Mar 3, 2018
I'm honestly not worried if I do end up going bald, I can deal with it. It's more of a curiosity. (Cries internally)

Stats : I'm 30. Work indoors. Fairly healthy diet. Shower twice a day. I use hair products in the morning and at night just rinse my hair in the shower without shampoo. I get a haircut once every three weeks. Have fairly thick and coarse hair. On my father's side he practically had an afro so no hair loss there. On my mother's side, her dad had hair loss and my mom has dealth with some little hair loss as well.

Anyway...I've noticed that I have the M shape now but the other parts of my head hair is still the same growth rate and thickness. My friend said I have male pattern baldness and maybe I should see a specialist to prevent it.

Attaching pics for the curious;





Excuse the bed hair :)
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Chicken Chaser
Nov 22, 2018
Shower twice a day. I use hair products in the morning and at night just rinse my hair in the shower without shampoo
Pretty sure that's bad for your hair. You need to let it oil itself for a while to reset, then maybe use products twice a week. Your hair will thank you, but it's probably too late for you.


Oct 27, 2017
Yup. Embrace it. You gonna have that little patch up front and a birds nest on the back and sides.


May 2, 2018
You are, but at your current stage I'd say there's plenty you can do. If it's any comfort, if I were a stranger/romantic interest, it's not so bad that I'd notice it.

Look into Minoxidil, Finasteride, Nizoral, and derma-rolling. Alternatively just get swole and embrace the cueball


Oct 27, 2017
you're 30, that looks like a fairly typical receding male hairline

if you were 18, it'd probably be cause for concern


Oct 27, 2017
I don't think you're going bald. Show me your upper back part of the scalp to see how you're doing there. My best friend is getting bald and there was most visible. A lot of men have a hairline in the front like you, so this is not a sign for concern (I think) :)


Jun 10, 2019
You're not balding. It's called a mature hairline. Even DiCaprio has it. Your hair is great for a 30 year old

Slappy White

Oct 27, 2017
It looks like you used to have a really nice head of hair. Just like me. At 30 my coverage was still great. At 39, not so much.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
If you're 30 that looks like a normal hairline for someone your age. You'll probably keep something like that till you're old.


Dec 18, 2017
It looks fine what the hell is wrong with people itt. Try biotin and Nioxin products for your hair to keep it thick

Deleted member 984

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
No that's just a maturing hair line. Everyone gets that in some form as they age.
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Deleted member 224

Oct 25, 2017
Lol are people being serious? You're 30 OP, stop worrying.


Nov 5, 2017
Dude you're fine, maybe a little thinning at the widow's peak, but your hairline looks pretty mucht straight.

And btw, a widow's peak doesn't mean you're balding.

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
My hair started to fall at an alarming rate around 6 months after I turned 30. Now, I just completely shave my head even though I am pretty sure that there is sufficient amount simply cover the top (albeit receded) but not as well as sides. I wish we could turn bald by simply losing hair from all sides uniformly but NOOOO, noooo we can't have that.

Think I might get myself lasered on the dies in future and go the way of Agent 47.
Oct 27, 2017
Somewhere South
Apparently Finesteride works wonders

When it works, it works wonders. When you get side-effects, they're... horrible. And, sometimes, long lasting. Not worth the risk, IMO.

I'm 23 and I felt like my hair was thinning a bit on my right side so I checked with a dermatologist. She didn't know what the cause was so she did a blood test and I'm waiting for those results this week. But I was prescribed Finasteride, some corticosteroid gel thing and over the counter Minoxidil (Rogaine).

I only got the min and fin for now but I'm waiting for my blood test results before doing some potentially risky treatment that I might not even need.

Yeah, I'd give it some really good thought before going the Finasteride route. It's not just the sexual dysfunction stuff, but it usually changes how your skin functions, a lot of people who previously had perfectly nice, even, smooth skin start developing bumpy uneven skin, acne, etc.
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Oct 25, 2017
I'm 23 and I felt like my hair was thinning a bit on my right side so I checked with a dermatologist. She didn't know what the cause was so she did a blood test and I'm waiting for those results this week. But I was prescribed Finasteride, some corticosteroid gel thing and over the counter Minoxidil (Rogaine).

I only got the min and fin for now but I'm waiting for my blood test results before doing some potentially risky treatment that I might not even need.
Oct 28, 2017
how's the crown looking? imo you just look like any other 30 year old with a slightly receded hairline but when you aren't pushing it back (the bed hair photo) it looks fairly thick up top, so no need to panic and shave it off just yet. Balding's a slooooow process after all.


Oct 28, 2017
In your thirties or forties, it's normal for your front two corners to pull back slightly. Don't be worried until they don't stop pulling back, or you get thinner on the top.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
If you're balding at the back top of your head, that would suck but if it's just the front, you can ride that for years and pretty normal for men.

You basically don't want the widows peak or balding at the back because it leaves you in a weird in between stage at young ages.


Alt Account
Oct 30, 2017
Not sure how people can tell without a before pic. I've got a very pronounced widows peak, what you called the m. I've had it since I was a teenager and now I'm 37. Looks basically like your hairline. Get us a pic from 10 years ago so we can compare.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Hard to say. Your hairline is slipping. I'm the same age and I have a bit of the receding around the temples but not as bad. I know from my dads hair that the temples will slip back a bit but the rest will stay. You might be able to get an idea of where yours is headed by your old mans.