
Oct 26, 2017
Warner not renewing Scavengers Reign.

They are not paying extra for RoH.

Unless they do, but that was a great show.


Oct 26, 2017
Damn. This is how I find out there's not gonna be more Scavengers Reign? In a wrassling thread like some smelly mark?
Netflix could pick it up. And RoH.

probably not RoH. But Scavengers s1 is going to Netflix and not being taken down by max yet.

Beginning on May 31, Season 1 of the animated sci-fi drama will begin streaming on Netflix. The Netflix deal is non-exclusive, meaning the episodes will remain available on Max. Sources tell Variety that Netflix is considering picking up "Scavengers Reign" for a second season, but a decision won't be made until after Season 1's debut on the streamer.


May 26, 2022
The Best Friends were my original favourite tag team when AEW got going. Its a pity they never got a title run, but they had a hell of a lot of memorable matches.

If its true, its a bummer I wont get to hear their amazing intro music anymore...but that was a rarity already since teaming with OC.

Trent? is a heck of a singles competitor, but I just cant see him ever getting a chance with a title on his own. Dont really know what they are gonna do with him at this point tbh, once this feud with OC is over I just dont know what his motivations would be.


Mar 10, 2019
The Best Friends were my original favourite tag team when AEW got going. Its a pity they never got a title run, but they had a hell of a lot of memorable matches.

If its true, its a bummer I wont get to hear their amazing intro music anymore...but that was a rarity already since teaming with OC.

Trent? is a heck of a singles competitor, but I just cant see him ever getting a chance with a title on his own. Dont really know what they are gonna do with him at this point tbh, once this feud with OC is over I just dont know what his motivations would be.
The Friend Hunter, he seeks and destroys anyone who has a friend (and then loses to the tall guy from The Good Brothers)

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
Best Friends died without getting the tag titles like they deserved in the early days of AEW and instead we had to suffer through lame SCU (aside from Kaz).

And why is TK still employing Scorpio Sky? Is he on RoH or something? Feels like we haven't seen him on TV in well over a year.


One Winged Slayer - Shinra Employee
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
hope trent is a made dude in AEW forever. OG through and through

And why is TK still employing Scorpio Sky? Is he on RoH or something? Feels like we haven't seen him on TV in well over a year.

i have no idea if Ethan Page's departure spells good or bad for Sky, but either way it's hard not to think if there's a next round of departures, he's on it


Mar 30, 2024
I think if Mercedes loses her first match you either have to push her full mega heel or have it happen due to such interference that it changes the programme totally. She can't appear for so long, be pushed as such a star, lose momentum like this and then actually lose.

I think the play is probably having her win by heeling, showing she can't beat Willow fair and square. Mercedes v Saraya in Wembley is a good shout, I actually thought the four way last year was one of Saraya's best matches in AEW and she can play that type of crowd very welll without having to do anything wild.


Mar 30, 2024
Listening to Kenny chill on a stream is the best Kenny. He's just a genuinely likeable person.

He's cutting a better promo on Will right now than he's ever done on TV just because his vibe suits this better than it does whatever you define AEW TV promos as. I wish they got someone who could produce the best parts of Kenny properly, he's a true attraction wrestler in same way someone like Taker, Brock or Sting were in the past.

Also if Kenny actually does a watch-along of a match I would be so into it.
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Mar 30, 2024
So did Kenny have the surgery yet or was he just filming that promo on Dynamite pretending to have had it

He was intimating tonight might be his last workout pre-surgery so I assume it's happening pretty soon.

Still hoping my guy wrestles at Wembley against Okada because my fuck if two guys deserve that stage it's those two but we'll see. I'm hopeful that the fact they did the angle over the last couple of weeks means they think Kenny might be ready to go by late August.
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Oct 27, 2017
you should track down OC's (likeliest) finest match, and one of AEW's oldest breakout matches: revolution, 2020.

the setup: OC vs PAC. one is angry. the other is not very angry.

what results is probably one of the finest comedy matches in wrestling, deadass; There's a point where you can visibly see both wrestlers are having super fun. This clip alone highlights some crazy fun energy.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Td47Xp3q_ho

Definitely my favourite OC match but quite possibly my favourite AEW match overall. They Superman punch was just perfect and none of the ones he's done since look anywhere near as good.


Aug 15, 2021
I still love that shot from All In, of the Best Friends walking up the entranceway after their win. The complete happiness that's plain on Chuck's face. One of the most unlikely goofy wrestlers from the indies made it.


You know what that means
Oct 25, 2017
It's Saturday. You know what that means. 💛🧡🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


Jan 9, 2024
I love AEW and can't wait for Double or Nothing…

…but holy shit, that Mariah May vs Harley Cameron match was god awful. And it ends with dancing and queerbaiting? What even is this women's division right now? Serena Deeb is a charisma black hole who stops every five seconds for crowd approval, Toni barely does any wrestling moves anymore, and Saraya is retired I guess? Like where am I supposed to care? And for who? Deonna Purazzo?

You've got legit wrestling stars like Willow, Kris, Skye Blue, Athena, Billie, Aminata, Abadon etc. and they're all relegated to the TBS belt or ROH. I just don't understand it.
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Oct 28, 2017
I actually feel pretty bad for Serena Deeb. Great in the ring, had some medical issues that kept her out, comes back....but is not great at the promos which was then exacerbated by massive technical issues and then a shitty crowd in Edmonton.

I always encourage people to look at wrestling over the course of months to really see how things are going or how they went, but unless there's a turnaround soon, I imagine this has damaged her pretty badly in terms of being near the top of the card after this program is over.

Kenny agrees with me about the scale, yay.


Jan 9, 2024
I'm not that bothered by Serena but it's just everything around Women's World belt in general. Because I know how brilliant AEW can be.

So much reverence is placed on the Men's World belt (and rightly so with Swerve) with weekly promos, sit down interviews, months-long feuds and epic video packages.

But the Women's World belt is just an afterthought that happens to be on the waist of a comedy gimmick.

Get your shit together Tony. These women deserve better.


Oct 30, 2017
The problem with the women's belt is the lack of giving Toni heel opponents to face when she's essentially a face-leaning tweener so any face is getting cut down and the spinning of the wheels for either Hayter to take the belt from her or Mariah May program.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
I think the women's division is better than ever. They're actually giving storylines and feuds to the women outside of the title holders, and now they're including the Stardom ladies. The only other thing they could do in my opinion to make it even better is finally bring Athena up from RoH, and it's got a ton of potential to cook once Britt and Jamie come back.
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Jan 9, 2024
Maybe I wasn't clear enough.

Willow and Kris are charismatic stars and incredible wrestlers.

Aminata's snap suplex last week is one of the best I've ever seen.

Skye Blue is great on the mic and has a brilliant finisher.

Billie Starkz is so fast and smooth in the ring and her character is great.

Abadon is brutal in the ring and they had one of the most revolutionary wrestling interviews with RJ City recently.

But none of these GOLDMINES are anywhere near the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP belt. Instead, commentators are saying stuff like "Serena Deeb and Deonna Purazzo are technical masters". Where? I've just spent months and months watching their matches and never seen anything to suggest that. I'm falling asleep watching them.

I don't think I'm crazy here. I know it's all good times and fun but I just want the main event scene of championship women's matches to be legit great like the rest of the women in AEW.


One Winged Slayer - Shinra Employee
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
But the Women's World belt is just an afterthought that happens to be on the waist of a comedy gimmick.

so here's my thoughts

the women's belt is the strongest it's ever been.

at the expense of it's in-ring wrestling.

this is a shame because i do think it lines up with toni storm's strongest storytelling, but it really can't be understated the in-ring has dropped off a cliff. it's only been recently we've got a bit of shine back to her in-ring stuff

now, mariah may and shirakawa's tangent probably leading into forbidden door is actually pretty good on paper but we straddle a new problem in that it ended up going into weird territory that you can absolutely argue is playing up to a certain crowd. thing is though, it was already playing off of stuff in stardom. it's really unfortunate imo that it fell into place this way.

but if this leads to actual stardom crap in forbidden door, OK. toni's getting her accolades, OK. i am accepting this shit aint 100% for me, but i still think overall it's extremely strong. your reasons for feeling completely off about the main event scene is completely valid.
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Sir Charles

Oct 25, 2017
San Diego, CA
Maybe I wasn't clear enough.

Willow and Kris are charismatic stars and incredible wrestlers.

Aminata's snap suplex last week is one of the best I've ever seen.

Skye Blue is great on the mic and has a brilliant finisher.

Billie Starkz is so fast and smooth in the ring and her character is great.

Abadon is brutal in the ring and they had one of the most revolutionary wrestling interviews with RJ City recently.

But none of these GOLDMINES are anywhere near the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP belt. Instead, commentators are saying stuff like "Serena Deeb and Deonna Purazzo are technical masters". Where? I've just spent months and months watching their matches and never seen anything to suggest that. I'm falling asleep watching them.

I don't think I'm crazy here. I know it's all good times and fun but I just want the main event scene of championship women's matches to be legit great like the rest of the women in AEW.
Willow is currently locked in a program with the "biggest women's signing" in AEW history.

Kris got pulled from a TBS title run because of her lack of charisma/mic skills. She's amazing in-ring but is currently being rehabilitated by her alliance with Stokely.

Aminata is a key piece for the future, but needs reps.

Skye Blue has great charisma (as a heel), is a great worker and has a great finisher (when her opponent knows how to take it). She's a key building piece for the future as well but still has to get some polish before being World Champ material.

Billie Starkz is a prodigy. She's going to have that belt in the not-too-distant future. For now getting reps and learning from Athena in ROH is a solid plan.

Abadon is fine. I enjoyed their RJ City appearance but in-ring they are average for AEW standards.

Serena Deeb and Deonna are grappling/submission specialists and are excellent at what they do. While I would argue neither of them has really had a great opportunity recently to showcase their craft and both have struggles at times getting their character across (mostly Serena in this respect though), they both have enough experience/pedigree/craft to be contending for the World strap and put over the champ to retain. Maybe you just don't prefer their style of wrestling?

Meanwhile the true main event storyline has been a masterpiece. Toni has developed the Timeless character from a mental break after she last lost the title and brought it from a losing character to a champion. She's over massively and while her in-ring has been hit and miss based on her opponent, her last PPV match against Thunder Rosa was excellent. Mariah is the true best women's signing this year, has retained the stiffness of her time in joshi and is great on the mic and getting her character across in-ring. Mina Shirakawa's presence has been an added bonus-- they worked together incredibly closely in Stardom and Mariah credited Mina with a lot of her success. Not only that, but the "queer-baiting" that you alluded to is an extension of their character work in Stardom, which was predicated on stereotypes of sorority party-girl behavior. They didn't change anything to hit a different audience in AEW. It's obvious that they're setting up a Mariah vs Toni feud in the future, probably after Mariah costs Toni the title. Toni relishes facing off against stiff workers, and between their ability to get their point across on mic and slap the shit out of their opponents in-ring, it will be a top feud.

In short, I've been a huge critic of the treatment of the women's division in AEW for years, but they have never been showcased and as full of talent at all levels as they are right now. In 12 months the upper card will likely consist of Toni, Mariah, Thunder Rosa, Mercedes (sans ring rust), Willow, Athena (hopefully), Britt and Hayter. The present and future are bright!


Oct 27, 2017
Going to my first ever televised show tonight and I'm so pumped. Get to see my GOAT Danielson perform, on top of a really good looking card? Yes please.


Mar 30, 2024
Toni is great but her gimmick got turned up to 11 way too fast. I'd never have had Renee and RJ play along with it on screen. At this stage pretty much anyone who isn't Mariah May or Jamie Hayter isn't even believable as possibly beating her.


Oct 26, 2017
Serena Deeb had that solid escape artist promo video before her recent return and then the same old AEW booking of occasional wins before a title shot. Too infrequent, no real angle, not much of anything. Even the "best technical wrestler" bit was already tossed around for Deonna vs Toni, which I expected Serena to get involved with but did not.

Here is who Serena has faced since her return in January:

Robyn Renegade - Collision
Queen Aminata - Collision
Lady Frost - Collision
Trish Adora - Rampage
Mariah May - Dynamite - after a month of not wrestling, because now it's ppv time.


Nov 1, 2017
Serena Deeb had that solid escape artist promo video before her recent return and then the same old AEW booking of occasional wins before a title shot. Too infrequent, no real angle, not much of anything. Even the "best technical wrestler" bit was already tossed around for Deonna vs Toni, which I expected Serena to get involved with but did not.

Here is who Serena has faced since her return in January:

Robyn Renegade - Collision
Queen Aminata - Collision
Lady Frost - Collision
Trish Adora - Rampage
Mariah May - Dynamite - after a month of not wrestling, because now it's ppv time.

Think she was supposed to wrestle Yuka in there too, but she (Yuka) got injured.