
Oct 26, 2017
Randomly remembering the horrible CG scene that was in like Episode 10 which was replaced with a beautiful 2D scene for Blu Ray, the difference was insane even compared to usual SHAFT BD touch ups, i don't know what they were thinking with the original scene

What really killed this show for me was that it was essentially a parody for a 2005 Japanese live action movie called SummerTime Machine Blues, if you watched that you will know the plot of this anime, with characters basically acting that movie out, what's even the point i dunno

At least the last episode is standalone and is more inline with the original Tatami Galaxy which i enjoyed a lot more
I'll try to catch that og CG scene then, sounds funny.

Agreed on Tatami.
I'm pretty sure they will follow up on the kiss very soonish since there is clearly more going on than just a heat in the moment situation.

Also in other news another obvious adaptation that was bound to happen at some point.


Time to dig the trenches again.

I think i remember it being darkly funny that the series so quickly slips from its initial, somewhat specific formula to standard romcom to standard harem trash.

Dungeon Meshi 01-03

I'm not sure what i was expecting. I stayed away from manga after getting vague image of what it is about mostly because I got my fill of cooking nonsense back in first cour of Soma and any amount of elongated food descriptions and repeated OISHII makes me nauseous if anything. And this is indeed that and quite dull. I don't even think comedy is strong, Marcille is okay but it's all very one note.

I reopened the words of my prophet and apparently there is more to it so maybe I'll drag myself there but it's a struggle.

Mahouka 6

Onii-sama your politics are too sophisticated for the likes of us, ignorant heathens.

I bow but I also beg for mercy.


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
Spice and Wolf 7
Eh. It's fine.

Train to the End of the World 7
"Oh no, is she turning rotten?"
"Nope, still fluffy."

More Nadeko lore!


I did not expect that twist at the end. I wanna know what the deal is with the mold.
Last edited:


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I reopened the words of my prophet and apparently there is more to it so maybe I'll drag myself there but it's a struggle

Can't guarantee it'll hook you later, especially if the humor isn't landing at all (I love Marcille's first big reaction face for example), but I will say I similarly was just sort of going through the motions with those early episodes. I was very much not in love with it. But after awhile the main characters did start to grow on me and the plot does eventually start to cook, pun intended, albeit in the 2nd half


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not sure what i was expecting. I stayed away from manga after getting vague image of what it is about mostly because I got my fill of cooking nonsense back in first cour of Soma and any amount of elongated food descriptions and repeated OISHII makes me nauseous if anything. And this is indeed that and quite dull. I don't even think comedy is strong, Marcille is okay but it's all very one note.

People really do be different. I was so into this from the jump.

That said the cooking stuff sort of becomes a consequence of the world building at some point instead of the focus. But you'll never get away from the oishiis


Oct 25, 2017
Wolf Wife (Isekai) 1-6

Wow, shout out to the amount of progress in this show already. Not only is the dude finding new, uh, room mates to share the work with but theres actual progression with the main couple. Way to go, Rys!

It must be so much fun to voice an incompetent, shit head hero. All those squeals are hilarious.


Oct 27, 2017
Yuri Camp episode 6

Oh, the other girls still exist.

Yuri Talk Radio episode 5

Yuri bait. Yuri bait. Yuri bait.

CGDCTrains episode 6

Yes, Shizuru, what you said was awful. "Oh, don't follow your dreams because you are a huge dumbfuck."

Anaylize Eye Shota episode 6

"Sorry, son I don't want to take you because you don't have the eyes of a soldier, but other kid around your age, he's okay."


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Wolf Wife (Isekai) 1-6

Wow, shout out to the amount of progress in this show already. Not only is the dude finding new, uh, room mates to share the work with but theres actual progression with the main couple. Way to go, Rys!

It must be so much fun to voice an incompetent, shit head hero. All those squeals are hilarious.
Oh I got confused for a second


Oct 30, 2017
World Trigger and Black Clover are on Netflix, never see anyone talking about those. Does anyone remember how they felt about those series?


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
Dirty Pair 1-3
This one's been on the list for a while, almost entirely due to the OP being so good. Turns out the show's not bad either! It's been a great antidote to Gundam ZZ, which has the same level of goofiness but isn't nearly as fun to watch. Kei and Yuri make for an entertaining duo.

Reading up on how the light novels came together made a bunch of things click into place: of course they're inspired by WRESTLERS.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
World Trigger and Black Clover are on Netflix, never see anyone talking about those. Does anyone remember how they felt about those series?

Never watched World Trigger, but don't bother with Black Clover's anime. It's from before the time that they fully realized its vastly better to have a battle shounen adaptation be seasonal rather than weekly, and as such struggled hard to look good outside of the rare bright spot here and there.

Black Clover isn't really a series that is going to blow anyone away, but the manga is a vastly better way to experience it.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Milky Way Ghetto
Never watched World Trigger, but don't bother with Black Clover's anime. It's from before the time that they fully realized its vastly better to have a battle shounen adaptation be seasonal rather than weekly, and as such struggled hard to look good outside of the rare bright spot here and there.

Black Clover isn't really a series that is going to blow anyone away, but the manga is a vastly better way to experience it.
Black Clover didn't get good looking fights until like the end of the anime's run. Very unfortunate.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Black Clover didn't get good looking fights until like the end of the anime's run. Very unfortunate.

Yea even compared to other "modern" weekly series like Boruto it just looked poor in comparison. Also Asta screaming infamously annoyed the shit out of people, although that might just be a dub thing, I forget


One Winged Slayer
May 22, 2018
World Trigger and Black Clover are on Netflix, never see anyone talking about those. Does anyone remember how they felt about those series?
World Trigger is an excellent series. The anime has some pacing issues and a bit of a slow start even in the manga, but it's very good once it gets going. It gets a huge quality boost with Seasons 2 and 3 in terms of pacing and animation because those were seasonal unlike the rest.

The level of thought that goes into the power system and use of strategy is super well executed, it's a lot of fun. You can just tell that the mangaka wants a video game of the series that would require far more effort than it would ever receive lol


Mar 1, 2021
World Trigger is a series i really wanted to get into but the break between the first season and it coming back was so long i always hear great things about it despite the watching 50 episodes from the outside it always looks like dudes fighting each other in formal duels while the plot is about fighting aliens i think lol

Black clover i fell off on the arc right where the anime ended pre time skip asta made it very unbearable to watch the anime and it was mostly a lackluster production till the few stand out episodes where the animations went ham and even then it still left room for improvement

it's comfort shounen nothing groundbreaking and not unwatchable outside of the one characters VA early on


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Ranger Reject 5

Man, these twists just don't stop lmao, though I guess I should've seen that reveal coming in hindsight. Wasn't expecting a brocon though... It's actually hilarious how interesting Hibiki and his life ended up being, a more typical show could've easily had him as the protagonist instead


Nov 16, 2017
Gunbuster 3
Impressive. This actually got me scared. Very effective direction during the space battle.


Oct 27, 2017
I Have Level 2 Cheat Powers, Bitch! episode 6

And Flio befriends the djinn. BRFRIENDS her brutally.


Oct 25, 2017
I find this pattern of people online mistaking Holo for a fox to be quite interesting.

I mean, I guess there is the fact that she has a color palette and fur pattern that only naturally occurs on foxes and not wolves...


Nov 27, 2017
I find this pattern of people online mistaking Holo for a fox to be quite interesting.

I mean, I guess there is the fact that she has a color palette and fur pattern that only naturally occurs on foxes and not wolves...
Pretty sure she's based off (extinct) Japanese wolves


Despite it being Psuedo Europe


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Spice & Wolf 07
I Didn't realize how much I missed their back and forth banter until it came back. Holo's hood is pointless if her ears are still moving under them lol

Lawrence, how are you still falling for her puppy dog bit. Really clever trick by that merchant. Dickish, but clever. Can't fool Holo tho, Lawrence can complain all he wants but she's saved him a bunch of money.
Is that a jealous Holo I see

Super Cub 08-10
Much comf.
Shii is so tiny. I love her weird, multicultural hodgepodge of a restaurant.

W-was that an... indirect kiss? 😳🫣
I wonder why Koguma just doesn't get a part-time job.
This is supposed to be wholesome! Wtf is that ending???

Hanasaku Iroha 06-10
I know Ohana gets free room and food, but a ¥20,000 salary doesn't seem like much.
Tohru crushing on Ohana is a big OOF, as if Minchi didn't hate her enough lol. Ain't bro in his 20s tho 🤢
Nako got over her shyness quick.

Holy shit, she can't even call the ambulance without getting chewed out. "What would the customers think?" Who gives a shit, you're dying woman. Ain't no way Ko traveled all that way for nothing.

Idk how to really feel about this series yet lol. I kinda hate a good chunk of the cast but it's still pretty entertaining. Ohana is carrying this thing hard. Tomoe is pretty cool too.
Frieren 7-10
That arc around demons was fire, all right. Didn't expect the show to get this bloody and the animation is awesome at times. Just them putting on/off coats can look amazing.
I'm really digging Frieren's stern/expressionless face all the time. Fern had cool moments too.


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
I remember you posted something negative about it not too long ago and I'm confused because this is mad cozy lol

I know! That's why I'm waiting for you to finish because I wanna hear your take on my grievances, lol

But genuinely, I do hope you end up enjoying it, cozy shows are lovely to have and if it works for you, I don't want to ruin it!


Oct 25, 2017
Unnamed Memory seems to be quickly catching up to what is in English for the manga. I like that they are doing that. Probably why the manga updates for it seem to be slow.

Sibersk Esto

Changed the hierarchy of thread titles
Oct 25, 2017
End of World Train

I think this was probably my favorite episode so far. It was paced well and pretty much every joke landed, with a neat little arc in the center.

Spice and Wolf

Decent transition episode. Pretty funny how Lawrence tries to act all cool after Holo just barely saves his ass from getting fleeced.

Oblivion Battery

Credit where credit is due, Todo's backstory was startlingly effective for me. Just the idea of feeling guilty after apologizing because you know the other party are too nice to blame you was too real.


Oct 27, 2017
7th OP Shota episode 6

"Oh, we found his clothes with sticky stuff all over them."


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ 8-10
Okay, it stopped being fun and started becoming tiresome. Mashymre keeps having his stupid Haman wet dream flashbacks, Fa keeps getting shat on by everyone around her until she just fucks off presumably for a better show, everyone keeps having to babysit a bunch of stupid kids, nothing changes. It's still so incredibly stupid that Fa, an actual mobile suit pilot with battle experience, is apparently less suited to pilot the Zeta than a kid who LITERALLY DOESN'T KNOW THE CONTROLS OF THE MACHINE AND REPEATEDLY FUCKS UP FUNDAMENTAL PROCEDURES LIKE TAKING AMMO FOR HIS BEAM RIFLE. Pretending this is an intentional farce doesn't even work to make it entertaining anymore, it's gotten too stupid and too little-league.


Oct 25, 2017
Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ 8-10
Okay, it stopped being fun and started becoming tiresome. Mashymre keeps having his stupid Haman wet dream flashbacks, Fa keeps getting shat on by everyone around her until she just fucks off presumably for a better show, everyone keeps having to babysit a bunch of stupid kids, nothing changes. It's still so incredibly stupid that Fa, an actual mobile suit pilot with battle experience, is apparently less suited to pilot the Zeta than a kid who LITERALLY DOESN'T KNOW THE CONTROLS OF THE MACHINE AND REPEATEDLY FUCKS UP FUNDAMENTAL PROCEDURES LIKE TAKING AMMO FOR HIS BEAM RIFLE. Pretending this is an intentional farce doesn't even work to make it entertaining anymore, it's gotten too stupid and too little-league.



It's such a weird show.


Oct 26, 2017
Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ 8-10
Okay, it stopped being fun and started becoming tiresome. Mashymre keeps having his stupid Haman wet dream flashbacks, Fa keeps getting shat on by everyone around her until she just fucks off presumably for a better show, everyone keeps having to babysit a bunch of stupid kids, nothing changes. It's still so incredibly stupid that Fa, an actual mobile suit pilot with battle experience, is apparently less suited to pilot the Zeta than a kid who LITERALLY DOESN'T KNOW THE CONTROLS OF THE MACHINE AND REPEATEDLY FUCKS UP FUNDAMENTAL PROCEDURES LIKE TAKING AMMO FOR HIS BEAM RIFLE. Pretending this is an intentional farce doesn't even work to make it entertaining anymore, it's gotten too stupid and too little-league.
after the moon moon arc it gets way (way) better. You just have to survive until episode 15-20 or so.

Sep 5, 2021
This famous shoujo anime was announced! The series has already had several adaptations in Live Actions,

Japanese-American track-and-field star Mizuki has gotten herself to transfer to a high school in Japan...but not just any school! To be close to her idol, high jumper Izumi Sano, she's going to an all-guys' high school...and disguising herself as a boy! But as fate would have it, they're more than classmates...they're roommates! Now, Mizuki must keep her secret in the classroom, the locker room, and her own bedroom. And her classmates--and the school nurse--must cope with a new transfer student who may make them question their own orientation...

Hana Zakari no Kimi-tachi e (Hana-Kimi) was Nakajo's defining work, running in Hakusensha's Hana to Yume magazine from 1996 to 2004. The manga inspired a 2007 live-action television series and a second live-action series starring AKB48 idol group member Atsuko Maeda in 2011. Besides the two Japanese live-action television series, the manga also inspired a live-action television version in South Korea and a 2006 live-action television version in Taiwan.

Nakajo died at 50 years old on October 12 last year due to a heart condition.

Hisaya Nakajo's Hana-Kimi Shōjo Manga Gets Anime

Crunchyroll to stream upcoming anime // Aniplex and Crunchyroll announced on Wednesday that the late manga creator Hisaya Nakajo's Hana-Kimi manga is inspiring...


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Voice Actor Radio 06
I'm probably just a toxic dude, but I kinda like Yubisaki, she is soooo mean lmaoo

More than likely their wager is gonna work in their favor but that's completely unrealistic, even if you have good fans, there are always gonna be asshole trolls like that one dude a few episodes ago, and even if she does quit, they still know where she lives, creeps aren't gonna stop.

Bartender 07
"You're nothing but a disappointment to me." Jesus, dude. The scene where the dad got nostalgic with the drink was nice, too bad he immediately ruined the moment.

Sand Land 12
Great animation as usual.
This part of the arc was probably written with the game in mind. Both the Bred fight and Muniel's last form felt like legit boss fights.
Muniel looked a little like...

Hanasaku Iroha 11-13
All I had to do was wait one more episode for this to get good lol.
Satsuki and Grandma are in the running for worst anime mom.
Ohana's in the running for best anime protagonist.

Younger Satsuki is a copy->paste of Ohana. LOL @ baby uncle crying, that's too adorable.

I'm not entirely won over by Satsuki and Grandma but that scene with them and Ohana just chatting was incredibly sweet, "drunk" Ohana was a delight lmaoo.


Oct 25, 2017
Alright, Spice and Wolf 2024 jumped ahead of the original anime at last... but only because it skipped the part covered by episode 7 of the original, which was relegated to an OVA while the TV broadcast jumped ahead to episode 8. So when comparing TV broadcasts they're actually still at parity, lol.


Oct 27, 2017
Alright, Spice and Wolf 2024 jumped ahead of the original anime at last... but only because it skipped the part covered by episode 7 of the original, which was relegated to an OVA while the TV broadcast jumped ahead to episode 8. So when comparing TV broadcasts they're actually still at parity, lol.

How far are they in the light novels?


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
Alright, Spice and Wolf 2024 jumped ahead of the original anime at last... but only because it skipped the part covered by episode 7 of the original, which was relegated to an OVA while the TV broadcast jumped ahead to episode 8. So when comparing TV broadcasts they're actually still at parity, lol.
What was the story in the episode? (I've been waiting for the dub episodes)