
Oct 27, 2017
5 and 6 were the dark times for getting tired of the franchise...We in a golden age baby, its feeling fresh again (ironically saying this after 2 remakes)
Sep 14, 2018
ongoing adventures of whatever sexy action Cop is included this time


Oct 25, 2017
Detroit, MI
I dunno, was it too much Mario when in 2010-2013 we had Galaxy 2, 3D Land, and 3D World? That's not even counting the NSMB games. Just seems inevitable that massive long running franchises will have lots of games.

I'd say since all Galaxy 2 and 3D World are so different that there isn't much overlap other than them being named Mario games and 3D Land wasn't a major release since it was on the handheld. NSMB fill a whole other role.

But all 3 of the RE games, espescially 2 and 3 are not very dissimilar


Jan 24, 2020
I haven't even played any of them, but it sure feels like they're going all in on spamming the games out. Doesn't help that they seem to rerelease them all on every console too.


Nov 14, 2017
Nah. As long as they're good and don't go too far off the over-the-top-action deep end I'll play however many they put out.


Oct 26, 2017
I miss the "fun" entries like 4 and 5. They had a satisfyingly replayable arcadey feel to them.


terminus est
Aug 12, 2018
I miss the "fun" entries like 4 and 5. They had a satisfyingly replayable arcadey feel to them.
The last two remakes are literally designed with replayability in mind. They have multiple difficulty modes, unlockable shops, items, and costumes, etc, and there are a ton of different achievements for going back to it and doing better and improving runs.

I think everyone wants another RE like 4, but I don't think the two most recent remakes are missing points in replayability and replay incentives.

Sleve McDichael

Oct 28, 2017
I've never been more excited for Resident Evil than I am right now.

7 was exactly what the series needed at the time. Great game! Loosely connected to the rest of the story but mostly felt like a soft-reboot and ended up being one of the best in the series.
2 Remake is (in my opinion) one of the best games ever made.
3 Remake is better than the original in almost every way for me (I didn't like the demo at all, but ended up LOVING the game).

It sounds like RE8 is coming soon and I can't fucking wait.
I'm planning on re-playing most of the series in order soon.


Oct 27, 2017
RE7 was like 2017 and then we didn't get another game till 2019. That's not THAT frequent. Can't wait for 8 next year.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Feel like the series has been rejuvenated with the last 2 entries; so no. Bring on more Survival Horror focused Resident Evil titles Capcom!

Deleted member 11626

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I've made it a decent amount of the way through RE0, RE1, and RE6. Beat 5 once. Played 4 more times than I can count. I'm looking forward to playing the 2 remake, but outside of that and replaying 4 someday, I don't think I'll be touching any other titles. I just don't get very much into them. With Capcom reviving a good amount of their IP, I've still got an irrational amount of hope for Dino Crisis to return. And honestly I'd rather play survival horror with dinosaurs


Nov 12, 2017
I could use a change in the gameplay loop or maybe just the locations. I don't want to see another sewer, ship, or research lab for awhile. I do think a small town that's fleshed out would be great. Something like Deadly Premoniton, Alan Wake, and Evil Within 2. Slow the pace down a bit. Maybe make you a paranormal investigator and mix it with action. Supernatural: The game.


Lead Administrator at Final Weapon
Apr 24, 2019
nah I feel ever since VII the franchise has been really refreshing, excited for RE8 in the near future


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
7 came out three years ago and we just got a rare one-two punch with 2 and 3.

It doesn't seem like I would get tired from that


Oct 25, 2017
Probably doesn't help that RE3 is an uninspired retread of RE2's ideas. Resident Evil is one of Capcom's big moneymakers so we'll continue to see release after release, just like all the Mario games we're set to get this year. Hopefully the next one is a little more fresh and exciting.
Oct 27, 2017
Nope. Bring it on, now and forever. Whatever form it takes, action, survival horror, turn based RPG, kart racer, it doesn't matter. I've owned every single title released and I always will.

I'm there all day every day for goofy bio weapon antics and high budget b-movie schlock.

We live in a golden age where every mainline RE title is available on current gen consoles via HD remasters and remakes. Bring on more good shit. And if you have a PS3/Vita all the original versions are there too.

Bring me a modern remake of Code Veronica X and if you're feeling especially generous Capcom, remake Dead Aim too. Then I can die happy,
Oct 27, 2017
Not at all but I kind of wish it would go away for a decade or so given how a large chunk of the fan base is acting like a bunch of entitled spoiled brats. RE3 and Resistance are getting so much unwarranted negativity over the most petty shit in spite of being very high quality and fun titles, I'm over it. Bet a few years of starving for a new title would have people changing their opinions and talking about how these games are suddenly underrated. Capcom is spoiling us with amazing titles right now and yet I can't go into an RE thread without someone complaining. It's so damn frustrating to me and it was like this for 7 with the fps complaints, it was like this RE2R over 2nd run and fucking spiders and now it's happening again. Stick a fork in it Capcom. These folks would apparently be happier with nothing.


alt account
Aug 28, 2019
lmao what? Two great games and RE3 Remake released back to back and you are already tired??? what? Resident Evil has never been this healthy as a franchise, ever.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
No... the bridge between the last RE game and REmake 2 was huge. We go back to the roots and while 3 wasn't what I was expecting I thoroughly enjoyed it. I only hope we get more survival horror than action whatever you want to call it.


Oct 25, 2017
I only played 4 resident evils.
RE 1 Ps, RE 2 Ps, RE Code Veronica Dreamcast and RE 5 which is the only RE I never fully finished

Deleted member 179

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Nah man, but I also only started the series at the beginning of the year playing REmake for the first time. Then I platinum'd RE2make. I beat RE3make last night, and am half tempted to rebuy it on PS4 now to platinum that. Then I'm gonna play the rest of the series because I'm in love now.


Mar 8, 2018
These posts I'll never understand. It's not like you a forces to play each game you are free to stop when ever you wish.


May 18, 2018
Exeter, UK
After 24 years playing the games constantly, I can safely say no, absolutely not. Well I grew tired of RE6 in the first 20 minutes I played it but that's another story.

Mary Celeste

Oct 25, 2017
three mainline games in four years and they've all been excellent. I'm fine with them keeping up the pace so long as they can keep up the quality.


Unshakable Resolve
Jun 30, 2019
RE has a long history of wild highs and middling lows. the RE3 rush job was not even made in house so its hard to be too upset, and given that rumors suggest the next mainline game might be an insane departure from series traditions may be just what the doctor ordered to spice things up. hopefully we're in for something that was as groundbreaking as RE4 was when it came out. Capcom clearly has some issues with consistency when it comes to sequels, but it can't be argued that they aren't among the best when they are firing on all cylinders.

Xx 720

Nov 3, 2017
Tried the RE3 demo but couldn't bring myself to finish it. Kind of hope Capcom brings some new ips next gen and waits a few years before bringing out any more REs.


Oct 26, 2017
Not at all. RE2R was my favorite game of 2019 and I am absolutely loving RE3R at the moment. I say bring on Code Veronica Remake next!


Nov 9, 2017
If RE8 get released in 2021 then yeah it's too much cus it has now became a yearly release series. People can't blast Call of Duty, FIFA, Assassin's Creed and other games for releasing every year yet give a pass for Resident Evil. No game series should be released yearly. Give it time to develop and let people breathe and feel excited about a new release instead.


Oct 27, 2017
When you like an IP, remakes, remasters and new games are never enough.

When you don't like them, there is fatigue, they are unnecessary, and annual franchises are bad.


Sep 18, 2018
No. I hated RE 6 and didn't care for RE 7 at all since I don't enjoy First Person perspective. So Re2R and RE3R feel like the games I've wanted for a decade.