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Nov 1, 2017
Are there seriously still people who doubt MJF's in-ring abilities? Because they should be ignored at this point. I don't think we have anyone in this community like that, or we definitely shouldn't after last night.


Oct 25, 2017
Don't know anything about Jay Lethal but impressions I'm reading here point to a Fish-esque discourse surrounding him in the future, which is unfortunate. Funny story about that… I woke up this morning and watched the pre-show (good match, thought Nyla and Jamie was going to win when I saw Deeb at ringside), then needed to do some errands before watching the main show. Just as I was leaving my place the first thing I heard was Tony bellowing out "JAY LETHAL!" from a neighbour's place across the hall… so much for avoiding spoilers, but good to know that the fan base is spreading!

My favorite part of this story is that you live in a neighborhood of AEW fans.
My feelings are the tnt title is where people they want to reward that aren't in the planned line of succession get their runs.

I love Eddie but I think Tony has his next 2-3 title runs planned already.

MJF seems poised to come after hangman in the next year. The other 3 pillars have all lost to mjf. That is setting something up.

If Tony was going to work someone in I think it'll be Danielson or punk (or someone from NJPW).

I want Eddie to take the tnt title off of Sammy. His run has sucked with it due to stupid ATT/IC feud

Good points!

I know a lot of people assume MJF gets the run next but I disagree. He's got plenty of time and he hasn't been TNT champ yet. Also Danielson and maybe Punk definitely need a run before they retire. (Danielson has confirmed this is the last wrestling contract he will sign.)

But hey, who knows. Anything can happen.


Feb 10, 2021
Are there seriously still people who doubt MJF's in-ring abilities? Because they should be ignored at this point. I don't think we have anyone in this community like that, or we definitely shouldn't after last night.

I've been an advocate of his in-ring since that incredible Jungle Boy match.

People must have short memories to have forgotten that 4.5 star doozy.


Comics Enabler & Freelance Games Journalist
Oct 25, 2017
Part of the issue with MJF is that they're saving his biggest matches. His best matches have been with Jungle Boy, Sammy Guevara, and now Darby. All of which were great. But they weren't main events against Kenny Omega, Pac, Fenix. He hasn't had the TNT belt, which would have given him the chance to flex against a bunch of singles opponents. I think we all know MJF is really good, particularly against great opponents. Can he do a PPV main event and deliver a five-star match without involving a screwy finish? That's a question that still has to be answered. But this Darby match was definitely a step in the right direction.

Also, I'll add, it's particularly unfortunate that MJF's best matches have stemmed from his shortest stories. Almsot all of his longterm storytelling stuff has resulted in disappointing matches -- Cody and Jericho, in particular.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
After some more thinking I think if it wasn't for the emotional investment in the title match, the MJF/Darby match would have been my favourite of the night.

Was watching fitefull and someone made a great point in that it's good that mjf doesn't have lots of matches not only because it helps slow his approach to the title but also because there is a good chance he would win the fans over in his matches themselves.


Nov 3, 2017
Love MJF, he's my favorite AEW guy atm. I love heels, he can promo, he can wrestle. Checks all my boxes. Andrade and Black are tied at 2.

After some more thinking I think if it wasn't for the emotional investment in the title match, the MJF/Darby match would have been my favourite of the night.

Was watching fitefull and someone made a great point in that it's good that mjf doesn't have lots of matches not only because it helps slow his approach to the title but also because there is a good chance he would win the fans over in his matches themselves.
Was the crowd chanting for him last night? Always hard for me figure out what the crowds are saying. I know they were saying "Let's go Darby", were they saying "let's go MJF" after that or something to boo MJF? Seemed like they were split on the match.


Oct 25, 2017
Love MJF, he's my favorite AEW guy atm. I love heels, he can promo, he can wrestle. Checks all my boxes. Andrade and Black are tied at 2.

Was the crowd chanting for him last night? Always hard for me figure out what the crowds are saying. I know they were saying "Let's go Darby", were they saying "let's go MJF" after that or something to boo MJF? Seemed like they were split on the match.
"Let's go Darby" "M. J. F." Pretty split, yeah.

It's also possible my memory sucks or my eyes glaze over those posts due to their objective wrongness.
We had a convo while you were late reacting to Rampage just the other day about MJF's in character follies and that leading to a poster just out right hating him not even giving a second thought to his in ring ability. A little surprised you didn't see this?


Oct 25, 2017
Was the crowd chanting for him last night? Always hard for me figure out what the crowds are saying. I know they were saying "Let's go Darby", were they saying "let's go MJF" after that or something to boo MJF? Seemed like they were split on the match.
I'm not sure if they did in that match, I think they were solidly behind Darby but I maybe wrong on that. Of course there were multiple examples on the ppv of fans cheering both people regardless of heel/face status.


Nov 1, 2017
"Let's go Darby" "M. J. F." Pretty split, yeah.

We had a convo while you were late reacting to Rampage just the other day about MJF's in character follies and that leading to a poster just out right hating him not even giving a second thought to his in ring ability. A little surprised you didn't see this?

It's possible. I've seen the character argument multiple times on here, and I get people not liking him because of it. He does go for super cheap and tasteless stuff a bit too often when he clearly doesn't have to.

Wish he'd stick to the good stuff he does have in his chamber like comparing himself and Darby to Jordan and Pippen, "It's okay to be #2" condescending heel stuff.


Oct 25, 2017
We had a convo while you were late reacting to Rampage just the other day about MJF's in character follies and that leading to a poster just out right hating him not even giving a second thought to his in ring ability. A little surprised you didn't see this?

Was it me? Lol.

I still hate MJF but I'm not too proud to admit his match was MOTN.


Oct 29, 2017
Dave has every match but one rated north of 4 stars.

I assume it's the ATT match he has rated lower.

I only disagree in that the Cody/andrade/pac/black match while technically amazing told no story at all.

Also seems that Dax is injured and we were supposed to get a dusty finish that didn't happen.


Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
I'm really curious how TK will book Hangman vs. Danielson. My bet is another timelimit draw.
Title matches are 60 minute time limits so I don't know about that.

I think Meltzer said the idea for the first Battle of the Belts is going to be similar to the first Clash of the Champions. Probably with Danielson being Flair and Hangman being Sting. Which is weird because Hangman is already the champion.


Nov 1, 2017
Personal match ratings

Darby vs. MJF: 4.5/5
Lucha Bros vs. FTR: 4.25/5
Bryan vs. Miro: 4.25/5
JE/Cage vs. Superkliq: 4/5
Cody/PAC vs. Andrade/Black: 3/5
Britt vs. Tay: 2.5/5
Punk vs. Eddie: 4.25/5
ATT vs. IC: 2.75/5
Hangman vs. Kenny: 4.75/5

An incredible batting average for this show. As someone who used to collect ROH DVDs after reading show reviews and match ratings, you just don't get this level of show on a regular basis.


Official ERA expert on Third Party Football
Nov 2, 2017
Regarding the Lio/Dante vs. Moriarty/Sydal match on Dynamite last week:

I was there live, and afterwards during commercial, Tony Khan came out and raised their hands on the ramp, so this match got the TK seal of approval.

Normanski 2.0

Nov 21, 2017
Just had a thought regarding the #pick'em

wouldn't the Bucks count as a face turn with Page, even if it turns out to be for just a moment?


One Winged Slayer - Shinra Employee
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
After a good night's sleep, I've odd thoughts about this PPV in the end. Dividing them up:

Darby v MJF- 5
JE v SK- 5
Hangman v Kenny- 5
Punk v Eddie- 5

Bryan v Miro- 4

LB v FTR- 3.5
Britt v Tay- 3

Cody/PAC v Andrade/Black - no stars lol, and I was very hyped for this one. It was just a weirdddddd match all around, even if the end result was still pretty watchable.
ATT v IC- DQd bc I recognize it as fun, but it did nothing for me story-wise. I'm burnt out on where IC is, as well as this feud. Junior having Bad Bunny levels of fun though, nice to see

I work on a pretty binary scale, I guess. big highs, really funky lows.

Kenny needs to goddamn rest, man. Wrestlin' w/ vertigo? christ.


Oct 25, 2017
Did anyone have audio issues with the media scrum? I had to turn up my volume to hear what everyone was saying.
And then I forgot to lower my volume for the next video...


Oct 25, 2017
Just caught up with this whole week's programming.
Punk owes me a beer which I spilled because of what he did.
Great PPV, love to see what's next for Elite :)


Aug 1, 2019
Think about where both Hangman and Dark Order were at the start of AEW. Hangman was the BC goon, and Dark Order was a dumb joke everyone hated immediately. Now look at how Full Gear ended. I have no faith in any company other than AEW to be able to pull that off.


Oct 25, 2017
Think about where both Hangman and Dark Order were at the start of AEW. Hangman was the BC goon, and Dark Order was a dumb joke everyone hated immediately. Now look at how Full Gear ended. I have no faith in any company other than AEW to be able to pull that off.

It wouldn't have happened without Brodie Lee. RIP.


You know what that means
Oct 25, 2017
Also seems that Dax is injured and we were supposed to get a dusty finish that didn't happen.

Damn, really? That sucks but it also explains a lot. Can't really complain if they needed to get Dax out of there.

…but I can complain about other stuff!

-These PPVs are too damn long. Cut it to 3 hours. I enjoyed everything on the card, but they could've easily moved stuff like IC vs ATT to 🧨.

-Speaking of IC vs ATT, it was too similar to JE vs SK and not nearly as good. And what was that booking at the start? Why were they observing tag rules just to let it all go out the window at one point? There was fun to be had but it was a mess. And kudos to JDS for trying and having some fun.

-All of Tay's offense got buried and I hate it. Whole match missed the mark pretty badly and it feels like a missed opportunity to do something really cool. Have Britt kick out of the DD-Tay and the Tay-KO. Then have Tay hit the cradle piledriver and win. Yes it's a bit of hot shot booking as the match got next to no build, but the crowd was dead because nobody expected Tay to win. You gotta have some legit surprises sometimes and that would've been a shocker — in a good way. Instant intrigue in the women's division. Tay's batting average is better than Britt's at this point so why not? (and I state that as someone who likes Britt) This also frees Britt up to make her presence felt around the TBS title. Instantly gives it credibility as something more than a secondary title.

-I loved the Eddie and Punk match. Buuuuuuut if I could change one thing about it it's the finish. And no, I wouldn't have Eddie win even though I obviously wanted that. Instead, don't have Punk end it with the GTS. Have him end it crushing Eddie's skull with those knees from the Muay Thai clinch over and over until Eddie collapses. It adds an awesome edge to Punk, adds to that heelish intrigue we've been seeing lately, and ties in his legit MMA credentials perfectly while erasing the fact that his time in the sport was… pretty embarrassing. You just don't see brutality like that in wrassling and the match deserved a finish like that. And it would add to Eddie's "Foley aura."
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