
The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
I fucked it up because i wasnt getting any good feedback from hitting it in the face so i tried other parts of the body which you werent supposed to do so i died.
cleared it the second time by nonstop shooting its face

Thanks. I thought you could have both sleeping darts and fire bombs equipped at the same time, but I see I was definitely mistaken there. Makes absolute sense.
for what its worth, as long as you're not in the process of an attack animation or getting hit you can swap em out in the gear menu any time


Oct 27, 2017
As someone who is on again off again fan of the series, can someone explain to me why this is a good entry? (Unity made me swear not to touch it, and I haven't since...)

After reading the praise online that it's "surprisingly good", I'd love to hear why it is.

- revamped combat system, while not perfect, is an improvement over past games
- much more realized game world
- great protag
- huge world thats great for exploration
- decent loot system and weapon variety

to name a few.
Oct 26, 2017
Man, I thought I was coming toward the end and then it has me chasing the main antagonist to a new area and then i get to a new area from there with a new arena and all even more side quests pop up and...

It never ends lol. Not complaining; I'm loving the hell out of this.
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
As someone who is on again off again fan of the series, can someone explain to me why this is a good entry? (Unity made me swear not to touch it, and I haven't since...)

After reading the praise online that it's "surprisingly good", I'd love to hear why it is.
It feels less "Assassin's Creeds"-y than other entries. The games were getting to be pretty cookie-cutter with regards to combat; parry, attack, parry, kill. This game completely does away with that, to the point where you have neither the hidden blade nor the ability to parry early on. It's much more, dodge, wait for an opening, use utility or a shield break, get some hits in, dodge back, etc. And enemies won't wait to attack you one at a time to give you a chance to press a button and do a flashy assassination animation while everyone patiently watches; if you get surrounded, you get killed. The RPG elements have been fleshed out significantly, offering you the opportunity to choose what skills you want to invest in. Do you prefer ranged combat? Invest in bow and arrow skills. Do you prefer using tools like bombs and darts? Invest your points over there. It makes a concerted effort to give you different ways to play the game in a way previous entries did not. The RPG elements extend to combat as well, with your hidden blade no longer being a guaranteed one-hit kill. Enemies have HP, your weapons deal damage based on their overall stats, and can also give a host of status effects, so changing up weapons is far more than just a cosmetic change (the same cannot be said of armor, however). And the weapons play differently from each other as well; the tactics that work with twin short swords are going to be useless when using an enormous axe.

It tries to do things more like Witcher 3, with lots of sidequests that involve "finding clues" and whatnot (but mostly boil down to go to location, kill animal or bandit, leave). The world is more open than any other entry as well. Even Black Flag, with its endless seas, would have loading areas to get into major cities; this is just one giant open seamless map. The cities are miniscule in comparison to other AC games, but the tradeoff for a massive world that you can explore without transitions feels like a breath of fresh air. You still do the same old AC staples; find loot, climb towers, clear lots and lots and lots of little question marks off your map. But because the world feels alive, it invites exploration. You can spend time in this game just hunting (and you will need to if you want to upgrade your base stats), and it's legitimately an enjoyable exercise. You can even do some good old-fashioned tomb raiding.

I wouldn't say the game is some revolutionary title that we'll all be looking at 10 years down the road saying "that changed everything." But it's an excellent entry in a franchise that was feeling completely overdone.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Man, I thought I was coming toward the end and then it has me chasing the main antagonist to a new area and then i get to a new area from there with a new arena and all even more side quests pop up and...

It never ends lol. Not complaining; I'm loving the hell out of this.

Yeah, there are multiple moments where the game "tricks" you into thinking you've reached the finale of the game. One moment even has a fat "Are you sure you want to continue beyond this point?" prompt as if something huge is about to happen.

Kinda weird, not sure why they did that in the first place.
Oct 26, 2017
Yeah, there are multiple moments where the game "tricks" you into thinking you've reached the finale of the game. One moment even has a fat "Are you sure you want to continue beyond this point?" prompt as if something huge is about to happen.

Kinda weird, not sure why they did that in the first place.

Right! The point of no return was a bait and switch if I ever saw one.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
The alternative controls are good, but I switched to them before ever even starting, so I don't know if the other control scheme is any good. If you play Witcher 3, the alternative controls will feel very familiar. The classic combination of parry, assassinate, repeat no longer works; there's a lot more emphasis on dodging and counter-attacking to whittle attackers down. The story pacing at the beginning of the game is baffling, so don't try to hard to follow along or think that you missed something. If you're concerned about performance, the game includes a built-in benchmark to help you see how it will run on your system; if you prioritize framerate over visuals, you'll definitely want to take advantage of this as the game can really chug in certain areas when maxed out.

Thanks for this, I'll try out default controls first and see how I like it. I'm very used to the old AC controls though so it might become a problem.... we'll see.

Thank you for the tips ;)


Nov 3, 2017
i´ve a question, i just killed
the Lizard
and about start the
the Crocodile quest series

How many story missions do i´ve left ?


Comics Council 2020 & Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
The first civilization pack for gear isn't in the seasons pass. That's not right. It's should be called the "select limited content pass"


Oct 27, 2017
It feels less "Assassin's Creeds"-y than other entries. The games were getting to be pretty cookie-cutter with regards to combat; parry, attack, parry, kill. This game completely does away with that, to the point where you have neither the hidden blade nor the ability to parry early on. It's much more, dodge, wait for an opening, use utility or a shield break, get some hits in, dodge back, etc. And enemies won't wait to attack you one at a time to give you a chance to press a button and do a flashy assassination animation while everyone patiently watches; if you get surrounded, you get killed. The RPG elements have been fleshed out significantly, offering you the opportunity to choose what skills you want to invest in. Do you prefer ranged combat? Invest in bow and arrow skills. Do you prefer using tools like bombs and darts? Invest your points over there. It makes a concerted effort to give you different ways to play the game in a way previous entries did not. The RPG elements extend to combat as well, with your hidden blade no longer being a guaranteed one-hit kill. Enemies have HP, your weapons deal damage based on their overall stats, and can also give a host of status effects, so changing up weapons is far more than just a cosmetic change (the same cannot be said of armor, however). And the weapons play differently from each other as well; the tactics that work with twin short swords are going to be useless when using an enormous axe.

It tries to do things more like Witcher 3, with lots of sidequests that involve "finding clues" and whatnot (but mostly boil down to go to location, kill animal or bandit, leave). The world is more open than any other entry as well. Even Black Flag, with its endless seas, would have loading areas to get into major cities; this is just one giant open seamless map. The cities are miniscule in comparison to other AC games, but the tradeoff for a massive world that you can explore without transitions feels like a breath of fresh air. You still do the same old AC staples; find loot, climb towers, clear lots and lots and lots of little question marks off your map. But because the world feels alive, it invites exploration. You can spend time in this game just hunting (and you will need to if you want to upgrade your base stats), and it's legitimately an enjoyable exercise. You can even do some good old-fashioned tomb raiding.

I wouldn't say the game is some revolutionary title that we'll all be looking at 10 years down the road saying "that changed everything." But it's an excellent entry in a franchise that was feeling completely overdone.
Thank you for the detailed write up, I appreciate it. I'm going to give a shot this Christmas :)


Oct 27, 2017
If you're encountering large numbers of red skull enemies, you're probably under-leveled for the area you're in and should go back and level up more in a different section. The map will tell you basic levels for an area. If you look at Alexandria on your map, for example, it has a 9 and 12 under it, so enemies in that area will be between level 9 and 12 (with some exceptions for certain missions). Herakeleion Nome, shortly to the east of Alexandria, is between 30-33. If you were properly leveled for Alexandria and ran off to Herakeleion Nome, everything there would be able to kill you virtually instantly. So look at the numbers on the area you're in; it's probably time to level up a bit more before continuing in that zone.
Thanks for the detailed explanation. I somewhat figured this out on my own since my current quest said meet so and so in Alexandria and I was on the opposite side of the map by the Pyramids & The Sphinx. Haha They were just so damn enticing.

So I started making my way towards Alexandria but of course I have gotten sidetracked. So easy in this game. And anytime I see a Sync point I got for it.

Again though thanks for taking the time. I did not realize the map itself said the recommended levels for an area so I will figure out where that is so I know moving forward.

I am just really damn impressed with the game overall.
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
Thanks for the detailed explanation. I somewhat figured this out on my own since my current quest said meet so and so in Alexandria and I was on the opposite side of the map by the Pyramids & The Sphinx. Haha They were just so damn enticing.

So I started making my way towards Alexandria but of course I have gotten sidetracked. So easy in this game. And anytime I see a Sync point I got for it.

Again though thanks for taking the time. I did not realize the map itself said the recommended levels for an area so I will figure out where that is so I know moving forward.

I am just really damn impressed with the game overall.
I had the same experience with the pyramids. I was like, there's no way I'm waiting until level 20 or whatever to go climb a pyramid. Fortunately you can legitimately go anywhere in the world at any time after the prologue. The level ratings for an area are more just guidelines to remind you that if you attract aggressive attention in an area that's way beyond your level, prepare to die quickly. I was syncing viewpoints in the south part of the map and came to one that was guarded by a dozen red skull lions. My wife asked what the red skull meant, and I replied "don't."
Oct 25, 2017
Just reached Alexandria. Got this dank sword from I think some daily quest thing?

Poison is super useful lol.

That one story mission here in the bath house was confusing. I died like 5 times trying to escape because soldiers kept spotting me and killing me.


Oct 27, 2017
My Lil bro nailed the Reda exploit and we've been legit doing it for 2 hours and haven't gotten a single costume.

The drop rates are atrocious.


Oct 27, 2017
Why does EVERY weaver have the same 4-5 outfits?! This is dumb. Like, what's the point of even having them?


Oct 27, 2017
Oh, and this is what it's like to explore a pyramid in Origins:

"Oh wow!! Look at this! The great pyramid of Giza! I can't wait to see what's inside... I can only imagine the treasure and secrets I'll discover."

"Oooohh this is spooky! Pitch black. Cobwebs. Bugs. What's gonna happen!"

"Seems to be leading me in one direction... huh. You wouldn't think they would design the pyramid to lead directly to the tomb room. Oh well. This is cool!!"

"Ok I swear to god I've been down this hall 14 times now. Why does everything look the same? If the pyramids were just a series of hallways, why does anyone give a shit about them?"

"Ok ok here we go!! Seems like this is a puzzle room! Can't wait to see what this unlocks."

"Oh? That was it? I just moved the shelf like a metre to the right? Alright. Let's see what I unlocked!"

"Omg omg omg omg treasure room!! Let's see what's in the tomb! What treasures will I get! Wow this is cool!!"

Ancient writing. From the old kingdom.


"Wait what? That's it? That's the great mystery hidden within the pyramids?"

"I hope they all aren't like that, that would be extremely disappointing."

*30 hours later*

"They are all like that."


Oct 25, 2017
Correct me if I'm wrong, but pyramids were pretty much just a few hallways



Oct 25, 2017
Something I found interesting/nice was that diagrams of the real Saqqara/Dashur/Giza pyramids could be used to navigate the in-game ones.
Of course, the tombs in the game have been 'gamified' with puzzles and treasure rooms and such. And the Great Pyramid in-game even has a second path/section with an Isu vault in it.

Besides, it's a famous historical landmark, why wouldn't you want to poke around inside if given the opportunity?

His Majesty

Oct 25, 2017
- revamped combat system, while not perfect, is an improvement over past games
- much more realized game world
- great protag
- huge world thats great for exploration
- decent loot system and weapon variety

to name a few.

What is decent about the loot system? It's trash. You just pick up the weapons dropped by enemies for some incremental bonuses. No sense of progression at all.


Oct 25, 2017
So I'm at the point where....
The Pharao is dead, Bayek did his pep talk at the dinner table to basically found the Assassins and now I have to go kill a dude... I assume I am near the end? I got the quest and I had like 10min left in my lunch break so didn't want risking starting it lol.


Oct 27, 2017
So I'm at the point where....
The Pharao is dead, Bayek did his pep talk at the dinner table to basically found the Assassins and now I have to go kill a dude... I assume I am near the end? I got the quest and I had like 10min left in my lunch break so didn't want risking starting it lol.
You would assume that, wouldn't you?

There's still a bunch more.


Oct 25, 2017
The UI is just too damn small for me on Xbone. I have a 43 inch TV that I sit maybe 8 feet from. I struggle to read any text in menus, especially quest or gear info. I also struggle to get anything meaningful out of Senu because the indicators are just too small.

I'm not wrong in saying there's no tweaks to this in the options, right? I just have to deal with it?

Really enjoying the game a lot otherwise.


Oct 25, 2017
Photomode is back up, for those of use who didn't utilize the in-console system to take pictures. lol

EDIT: I should specify, it's back up online on the website.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Fuck, this game is so good. I thought it was really good.. then I found a cat.. knelt down and he petted the cat. Fuck those touches make games so great.

Now I'm standing in a spot and 2 cats are following me around meowing.

Such a stupid but cool thing to program in.

Also Egypt is such a great place to put a game like this. So beautiful... the pretty full move to an open world RPG suited the series so good.


I shed
Oct 25, 2017
Fuck, this game is so good. I thought it was really good.. then I found a cat.. knelt down and he petted the cat. Fuck those touches make games so great.

Now I'm standing in a spot and 2 cats are following me around meowing.

Such a stupid but cool thing to program in.

Also Egypt is such a great place to put a game like this. So beautiful... the pretty full move to an open world RPG suited the series so good.

Wait until the cats walk through a poison cloud. :(


Oct 27, 2017
Fuck, this game is so good. I thought it was really good.. then I found a cat.. knelt down and he petted the cat. Fuck those touches make games so great.

Now I'm standing in a spot and 2 cats are following me around meowing.

Such a stupid but cool thing to program in.

Also Egypt is such a great place to put a game like this. So beautiful... the pretty full move to an open world RPG suited the series so good.

Oct 27, 2017
Can anyone help with the screenshots bug (assume its a bug). I mentioned it ages ago, but not sure if anyone else had the same issue. I'm running the game in HDR, if I just snag a screenshot using the share button it comes out fine. However if I take a screenshot using the photomode (clicking in both sticks), it looks fine in game, but as soon as I view it back at the PS4 dashboard its all washed out, properly dull.

Also, I've just reached Memphis. Love it. I'm level 22, been playing for 25 hours.