
Oct 25, 2017
"This proportionate military response was conducted together with diplomatic measures, including consultation with coalition partners,"

1 civilian, and 1 american troop = 22 of your folks. I'd hate to be on the end of that math.

In America, if you're a person of colour (which you are), I'm pretty sure you're pretty close to that math.


Oct 29, 2017
I am so tired of having to settle for the lesser of two evils, which is still clearly evil.


Sep 12, 2018
This motherfucker is afraid to buck the senate parliamentarian to increase the minimum wage but goes ahead and commits acts of war without approval from congress. Human scum.


Oct 27, 2017
Houston, TX
Fuck this country and everything it stands for. Homeless dying in the streets, more people losing their jobs and ability to provide for themselves and dems couldn't give a fuck.


Dec 11, 2020
Don't really see the problem with this as well, but I'm not from the region. No civilian casualties, militias were a bunch of psychopaths. Good riddance.

So exactly what do you know about these militias to get to that conclusion? Or is it that any brown person who fights US occupation = psychopath terrorist?


Oct 25, 2017
Gottta love it when you bomb and destablize a country, then refuse to help out it's citizens, then refuse asylum on the grounds of fear mongering xenophobia meanwhile your own country is dealing with so many systemic problems.


Oct 29, 2017
And in other headlines...

Biden Won't Penalize Saudi Crown Prince Over Khashoggi's Killing, Fearing Relations Breach


Truly the return to normal we've all been awaiting

I mean this is really the Chef's Kiss on all the posts attacking people for supporting Assad and not caring about human rights.

One dictator kills an American resident journalist? Shrug.

Someone kills an American contractor? Dozens of people gotta turn into glass


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
This seems to be where that "Biden is still going to be pretty grotesque, but not Trump-levels of grotesque" thing comes in, but that shit is not an excuse.

This shit is, and always will be, fucking vile. Biden being the "preferred option" doesn't make this any less disgusting and inhumane.


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah, I happen to be a progressive voter as well. The DNC needs to learn to stop forcing center-right or neoliberal politicians on us.
It didn't happen during a pandemic and collapsed economy against a fascist hate machine. I don't see it happening any time soon. I've seen the story too many times. But I am an admitted defeatist who has given up on the state of things.


Dec 11, 2020
Folks expected something else?

Nah, the empire isn't going to simply give up its conquered territory. Even the wise philosopher emperor Marcus Aurelius waged imperial war to subjugate tribes and expand his empire, so anyone who was expecting Biden to do anything different that might weaken US hegemony was deluded.

Well that sure was choice of word after what he ordered done and let Saudi's off the hook for murder.

Pot calling kettle. The USA can violate sovereignty, invade and occupy without even a mandate from its own congress let alone a UN mandate, essentially acting with impunity.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm curious about what authorities were used here. If they're tying this back to the still-extant and twisted beyond belief AUMF, that needed to be repealed years ago.

Absent well-understood exigent circumstances, there should be no offensive military action taken without Congressional approval -- full stop.

That said, I'm not going to shed tears for Iranian-backed militia members. But please, get out of Syria like we're supposedly getting out of Yemen. A state should not use force unless it's part of a broader plan, such as getting Iran to the negotiating table for peace accords. The question is, "what's next?"


Nov 25, 2017
Los Angeles
Cool cool now entering the "not all" phase

Yuuupp. I think we allow generalization of certain groups to happen because their involvement in an organization insinuates culpability in their actions. - cops, Rs, etc. Me sleeping in my apartment in LA does not make me a bloodthirsty savage because my leaders are warmongers.

You can generalize Americans if you want. I'm just saying you're very wrong.


Nov 1, 2017
I have posted Biden's notorious "Nothing will fundamentally change" line many times but people just can't accept that perfectly encapsulated who he is.

And forget all the bombings he was part of with the Obama admin as well, and his support for wars in the past. Folks had this crazy liberal dream about Biden


Dec 12, 2017
So exactly what do you know about these militias to get to that conclusion? Or is it that any brown person who fights US occupation = psychopath terrorist?

On 30 May, at least 12 men and four boys from the Jumaila tribe were extrajudicially executed. The victims had fled fighting in Sijir together with their families on 24 May and were temporarily sheltering with relatives in a rural area nearby. According to survivors, 49 after having fled fighting in their areas and having handed themselves over to a mixed force of armed men in different military and Federal Police uniforms, the armed men separated the men and older boys from the women and younger children, told them to line up and march forward, before shooting them dead.

At least 73 other men and boys from the Jumaila tribe seized from the area of Sijir on 27 May remain unaccounted for. Witnesses reported to Amnesty International during the organization's visit to camps in Anbar in August that the disappearance took place after a large group of Sijir residents handed themselves over to an armed force composed of men in military uniform, as forces were advancing on territories previously held by IS and residents were fleeing fighting, whom they assumed to belong to the PMU based on uniform insignia and coloured flags they were carrying. Some witnesses claimed to recognize the Kata'ib Hizbullah insignia.

PMU militias abducted, tortured and killed men and boys from the Mahamda tribe from Saqlawiya during operations to retake Falluja. 50 On 3 June, thousands of IDPs fleeing from Albu Akash in Saqlawiya were intercepted by a large force of the PMU, who took away some 1,300 men and older boys. Three days later, on 6 June, local Anbar officials told Amnesty International that they were handed over 605 of the abducted males bearing marks of torture. About a dozen survivors told Amnesty International that they had been held by PMU militias at what appeared to be an abandoned farm house, beaten with various objects including shovels and denied food and water. Former detainees told Amnesty International that they witnessed others being beaten to death or taken away by militiamen never to return.51

According to findings published on 11 June by an investigative committee established by the Governor of Anbar to look into abuses in Saqlawiya and al-Sijir, 49 people were killed; and an additional 643 remain missing amid fears for their lives and safety. 52 Former detainees interviewed by Amnesty International identified members of the Kata'ib Hizbullah – based on emblems on their uniforms and coloured flags - as among those responsible for the torture and killing of men from Saqlawiya.

That's just from one region.


Dec 12, 2017
These strikes took place in Syria btw.
While Obama has got you there, Bernie Sanders might have gotten you there as well after Assad's repeated use of chemical weapons and in face of ISIS festering there.




Oct 29, 2017
These strikes took place in Syria btw.
While Obama has got you there, Bernie Sanders might have gotten you there as well after Assad's repeated use of chemical weapons.


Did this action satisfy any of Sanders questions though?

I've no doubt Sanders would have committed war crimes as President but that quote you've clipped suggests he wouldn't have done this strike.


Oct 25, 2017
Well that topic about how the new administration hasn't bombed anybody aged well.
Yeah, it's actually kind of adorable that people seemed to think that laughing a joke candidate off to the point that he got to run the country for four years wouldn't somehow erode any semblance of quality from the major players in the next race. Oh, did I say 'adorable'? I actually meant 'disturbing'. I mean, yeah, Trump was terrible, but the excitement surrounding Biden's victory more or less confirmed my fears that people wouldn't learn the right lessons from Trump being in office. People are once again complacent, and mediocrity and even the occasional horrible act are applauded because they weren't done by "that guy" or whatever.


Dec 12, 2017
Did this action satisfy any of Sanders questions though?

I've no doubt Sanders would have committed war crimes as President but that quote you've clipped suggests he wouldn't have done this strike.
I don't argue that he would have called this particular strike. I'm just saying that he's not categorically against military interventions. So had he been in office instead of Obama, America may still have ended up in Syria. Assad's repeated use of chemical weapons meets Sanders' criteria for a military intervention, doesn't it?


Oct 29, 2017
I don't argue that he would have called this particular strike. I'm just saying that he's not categorically against military interventions. So had he been in office instead of Obama, America may still have ended up in Syria. Assad's repeated use of chemical weapons meets Sanders' criteria for a military intervention, doesn't it?

I don't get this game though. If Sanders was in office instead of Bush, America would not have ended up in Iraq and the Syrian civil war likely would never have happened as we know it.

The point is to judge America's actions at present, and at present America seems to have leapt back into senseless revenge killings with no clear strategic aim under Biden.


Oct 25, 2017
These strikes took place in Syria btw.
While Obama has got you there, Bernie Sanders might have gotten you there as well after Assad's repeated use of chemical weapons and in face of ISIS festering there.


If Bernie would have done what Biden did here, there would be no shortage of people saying fuck Bernie Sanders. I'm not sure what the point is here.


Oct 29, 2017
If Bernie would have done what Biden did here, there would be no shortage of people saying fuck Bernie Sanders. I'm not sure what the point is here.

Yeah Bernie doesn't have a perfect record on foreign policy either he opposed the Iraq War but he voted for the AUMF, I don't think many people have any illusions he'd be beyond reproach.
Oct 27, 2017
Color me surprised!

So he's putting kids in cages, deporting thousands of people and bombing Siria, but at least he's competent.

I hope the US gets a true progressive president one day.