
One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Considering how many franchises they've been able to successfully launch off I would hardly complain. Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant-Man, Wandavision, and we've got stuff like Shang-Chi and Ms. Marvel coming? There ain't a lot to complain about for franchises they are covering.


Dec 27, 2017
Isn't Spider-Man's whole arc in the MCU about learning autonomy? That whole plot line rings true to me. Kids don't learn to be independent in a vacuum. Be interesting to see how parents vs. non-parents feel about this one :) .


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly better than I expected on most accounts. Even the TV shows on Disney+ have been solid.


Oct 25, 2017
Disney lucked out with Feige in charge of Marvel.
They could have been so much worst if you look at disaster that is Disney's live action outputs.


Oct 26, 2017
My only real complaint of the MCU is that I'm not the biggest fan of it's iteration of Spiderman.


Oct 25, 2017
Financially it is beyond smart. They were able to release like 20-30 movies in around 10 years and keep people interested. In fact they seemed to get more successful over time.

Personally I grew tired of watching movies in that universe. I like to see new IPs as well but Disney is not going to stop going to the well until it dries up and right now everything they touch is golden. Even kind of crappy reboots of their cartoon classics.


Oct 27, 2017
I think Disney's handled Marvel about as well as could be expected. From opening the purse strings and giving the films bigger budgets, to kicking Perlmutter to the curb and giving Feige greater (and much deserved) autonomy. I don't see the MCU reaching the heights it has if they'd stayed with Paramount or if someone else had purchased Marvel. As a Marvel fan for several decades, I'm pretty happy.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't give Disney credit for anything before the first Avengers since those movies were pre-buyout, but they have done a pretty damn good job considering the circumstances and all the moving parts.
Oct 25, 2017
I was more infinity more hype for the third solo thor movie than i was for the very first live action justice league movie

Hell this even applies to falcon and winter soldier over zack league


Nov 6, 2017
I think it's about as perfect as can be for anything of this magnitude, and I wish it could have been the same for Star Wars and DC, though I do hold hope that the former will recover with better guidance.


Oct 25, 2017
They had a pilot with Squirrel Girl and canned it

I will forever be mad about it

Besides that and the fact that they will probably kill one of my favorite characters that could have appeared in lots of other stuff, yeah they are doing an amazing job

I wanted slapstick and howard movies, but i know the problem is me


Oct 25, 2017
They are nailing it honestly. Some characters definitely get left by the wayside a bit, but considering how many plates they are spinning at ant one time then it's hard to begrudge them for it - plus with this TV stuff now who even knows, feels like any underutilized character could have a chance at a second life.


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't like having Spiderman' story revolve around Iron Man and other paternal figures. He now is "Tony Stark's lil bitch". I think that in 4 movies + Endgame he says "mr. Stark" almost a hundred times.

I always saw him as an indipendent strongwilled kid/man... now he is a petulant appendix.

I also didn't like his Starkification, especially with his hyper expensive tech and gadgets. But they are going for a younger Peter (probably because they plan to develop him over 10+ years) and with that intention in mind I liked Peter's and Tony's relationship.

Also, I think Far From home is clearly meant for Peter to grow up and become his own man. He was seeking a new guide in his life and thought he found that in Mysterio but obviously was fooled. In the end he gets over that and also doesn't feel the weight of Stark's legacy on him anymore. I'd guess we see a more independent Spidey in the third film.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Honestly not surprised some people couldn't hold it in when bringing up Star Wars


Mar 5, 2019
Since they bought Marvel in 2009, there wasn't much to change to begin with, since only two MCU movies came out pre-Disney.

But, yeah, it seems Disney have let Marvel Studios pretty much do what they want. Plus, of course, they helped Feige get out under Perlmutter's control. So without Disney we wouldn't have Black Panther and Captain Marvel, let alone Black Widow, Ms. Marvel, Ironheart, She-Hulk and whatever else. Of course, we presumably wouldn't even have Marvel Studios shows.


Sep 18, 2018
I've been a DC guy my whole life and I've enjoyed every MCU film more than pretty much anything DC has put out for movies since Dark Knight (except Shazam, Wonder Woman, and BOP which I adore).

They've done an incredible job.

Marvel, yes.

Star Wars, absolutely the worst.

Star Wars is more complicated. The MCU changes things a lot, but it's essentially just adapting preexisting characters and situations, whereas Star Wars is not really adapting anything that existed before (outside the Thrawn stuff Rebels did and a tiny bit of Boba in Mando).

MCU doesn't have anything as bad and misguided as TROS, admittedly (unless Iron Man 2 is 'that' bad).


May 16, 2020
Rio de Janeiro
Giving that my options in the beginning of my childhood for superheroes movies were: Superman Returns, Ang Lee's Hulk(I enjoyed it though) and Spider Raimi, yeah, I really like what they did and still do, I know this universe essentially wasn't born under them but the way it was handled was amazing regardless, growing up watching all these characters was cool.


Mod of the Year 2006
Oct 25, 2017
They've made 20+ films and just about all of them range from good to great.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
No complaints except for the handling of Hulk, and from my understanding that mostly because of licensing issues.


Oct 25, 2017
Very much so. I just wish the Spider-Man rights issue wasn't so complex and they had access to everything sans Sony. I want to see HAMMER and Norman Osborne, etc.

As a comics fan, there have been countless times watching the MCU when it makes me smile and say "they nailed that perfectly"-and you know the people in charge know about the source material - and WHY it has been loved for so long. It fills you with confidence that the people making the film know what they're doing. I wish I could have that same feeling about DC movies as well. That's the dream for me but we aren't there yet.


Oct 25, 2017
Definitely. Weird thing is that it feels like the MCU is just getting started despite being around for nearly a decade. They're doing some really interesting stuff right now with WandaVision and now Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Can't wait for stuff like She-Hulk, Ms. Marvel, and Moon Knight.


Oct 27, 2017
They pretty much nailed the MCU concept, and it's only getting better now that the Disney Plus shows are connecting and building character arcs as well. It's incredible what Disney and Marvel have built.


Oct 25, 2017
My interest has really gone down over time. I dont read the comics, so CGI gangbangs with 50 superhero cameos who are only in the movie for 3 minutes are pretty boring to me. Hopefully Black Widow will just be her story.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Not untill a full-on Alpha Flight movie or D+ series.

...but that probably wont come untill the mutants do in about 8 years or so.


Oct 26, 2017
Oh man absolutely. Its not even a question. The MCU has been its own unique thing and a roaring success in my eyes. I've enjoyed the movies and shows so far, I cannot speak for comics though.

I cannot wait for the X-Mens birth in the MCU.


Oct 28, 2017
I was excited about the MCU until Endgame, but that movie reduced my interest by probably 90%. I still haven't even subscribed to Disney+. Pre-Endgame, not watching a new MCU thing the first possible minute would have been unthinkable.


Dec 1, 2017
I think all of their recent movies, sans the Avengers two parter, have been a cure for insomnia. It feels like whenever they make a choice, it's the most bland and predictable result. Wandavision wasn't predictable ending since no fan expected for them to go that bland and obvious. I haven't seen any of the Falcon and the Snowman yet.


Nov 2, 2017
Bronx, NY
Very satisfied.

I never would've thought we would've gotten everything released so far. With them getting F4 and X-men back, i can only imagine all the stories
they are going to tell.


Nov 1, 2017
The Rapscallion
Yes absolutely

And they didn't really fuck up with Spider-Man. He acts exactly like a teenage Peter Parker would in this world where the Avengers exist. It's not like the comics where he started doing his thing around the same time as The Avengers. Not only that but it's clear they want Holland as Peter as a long time. He will continue to grow into his old man which will only make his first few films more unique in hindsight


Deploying the stealth Cruise Missile
Oct 27, 2017
Can't comment on the comics side of things, but their handling of their movies (and their current crop of TV shows) has been beyond excellent. They've somehow tread that often very fine line between pleasing the fans while keeping their properties approachable enough for a mass market.
Oct 28, 2017
It's hard for me to criticise it considering they've moved the superhero movie genre forward so much.

I just wish more of their movies appealed to me. Maybe I'm just oversaturated from the genre but the "Marvel formula" just doesn't excite me today. When I hear people who constantly marathon the movies I'm like ... how? But happy for people who can rewatch them, I need to space out my rewatches by 5+ years for these movies. But I"m glad they exist and popularised a ton of superhero characters.

Again I'm probably in the minority with this. Kinda wish Star Wars + Marvel content could excite me like they used to.

Edit: Kinda wish they'd take their animated shows a bit more serious. RIP Spectacular Spider-Man. And I guess they're hands off with their comics.


Oct 26, 2017
Beautiful Chapel Hill, NC
As a long time Marvel fan, the MCU has been an absolute delight and a resounding success. I'm hoping they can keep it going, but even if it all went to shit tomorrow it would have all been worth it. That said, I'm hoping we can plan on enjoying quality Marvel adaptations on the big and small screen going forward for many years to come.


Oct 27, 2017
Let me put it this way: The MCU would have completely fallen to bits without Alan Horn giving the reins of Marvel Studios over to Kevin Feige. Around the time of Age of Ultron's release, the actors and studio folks were really getting fed up with with the bullshit getting pushed on them by Ike Perlmutter and the Marvel "Creative Committee" (which included Perlmutter, Joe Quesada and Brian Michael Bendis, so you know the council was basically a bunch of executives and washed-out comics writers who were just there because of seniority), and those same forces were responsible for forcing Patty Jenkins and Edgar Wright to jump ship. Feige knew the situation was untenable, went to Horn and demanded to give him full control over the studio or he'd walk. You see tell the transition point where the tone and aesthetic of both the films and their marketing started shifting, especially with the changes in tone between Thor The Dark World and Thor Ragnarok.

Now that Feige has full control over Marvel, I'm really hoping things start shifting for the better not just on the live action TV side, but also on the animation and games front too. The animation side of Marvel has been a goddamn mess under Loeb's tenure, and there's basically been only three good Marvel games in the modern era (outside of the Lego stuff) - the Sony Spiderman games and Ultimate Alliance 3. Everything else has either been mobile crap, the mess that was Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite (which had telltale signs of Perlmutter's meddling) and the Avengers game.

As for the comics, I heard the new relaunch has been really good, at least.

But yeah, overall Disney has actually been smart to just let Kevin Feige do his thing. I know a lot of people think the MCU is formulaic, but the execution has been very good across the board, so frankly, I really don't care, anything being made in the MCU at this point is basically guaranteed to be a good time, because Feige is an exceptional producer who knows how to pick the right talent for the job. Hell, he's arguably the best movie producer this entire century.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Yes absolutely

And they didn't really fuck up with Spider-Man. He acts exactly like a teenage Peter Parker would in this world where the Avengers exist. It's not like the comics where he started doing his thing around the same time as The Avengers. Not only that but it's clear they want Holland as Peter as a long time. He will continue to grow into his old man which will only make his first few films more unique in hindsight

Nah, they fucked up Spider-Man. They were so afraid of the other Spider-Man movies that they haven't even had Peter mention Uncle Ben by name. (The Garfield films were criticized for doing the origin and Uncle Ben's death again, so they went in the completely opposite direction for the MCU.)


Oct 27, 2017
Generally yes, but feeling fatigue at this point and making Spider man Tony Stark Jr was a huge mistake imo


Oct 27, 2017
If by "Disney's handling" you mean "gave it to Kevin Feige and let him run with it," yeah, they did great. I don't know how people are "tired" of it when we haven't even started the new era yet beyond Wandavision and two episodes of Falcon.

They had a pilot with Squirrel Girl and canned it

I will forever be mad about it

Don't be, that pilot was more Jeph Loeb Marvel Television garbage overlorded by Perlmutter. I have no doubt Squirrel Girl will be brought into the MCU in time, and Feige will make sure she's done right.


Nov 1, 2017
The Rapscallion
Nah, they fucked up Spider-Man. They were so afraid of the other Spider-Man movies that they haven't even had Peter mention Uncle Ben by name. (The Garfield films were criticized for doing the origin and Uncle Ben's death again, so they went in the completely opposite direction for the MCU.)
They didn't want to repeat stuff, it's obvious everything with Uncle Ben still happened and it has been since that scene Peter had with Tony in Civil War

Y'all act like they erased him from existence, he just doesn't need to be focused on rn. It's not like Peter thinks about Uncle Ben in every Spider-Man comic either


Oct 25, 2017
Don't be, that pilot was more Jeph Loeb Marvel Television garbage overlorded by Perlmutter. I have no doubt Squirrel Girl will be brought into the MCU in time, and Feige will make sure she's done right.

did you saw it or are you talking about what you read ?

...was it leaked ? where can i find it ? =x


Oct 29, 2017
Pretty much zero complaints beyond the lack of more solo Hulk/Hulk family stuff. I am more excited for the film space more than the movie space right now just because both WandaVision & F & WS have failed to grab me as much as the Netflix era shows. Hope for the best from
Moon Knight, Ms Marvel & She Hulk but that's all. Optimistic for F4, Eternals, X-Men, Black Panther & Dr Strange. Not too too excited for the coming Spider-Man stuff after being lukewarm on Far From Home.