ended on a whimper. I did watch the match with Joe and liked it. MJF is a generational talent, hopefully the company can pivot while he heals up.


Oct 25, 2017
I've been on sabbatical for a few months, but I'm ready to jump back in. The PPV sounded like a drag for the most part, but AEW can rebound. MJF had a great run even though it apparently ended on a whimper. I did watch the match with Joe and liked it. MJF is a generational talent, hopefully the company can pivot while he heals up.
Opening match rocked
The middle was okay
The last 3 matches rocked.

I didn't think it was as bad as everyone said but compared to some AEW PPV it didn't hit the mark.


Nov 3, 2017
New thread...

Have fun & please respect each other even if their views don't agree with yours.


Oct 27, 2017
PPV was probably the worst one they've ever done, but the last 3 matches were all really good to great. Everything else can be skipped.


You know what that means
Oct 25, 2017
PPV was probably the worst one they've ever done, but the last 3 matches were all really good to great. Everything else can be skipped.

I really enjoyed the C2 8 man tag, Toni/Riho, and Willow/Stat. I'd say they're all worth watching.

Bless Christian and Egg for injecting some amazing energy into the show when it was needed. Also Nigel for crushing it on commentary. He was missed for the matches he didn't call.
Nov 5, 2017
Did Nigel call him Brittle Bryan Danielson and/or clam digger at all during the PPV? Nigel's commentary isn't top tier unless we hear that at some point.


Oct 26, 2017
It's definitely near the bottom of the list of AEW PPVs, but the AEW standard is still very high.
I think this is why some folks are saying it was bad. How many nothingburger wwe ppvs have there been over the last 20 years? AEW puts out banger after banger so when one is "meh" it sticks out more.

For me it was still well worth the price. eddie / mox. MJF / joe. cope / christian. swerve / dustin was good too! and it was pre show but i really like stat and willow as well.

I also think the jericho stink brought the vibe down too.


Nov 1, 2017
Happy New Year, everybody.

2024 AEW wish list:
-Women's C2
-Sports-based booking (maybe the return of rankings in some capacity)
-A healthy Jamie Hayter
-A healthy Kenny Omega
-A healthy Keith Lee
-Bryan Danielson as champion
-Sw3rve as champion
-Bryan vs. Nigel
-Daniel Garcia, professional wrestler
-Takeshita push
-Hobbs push
-Ospreay singles matches on every PPV
-Athena as a main player by the end of the year
-AEW gets a big raise on their TV contract and gets a streaming deal


Oct 29, 2017
I'm moving to Asheville in February. Looks like I need to make a little road trip to Greensboro


Oct 27, 2017
I really enjoyed the C2 8 man tag, Toni/Riho, and Willow/Stat. I'd say they're all worth watching.

Bless Christian and Egg for injecting some amazing energy into the show when it was needed. Also Nigel for crushing it on commentary. He was missed for the matches he didn't call.

C2 8 man tag was good, but don't think it really added much to the show. Willow/Stat's ending really hurt the match for me and Toni/Riho was ok, but it didn't quite meet the expectations I had for it. All fine matches, but I wouldn't call any of them must watch.

As others have mentioned AEW ppvs are usually great so it does feel off when they don't get there. Now to build to Stings final PPV/match 😭.


Oct 25, 2017
Joe as champ is simply a great move that will help stabilise things until you get the title on Swerve in a few months. Highly respected badass vet who will put on some great matches/feuds, doesn't need a super long reign to be effective and whoever beats him for the title will get a good rub in the process. That person should be Swerve, who they should not wait too long to strike on. Revolution or not much past that. He's your next main event star and exactly more of what you need to create, new stars.

And that's what I'm looking forward to in 2024, the elevation of a new grouping of performers to further add-on to what they've already done with the likes of Julia, Hook, and the Acclaimed. You have all this amazing talent sitting back there, don't squander them.

At the very least it seems like this will be a big year for Daniel Garcia and I can see him getting into the mix for a title soon enough. Have him go after OC or something. I have similarly high hopes for the same with everyone in the Callis family as they all deserve better than what they've been stuck with. Same with Ricky/Big Bill and way too many talented Women that have gone underpushed for too long. A Women's tag belt would really help imo.

But I'm excited for what's to come in 2024 regardless. They have a pretty good set of champs, a few months of free runway to build on new stories/programs and hopefully a renewed focus on going back to their strengths as a promotion.

And I'm guessing maybe Mercedes is Mariah's opponent and they'll put on a banger??

Ryo Hazuki

Oct 25, 2017
Looking forward to Dynamite. Should be a good refresh of new storylines and a new world champ leading the charge. Should be interesting to see what they do and hopefully they can start spotlighting stars like Swerve and Garcia right away.


Oct 25, 2017
As nice as a surprise it would be to bring in Mercedes without announcing it, I actually think they should announce it.

Basically get some extra viewers and set something concrete up and a good basis for where the women's division is going this year.


Aug 15, 2021
Nice idea Rivenblade

My 2024 Wishlist is very similar, I'd just add to it a wish for a healthy Pac, Fenix and KOR, and Wembley matches for Hayter and Pac.
May 22, 2023
Nice idea Rivenblade

My 2024 Wishlist is very similar, I'd just add to it a wish for a healthy Pac, Fenix and KOR, and Wembley matches for Hayter and Pac.

Close to mine. Healthy Kenny , Pac, Fenix and an end to visa issues.
Many Osprey dream matches including Osprey v Swerve tearing down Wembley. And Hayter getting her iconic Wembley champion moment.
Don going away or at least get Osprey and his people away from him and also Take.


Oct 26, 2017
2024 wishlist:

The Bucks make a big return and save the tag division from shambles
The Dark Order go after The Budge Gang and bring Wardlow to their side.
Mercedes Mone gets paid 5mil a year to wrestle Skye Blue
The trios division is dissolved when Billy Gunn is done with The Acclaimed
Action Andretti switches to Wooooo! Energy for his hydration bit and vomits in the ring right after.
Wooooo! Energy ads are no longer at the entrance.
Britt and Hayter become the first women's tag team champions.
People who make polls here recognize that believers were always right.


Oct 28, 2017
I just don't understand why they wouldn't have debuted her at Worlds End instead if thats true. Bigger crowd, bigger pop, bigger moment. I don't think it would have overshadowed the main event story that much either. But oh well.


Oct 25, 2017
I just don't understand why they wouldn't have debuted her at Worlds End instead if thats true. Bigger crowd, bigger pop, bigger moment. I don't think it would have overshadowed the main event story that much either. But oh well.
Maybe the deal wasnt finished yet at the time considering we only got "deal with WWE collapsed" two days before lol


Nov 1, 2017
My post from the old thread:

Not saying a word about Mariah May's opponent on Wednesday is making my mind reel a bit. You don't think…? Could it be…? I mean…no way, right?

Oh NO wAy RiVeN!! ImPoSsIbLe YoU dUmB mArK! HRRRRRRG.

Wednesday. 48 hours. See you there.

Btw, Mariah May loses absolutely nothing by losing to Mercedes Mone in a 15-20 minute TV banger.
Last edited:


Mar 10, 2019
It is both possible and exciting that a big star defeats Mariah, which makes Toni nervous.


Oct 25, 2017
I do suspect that we won't simply get Mone do a surprise entrance. At the very least I think they will do a Punk and make it abundantly clear that she is going to debut so they can get extra people viewing.


May 3, 2021
My 2024 wishlist:

Swerve becomes world champ
Jamie Hayter and Mercedes Moné wrestle each other at All In
Kenny gets healthy and makes a comeback
They finally start doing something meaningful with Takeshita
Trios titles get deleted
The tag division becomes amazing again
Malakai gets a big singles push
Danielson holds at least one title before cutting back as a full time wrestler


Oct 25, 2017
My 2024 wishlist:

Malakai gets a big singles push
It's really weird how he doesn't already. He denies that he refuses to job and even denied earlier that he was suffering back issues that prevented him from wrestling.

Apparently Tony just doesn't see him as a singles guy and instead uses him in a tag.