
Oct 27, 2017
This is another option that is really ground breaking for me because all the lovely stuff that were made on New Leaf by user would be available to use as custom pattern!!!

Which add even more customization!!!!!!

Common Knowledge

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The island reconstructing stuff is a game changer. All in all, this looks like New Leaf, just with a bit more noteworthy options and features, and that's really all I need from it.


Oct 25, 2017
The amiibo cards cause that villager to show up at your campground.
Okay good. Can't wait to bring in the objectively best ones.



Jan 2, 2019
I'm confused about the complaints about terraforming being stressful. If it doesn't sound good to you... don't do it? It's not like terraforming your island is required.

for me its literally just personal preference, i find that if i am able to control every single detail of the environment ill spend most of my time trying to "perfect" the landscape instead of actually enjoying it. im sure to other people it is a very popular feature (as evidenced by most of the replies to this thread), but for me it is just a substantial change to the core gameplay loop of animal crossing.

which isnt to say i am not literally shaking with excitement after this direct lol. day 1 purchase babey. just making some commentary on how different new horizons is compared to previous games.


Oct 26, 2017
Wow! I am blown away. A few things I might have missed or they didn't clarify: is swimming back? Can you participate in mini games on the island tours? Is the dream suite returning? How about the cafe?
Oct 25, 2017
Ooof, too many removed features, some which were my favorites:

- No Reese & Cyrus. Furniture modifying was one of my favorite things to do in NL.
- No Tortimer Island!!! How am I supposed to pay for mortgage?

Also things that I was waiting for but never got:

- More expanded space. The house in NL was not enough for me. Sure, you can put certain furniture outside but I'd prefer not to be limited by space
- No new neighbor species? This is not confirmed but shouldn't they cover it on the Direct?
- Vehicles. I really wanted to ride a bicycle around my town...
- New collectibles. I was hoping for new stuff to complete the whole series. Like archeological artifacts. That would have been a little refreshing.
Are you sure about those removed features? They plainly showed furniture being recolored and customized (and built) in the video, and stated you can go to remote islands for wildlife capture and fruit/flower harvest, essentially what you went to Tortimer Island for.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
I need something like a demo, I always wanted to join the AC hype as a relaxing game but I'm afraid that it asks quite some time from you to play daily right?


Oct 25, 2017
This is another option that is really ground breaking for me because all the lovely stuff that were made on New Leaf by user would be available to use as custom pattern!!!

Which add even more customization!!!!!!

Did they show off a way of making custom patterns in New Horizons? It seems silly but I hope the only way to get custom patterns isn't from New Leaf/HHD.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 25, 2020
If the Breath of The Wild sequel doesn't come out this year this honestly might end up being my Goty.


Oct 25, 2017
I need something like a demo, I always wanted to join the AC hype as a relaxing game but I'm afraid that it asks quite some time from you to play daily right?
Not really, the opposite. Outside of the first time you start basically, you can play like 10-15 minutes at a time a couple times a day.


Oct 25, 2017
I know the Direct was spoken as 'Nook Inc.' and not Nintendo, but all the 'We have plans to add' sounded like Nintendo will be adding stuff like the Museum in updates.

I don't *expect* that to be the case - I think we should take the Direct as being entirely presented in-universe, and it's content that's in the game at launch but will be 'developed' over time by Nook - certainly the fairly extensive footage of that content does suggest that that's the case...

...but it's not impossible that you're right.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
You know watching the deliberations it really is just starting to lock into my fears since E3. This is just a game about management now moreso than it's a game about relaxing in a virtual space. The hook is less that it changes with a few odd activities every week or the novelty of the 365 days a year feature with calendars mapped to the end of the century, it's about taking previous features and overexposing them because it's the only way, apparently, to iterate on the formula and I feel like they're doing this without questioning if they should.

A lot of these feature "improvements" don't hold value to me, they just incentivise a lot of stress-inducing activities because you have to customize almost literally everything now.

They removed the hidden character designer feature in the intro, fuuuuuck. I think I'm out. This is not a Day 1 for me. I'm gonna be wait and see and ignore a lot of the obligatory, gullible hype surrounding it from newcomers and Switch enthusiasts.
you know you don't have to complete everything, the game can still be relation and rewarding at the same time


Oct 30, 2017
I think your outlook is just clinging to this idea of what AC was in the first installment, without realizing where the series has been headed the past 10+ years. Embrace the change.
You cannot embrace change where you already know where it leads, and that place is worse.

I was not in favor of increased customization in New Leaf and how it eroded the NPC driven roots of the franchise, making villagers and shopkeepers service-elements rather than just characters. I just do not care for this "service the player" approach of the series that has gotten overfocused. And i cannot let go of the wrongness of taking all the smart and nifty systems of the engine and rather than letting them be based on a number of hidden variables they just let you select any variable from drop-down lists and GUI. Again, they're just taking anything that made this special and surprising and revealing how the gears run behind the clockwork. The illusion of anything is lost here.

At least the weather is still improved and there are other things but they took too many fundamental features and exposed their mechanics to the player, and that's really fucking disappointing to me.


Jul 17, 2019
That was incredible. It really looks like all I could ask of the first main entry in the series in such a long time.

My only problem is the fact that you can only share the same island in a single console. Both my partner and I are planning to play this quite a lot, and we would have preferred to have separate playtroughs. In fact, as it stands, we're not both available on the week-end it comes out, so none of us will be able to play for a few days after it comes out, in order not to get too much of a headstart on the island. Really wished they would have given the option to have shared or seperate islands.


Oct 27, 2017

You can make some photoshoot (for meme?) with the amiboo and card.
I guess that's a cool feature for residents that don't have a home like Isabelle.


Jun 12, 2019
Sounds like this version is expanding on the mayor role, so now you have even more freedom to customize your island. And that's the focus here.

I like it but when it comes to Animal Crossing I'm more into activities. Hoping they have added some new events.

Also I love the online trading aspect of the game. Like selling rare pieces to other players for lots of bells. Did they make that easy? Haven't had the chance to watch the whole thing.


This guy are sick of the One Winged Slayer
Nov 6, 2017
I hope my totally original idea of naming my island Pen Island hasn't been taken yet.


Oct 25, 2017
I just don't like the game's vibe right now. It's incensitivizing grinding, work and player-servicing which is the polar opposite of what the franchise originally was.
More like it just gives more options. The series has always been about starting from scratch and building up the town. Now you just have the option to even change the terraform.


Oct 25, 2017
You cannot embrace change where you already know where it leads, and that place is worse.

I was not in favor of increased customization in New Leaf and how it eroded the NPC driven roots of the franchise, making villagers and shopkeepers service-elements rather than just characters. I just do not care for this "service the player" approach of the series that has gotten overfocused. And i cannot let go of the wrongness of taking all the smart and nifty systems of the engine and rather than letting them be based on a number of hidden variables they just let you select any variable from drop-down lists and GUI. Again, they're just taking anything that made this special and surprising and revealing how the gears run behind the clockwork. The illusion of anything is lost here.

At least the weather is still improved and there are other things but they took too many fundamental features and exposed their mechanics to the player, and that's really fucking disappointing to me.

I'm sorry your vision of AC is so incompatible with what others want that the very idea of convinience is athema to you.


Oct 27, 2017
I was afraid at the beginning about the "we will ad these features later, like the museum, town hall, shops and so on" only to realize that it was the Nook Tour spokeperson speaking, not Nintendo, so it's already included in the game but not available when you start, like before. Nice !


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
I have never played an animal crossing game, and know virtually nothing about the series.

I'm thinking of picking up the new game to play with my sons however. Can anyone say if the game has local multiplayer, and is so how does it work?


Oct 27, 2017
For those with families/households with multiple Switches, will you be getting multiple copies of the game?

My wife and I both have our own Switches and can't decide if we should each get a copy and play in our own cities and do online multiplayer, or just one copy we share and live in the same city and local multiplayer...


Oct 25, 2017
I've always just dabbled in Animal Crossing games, but I was hoping to make New Horizons the first one that I really sink my teeth into since my Switch is my most-played platform by a country mile. That said, all this time as new footage has slowly trickled out (culminating in today's Direct) I've had this nagging feeling of disappointment with the game's shift away from small-town life to a deserted island theme.

I haven't seen anyone else mention disapproval of this shift, but I was wondering if anyone else around here felt the same. As a deserted island starting from nothing, it feels like something more akin to a survival game than an Animal Crossing game. And I really, really don't enjoy survival games. Yes, I realize that it's still very much Animal Crossing, mechanically, but that "moving into a small town" vibe has always been one of the biggest draws of the series for me.

Anyone else feel similarly, or am I truly alone on this island? 😏