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Oct 27, 2017
I think the last half of PS2 and the last 30% of PS3 was pretty amazing.
All videogame companies do their most inspired work when they don't own the market or there is some serious competition.


Apr 24, 2018
Hardware-wise? I'm gonna have to give it to the PS3, just for BC. Being able to play the complete libraries of three different generations is just unmatched outside of, of all things, the GBA. I know the hardware was expensive and complicated, but in a way, full BC was the biggest "pure consumer demand" bone that Sony has ever thrown us.

Game-wise? PlayStation 2. Too many genre-defining games on that thing and a crazy level of selection and versatility, by having RTS and FPS games with keyboard and mouse support from an early point in the system's life, a massive number of fun and experimental titles scattered about, and some of the best RPGs of all time.


Oct 25, 2017
Vancouver BC
The PS2 was annoyingly mainstream and the PS4 ain't too far behind it.

The PS1 was huge too, but I think it did it off the back of better, more varied games.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
It's gotta be PS2.

Unless you wanted to play Mario, Zelda or Halo you were pretty much covered.

(Don't @ me with examples of GC/Xbox exclusives, this is an extremely broad statement)
Mar 17, 2018
Yea, pretty obvious statement.

The last line proves that PS2 was the best. How many games are remakes/remasters from previous gens? Don't get me wrong, I love them and I'm sucker for purchasing them again, but come on.

That's the problem with the current gen. A lot of old franchises, like Maximo, aren't considered "marketable", so publishers won't bother with them. Thankfully Indies to exist, otherwise, it would just be AAA stuff, which is still hit or miss.
That doesn't prove anything really. I play more ps1 games in retroarch because of 2d games. Ps2 had franchises but the games are dated. I'd say it was a super creative era but held back by tech. I don't feel it is better than now replaying those games tho. 2d rpgs you got me barely anything like them anymore.


Oct 25, 2017
Owned every PS and after this generation it could be the PS4.
First year was bad but it becomes better and better with every year.

Great single player AAA games by Sony, great support from japanese and western publishers, mostly every good indie title is coming to PS4.

And one very important point for me is PSVR.
A new medium with some 1st gen problems but I love it :D


Apr 29, 2018
Ps3 was the gen where I jumped onto console gaming properly. Before that was a pc+ps2 gamer. Missed out on a lot of ps2 games.

So I would go with 3. But 2 probably has fonder memories with jak and dexter and ratchet and clank. Have jumped only recently on ps1 titles with ps vita. 2 is slightly ahead of 1 cause of accesability. If I had full access to all ps2 games, it could've been ahead 3. By the end of ps3, was rather burnt out on safe predictable games though. Still Uncharted 2 for first time was an experience unlike any other.


Oct 27, 2017
Normally would have went with ps1 because of the wide array of games I enjoyed........ But I would have to say PS4 now, It's got the games, You can shareplay, And now the ultimate immersion in gaming.....VR.


Oct 27, 2017
1 and 2 is an hard choice.... I personally say PS1.
Jrpg heaven. Tekken 3, Ace Combat, Crash/Spyro, Metal Gear Solid, Winning Eleven, Ehinander, Alundra, Resident Evil series, Silent Hill, and so on...

PS2 was a great "sequel" though.

3 has some gems, but 4 is sure better.


Also on a personal viewpoint

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Oct 25, 2017
1 > 2 > 4 > 3

There was a lot of titles on the PS2 but most of them were shovelware. The PS1 felt like it had higher quality, more memorabale classic games.


Oct 27, 2017
Depends, in terms of impact on the industry undoubtedly the PS1. But what would I rather go back and play today? PS2. It was much more refined, the graphics still hold up too when rendered at a higher res through emulators.

3D games on the PS1, while groundbreaking at the time, just haven't aged that well in my opinion. I can go back to any of the 2D stuff on the PS1, but anything with 3D visuals just looks so dated.

So PS2 > PS1 > PS4 > PS3 for me.


Oct 28, 2017
Basel, Switzerland
PS1 for: MGS1 and VR, TEKKEN 3, Ace Combat 3 Electrosphere, Silent Hill, WipEout, GT2, Spyro, all the Crash (Bandicoot) and Destruction Derby Games

PS2 for: MGS2 & 3 + all the special versions, Tekken Tag Tournament, Silent Hill 2 & 3, SOCOM 1 - 3, GT3, DBZ Budokai & Tenkaichi Games and Destruction Derby Arenas

PS3 for: MGS4 and MGO, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, WipEout HD + Fury, Mirros Edge, M.A.G., Killzone 2 & 3, Heavy Rain & Beyond, Catherine, CoD 4 and MotorStorm + Pacific Rift

PS4 for: #DRIVECLUB, HZD, GoW, Detroit, TLG, Yakuza 0 + Remasters, WipEout Collection

Sooooo... i can't decide!!! :(
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