
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
was just thinking about this series since i haven't seen anyone talk about it in years it was prime PA works for me with their working girls genre , it's a pretty brutal start
but i feel like i overall ended up liking a lot of the cast by the end and then the movie !
They're gonna have to work their hardest to make the grandma likable for me.

Writer dude is irredeemable tho


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
Updated streaming numbers for Japan.

Really pleased that all the shows im invested are doing great numbers and even more that happy that Chillin' in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers is climbing the Ranks.

I'm depressed that Spicy Wolf isn't #1. They'll never adapt the whole thing at this rate.


Oct 25, 2017
A bit concerning that dungeon meshi isn't on it.
I imagine most people are watching it on Netflix rather than Abema or Niconico. That chart doesn't have broadcast TV stats either. Its just two streaming services.
Delicious in Dungeon has around ~170k-200k per episode and is currently listed as the 5th most watch show for today on Abema alone. I'm pretty sure that chart excludes Dungeon since it's focused on new shows for the current season. Especially since it's ordering series based on cumulative views for the season rather than a per episode average.


Oct 25, 2017
Six straight episodes of Slime meetings, I wasn't prepared for this lol. I really wish something would happen already, losing my motivation to watch this.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm depressed that Spicy Wolf isn't #1. They'll never adapt the whole thing at this rate.
I mean it's high on the list with nearly 2 millions on streaming services alone if i am reading this right, this doesn't indicate a poor performance or warrant a fear of them not continuing
Frieren Ep. 1 to 13

Something about this just isn't clicking with me. It's a smooth watch in part thanks to the production values but I'm just not that invested in the story nor characters. Shounen adventure/battle series really have to have something to keep my interest. Sadly having the lead be a woman isn't enough. I think part of it is I just don't find a lot of the emotional beats effective?
I've started watching it recently too. (Currently on ep 7). It's slowly clicking with me, not as a whole though. But I often find single talking points intriguing. What might be mostly present is her different perceiving of time for example. The humour and the emotional bits do much less for me either, and the pacing is sometimes a tad too slow for me.
One thing amusing me is how much of an RPG story it is. Their whole journey (meaning more the one with Himmel, not the current) and the world is so much what you'd play in a game.
And what absolutely slays me is the constant use of german terms for names, often describing the person. Like Eisen = Steal or Stark = Strong. You could even call it spoilery, when that evil demon in ep 7 is called Lügner = Liar. :D


Oct 25, 2017
JoJo S1 complete

It's been a long time coming, but I couldn't ignore this series any longer due to all the memes and references lol.

It's pretty much what I expected. A goofy as fuck battle shounen that is definitely bizarre. First part was fine, Dio was great and unintentionally hilarious (as almost everything else in this series), but Jonathan was a pretty meh character. Glad Dio is returning in part 3. Also, Speedwagon is the best, and his narration and delivery is hilarious.

Part 2 was really good. JoJo was a much better main character than JoJo, and Sugita Tomokazu was a really great choice, even if I only heard Gintoki most of the time. His "Nani????"'s were always hilarious. The pillar men were also fine villains, even if a bit generic - although they might not have been generic when this part was first released.

There were no stands though. I realize now that stands only come into play in part 3, but initially it was a surprise that it wasn't a part of the series from the start. Hamon as a power system is pretty bullshit, it's basically just "you can do anything as long as the story dictates it", but I didn't mind it, because it suits this series very well. I expect the same from stands as well.


Oct 25, 2017
Someone posted it earlier, but Lmao @ Slime now at 6 consecutive episodes of....recaps/meetings that are, in theory, 'setup' for the action piece(s).

But while we're 'occasionally' getting new bits of important information thrown in there piecemeal, over half the episodes are just re-confirming stuff we already know as the audience, just from the various factions.

Meanwhile, we're introducing 7+ new characters, 3 new-to-us 'factions' among the humans, and it's...way too much, too fast.

....I can't tell if the studio is just taking the piss, or just threw their hands up and decided not to bother with the 'show, not tell' aspect due to the source material.

Makes for good exercise-watch material, at least.

Really wonder if this would have been better as a coalesced/shortened between-season project/setup/refresher (I think they already had one episode in that vein before the season actually started?), or pushed past it and condensed it into maybe 3 episodes, not 6.


Oct 25, 2017
Someone posted it earlier, but Lmao @ Slime now at 6 consecutive episodes of....recaps/meetings that are, in theory, 'setup' for the action piece(s).

But while we're 'occasionally' getting new bits of important information thrown in there piecemeal, over half the episodes are just re-confirming stuff we already know as the audience, just from the various factions.

Meanwhile, we're introducing 7+ new characters, 3 new-to-us 'factions' among the humans, and it's...way too much, too fast.

....I can't tell if the studio is just taking the piss, or just threw their hands up and decided not to bother with the 'show, not tell' aspect due to the source material.

Makes for good exercise-watch material, at least.

Really wonder if this would have been better as a coalesced/shortened between-season project/setup/refresher (I think they already had one episode in that vein before the season actually started?), or pushed past it and condensed it into maybe 3 episodes, not 6.

From what I've read, this is just how it's gonna be from now. The LN apparently has the same problem, where the majority of the time is spent with meetings instead of advancing the story. Maybe it's more bearable in the LN, but the people adapting it into anime should have definitely made some changes to suit the medium.

Gonna steal this comment from Reddit because it's hilarious.

Episode 1

Re-capped the walpurgis meeting, then had a meeting about what Diablo had been up to in Falmuth with flashbacks to meetings in Falmuth.

Episode 2

Starts with a meeting between the clown people and the Japanese evil dude. We get a tiny bit of action between Hinata and Roy Valentin. Then Hinata, Roy and Luminous have a meeting. We finally cut back to Falmuth, for another meeting.

Episode 3

We're back with our main cast in Tempest, for another meeting. Finally they mix things up and we get to go outside, To have another meet with the animal kingdom people. We then go in to the bar to talk to Geld about his problems. Then finally we're back to the normal meeting room, for another meeting.

Episode 4

We start the episode still in our loveable usual meeting room. They then touch grass to check out this cool new invention that was created. This goes on for far too long so it's finally back to our usual meeting room to talk some more. We stay here until the end of the episode.

Episode 5

It's Hinata's time to show off her meeting running skills. Clearly she's OP as it last for 20 minutes! She then goes outside for a bit at the end.

Episode 6

Ah that's better. Back to our usual meeting room too to discuss some more. This time with new characters joining the meeting fun. This goes on for a measly, pathetic 17 minutes because we have another meeting to watch. This time with other sinister people, in sinister chairs around an extremely sinister table. So sinister. That concludes the episode.


these past episodes could have been an email


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Kaiju 05
I cringed so hard when Kafka shouted at Mina lmaoo. Hoshino slowly becoming one of my favs.

Oh my god, Kafka made me laugh so hard this episode. "How can you protect the country when you can't even protect your own waistline?" 🤣
I don't think that I'm ready for them to kill off characters, this series is too funny man.

Jellyfishing! Jellyfishing! 06
An adult idol pretending to be a teen; Memcho, is that you? Yo, Miiko is fucking hilarious tho lmaoo. I wasn't expecting them to develop her past the first episode, this was a nice surprise.

The daughter reveal was crazy. And they are just the sweetest together. Really good episode.
Yoru with the triangle killed me

Love Song 05
Maaan, I really hope they nip this drama in the bud soon, I really believe that this series is at its strongest when it's just Yori and Himari being all lovey-dovey for each other.
I do feel bad for Aki tho, Yori does not see her that way at all.

Himari with dog ears gives me life. That girl at the end seems very... awful.
Was that a JoJo reference????

Studio Apartment 07
Mari-chan is funny. Shintaro is funny too when she's around, for once he has an actual personality. I guess Mari is the author self-insert? And am I sensing a bit of yuri between her and her editor? 🤔

Finally another of the main girls show up. A chunnibyou vampire should be pretty fun.
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Nov 27, 2017
Oh man, just finished Nadesico, that ending was on point but totally pissed so many people off XD. Also started watching Gekigengar ova(which sadly isn't dubbed) and this is awesome, the setup is it's some of the series cast going to the theatrical showing which is riffing on 2 things: the first half being a clip show of the main series with like 20-30 seconds of each "episode" and the back half being the movie version ending. Nearly choked on the backup team episode that happens due to their girl support member knocking out the main trio with food poisoning due to bad pickled mackerel XD there's even a Texas Mack reference in here, now that's a deep Getter pull

I might do a deeper in depth thought later but I will say that twist with Ai/Irene was excellent. As was Akito's guilt for turning her into a tech obsessed dry witted scientist XD


Oct 25, 2017
São Paulo
Kaiju episode 5

Wholesome AF as I was expecting from the manga.

I dont think there will be a single bad episode this season, really anxious for more

Wind breaker Episode 6

Keeps only getting better and better

Every single one of them are great chars damn

The flashback with that song was PEAK


Oct 25, 2017
Wonderful Precure 15
A good example of how a fine episode can be brought down by a show's structural issues. It attempted to make me care about Mey Mey and Niko Garden. Didn't work, but it's good that they made the attempt. Too bad I just don't care while we're still waiting for Mayu to transform and Yuki to join the team. At best Mey Mey has moved up from mildly annoying to just neutral to me.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Raven consort 7
I think if my wife wasnt invested I would drop this. The only thing I find interesting is the main characters and their relationship but the show is really weird about pacing to the extent that there doesn't seem like there's proper rhythm of tension and release. It feels almost like stuff just kind of happens


Oct 25, 2017
Girls Band Cry 6
The band has finally been fully assembled

Actually kind of impressed by some of the subtle little animations on Tomo's gecko.
It's not often that you see small reptiles as pets in anime.


Mar 1, 2021
Jellyfish 5

well for a gag character that i thought was a throwaway this episode came as a big surprise ,they really turned her into a loveable character, realist idol
and the naming...baba her perceptive and use of Social in contrast to yoru last week was great to see the backstories haven't missed despite all the CGDCT goodness

Band Cry 6

oh shit band is almost together watching them go at each other never gets old ,these two for sure have more going on then they are leading on to

road trip next?!


Oct 27, 2017
Brave Bang Bravern 12

Been reflecting on this episode for a while, and while I am happy with the series overall, this finale really felt like it had too much to do in its runtime. Throwing in two final bosses in one episode was just a bit much IMO. I just can't help but think of how much a second cour would have helped tremendously with the show's pacing issues, allowing for more development of the supporting cast and a true "world tour" story rather than just sticking to the USA and Japan like it did. Still, this has got to be me one of my new favourite mecha anime, and one of the best things that Obari's done as director.

I think that Superbia's death left me super salty tho. HE WAS SO HAPPY THAT BRAVERN WANTED TO BE HIS RIVAL HE DIDN'T DESERVE TO DIE DAMMIT. At least have him pop up in that one chibi form of his with Smith at the end there!


Mar 28, 2018
Code Geass Roze of The Recapture Part 2 Trailer+ Poster

The Return of Conelia and Democlas Fortress + F.L.E.I.J.A.

- Roze is a Real Japan Princess Sumeraki Sakuya (Another Susaku Cousin). The Fake one is Her Friend and Double Body.
- Lelouch gives Geass to Sakuya. Her Geass is similar to Lelouch but only uses a real voice.
- Ash isn't Sakuya's Brother but an assassin who Killed Sakuya's Father. He is under Sakuya's Power and She will kill him after everything ends.
- Ash falls in love with a maid who is Roze/Sakuya is disguised.
- Neo Bratanis announced that Fake Sakuya will be the 101st Empress of Neo Britannia.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Yatagarasu 06
The character with Bocchi's voice says that she was always "hitoribocchi" 🤭

That old gossiper lady sucks but she does have a point that the princess should be impartial to the other ladies. Tho it is obvious that they're setting up Asebi to be the winning girl anyways... if the prince can actually visit them.
I gotta say, I love that Hamayu is just chilling and doesn't give a shit, she's great.

Tonari no Yokai-san 06
The little brother as a baby fox 🥺. Mu and Jiro scene was sweet.

That post credits scene was wild, wtf. Tho I do like the lore behind it. I always hear stories about the moving anatomy doll in other series' so it's kinda cool to give an actual reason behind it now.

One Piece 1104
The "Sanji-phim" was a great anime addition 😂
The seraphim scene went crazy for no reason lol

Hanasaku Iroha 02-05
Her coworkers are trash but Ohana seems pretty cool so far. I like that she always talks back, even to her evil grandmother. And man, she is spiteful (the way she stares her mom down after giving her broccoli, lmaoo). She's a fun protagonist.

omg, the writer is TERRIBLE, definitely the worst character so far. Why is he gonna work at the hotel too, UGH.
Minko likes Tohru? Sure, why not, trash and trash.


Oct 25, 2017
Caught up on Eupho S3 so far.

Recent Kumiko / Reina focused episode was amazing, especially that last scene. Absolutely gorgeous. Like damn. missed you KyoAni

Jonathan Lanza

"I've made a Gigantic mistake"
Feb 8, 2019
Code Geass Roze of The Recapture Part 2 Trailer+ Poster

The Return of Conelia and Democlas Fortress + F.L.E.I.J.A.

- Roze is a Real Japan Princess Sumeraki Sakuya (Another Susaku Cousin). The Fake one is Her Friend and Double Body.
- Lelouch gives Geass to Sakuya. Her Geass is similar to Lelouch but only uses a real voice.
- Ash isn't Sakuya's Brother but an assassin who Killed Sakuya's Father. He is under Sakuya's Power and She will kill him after everything ends.
- Ash falls in love with a maid who is Roze/Sakuya is disguised.
- Neo Bratanis announced that Fake Sakuya will be the 101st Empress of Neo Britannia.

Been reading a lot of impressions about this and one thing that sticks out to me is that people are saying it's literally 4 episodes just being shown back to back. There's OP, ED's, commercial breaks and episode previews. I understand that all 12 episodes are going to be on Disney+ in August but it does make me wonder what the deal is with this not just being a regular broadcast when it seems designed to be one. Is it more profitable?

On a side note: having all the Britannia factions all be names for Zeon is ridiculous.
- Neo Britannia
- Republic of Britannia
- Duchy of Britannia
- Britannia Remnants
Somebody hit Bandai one or two times please.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Sound Euphonium S3 06
School trip??? What school trip? Why are they skipping stuff :(

Oh nooo, auditions, I've been dreading this...
Kumiko, Kanade and Mayu made it, crisis averted, for now.
Poor Satsuki tho :(

Loser Ranger 05
Hooo boy, the colorless rangers seem like a colorful crew of characters. I wonder if many of them will actually be important later on.

LOOOOOTS of stuff to digest from this episode, jesus. Biggest wtf is the pink keeper. So does she pretend to be crippled or does the suit give her power to walk? Also, she's a brocon, gross. And Hibiki was sheltering a fighter??? Wtfffff. She reminds me of Power for some reason.

Yozakura Familia 06
Is it sad that I was able to predict everything that Ayaka was going to do, right down to falling for Mutsumi? She's kinda tropey. Not too impressed with her but the classroom antics were funny at least.

Shion portion was a little funny but a bit too low energy for me. First episode I found to be kinda "meh" on. Kyoichiro as a goomba is pretty funny tho.

Super Cub 05-07
Reiko had all those falls but no injuries and her uniform seems A-ok 👌

Reiko and Koguma's "friendship" is too cute. Damn, they disobeyed the teacher immediately. That scene looked like they eloped.

Koguma is getting snarky now 😄


Oct 25, 2017
Code Geass Roze of The Recapture Part 2 Trailer+ Poster

The Return of Conelia and Democlas Fortress + F.L.E.I.J.A.

- Roze is a Real Japan Princess Sumeraki Sakuya (Another Susaku Cousin). The Fake one is Her Friend and Double Body.
- Lelouch gives Geass to Sakuya. Her Geass is similar to Lelouch but only uses a real voice.
- Ash isn't Sakuya's Brother but an assassin who Killed Sakuya's Father. He is under Sakuya's Power and She will kill him after everything ends.
- Ash falls in love with a maid who is Roze/Sakuya is disguised.
- Neo Bratanis announced that Fake Sakuya will be the 101st Empress of Neo Britannia.
Interesting... How's Damocles back? It got sent into the sun. Having it be rebuilt, and also FLEIJAS, seems like a major oversight from Black Knights and Schneizel gang.


Oct 29, 2017
The Haikyuu movie is releasing in the UK at the end if May.

Anyone want to meet up and see it together? Preferably in and around london (Lee Valley is my closest). I have an Odeon Unlimited Max subscription so would prefer any of those theatres!


Oct 25, 2017
Been reading a lot of impressions about this and one thing that sticks out to me is that people are saying it's literally 4 episodes just being shown back to back. There's OP, ED's, commercial breaks and episode previews. I understand that all 12 episodes are going to be on Disney+ in August but it does make me wonder what the deal is with this not just being a regular broadcast when it seems designed to be one. Is it more profitable?

I recall they also did that with Fafner: The Beyond, which was originally released as "three episodes per movie" chunks in Japanese theaters.

In the current case, they may have planned the project as a TV series, yet Disney+ must have been willing to pay a handsome sum for exclusive global distribution rights. From that point of view, I guess a theatrical release guarantees an extra source of revenue within Japan and keeps it in the public consciousness.

Speaking more generally...the Japanese buzz for Roze of the Recapture seems pretty positive at this point.

Various people on social media are saying that this new Code Geass anime finally feels more like watching the original TV series and less like Akito the Exiled or the 2019 Resurrection movie (even though it's technically still a sequel to that film, but I digress). It may not fully replicate the weekly aspect of the experience, no, but I guess that a monthly distribution comes relatively close.

On a side note: having all the Britannia factions all be names for Zeon is ridiculous.
- Neo Britannia
- Republic of Britannia
- Duchy of Britannia
- Britannia Remnants
Somebody hit Bandai one or two times please.

That naming system is amusing, to be sure, but still a long way from competing with the crazy number of Zeon factions and sub-groups.

Interesting... How's Damocles back? It got sent into the sun. Having it be rebuilt, and also FLEIJAS, seems like a major oversight from Black Knights and Schneizel gang.

I'd imagine there'll be some exposition or a plot twist of some sort,'s a wild guess: maybe they found an incomplete one and finished it?


Oct 25, 2017
I recall they also did that with Fafner: The Beyond, which was originally released as "three episodes per movie" chunks in Japanese theaters.

In the current case, they may have planned the project as a TV series, yet Disney+ must have been willing to pay a handsome sum for exclusive global distribution rights. From that point of view, I guess a theatrical release guarantees an extra source of revenue within Japan and keeps it in the public consciousness.

Speaking more generally...the Japanese buzz for Roze of the Recapture seems pretty positive at this point.

Various people on social media are saying that this new Code Geass anime finally feels more like watching the original TV series and less like Akito the Exiled or the 2019 Resurrection movie (even though it's technically still a sequel to that film, but I digress). It may not fully replicate the weekly aspect of the experience, no, but I guess that a monthly distribution comes relatively close.

That naming system is amusing, to be sure, but still a long way from competing with the crazy number of Zeon factions and sub-groups.

I'd imagine there'll be some exposition or a plot twist of some sort,'s a wild guess: maybe they found an incomplete one and finished it?
In theory, people from that institute that Schneizel used to make them could possibly still be alive and active so it is possible... You'd think they'd have snuffed em out as a priority.

Glad to hear it's being well received at least. More Geass can't be a bad thing. I'll certainly miss some of the old cast though :(
Oct 25, 2017
Yuri Jellyfish Episode 6

On the one hand I was not expecting this show the at best joke rival character into arguably the deepest, most nuanced person in this show in the space of an episode. On the other hand that better be how the Yuri Jelles resolve that kiss.
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Sibersk Esto

Changed the hierarchy of thread titles
Oct 25, 2017
Kaiju 8 - 5

You know I kinda wish Kafka's age came into play more than a few old man jokes. Behavior wise he's not much different than a teenager.

Yatagarasu - 6

It's pretty funny just how far behind Natsuka is from his brother

Tonari no Yokai - 6

I genuinely had to go back to check because I also didn't remember buzzcut kid. Pretty creepy.

Loser Ranger - 5

This show's been good at adding a new layer of mystery every episode

Yozakura Family - 6

I dunno, I feel like this show didn't have enough fun with either of its premises this episode. There's a weird low energy to everything.

This is probably one of the better looking Silver Link shows I've seen (art's mostly consistent and there were a few solid cuts) but there's still something weirdly bland about it.


Feb 4, 2020
Jellyfish - 6

Her being older is not unexpected but I didn't expect her to be over 30 and a single mother. This is a really good episode.
Kinda want more follow-up to that kiss aside from just a bit of teasing though. Yoru seems a bit too nonchalant about it for my liking and got me back to being apprehensive their relationship again.

edit: apparently, the ema from this episode is there at the actual shrine. There's also another ema from the production team saying "May YoruKura reach a lot of people".
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Nov 16, 2017
Gunbuster 2
Well it finally got interesting at the end there. No, I don't mean the boobies.


Oct 25, 2017
Jellyfish - 6

Her being older is not unexpected but I didn't expect her to be over 30 and a single mother. This is a really good episode.
Kinda want more follow-up to that kiss aside from just a bit of teasing though. Yoru seems a bit too nonchalant about it for my liking and got me back to being apprehensive their relationship again.

edit: apparently, the ema from this episode is there at the actual shrine. There's also another ema from the production team saying "May YoruKura reach a lot of people".

I'm pretty sure they will follow up on the kiss very soonish since there is clearly more going on than just a heat in the moment situation.

Also in other news another obvious adaptation that was bound to happen at some point.



The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Choo-choo Train 07
The fake brain tactic is actually kinda... genius?
Never expected to see an actual SEGA Saturn with them playing House of the Dead, even keeping the dialogue playing in the background, that was pretty cool. Nadeko losing her patience because the queen was trash was the best part of that scene tho.

2nd half of the episode was fucking wild. The smut song lmfaoooo

Appraisal Isekai 06
I jokingly said before watching the episode: "I bet there's gonna be another timeskip." And wouldn't you believe it 💀

Poor Ars, he's just a kid, of course he's gonna have problems going into war. Having him watch an execution to test him is wild tho.
Raven going to war in his condition? Well I guess we know when the opening scene takes place now.

Grandpa and Grandma 06
Why are we just now learning that they have a daughter??
Turning old just to take advantage of a discount is galaxy brain shit.

The photo frame bit was morbid but hilarious. Also, I wasn't expecting a Beyblade crossover, but sure, why not.
The Shiori and Akemi parts later in the episode brought the feels :(

Cheat Isekai 06
They pretty much spoiled the majority of the episode with the preview from last week lol. So no real surprises except how simple it was to revive Rys.

The house is getting packed.


Oct 25, 2017
That manga goes from bland but with the usual moderately fun romcom shenanigans to uber bland harem bore at some point.