
Oct 26, 2017
Pensacola, Fl
I actually think he is toned down as scott compared to his other stuff. I mean did you see halloween 6?

Hahaha. You know what? No, I don't think I ever have seen H6. YouTube time.

I hope Woo returns. Park was one of the best things about this movie and I want him in more Marvel stuff. Did he sign a multi film contract?

Edit: oh I meant to add how hilarious I thought it was that Cassie's step dad was so enamored with Scott now hahaha.
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Oct 27, 2017
Hahaha. You know what? No, I don't think I ever have seen H6. YouTube time.

I hope Woo returns. Park was one of the best things about this movie and I want him in more Marvel stuff. Did he sign a multi film contract?

Edit: oh I meant to add how hilarious I thought it was that Cassie's step dad was so enamored with Scott now hahaha.

Park killed it.

There's a sweetness to the film I appreciate: Scott and Cassie; his relationship with his ex and her husband, Hope and Janet, Ghost and Bill Foster. It's not just great to see after IW but just in general. I'm getting old.


Oct 25, 2017
I know it's a comic book movie, but not addressing how Janet spent 30 years alone without going insane kind of bugged me. Plus what did she eat?


Oct 25, 2017
I know it's a comic book movie, but not addressing how Janet spent 30 years alone without going insane kind of bugged me. Plus what did she eat?
Likely micro-verse since some viewers claims to see a city somewhere in the quantum realm.

It make sense and make me wonder how this may factor into A4.


Oct 25, 2017
Likely micro-verse since some viewers claims to see a city somewhere in the quantum realm.

It make sense and make me wonder how this may factor into A4.

Is this like how she was presumed dead after civil war in the comics but was actually just really small? I was wondering if they would bring that in but it would be hard to just toss that out there.


Oct 25, 2017
I think I figured out what my issue with the third act is.
It's that the entire movie builds up to the Quantum Realm and rescuing Janet.
That when we are finally there, the movie does its utmost to pull us away from the realm and out on the streets of San Francisco, because that's where all the tension is at.
Where as I think it would have been better if they had also created a challenge for Hank and Janet, by either making use of old trobes like "a monster is hunting us and trying to eat us" like in Thor: Ragnarok, or the gate at the end of the escape closing in and they have to get out before it happens. Or even have cool and creative looking monsters in the realm trying to get in on the pair.
Instead we are waiting for Hope and Scott to get hold of the lab to enlarge it so that they can get out.
And that's all we get in the realm really. There's the small insect-like creatures in the start but there's very little of it. So it ends up with Hank going subatomic, finding Janet and getting out without the least bit of challenges.

The nonstop techno-babble was excruciating.
This is an issue too.
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Oct 25, 2017
Lol, I can't believe that only just now did I realize that the house Hank shows Janet at the beach, is the house him and Hope (and Janet) has been living in, while rewatching Ant-Man 1.


Oct 25, 2017
What was she breathing? Oxygen molecules would be bigger than she was

from the wiki:
In the Quantum Realm, space and time are believed to be irrelevant.
This was a problem I had several times in the movie. Several times Scott was shown sized differently without his helmet. Even those tiny changes in size could have made it difficult for him to breathe.

The first movie avoided this problem entirely by never opening the helmet while being resized. I don't know why they went away from doing that.

Lol, I can't believe that only just now did I realize that the house Hank shows Janet at the beach, is the house him and Hope (and Janet) has been living in, while rewatching Ant-Man 1.
Building foundations don't work like that gdi lol
This was a problem I had several times in the movie. Several times Scott was shown sized differently without his helmet. Even those tiny changes in size could have made it difficult for him to breathe.

The first movie avoided this problem entirely by never opening the helmet while being resized. I don't know why they went away from doing that.
I'd assume it's because the comics have never cared about that and this movie is moving things toward the more freewheeling use of Pym Particles there (it also shows people shrinking without the suit, e.g., at the very end, something that is routine in the comics).


Oct 25, 2017
I'd assume it's because the comics have never cared about that and this movie is moving things toward the more freewheeling use of Pym Particles there (it also shows people shrinking without the suit, e.g., at the very end, something that is routine in the comics).
Do you mean the times they resized cars with people inside? That seems fine to me, unless I missed an instance of said people actually leaving the car while shrunken. The movie even goes out of its way to tell the viewer that the car doors won't open while the system is engaged.


Oct 25, 2017
While i think that there's more they could do with Ghost I really appreciate her as a villain as she's way more interesting than Darren Cross in the first Ant Man


Oct 26, 2017
Pensacola, Fl
He's a gold mine.
That whole conversation with Scott at the end was funny as hell. "So you wanna join me for dinner?"

If he isn't in more Marvel movies I'm goin to be super bummed. I want a Marvel film featuring all of the smaller supporting characters, like infinity war but not haha. Woo and (E) Ross trying to track down Burch and Justin Hammer. Black Widow and Hawkeye can help but the focus is on Park and Freeman like a buddy cop movie.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
If he isn't in more Marvel movies I'm goin to be super bummed. I want a Marvel film featuring all of the smaller supporting characters, like infinity war but not haha. Woo and (E) Ross trying to track down Burch and Justin Hammer. Black Widow and Hawkeye can help but the focus is on Park and Freeman like a buddy cop movie.

Did you just throw shade on Widow and Hawkeye lol?


Oct 25, 2017
I think the film only really works if you give up on trying to understand what the Quantum Realm is or how it works. Just accept it as a magical alternate world where anything that the screenwriter wants is possible.


Oct 27, 2017
I think the film only really works if you give up on trying to understand what the Quantum Realm is or how it works. Just accept it as a magical alternate world where anything that the screenwriter wants is possible.
I mean, you should probably apply that to 90% of the superhero origins, etc. in these films. They're comic book movies - we should just go with it and enjoy the ride.


Oct 28, 2017
The third thing is just my imagination, but if Scott goes back in time there's so much they can change. He tells Cap that Bucky is alive and they rescue him.. Winter Soldier never happened, Fury is made aware of Pierce and weeds the Hydra agents out of SHIELD, so it never gets dismantled. Bucky being saved stops Civil War from happening, so Zemo "returns" with a completely different plan.

Problem is, Scott doesn't know any of those things. Sure, he probably knows Bucky just from fighting alongside him for 15 minutes, but he doesn't know the details enough to tell Cap anything that would prevent Civil War. And he definitely doesn't know enough about Hydra to prevent Winter Soldier. I don't think Marvel will fool around with time travel enough to negate everything after the Battle of NY.


Oct 25, 2017
I always like to imagine deciding who gets dusted is probably based on whether certain actors aren't hundred percent available to appear much in 4 and gives them a convenient excuse not to appear


Oct 25, 2017
I wish we could have seen Janet use her makeshift spear on something or someone.
I need that broken wing to be a Quantum Sword that sends anyone she hits to the Quantum Realm. Imagine a future film, where everyone she has killed escapes through time vorxes and meets her in the future to take their revenge.

Don't worry, I'm not gonna cry a river when it turns out my headcanon won't be canon in a few years. But I'll have this in my imagination until then.

And yeah I do know it has nothing to do with comic book Janet but I don't mind a few liberties.
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Oct 27, 2017
The amount of people who still leave Marvel movies before the mid or end credits scenes continues to baffle me.
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Deleted member 20986

Oct 28, 2017
I was pretty meh on the trailers but I had a good time. A small complaint is I didn't find the three "X-con" dudes as funny this time around. They were sort of upstaged by the asian FBI agent. De-aging on Hank and Janet was amazing. They're getting eerily good at this. Scott possessed by Janet was hilarious.


Oct 25, 2017
Janet with that wing sword is a cool fucking design.

Yes it was! She looked like a hunter from Destiny.

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Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Did Burch mention that he was trying to steal Pym's tech for a client of his? I'm not sure if I heard that right, but if it is, I have a theory of who that client may be.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Would be weird if it's the same people who got the Pym Paricles from the first film.
I'll spoiler my speculation just in case:
Considering Feige's comments that Spiderman: Far from Home will set up the stage for the Earth-based storylines post-Phase 3, I'm thinking Norman Osborn may be the one pulling the strings from behind the scenes in FFH, and may be the client Burch was talking about. It's possible that Marvel is doing the Dark Reign storyline in Phase 4 or beyond.


Oct 25, 2017
Did Burch mention that he was trying to steal Pym's tech for a client of his? I'm not sure if I heard that right, but if it is, I have a theory of who that client may be.

Burch wants the lab to make a profit off the tech, and arranged buyers for it at a starting bid of a billion dollars.


Nov 3, 2017
Saw it yesterday after work. It was...alright, about as good as the first movie. Surprising for a sequel, it actually felt like a much smaller film (no pun intended), for better and for worse. The first film for example did not need a world-ending threat, and the whole deal with Yellowjacket and Hydra felt a little forced if I'm being honest. A simple heist movie through and through would have worked better with the intimate scale.

The lack of set-pieces this time isn't doing this film any favors however. If you've seen the trailers, the ones with the kitchen fight and the car chase, you seen the only two real action set-pieces in the film. Which, to be perfectly honest, would be fine if they didn't contain most of the clever shrinking/growing moments that make these films stand out for me. Even going into the Quantum Realm feels a bit "been there, done that" when nothing super different happens and the environments are repeats from the first movie. It makes sense, but outside of the implied city in the background (I'm not the only one who saw that right?), it is frankly underwhelming when it is obviously trying to be so much more.

My biggest takeaway from this film, and what firmly yet awkwardly places this film in "alright" status, is The Wasp herself. This movie doesn't really treat Hope becoming The Wasp, and thus the titled female hero to star (well, co-star. Baby steps) in an MCU movie, as that big of a deal. She shows up, fully formed as a hero, and she along with Scott proceed to work together pretty much with no issues. It was clear in the first movie that she had already trained in shrinking and combat, and that she has already been The Wasp for some time in this movie, so there's no endearing "getting used to the powers" scene or informative "this is where she comes into her own for the first time" scene or revelatory "she's got to dig deep and reveal her true potential" scene. As rote as those moments might sound on paper, they can be important for making the hero's accomplishments feel more rewarding and their struggles all the more relatable. There isn't really any teamwork issues with Scott that keep them from working effectively either, no drama over differences in approach to hero-ing, just once they suit up they're a great team. I'm not saying that isn't refreshing in its own way, just that there is very little drama in their superhero relationship when there is a ton in their personal relationship. It would have been nice to see an argument spill over into a fight they were having with Ghost that gets them tripped up, or something. Still, Evangeline Lily is great as Hope and The Wasp and she's a welcome addition to Team Superhero.

Also, Jimmy Woo is a slam dunk character, need to see more of him in these movies.
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Oct 26, 2017
My biggest takeaway from this film, and what firmly yet awkwardly places this film in "alright" status, is The Wasp herself. This movie doesn't really treat Hope becoming The Wasp, and thus the titled female hero to star (well, co-star. Baby steps) in an MCU movie, as that big of a deal. She shows up, fully formed as a hero, and she along with Scott proceed to work together pretty much with no issues. It was clear in the first movie that she had already trained in shrinking and combat, and that she has already been The Wasp for some time in this movie, so there's no endearing "getting used to the powers" scene or informative "this is where she comes into her own for the first time" scene or revelatory "she's got to dig deep and reveal her true potential" scene. As rote as those moments might sound on paper, they can be important for making the hero's accomplishments feel more rewarding and their struggles all the more relatable. There isn't really any teamwork issues with Scott that keep them from working effectively, no drama over differences in approach to hero-ing, once they suit up they're a great team. I'm not saying that isn't refreshing in its own way, just that there is very little drama in their superhero relationship when there is a ton in their personal relationship.

Yeah, while is it is centered around Hope, Scott still kinda hijacks the movie and the conflict is already centered on Scott in Civil War so there's conflict with Hope there, the relationship is strained as we see right away when they meet, And I think they skipped the power montage because as we know, Hope already knows the powerset but Hank didn't want to risk it as he lost Janet but the end of the first film changed that. The drama is centered around Scott's decision.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Ghost is an antagonist, but I'd struggle to call her a villain. Burch is much more of a villain than Ghost imo.

Btw, kinda bummed out that Wasp got dusted at the end. Really wanted to see her have a prominent role in A4.

Rodney McKay

Oct 26, 2017
Went into this movie knowing next to nothing about it, but it was a little disappointed at the end.

Ghost was OK, but it didn't feel like it justified her as a villain very well, I could tell they were going to do the fakeouy and actually save her from a mile away.

Also not sure how I felt about the whole movie being about rescuing the OG Wasp. I think it could have worked if there'd been more tension (they mention that there's a small window of time to get her before not being able to, but it was pretty weak techno-babble reasoning). Maybe if her section of the micro-verse was collapsing, or a monster hunting her drawn by her link with Scott or something.

And definitely wanted more in that cool micro-verse. It looked incredible, but we only get to see it for a minute or two.
The amount of people who still leave Marvel movies before the mid or end credits scenes continues to baffle me.
Mid credit, I agree.
But end credits I tend to skip. Usually ha E to use the bathroom after the movie ends, and the end credit scene is usually the weaker of the two. I just Googled what this movie's was and yeah it definitely seemed skippable.
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