
You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
This was just a slap to his face, but that''s MAGA for you, masks off racism. No idea why any person of color would be part of the GOP right now. But some people have a humiliation kink it seems.

What's that saying? Tokens get used?


Ann Coulter's Bluntly Racist Admission To Vivek Ramaswamy Is Jaw-Dropping

The conservative pundit unfurled her bigotry in an interview with the former GOP presidential candidate.

Right-wing commentator Ann Coulter told ex-GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy Wednesday she would not have voted for him because he's Indian. (Watch the video below.)

The unvarnished remarks oozed racism as Ramaswamy, whose parents emigrated from India, listened politely and later praised her on X (formerly Twitter) for "having the guts to speak her mind."

Coulter declared on Ramaswamy's "Truth" podcast: "I agreed with many, many things you said ... when you were running for president, but I still would not have voted for you because you're an Indian."

"There is a core national identity that is the identity of the WASP," she said, using an acronym for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. "And that doesn't mean we can't take anyone else in ― a Sri Lankan or a Japanese, or an Indian. But the core around which the nation's values are formed is the WASP."

Ramaswamy appeared unruffled by her remarks and noted that they shared an opposition to dual citizenship. He then asserted that a child of immigrants would have greater loyalty to the country than disgruntled seventh-generation WASPs.

View: https://www.tiktok.com/@evanjmez/video/7366857708902862123?q=vivek%20ramaswamy%20ann%20coulter&t=1715339242233


Oct 26, 2017
Hers is a name I haven't heard in a long time. I remember her being awful but was she always so openly and explicitly white nationalist, or is that another sign of the shifting window?


The Fallen
Feb 28, 2018
This was just a slap to his face, but that''s MAGA for you, masks off racism. No idea why any person of color would be part of the GOP right now. But some people have a humiliation kink it seems.

What's that saying? Tokens get used?


Ann Coulter's Bluntly Racist Admission To Vivek Ramaswamy Is Jaw-Dropping

The conservative pundit unfurled her bigotry in an interview with the former GOP presidential candidate.

View: https://www.tiktok.com/@evanjmez/video/7366857708902862123?q=vivek%20ramaswamy%20ann%20coulter&t=1715339242233

She sounds completely fake and someone seeking clout. Why are we giving this person clicks

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
love that he is so happy making fun of "American blacks" and then immediately sour when she digs at him


Nov 14, 2017
She sounds completely fake and someone seeking clout. Why are we giving this person clicks

Isn't she still a Fox News host?

What's crazy to me is the number of MAGAs on social media who see it as a sign of class and dignity (rather than cowardice and desperation) that Vivek continues to engage with Ann as a reasonable person once she dismisses his political aspirations because of his familial origins. It was always there, but to see them put in writing "this is how model minorities should behave around whites, it's great that he knows his place"...how can any self-respecting minority (or LGBTQ person, or woman) be in *this* version of the GOP?

love that he is so happy making fun of "American blacks" and then immediately sour when she digs at him

#1 move for racists is to say the most outrageous thing they can think of in a new crowd as a 'test' to see if you'll nod along. Schrodinger's douchebag and all.


Oct 25, 2017
So she insults his race to his face, and he praises her for speaking her mind.

I guess they were made for each other.

The subjugation that conservative minorites show toward their Caucasian counterparts, just to fit in and feel like they're part of the "country club" is some truly pathetic shit.
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Oct 25, 2017
So she insults his race to his face, and he praises her for speaking her mind.

I guess they were made for each other.

The subjugation that conservative minorites show toward their Caucasian counterparts, just to fit in and and feel like they're part of the "country club" is some truly pathetic shit.

Because you've got to have some degree of self hatred if you're a woman, minority or LGBT person in the Republican party. Ann knows this rather well since she regularly argues that women shouldn't have the right to vote. She's even said that she fantasizes about it because without women voting there'd never be another Democratic president.


Oct 27, 2017
Not much different than how Trump muzzled Cruz into a grovelling coward, even after humiliating his wife and family.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
So she insults his race to his face, and he praises her for speaking her mind.
Vivek so badly wants to be seen as "one of the good ones."

Because you've got to have some degree of self hatred if you're a woman, minority or LGBT person in the Republican party. Ann knows this rather well since she regularly argues that women shouldn't have the right to vote. She's even said that she fantasizes about it because without women voting there'd never be another Democratic president.
The genZ version of that is people like Pearl Davis.


Mar 13, 2019
Ann Coulter isn't any kind of political commentator or analyst, and I don't think she even claims to be. She's a straight-up provocateur with no agenda other than to stir up reactions. She will be having an absolute field day with anything TikTok creators send her way.

The Hobo

Oct 27, 2017
He had a chuckle at her articulate blacks line but was strangely stone faced when his own race was brought into it.
Jun 10, 2018
Because you've got to have some degree of self hatred if you're a woman, minority or LGBT person in the Republican party. Ann knows this rather well since she regularly argues that women shouldn't have the right to vote. She's even said that she fantasizes about it because without women voting there'd never be another Democratic president.
I mean, there's some of this, but what really unites all conservatives together - no matter their race or religion - is a shared hatred of black people.

At some point, y'all are just going to have to call it for what it is. Because honestly for minority conservatives - ESPECIALLY non-black minorities - it's less about being accepted as "white" and moreso relishing in their relative race privilege because they aren't seen or treated as "the bottom".


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, being an outspoken racist is just expressing an honest opinion to these idiots.


Oct 29, 2017
Karnaca, Serkonos
Why do people think he's gonna learn anything from this? He knows! He believes in the hierarchy, he knows they will always see him as inferior, but he also believes black people are beneath him.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Man, worse things are the fucking sellouts that go dance for the GOP as they spit in their faces. Like how many times you think Candace Owens had to hear the n-word in casual conversation and have to giggle and shrug it off.



Graphics Engineer
Oct 27, 2017
Acceptance is a hell of a drug.

Good on her for telling him to his face that Republicans don't give a shit about him.

It won't change anything, but he thought he was above Blacks because he is Indian and Republican. Get your ass back in your place like they want. Fucking idiot.


Oct 27, 2017
Ann Coulter isn't any kind of political commentator or analyst, and I don't think she even claims to be. She's a straight-up provocateur with no agenda other than to stir up reactions. She will be having an absolute field day with anything TikTok creators send her way.

Yep. She walked into this knowing exactly what she was going to say and what response she would get.


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Oct 26, 2017
Masks the fuck right off.

Take almost any word of my first sentence and it applies to Coulter.


Oct 27, 2017
Wow she is still relevant to the right? I thought they had new gens of fascists and white nationalists. God I hated her during Bush years
Oct 25, 2017
Anyone with self-awareness knew why Vivek wouldn't get far.
There's Republicans that think he's Muslim. Which shouldn't be surprising, they can't tell "da brown people" apart. As far as they're concerned, they're all bad.

I completely forgot about her until I watched S3 of American Crime Story the other week. They flattered her way too much by casting Cobie Smulders to play her.

I think these days they are just saying the loud part out loud.
I'm just waiting for them to casually drop slurs and somehow not get in trouble for it.


Oct 25, 2017
This was funny! It was all fun and games when she made her lil anti-black dig then he was gagged when she said she wouldn't vote for him because he was Indian. It's a good example to other brown people that try to uphold white supremacy that they will never see you as one of them or an equal.
Wow she is still relevant to the right? I thought they had new gens of fascists and white nationalists. God I hated her during Bush years
AFAIK she's long past her prime and any usefulness. She has no place in the present GOP. (Trumpism is about bowing to a single great figurehead, Coulter is an equal narcissist who wants attention for herself.)

She has no job left but to put herself out and hope for scraps from the bush-era right-wing audience.


Oct 25, 2017
They're both awful and while her views about tokens like him are not unique in conservative circles, it's still remarkable to see him just eat shit like that.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
White racists always signaling to other marginalized racists, "well at least you're not BLACK," as they smile and nod and continue to to be evil people.

Fuck them both.


Oct 27, 2017
It's weird seeing any non-white/non-cis person stand with the modern GOP when they have crystal clearly stated "we hate you and everything that birthed you. Our vision DOES NOT INLCUDE YOU."

Vivek sucks but brother, what's the end-game? Is it money and (temporary) power? is that so enticing?