
Dec 23, 2017
I don't like their handling of Spider-Man but other than that yeah they've done a good job.


Oct 31, 2017
Yes but I have not real expectations for the Avengers. I'm about to get real picky with X-Men though.


Drive-in Mutant
Nov 18, 2017
I think they're icing Deadpool 3 to kill it because it's going to be rated R. They want to reboot it.


Election Thread Watcher
Aug 6, 2018
More beloved, sure. But 'bigger', I'm not so sure about that. MCU definitely did more with Iron Man, turning a fairly obscure comic book character into an iconic symbol of pop culture as a whole but guys like Superman has tremendous amount of legacy behind them. If I call my 70 year old dad right now, I can guarantee you he most likely know who Superman is, or at least aware of his existence, but Iron Man, far less likely. On the flipside, if you ask a 10 year old, yeah I'd not be surprised if he knows Iron Man but not Superman. It's debatable.

As for what I personally think how well Disney has handled MCU, no complaints aside from them cancelling Daredevil and too much use of humor undercutting serious moments.

This is like saying Popeye is bigger than Super Mario Brothers because the IP has been around longer.

Your 70 year old dad might be more familiar with popeye but in no way is it the more valuable IP.

Superman as an IP has a lot of "legacy" and is recognizable, but DC has struggled to gain traction with it since mishandling the IP with Superman III and IV back in the 1980s and putting it on ice for nearly twenty years.

Reception to those was SO poor in fact that DC/Warner simply chose to ignore III and IV entirely and made Superman Returns a sequel to Superman II (1980) which was 26 years old by then.

Neither the Brandon Routh Superman in 2006 or any of Cavill's interpretations under Snyder had much traction or positive impact at all, much less impact on the level of RDJ's Iron Man.

Any reasonable assessment of which IP was more valuable by way of critical acclaim, merchandise sales, or box office gross would be Iron Man by a wide margin and this has been consistent since 2008. A ten year old who saw that in theatres would be 23 by now and most of the audience for that wasnt ten year olds- and for what its worth my 72 year old dad has seen every MCU film and is well aware of who Iron Man is.. But hasn't seen a Superman film since Superman IV in 87.
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Oct 25, 2017
Things like the next big bad

The Fox purchase is probably going to help so much with this. They can either lean on the X-Men in some way (my dreams of an Age of Apocalypse one day...) or even better - something with Dr Doom and/or Galactus. They are certainly spoiled for choice right now. But its certainly down to execution, sso lets hope they nail it. I've been waiting far too long to see a proper version of either Doom or Galactus on screen.


Wrong About Cheese
Sep 21, 2020
Yea, it's fun to see the characters I grew up with turned into a huge interconnected movie franchise. For a while there I thought comic book movies would start and end with those terrible X-men movies.


Election Thread Watcher
Aug 6, 2018
The Fox purchase is probably going to help so much with this. They can either lean on the X-Men in some way (my dreams of an Age of Apocalypse one day...) or even better - something with Dr Doom and/or Galactus. They are certainly spoiled for choice right now. But its certainly down to execution, sso lets hope they nail it. I've been waiting far too long to see a proper version of either Doom or Galactus on screen.

Next one up is probably going to be Kang. He's on the level of Doom as a persistent big threat to the Avengers but his rights were tied up with the Fox stuff.

He's scheduled to appear in Ant Man 3 and will likely make additional appearances after that given the nature of that character.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
They managed to make me care about Thor when he was always my least favorite Marvel hero.
They managed to introduce me to Guardians and immediately fall in love with that crew.

I'm content


Oct 25, 2017
Next one up is probably going to be Kang. He's on the level of Doom as a persistent big threat to the Avengers but his rights were tied up with the Fox stuff.

He's scheduled to appear in Ant Man 3 and will likely make additional appearances after that given the nature of that character.
Yeah. Super excited for that one, Kang is such a cool character and could totally be a big threat to many different characters/teams.


Nov 14, 2017
Thor, the previously C tier hero, burst from the sky carrying a lightning axe made by a giant dwarf and a humanoid tree, and with a racoon on his shoulder shouts demanding they bring the giant purple grimace looking villain to him, and the world lost their shit cheering.

I can't think of a possible company who could have done the entire package overall better.
In all my cinematic experiences, this was by far the loudest and most hype a crowd have ever been. The fact that they did it with this cast of characters is an achievement in itself.
They succeeded in making some of their heroes more recognizable or desirable than Batman or Superman. That's where we're at today. It's crazy to think about.
I grew up more as a Batman and Superman fanboy but the MCU got me leaning towards their side now. It's wild.


Nov 1, 2017
The main issue for me is how insistent they are to have everything interconnected. Don't get me wrong, seeing these characters interact with each other is cool. However, I just wish that Marvel would allow it's creators to explore these characters without having them feed into the greater MCU.


The Fallen
Nov 1, 2017
They are entertaining movies, though I find them mostly forgettable (same way I feel about Star Wars). I never read any of the comics so I don't have opinions on how any of the characters or story arcs should be handled. Some of them are definitely better than others, but overall it's a fun series that I enjoy for the spectacle.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Pretty satisfied, especially considering what came before (and during)



Oct 25, 2017
Bay Area, CA
I didn't like having Spiderman' story revolve around Iron Man and other paternal figures. He now is "Tony Stark's lil bitch". I think that in 4 movies + Endgame he says "mr. Stark" almost a hundred times.

I always saw him as an indipendent strongwilled kid/man... now he is a petulant appendix.

I meant to respond to this yesterday afternoon, and haven't read past the first page, but this was something that needed to be done due to Sony wanting MCU connection to boost the franchise, and Feige wanting to tie this version of Spider-Man to the MCU so directly, that it was hard for Sony to take him away and use him on their own. It also makes sense considering Peter Parker grew up in a world where he idolized the Avengers, so it's natural for someone like him to look up Stark, especially if Tony took a interest in him an his abilities.

But to the topic at hand...
The MCU is my favorite franchise of all time, no doubt.
Most of the movies have been a hit, and while a few were a miss, none of them were bad.

Marvel TV was all over the place.
I wish Feige could've salvaged AoS back before they took a inevitable time-line split (if we could've salvaged them at the GR/DH storyline)
It would also be nice to bring back some of the NetflixMarvel characters (mostly DD and Punisher)
Cloak and Dagger would've been nice to keep too.

Can't speak for most of the animated stuff as I didn't watch most of it.

The move to putting Feige in charge of it all should've happened around the time of AoU, or at least all the live action content.
But as far as MCU connected Marvel is concerned, I couldn't be happier that we've gotten what we've gotten so far, with so much more to go. What we've seen so far was only the tip of the iceberg, so I'm excited to experience everything that comes after that.

Now if only they can get to building out that Marvel Land at Disneyland's California Adventure, but I feel like they won't have enough space to do it justice.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
They've said MCU Spider-Man's is heavily inspired by Ultimate Spider-Man as well, which saw him in high school his entire run and also had updated takes on the characters. That run was critically beloved and eventually gave us Miles

I am aware. But Ultimate Peter didn't have a BFF like "Ned", and he was friends with MJ even before the series began (which is why he revealed his secret ID to her so early in the run).

I also can't imagine MCU Peter doing something like this.



One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Since people keep talking about Ultimate Spider-Man, the MCU Spider-Man doesn't have the tone to pull off a dramatic moment like MJ's PTSD.


Edit: Also, going back to the 616 Universe, MJ telling Peter she knows he's Spider-Man was a big dramatic moment. The MCU reduced it to a joke.


(They did a similar thing with Aunt May learning Peter was Spider-Man, which was inspired by the JMS run. In the MCU, it was reduced to a joke and all possible drama was off-screen.)
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Oct 27, 2017
Disney and Marvel has really nailed the cradle to grave site process. My 5 yo loved the scarlet witch. my son has been a fan since he saw a talking raccoon in GOTG at the age of 4. So yeah..they got their hooks into our family.


Oct 25, 2017
Why wouldnt I. Im a DC fan, and prefer the MCU to the shitfest snyder fest Warner Bros did, that we will seem to have to pay forever.
The MCU is superinteresting for me now.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I am aware. But Ultimate Peter didn't have a BFF like "Ned", and he was friends with MJ even before the series began (which is why he revealed his secret ID to her so early in the run).

Yeah, I feel like calling the CU Spider-Man films based on the Ultimate books is like looking at the Joker movie and saying it's based on The Killing Joker.

Very loosely, yeah, but not really. Like honestly, outside of lifting elements from Miles' run, it really doesn't have much in common with the Ultimate Peter. Hell, Peter in that book did not care for any of Fury's authoritarian bullshit, so he damn sure wouldn't have been begging for Tony not to take his suit back in Homecoming. lol


Oct 25, 2017
They're aiight. Done really well in making competent and fun blockbusters though. Hella consistent there. Wish they had stronger output tho. I've only really been wowed by like Black Panther and the last couple avengers movies.

Also spiderman stinks in this universe too, which is a shame. Hoping X-Men are given their due and not being just a b-tier avengers. I want them looking boss


Aug 1, 2019
They kept Feige in charge, which was the best decision ever. Putting him in charge of everything Marvel is paying off, too.


Oct 27, 2017
They made a series about that. It's airing as we speak.
No, they made a series about what happens when Steve Rogers dips out as an old ass dude, which is entirely different than leaving open the possibility of Steve Rogers being fully active and appearing in movies 10 years from now.

How much longer will Ruffalo want to be Banner? If he wants out, let him out and recast him. Hemsworth wants out? Let him out and recast him.


Sep 23, 2019
Said beforehand that I have nothing but admiration for Kevin Feige, and I don't think that was EVER such a long string of consistently good movies in movie history by a single producer (if the worst are Thor 2 and Iron Man 2, they are still decent enough, leagues better than some Fox shit), I still think THIS is the beat Marvel thing made with human actors.



Oct 27, 2017
Absolutely. In a decade Marvel under Disney has gone from a beloved but struggling face of the comics industry to a literal cultural zeitgeist, one that stands tall up against everything else on Disney's plate. And the craziest thing is after a decade of serial storytelling, culminating in them sticking the landing with Endgame, it legit feels like they only just started. We've got X-Men and Fantastic Four on the horizon, these D+ are proving to be exceptional additions to the MCU's plate of movies, and there's so much upcoming in part due to COVID delays that I, lifelong Marvelite than I am, am looking ready to feast like a king. For God's sake we're getting a goddamn Eternals movie. I still get fucking chills thinking of the state of things.

Next craziest thing has been how much of this has really come together under the consolidation of a single man. I know the MCU is the work of a concert of people, but Kevin Feige is its conductor, and has truly proven himself to be the beating heart that keeps this machine in motion. And we know this because nearly every other Marvel thing not under his watchful eye has stumbled hard, from the strained multimedia Inhumans push (that ultimately failed so hard it's unfortunately turned the Inhumans IP near-toxic) to the dismal state of Marvel animation and gaming. And I can only hope that with basically everything short of the comics themselves under him now that things really do turn out better going into the next decade.

The Spider-Man piece is definitely divisive and I do get it, between the sheer number of liberties taken and all of Sony's attempts to ride the MCU coattails, but I'll admit that I've totally been onboard with it. I think the whole Spider-Man/Iron Man dynamic works on multiple levels and I think the whole "Iron Man Jr." critique is largely overplayed. It's definitely not super-faithful but I do think the current iteration's valid, one that takes advantage of Spidey's status as a cultural icon to change things up, and that the MCU depiction hasn't bled into the comics canon the way so many other things have speaks to the strength of said status.

Less talked about is the rise in prominence of Scott Lang as Ant-Man at the expense of Hank Pym, though that has at least been buoyed by media properly juggling between both as well as Janet van Dyne and other "second Wasps", including the comics' Nadia Pym. And then there's the state of the future: what happens with bringing in the X-Men and FF into an established world already trying to move to a next generation, and whether or not Marvel should proceed with fully retiring T'Challa following Chadwick Boseman's death, and if they do what that means for a still-rising corner of the Marvel universe.
Oct 29, 2017
Satisfied is the right word for it.

I don't hate any of the MCU output, but there are only a handful of films/shows I truly love.


Oct 28, 2017
No, they made a series about what happens when Steve Rogers dips out as an old ass dude, which is entirely different than leaving open the possibility of Steve Rogers being fully active and appearing in movies 10 years from now.

How much longer will Ruffalo want to be Banner? If he wants out, let him out and recast him. Hemsworth wants out? Let him out and recast him.
There are tons of stories to tell but too little time when dealing with movies. If all they did was re-hash the same old we would have had Iron Man 8 now, or more. That's boring. There's so many characters who all deserve their place in the spotlight.
Banner -> Amadeus Cho or She-Hulk
Thor -> Jane Foster or Beta Ray Bill
Same concept just new ideas. Let each actor get a chance to flesh out the concept behind the mask. They're all part of one giant canon.


Oct 27, 2017
There are tons of stories to tell but too little time when dealing with movies. If all they did was re-hash the same old we would have had Iron Man 8 now, or more. That's boring. There's so many characters who all deserve their place in the spotlight.
Banner -> Amadeus Cho or She-Hulk
Thor -> Jane Foster or Beta Ray Bill
Same concept just new ideas. Let each actor get a chance to flesh out the concept behind the mask. They're all part of one giant canon.
You can't tell Bruce stories with Amadeus or Jen; tonally different for all three in regards to how they managed their Hulkiness and how people respond.

Jane-Thor and Horse-Thor gets you the spectacle, but none of the proper deity angles, like when paired against the Dark Gods, Greek Gods, and so on.

Besides, these characters shouldn't have to be used as stand ins to tell the stories of other characters.


Oct 25, 2017
Definitely. Their quality control has been absolutely impeccable, unlike how it was before the buyout. I have total confidence that it will continue with the likes of X-Men and Fantastic Four.


Oct 27, 2017
Ultimately have mixed feelings on the entire MCU, but I can't imagine a studio that could have provided a better cultural foundation than Disney. Along with the financial support that all major properties will get through movies and merchandising.