Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
Not trying to stir the pot but IMO I wish this was an offline single player open world game and BioWare focused on that.
I think this is the general consensus, it would have been a much better game, but it wouldn't have the potential to constantly feed EA money like a MP only game such as Fortnite so that was never a possibility I feel.

Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
My mouth literally went agape reading that. Holy cow.
Yup. Snipers can roll machine pistol dmg, LMGs can roll sniper ammo, etc. Everything is randomized
It almost sound as bad as Diablo 3 was at launch. Itemization there was horrible. Getting stupid mixes of bleh stats on a class that can't use any of it for each item slot. It pushed people to the auction house for the exciting loot drop feeling by trying to win a bid on suitable loot instead. My most tense and exciting moments were from the last few seconds of trying to snipe items on the AH with a big bid. Then there was the real money AH which was the fast lane for a lot of people, which the friendly neighborhood Blizzard got a good cut out of, and was the whole reason for the design of the itemization and the auction house.

This graphic was before RoS expansion, and even then, the foundation of Daiblo 3's itemization didn't leave much flexibility for the rework that happened to prepare for ROS and that got rid of the Auction House. Finding gear was better and made things worth while, but build diversity still suffered. Each season you'd either be a fire wizard, or slashy blades wizards for example (forgot the set names). It seems you had 2 or 3 different builds to shoot for.
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Jan 11, 2018
Wonder if a gun can roll all stats that are going to be worthless for that gun lmao

Probably. I just know I stopped playing after about 52 hours. Every issue just became more and more apparent the longer I played. Like, how the hell do you not have a stat page in a min/max loot game? You have no idea how good your build is because you can't check any stats. And good luck getting any decent build when the loot drops are so low and every piece of gear can roll fucking anything.


Oct 25, 2017
Probably. I just know I stopped playing after about 52 hours. Every issue just became more and more apparent the longer I played. Like, how the hell do you not have a stat page in a min/max loot game? You have no idea how good your build is because you can't check any stats. And good luck getting any decent build when the loot drops are so low and every piece of gear can roll fucking anything.
I certainly can't blame you for stopping. Actually it's impressive you lasted that long lol


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
I think if Bioware / EA didn't include microtransasctions for skins and the like, there would possibly be a little less blow back. But once you release a full price unfinished game that's underwhelming, and look to get a little extra from players is when gamers / critics throw their hands in the air and start to destroy the game with negative buzz. Had Bioware released the game as it is now, but no microtransactions and had a real road map to improve the game over the next 6-12 months, I think more than a few gamers would look the other way and support the devs. But it's an unfinished mess of an EA product with microtransactions, I fully expected this game being destroyed, and deservedly so. And quite frankly I don't understand why more companies dont follow what the devs of Dirt Rally did, release the game as early access at a lower price, as more content gets added the game price increases, and when it's complete, it's sold for $60. I got in early for that, and had no issue waiting for the game to improve. As the game got a bit more content, my buddies jumped in at a slightly higher price than I paid, but they were ok with it.

nope, even without MTX the game is in a sad state. in fact, most people have problems with other things in the game than the MTX.

Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
Just saw Zurilla's "Anthem | 200+ Masterwork items | Inscription/Augment Rant" and it actually look worse than vanilla Diablo 3's itemization. Nightmare fuel, in D3 I already felt like I was a garbage collector when I farmed.


Oct 24, 2018
My post from the Anthem review thread: I keep getting weird drops, and on GM1 (Yes jesus I'm still playing the game no idea why), I actually found the best way to get MW items is just doing some really basic quick world event that gives a chest. You can clear a skorpion nest in 5 minutes and most of the times the thing drops stuff for me. An Urix in freeplay dropped MW, I feel sorry for the poor souls doing 40 minute grinds in Tyrant Mine


Oct 25, 2017
My post from the Anthem review thread: I keep getting weird drops, and on GM1 (Yes jesus I'm still playing the game no idea why), I actually found the best way to get MW items is just doing some really basic quick world event that gives a chest. You can clear a skorpion nest in 5 minutes and most of the times the thing drops stuff for me. An Urix in freeplay dropped MW, I feel sorry for the poor souls doing 40 minute grinds in Tyrant Mine

Thanks. Meant to post in the OT but this helps alot.


Oct 27, 2017
The question is, is some of the deep issues fixable in Anthem 1 or will they need to start from scratch for Anthem 2?
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
It almost sound as bad as Diablo 3 was at launch. Itemization there was horrible. Getting stupid mixes of bleh stats on a class that can't use any of it for each item slot. It pushed people to the auction house for the exciting loot drop feeling by trying to win a bid on suitable loot instead. My most tense and exciting moments were from the last few seconds of trying to snipe items on the AH with a big bid. Then there was the real money AH which was the fast lane for a lot of people, which the friendly neighborhood Blizzard got a good cut out of, and was the whole reason for the design of the itemization and the auction house.
If I may object only slightly, as I was also there at Diablo 3 launch: Diablo 3 at launch had items that would drop with affixes str/agi/int affixes that would often not be useful to your class. But Path of Exile has in many ways the same kind of loot. Very RNG with all kinds of stats that can drop that do not in any way help whatever build path you're targeting.

Path of Exile resolves this through the expectation of trading. Diablo 3 also resolved it through the Auction House. The issue with D3 was the Real Money Auction House's existence, not the fact that gear was super random. If D3 had the same gear roll RNG but ONLY the normal auction house AND enough material types to have a reasonable economy like Path of Exile does, D3 launch gear rolls would have been fine.

Another issue D3 had at launch was the rarity of its rarest gear. I went something like 80 hours before getting my first Legendary weapon. It was trash. But yea, legendaries had no business being that rare.

Personally I think they swung too far the other direction by removing any serious trading features entirely and just giving loot dumps. I like the Path of Exile system, which was just a better implemented version of D3 launch's system. But D3 build customization is a fraction of what it is in Path of Exile anyway, so the heavy RNG of stat rolls doesn't make a lot of sense in D3 anyway.

Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
If I may object only slightly, as I was also there at Diablo 3 launch: Diablo 3 at launch had items that would drop with affixes str/agi/int affixes that would often not be useful to your class. But Path of Exile has in many ways the same kind of loot. Very RNG with all kinds of stats that can drop that do not in any way help whatever build path you're targeting.

Path of Exile resolves this through the expectation of trading. Diablo 3 also resolved it through the Auction House. The issue with D3 was the Real Money Auction House's existence, not the fact that gear was super random. If D3 had the same gear roll RNG but ONLY the normal auction house AND enough material types to have a reasonable economy like Path of Exile does, D3 launch gear rolls would have been fine.

Another issue D3 had at launch was the rarity of its rarest gear. I went something like 80 hours before getting my first Legendary weapon. It was trash. But yea, legendaries had no business being that rare.

Personally I think they swung too far the other direction by removing any serious trading features entirely and just giving loot dumps. I like the Path of Exile system, which was just a better implemented version of D3 launch's system. But D3 build customization is a fraction of what it is in Path of Exile anyway, so the heavy RNG of stat rolls doesn't make a lot of sense in D3 anyway.
The thing about how gear and power worked, based around the attributes limited it's gear in ways POE's gear can be useful for any starting class since it's more flexible how you may build your witch, scion, or whatever. The witch can use any weapon, even bow and quiver, the attributes of str, int, or dex can all be useful on the same witch (all three usually are for me), and it's so easy to solo self found with all of the loot and ways to craft in POE. I never traded, but recently started to and I still rarely feel I need to. In Diablo vanilla I felt I had to trade and camp the auction house.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
Wait...the perk pools aren't related to the weapon archetype!? Like, in this world's lore the people who make the weapons are so fucking dumb they just put big sniper ammo mags on SMGs and call it a bonus?
My mouth literally went agape reading that. Holy cow.

let that soak in.

The thing about how gear and power worked, based around the attributes limited it's gear in ways POE's gear can be useful for any starting class since it's more flexible how you may build your witch, scion, or whatever. The witch can use any weapon, even bow and quiver, the attributes of str, int, or dex can all be useful on the same witch (all three usually are for me), and it's so easy to solo self found with all of the loot and ways to craft in POE. I never traded, but recently started to and I still rarely feel I need to. In Diablo vanilla I felt I had to trade and camp the auction house.
true, true. It was definitely not realistic at all to do a SSF approach in vanilla D3. They could have improved the RNG range and rolls without wholesale dumping trading, though.


Oct 27, 2017
Is Anthem worth giving a shot if you're a single player gamer such as myself? Game looks absolutely beautiful and the gameplay seems good especially flying around.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
Is Anthem worth giving a shot if you're a single player gamer such as myself? Game looks absolutely beautiful and the gameplay seems good especially flying around.
The game isn't meant to be played by yourself. Most of the content does not scale down for a single player and it is designed to matchmake you with people.

In the sense that you don't have to have friends in order to play, yes you are fine. But you won't be playing alone.


Oct 27, 2017
The game isn't meant to be played by yourself. Most of the content does not scale down for a single player and it is designed to matchmake you with people.

In the sense that you don't have to have friends in order to play, yes you are fine. But you won't be playing alone.

What happens if you set the game to "private"? Will I still see other human players in the world with me?


Oct 27, 2017
No, there would be no other players with you. But you will also get dumpstered by the game. Even on easy difficulty. Game is -not- designed to be played truly solo. If that is your condition for purchase, look elsewhere.

Was thinking of renting it via GameFly when the summer hits. I can deal with most of the negatives but if I can't truly play solo (like I can in Division 1 and 2), then yeah, I won't bother. Shame though because visuals and gameplay make me want to play it. LOL.

Thanks for the help and info. Appreciate it.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
Was thinking of renting it via GameFly when the summer hits. I can deal with most of the negatives but if I can't truly play solo (like I can in Division 1 and 2), then yeah, I won't bother. Shame though because visuals and gameplay make me want to play it. LOL.

Thanks for the help and info. Appreciate it.
Oh nothing wrong with renting it and giving it a whirl if it doesn't cost you too much. But yea...this isn't a game that you can push through the campaign solo. But getting matchmade with others isn't bad.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
One thing that caught my eye from the video is that you don't get a large variety of weapons, but the more I play the more I feel like I'm supposed to be using my abilities more than my guns anyway?

But yeah, I can't believe the lack of variety of weapons, it is kind of baffling. Why even bother having rarity levels if they are all the same weapon with a different color emblem. Should have just made quests to level up the guns or something at that point.