
Oct 27, 2017
Kinda in the same boat as you, though slightly less worse off. For me, I noticed my hair thinning starting in 2018, but that was a really stressful year for me, and this year based on the recommendation of a friend, I started taking creatine for weightlifting/workouts, and it made my hair thin out even worse. Thankfully, it's slowed down considerably over the past few months once I stopped taking creatine and tried to live a less stressed out life. Also, used shampoo less often.

Hey, you might get lucky and thin hair will be the worst of it. No one in my family is bald (only my mom has thin hair, but a full head of it) so I'm holding on to that for dear life.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Stats : I'm 30. Work indoors. Fairly healthy diet. Shower twice a day. I use hair products in the morning and at night just rinse my hair in the shower without shampoo. I get a haircut once every three weeks. Have fairly thick and coarse hair. On my father's side he practically had an afro so no hair loss there. On my mother's side, her dad had hair loss and my mom has dealth with some little hair loss as well.

1) I can hear this in Patrick Bateman's voice as he is showering.

2) All of this doesn't matter - almost everything about all of us, it just a genetic lottery/time bomb.


Oct 25, 2017
There's a big leap between a mature/receding hairline with thinning and 'going bald'.

You've likely got years and years left.

Be wary of the huge amount of dudes who are bald and just want to push everyone into shaving their head asap.


Oct 25, 2017
Chicago, IL
So your hairline is just receding a little? Honestly, I think your hair looks pretty good. I'm 30 and I have a similar hairline, and if that was my only issue, I'd be stoked. I've also got some thinning going on in the crown area, so while it still looks OK now, I know that I'll probably need to shave it all off by the time I hit 35 or so. I noticed my hair starting to thin when I was 19/20 - it kept going until around 23/24, after which it stayed pretty much the same until last year, and now I'm going through another round of thinning.

As others have said, hairline maturation is just a part of getting older - you don't keep the hairline you have when you're a teenager and the older you guys you see who have one clearly just got plugs. And hey, that's a legitimate option if you really want to keep your hair - look at all of those famous people who were balding in their early to late 30s who now sport thick, full heads of hair (Joel McHale, Steve Carrell, Jaime Foxx, etc). But that shit is expensive, so if it doesn't *really* matter to you, just accept it as it is, get your hair cut often (a solid barber can do a LOT to make thinning hair look good), and when you pass that point where short hair isn't cutting it, shave it down.

Luckily for me, I met my fiancée when I still had total coverage (i.e. I could still sport semi-long hair) and she's long-since accepted that I likely won't make it to 40 before submitting to the baldie lifestyle.

Caped Baldy

Dec 11, 2017
Yeah dude, I've got the same thing going on. Not really "balding" rapidly yet, but my forehead it a little bigger than it was in my 20s lol (I'm 31).

I just make sure to take care of the hair I have, and use good shampoo and conditioner. There will come a time where I'll need to switch my hairstyle or buzz it off, but I'm just going to let it happen. My dad fought going bald with Rogaine and hair plugs (it was the 90s), and I think it only frustrated him more. Now he shaves and it just looks right lol.

So don't stress, just let it happen, and adjust hairstyles accordingly. Or get several hair transplants/start taking propecia now, if you have bank.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Washington, DC
Eh maybe. Most dudes' hair changes over their life time; gets thinner, hair-line recedes, grays, etc. I don't think a specialist is really going to do much to stop these things unless you're going to front a lot of money for it. Especially at 30, a change like this is pretty natural for most folks.

Also "going bald" isn't on any sort of set timeline, or even inevitable either. I had a couple parts of my hair thin out significantly a few years ago; they look exactly the same still. These changes might just be all you see for a while, or even all you see ever. Bald isn't necessarily a creeping fungus that starts at one corner of your dome and keeps going until you're shiny and hairless.


Oct 27, 2017
I think you'll have thinning hair, but not full blown baldness. It could be a lot worse OP.


Nov 16, 2017
About what mine looks like at 30. I count myself lucky though, my brother is 4 years younger and had to shave his hair as it was receeding and thinning so badly.


Oct 25, 2017
My friend said I have male pattern baldness and maybe I should see a specialist to prevent it.

Uh.. I got some bad news for you...


Oct 30, 2017
Eh maybe. Most dudes' hair changes over their life time; gets thinner, hair-line recedes, grays, etc. I don't think a specialist is really going to do much to stop these things unless you're going to front a lot of money for it. Especially at 30, a change like this is pretty natural for most folks.

Also "going bald" isn't on any sort of set timeline, or even inevitable either. I had a couple parts of my hair thin out significantly a few years ago; they look exactly the same still. These changes might just be all you see for a while, or even all you see ever. Bald isn't necessarily a creeping fungus that starts at one corner of your dome and keeps going until you're shiny and hairless.
What I came to say. You have a receding hairline, but it doesn't necessarily mean you'll go bald, and if you do go bald, it doesn't mean it's happening anytime soon.
Oct 25, 2017
This kind of thinning and recession is pretty typical and not necessarily indicative that you are headed towards total baldness.


Dec 4, 2018
A lot of massive misinformation from the people in this thread going "yeah".

1) We don't know what your hairline looked like before. If you've always more or less had that hair line then no, you aren't going bald. Not everyone has the same hairline. I've seen women and literal prepubescent kids with high hairlines and or exposed temples. Are they going bald as well? Not everyone has a straight line for hair that's down to their eyebrows. So key here would be to try and find pictures of what your hairline looked a few years ago and compare.

2) If you do see a difference then yes you are receding. But this again is very normal. Very, very few men go through their entire lives without losing any hair. There's a difference between going through a period of receding and then it stopping and constant receding/hair loss. Look at Christopher Nolan for example, it appears like he went through some hair recession in his ~20s but since then it's stayed the same for the past 30 years.

Consistent and constant receding/hair loss would be classed as balding yes. So if you are concerned about it then monitor it. Take clear pictures now and then again in say 6 months and so on. If you see noticeable and consistent change then yes you might be balding. But even then it can be hard to predict just how "bald" you will be, their are different patterns and different extents/thickness of balding hair. Some better than others.

As for right now, your hair looks more than perfectly fine for a 30 year old man. If kept that hair for the next 20-30 years you should be be very happy with it.


I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
Looks like my hair when it started to go.

I will give you one piece of advice. Do not obsess over it, do not worry about it, do not go to great lengths to hide it if/when it becomes obvious. It will stress you the fuck out and it isn't worth it, and other people don't care as much as you do. <-- Please read the last part again.

If you do want some solace, some people's hair recedes and then stops for a while/forever. Also, yours looks pretty damn good for the average 30 year old.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
Your hair is receding normally. But if it comes in a few years, I know loads of bald guy who have attractive partners, you over worry. Don't believe the 'wrong head' shape for a shaved head, if you got the wrong shape it probably means you should just put on some weight and get more sunshine and you can certainly still be attractive.


Jan 31, 2019
Once it thins out more (it's still fine now), i'd recommend just shaving it and embracing it. I've seen people trying to hold onto what they have left and it just looks bad. It sucks to go bald, but you gotta run with the cards you're dealt (genetics etc.)

Croc Man

Oct 27, 2017
Not sure how people can tell without a before pic. I've got a very pronounced widows peak, what you called the m. I've had it since I was a teenager and now I'm 37. Looks basically like your hairline. Get us a pic from 10 years ago so we can compare.
Yeah i thought I was going back around 18. Over 15 years it's only receded a tiny fraction further. Wasted a lot of time following the keep it short of you're balding advice.

Awesome Kev

Jan 10, 2018
It doesn't look bad OP, don't give up hope just yet. If it gets worse in the next 5 years then consider going to a shaved head look. If it gets significantly worse then next 5 - 10 years then definitely embrace shaving your head on the regular.

If you can grow any amount of facial hair then there are some really manly/attractive looks you can achieve with that.

I'd say you got a pretty full head of hair at the moment, however.


Oct 27, 2017
Yea. You still have some time left to enjoy the hair though. Nothing to reach for the clippers over just yet.

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Nov 12, 2017
Your hair is thinning, but you probably are not going bald. You should check the crown of your head, as well. Consider talking to a doctor to delay or prevent hair loss later in life.
Oct 27, 2017
looolllll I was like a year away from Homer's three hairs at 30

you're fine, that's like the very very beginning of a mildly receding hairline that might be more prominent when you're I don't know 50 or 60 you jerk


Oct 25, 2017
As a man who lost his hair at 22, I recommend just shaving it all off when it gets noticeable. Don't try to hide it. Just embrace the baldness. Oh also grow a beard.


Oct 27, 2017
27 and my hairline is similar. Luckily it's still thick in the back so hopefully I have awhile. Sorta considering finasteride but idk if it's worth it.


Jan 26, 2018
Honestly, just add nizoral shampoo just in case. Its basic stuff, and will help reduce hairloss. You can start and stop using it without side effects.

Rogaine can be greasy, and you can never stop taking it, or any prevented hair loss falls out when you stop. I use the foam, which when added in looks odd, but when you run your hand through it after its dry, it looks completely normal. The dropper type is super greasy, and can leave flakes. It takes forever to dry, so I wouldn't use it. It takes a few months to see the difference when you start Rogaine, and first time users experience shedding in the beginning, which can be freaky. It grows back though! Best for use on the crown, but you don't seem to have balding there. Its possible to stop hairloss with Rogaine in the front, but its less common, and studies can't prove that it helps there.

Finasterdie has horrible side effects. Incorrect spelling is intentional. Haha. Some side effects are PERMANENT! So you'll have the hair to get a spouse, but won't be able to consummate the relationship.

Just try the shampoo, no side effects or issues and its known to help.