Are you entertained by OT's mixed with new topics?

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  • This is too political!

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Mar 5, 2018
Wow, you know things are terrible when the vote count is this lopsided in an obscurely labeled thread. And now an admin is suggesting giving users an ignore thread button as a fix? Yikes. Yiiikes.

Deleted member 11517

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I just tried to use this on mobile and it's even worse. Endless scrolling through OTs in two different mobile browser tabs, having to consciously take note of every thread title to see if it's an OT or non-OT, just because I'm checking to see if there's any news, which was 90% of why I browsed Etc. It's four times more time consuming and annoying.

I use Era mostly on mobile and it's so bad. I just glaze thru most of the OTs on here. Not fun to browse at all.

It's exactly how I expected and how it was planned, I see almost none of the political threads I was interested in on EtcetEra anymore, there are still a few, the problem is new ones that are created will be buried very fast now and eventually people will stop making these topics altogether because there's no point since these topics will be barely visible going forward.

My only complaint is news threads are getiing squished by OT's. Please fix it.

This is by design, it's working exactly as intended since when people predicted exactly this to happen in the "feedback but not feedback thread" this concern was brushed away saying these concerns are "crazy conspiracy theories".

Reverse it back to how it was.

They won't.

I have to admit that I didn't expect people to put OT creators on the ignore list and will make sure this will get addressed once we decide on how to continue

This is really baffling. While ignoring OT creators is not a long term solution, I shudder thinking of how you are going to adress this...

The parts of the mod/admin team that thought this was a good idea probably shouldn't be making decisions about forum organizational topics like this anymore. Numerous posters in the announcement thread explicitly stated this exact complaint about the OTs and the administrative staff completely disregarded those concerns, speaking past those people instead of actually addressing those concerns directly. The reason the Iraq II/Brexit analogies have been popping up is because this horrible end result was completely predictable, and the fact that the administrative staff could not see it coming is cause for making sure people in those positions don't get to make those decisions again. I'm not asking for anyone to be fired/step down, but I am asking you to consider that this was an unnecessary own goal that resulted from your own hubris and inability to listen.

This change is actively harming the forums, it will be incredibly damaging if you let it go on any longer

This. They created a huge problem by trying to fix an issue that didn't exist in the first place.

There was a reason many people ignored EtcetEra Hangouts for the most part, reason being simply not being interested in the majority of "OTs" there. And the people who were interested in them knew exactly how to find them.

If the reason for this change was really more visibility for these "community OTs" simply moving them next to gaming for more visibility would have solved this issue, although not the reason why people don't participate in them. There really is no solution for that "problem", people are either interested in these topics or they are not.
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Oct 28, 2017
I won't go into more detail as this thread is not about the failed feedback thread. I'll say this: it's not that we didn't like the feedback from the thread, but that certain individuals took the thread as an opportunity to lash out against the staff in front of an audience which culminated in a framing of an event that gave the impression that we shutdown a minority community which is nonsense. Our communication in that thread could have been much better, and I apologize for that. That being said: the bits and pieces of valuable feedback are being looked at and incorporated into 2.0.

As for the "redesign disaster": this was always meant as a temporary solution until 2.0 and we always kept the legacy themes available to everybody. To say that we did ignore feedback is wrong as there have been new fixed added since the initial launch version.

Now, I want to get back to this restructuring thing

I can see that.

Of course; I think even if this one started as a troll thread that we can get something valuable out of it, and so far the consensus seems pretty clear to me

We have consulted with community leaders (Prominent Members™) who we see as representatives of our sub-communities about this change and their feedback has been way more positive than in this thread or the announcement one which is why perceived this as a positive change for many. To say that we didn't ask for any input is flat out wrong, but this thread makes it clear that the community wants to be consulted more when it comes to big changes like this one which will be reconsidered.

Let me be clear: the Iraq analogies have been popping up because you made them in the first place, and while I get what you want to express with that analogy, I think it's overly dramatic.

As for the rest of your post: I hear you.

I hear you. I understand that a clean front page is very important to a lot of you and your points make sense


This observation only makes sense if you view entertainment in general as free from politics, which it is not - I even mentioned the LeBron James example and another one would be the NFL shenanigans, stuff like the #OscarsSoWhite controversy or even some #MeToo stories that involve people from the entertainment sector. Politics would have a place in entertainment just as they do in gaming

Why dont you just tell us what you really think, "I hear you, dont worry, I hear you", you sound like a shitty politician. Why not just make a giant poll in Announcements and then use that as a litmus for the community's feelings, which I gaurantee are not good. Cannot but suspect there is some ulterior motive for all this


Oct 26, 2017
We have consulted with community leaders (Prominent Members™) who we see as representatives of our sub-communities about this change and their feedback has been way more positive than in this thread or the announcement one which is why perceived this as a positive change for many. To say that we didn't ask for any input is flat out wrong, but this thread makes it clear that the community wants to be consulted more when it comes to big changes like this one which will be reconsidered.
This sounds a lot like politicians consulting corporations and making changes based on that and ignoring the general populace. Did not a single staff member think about what others would think?

Also, is this basically the Unofficial official feedback thread now?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Feb 14, 2018
We have consulted with community leaders (Prominent Members™) who we see as representatives of our sub-communities about this change and their feedback has been way more positive than in this thread or the announcement one which is why perceived this as a positive change for many. To say that we didn't ask for any input is flat out wrong, but this thread makes it clear that the community wants to be consulted more when it comes to big changes like this one which will be reconsidered.



Oct 25, 2017
I don't see how this is any different from how it was before, besides the possibility of the separation happening over time
That wasnt the point of the change.

The point was to force people to see OTs. They explained this. If they simply moved Hangouts to Etc that would be too cluttered so they created entertainment hoping it would leave enough room across the 2 "first page of threads" for new topics.

I really have no idea why anyone thought the point was to separate politics. Some of the most active posters who discuss politics related to gaming and entertainment on this site are admins or moderators.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017

Just caught up and I think I understand the frustration with this change.

We never had the intention to seperate politics from entertainment - I think considering how we already moderate threads that are a fusion of both entertainment and politics should be evidence enough of that. A thread about LeBron James calling Clownstick Von Fuckface a bum would have both a place in the Entertainment and the Etcetera section, probably even more so in the Entertainment forum. I understand the fear that we allow people to completely dissappear in their little Entertainment echo chamber, but this Entertainment forum would not be free of that.

I'm sure people will still believe what they want to believe at the end of the day, but I can promise you that when this idea first came up, we only had the best intentions in mind, which was to encourage more discussion and to give more visibility to community threads that different people might find interest in. We talked about this for a long time and decided to at least give it a shot for a some time, which we are doing now. If it's not working after a while, we're obviously not going to leave it as it is, which makes those dooming posts about this change even more confusing to me, but we clearly haven't explained that well enough so I somewhat get why that kind of thinking happens.
From what I understand though is that this change actually feels like a step back to many (especially those who are interested in news and shit) because now you not only have to navigate through three forums to get to the content you are interested in but also have to browse through forums filled with OTs. From that perspective, it absolutely makes sense that a lot of you are annoyed about this change.

So I guess my question is: would you guys be a bit more happy with this change if we had a thread ignore feature that works both on desktop or mobile? Or is this something that should be reversed because it harms your enjoyment of the forum?

Honestly, the site's intentions don't matter that much, what matters is the end result. The end result is that this is a mess, there's no tinkering with this, forcing us to ignore dozens/hundreds of threads isn't a solution. I'm not a prominent member, but I really do suggest you reverse on this decision ASAP. You're not going to drive more traffic to the forum, you'll actually going to do the exact opposite.

We have consulted with community leaders (Prominent Members™) who we see as representatives of our sub-communities about this change and their feedback has been way more positive than in this thread or the announcement one which is why perceived this as a positive change for many. To say that we didn't ask for any input is flat out wrong, but this thread makes it clear that the community wants to be consulted more when it comes to big changes like this one which will be reconsidered.

No offense, but you can't really depend on the opinion of what could be a handful of bootlickers looking to validate your own opinion for a such a forum-altering change. Or egomaniacal OT creators that just want to see their own threads become more popular and always show up on page one in a "main forum."


Oct 25, 2017
We have consulted with community leaders (Prominent Members™) who we see as representatives of our sub-communities about this change and their feedback has been way more positive than in this thread or the announcement one which is why perceived this as a positive change for many.

Well, I mean... Sounds like you asked community thread leaders if they wanted community threads to be more visible :P

Sweeney Swift

User Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
I'm sick of moving and honestly if it comes to that again, I'm probably just going to end up losing the friends I've made on here and that I've maintained on here from the GAF days through to the move
Also considering this place is one of two forums I know/am on that actually fucking have a mental health thread, and this one's the only one that's made me feel comfortable enough to talk openly and it resulted in me getting temporary help from said friends, guess I'm just fucked if I relapse


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
While I've always hated the hangout/communities split, I think it would have been better to put subforums underneath them for the popular OT's as I hate browsing WrassleERA or any of the other fast moving threads, mostly because they're linear, so some topics for discussion get missed while people are sleeping instead of catching up on 5 pages. Would much rather have a slightly buried away to avoid clutter wrestling sub-sub-forum, along with popular sports and the like. Then the main Hangouts section would give the visibility to the lower down, slower moving OT's like this change was supposed to help.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
It's been mentioned a few times already but I think it also does deserve more attention that this thread basically being the catch all wtf happened to the layout thread is also hilarious.

The previous announcement thread was locked for the downtime, there's a new FAQ and a list of OTs that are both locked. There's no proper means of feedback, outside of this random thread. And it wasn't even made by a prominent poster.


Oct 25, 2017
No offense, but you can't really depend on the opinion of what could be a handful of bootlickers looking to validate your own opinion for a such a forum-altering change. Or egomaniacal OT creators that just want to see their own threads become more popular and always show up on page one in a "main forum."



Oct 28, 2017
Who even are the mods, I know at GAF they were Malka's minions so it makes sense they would care about advertising and stuff cos he wanted a profit. I thought this place was all about community and so-on. Just seems weird there doing this. Ah well I need to move on with my life.

Fat4All, carry on your crusade. You have my support


Oct 25, 2017
Also considering this place is one of two forums I know/am on that actually fucking have a mental health thread, and this one's the only one that's made me feel comfortable enough to talk openly and it resulted in me getting temporary help from said friends, guess I'm just fucked if I relapse
I even mentioned this before when people were saying "eh, people will get used to it." Era(and old gaf especially) have been therapeutic for literally hundreds or more of people and this could be bad if it gets messed up.


Oct 25, 2017
We have consulted with community leaders (Prominent Members™) who we see as representatives of our sub-communities about this change and their feedback has been way more positive than in this thread or the announcement one which is why perceived this as a positive change for many.

So you asked a very small minority of people who you assumed spoke on behalf of everyone here... and you're surprised that the change went down like the Hindenburg?

Why did you assume these people spoke for everyone else?


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, the site's intentions don't matter that much, what matters is the end result. The end result is that this is a mess, there's no tinkering with this, forcing us to ignore dozens/hundreds of threads isn't a solution. I'm not a prominent member, but I really do suggest you reverse on this decision ASAP. You're not going to drive more traffic to the forum, you'll actually going to do the exact opposite.

No offense, but you can't really depend on the opinion of what could be a handful of bootlickers looking to validate your own opinion for a such a forum-altering change. Or egomaniacal OT creators that just want to see their own threads become more popular and always show up on page one in a "main forum."

Whoare these prominent community leaders?
Im sick of hearing about them? We need confrontation.


Oct 28, 2017
I even mentioned this before when people were saying "eh, people will get used to it." Era(and old gaf especially) have been therapeutic for literally hundreds or more of people and this could be bad if it gets messed up.
Forum change is bad but these threads and people responding to them still exist.

Goat Mimicry

Oct 25, 2017
That a joke thread is the only place to give feedback shows how well this whole thing was planned.

It's annoying and cluttered, and whatever struggling communities it was meant to help weren't worth it.
Oct 27, 2017
While the way it was said is exaggerated, this is exactly what was stated in the previous thread.

Polling the opinion of those are most likely to want such a change (those actively involved in OT community threads and creating them) is going to heavily bias the result in favour of such a change. Unsurprisingly that was not representative of the forum's opinion at large. Consulting with 50 members who have a bias in favour of the change is not sufficient to determine if people on the forum will be in favour of the change.

Deleted member 1067

User Requested Account Closure
Oct 25, 2017
Jeez man some of you guys are talking this way too seriously. Just give it a month or so and if it doesn't work out changes can be made further.

On a side note, I look forward to being blocked by about 200 people when I make this month's book thread lol >.<


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
my issue is, even if it does push OTs forward, which it does, only a few will every be popular enough to stick around the front page

so while it doesn't really fix one issue, it also needlessly divides a forums space at the same time

talking with users about how to make OTs more visible should of been introduced months ago

Textured Monk

Oct 27, 2017

This observation only makes sense if you view entertainment in general as free from politics, which it is not - I even mentioned the LeBron James example and another one would be the NFL shenanigans, stuff like the #OscarsSoWhite controversy or even some #MeToo stories that involve people from the entertainment sector. Politics would have a place in entertainment just as they do in gaming

I do believe that you guys werent trying to separate politics from everything else, but I think (and I don't want to put words in anyone's mouth) people are concerned that separating entertainment out is likely to lead to a separation over time and lead to a natural division. Given some posters in this thread seem to be pushing for that so they don't have to listen to politics, and the general confusion on topics fitting into either forum, I don't think it's completely unwarranted.

EDIT: This is worded poorly but I'm sleepy and hope I got the point across.


Oct 26, 2017
Not sure how new situation helps smaller OTs if they have to compete with bigger OTs and entertainment threads.
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