
Oct 25, 2017
This guy rode all over the lake with me.

I got into a nasty fight on a ship full of soldiers and a lion that involved fire and my ship being destroyed, then Moana came to help me get back.


I had even thrown a dead bruiser overboard right in front of her and she was cool with it. She just wanted to help.


Oct 27, 2017
After 85 hours, finished the game along with picking up every achievement.

Didn't expect Origins to become my game of the year (and yes I've played through Horizon, Zelda, Mario, and Persona this year)
Oct 26, 2017
So I finally got the game on Uplay, annnnnnd is there any reason why Uplay's download speeds fluctuate so rapidly? It is constantly going from up to 30 mb/s to 1.4 mb/s. Pausing and starting the download back up again instantly makes it go back up to great speeds then after a second or two it tanks again.
Nov 8, 2017
Stockholm, Sweden
I really like the new combat, it is like a mix between zelda and dark souls, a lot more engaging than the standing around waiting to counter attack of all the previous games.

One thing that i do not get about the combat is the attacks certain enemies do when they sort of lock you in place and do this canned animation that is undodgeable and unblockable, it is almost like they do a overpower attack to you, is there any way to avoid these attacks?


Oct 27, 2017
North Cyprus
I know I might be a bit late but Old Habits trophy is kicking my you know what. It seems like I got everything but cannot seem to find it.

I wonder whats coming in Hidden Ones Dlc


Oct 27, 2017

has anybody started this mission yet? (spoilers mission title)

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I've kinda held off, and gone to the territory about Siwa

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Oct 25, 2017

has anybody started this mission yet? (spoilers mission title)

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I've kinda held off, and gone to the territory about Siwa

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That mission isn't as 'final' as it seems, but it is a major event that locks out normal gameplay for a short time and has major plot implications. After that, the action shifts towards the northwestern/Libyan corner of the map.


Oct 27, 2017
So is the LOD bug supposedly fixed? Have they ever commented on it? I never had the issue on my Pro but after double dipping for the Xbox version, I think im noticing more object pop-in and the texture pop-in (when using bows) on my Xbox One X.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm addicted. Never thought I'd play an AC game as intensely as I played Brotherhood but this one has me hooked


Oct 28, 2017
Finished the main quest after 75 hours.

The good:
- amazing worldbuilding, hugely detailed, great setting, HUGE and varied map, incredible graphics.
- traversal is top notch, mounting is great.
- Bayek and Aya.
- combat is amazing, biggest improvement for the franchise. Great weapons and moves, archery is on point, impactful and with cool finishers.
- mainquest was enjoyable with interesting targets. Loved the last stretch with some nice bossfights.
- some of the sidequests were good and with explanations of ancient egypt and enriched the lore.
- tombs are great
- huge amount of content with neat postlaunch support
- wildlife
- etc...

Not so good:
- the writing and dialouges outside of Bayek and Aya are bad, this is seriously the biggest flaw of the game.
- loot; the base idea is good, but the loot is mostly the same over and over.
- the music is good, but not great.
- majority of sidequest have the same outcome over and over. Repetition.

Bottom line: might well be my GOTY. It left me wanting for more. Ubisoft outdid themselves.


Oct 27, 2017
England, UK
I'm glad that Ubi are giving people like myself a chance to do the past 2 Trails. Nice little bonus in the December update.

Just reached level 40, nowhere near the end as of yet.

Yeah me too! I'm really happy they're doing that. I was playing through the game while event 2 was on, watching that counter tick down knowing I wouldn't make it to 40 in time was a bummer.
Oct 26, 2017
Well since the download finally finished I've been playing for an hour and.....holy shit this is already the best Assassin's Creed game. The combat is such a step above any in the series that I honestly don't know how I beat any of them before. Such a breath of fresh air. Also runs pretty well so far on my PC, for whatever reason the first tomb area you start the game in had more frame rate drops than the actual first open world area. Been smooth ever since, only settings I don't have at max is shadows at High. 1080p on a 980ti.
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
Well since the download finally finished I've been playing for an hour and.....holy shit this is already the best Assassin's Creed game. The combat is such a step above any in the series that I honestly don't know how I beat any of them before. Such a breath of fresh air. Also runs pretty well so far on my PC, for whatever reason the first tomb area you start the game in had more frame rate drops than the actual first open world area. Been smooth ever since, only settings I don't have at max is shadows at High. 1080p on a 980ti.
The lighting and ambient occlusion seems like it has more of an effect on framerate than almost anything else. I'm also playing at 1080p on a 980ti using the default "Ultra" settings, and while it's 60 fps most of the time, there are certain situations which are basically guaranteed to cause framedrops; "big" cities like Alexandria, or tombs with a bunch of torches burning. So, yeah, those tomb areas where it's calculating shadows and occlusion from multiple independent light sources are actually more of a system hit than the wide sweeping panoramic views that seem more immediately impressive. Such a spectacular looking game across the board.
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
stupid naive question... but was egypt really like this? like, with the big statues and pillars and stuff?
Yes. Ancient Egypt covers a massive period of time and was influenced by a lot of different things. By the time of the Ptolemaic era (the tail-end of which is the setting for AC Origins), you had a wide variety of architectural styles on display, from the massive pyramids of the old kingdom (2,600 BCE) to the Roman and Greek influence through Alexandria and Cyrene (the latter of which wasn't Egyptian at all). The game doesn't go as far south as Luxor or Karnak, but there were some truly breathtaking temples in that area which have been preserved for thousands of years and give us a good example of the scale of architecture Ancient Egypt had thousands of years before the Greeks or Romans ever got there. That's the nice thing about making your temples and artwork out of rock; they tend to survive better than paintings or books.


Oct 25, 2017
All NPCs have two facial expressions: Android and Stinkface

Android 95% of the time. It's really unsettling if you pay attention to people. FFXV did marginally better.


Nov 6, 2017
this has probably been asked before but is there a way to get around cursed weapons? Just got to level 31 and have started getting stronger loot but most of them are cursed. Appreciate if you can please keep the answer spoiler free.


Oct 27, 2017
Well since the download finally finished I've been playing for an hour and.....holy shit this is already the best Assassin's Creed game. The combat is such a step above any in the series that I honestly don't know how I beat any of them before. Such a breath of fresh air. Also runs pretty well so far on my PC, for whatever reason the first tomb area you start the game in had more frame rate drops than the actual first open world area. Been smooth ever since, only settings I don't have at max is shadows at High. 1080p on a 980ti.

I find the combat goes from decent to amazing after unlocking Warrior Skill tree that adds moveset like Charged Heavy Attack, Shield Charge, Attack & Push (this is the biggest gamechanger).

Deleted member 18400

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The more I play this game the more I am impressed with it. The world is absolutely amazing. The single most impressive open world anyone has ever created in a game. And I don't say that lightly. The things I find just running around to points of interest that you would never see just playing the main story are insane. I can't imagine how much work went into these "filler locations". They are unique and varied throughout the entire game. The details in bedrooms and temples and little shrines near the river....everything is crazy. It's like someone had a time machine when they made this game.

In a year of outstanding video games, I never thought Origins would end up being a serious GOTY contender like this.

Bravo guys, bravo.

Deleted member 33761

User requested account closure
Nov 19, 2017
All I want is the Vipers Tooth sword and I can't find it. Reda is stingy as hell with me and I've done more than half of the papyrus puzzles and no go. The Fang is alright but I want the VT


Nov 2, 2017
So, I'm sailing to
. Who thought these ship battles were a good idea? It's zero fun and the single most frustrating part of the game. I just want to finish the game and be done with it. These sections drop the overall quality by quite a bit. Unnecessary filler garbage.
Oct 25, 2017
Very good game, I didn't mind the ship battles, may have been too many side quests, I was at level 40 well before the end of the main missions, for the next game they should make side quests feel more important and have less of them

Gladiator arena was really fun, being forced to use different weapon types!
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
So, I'm sailing to
. Who thought these ship battles were a good idea? It's zero fun and the single most frustrating part of the game. I just want to finish the game and be done with it. These sections drop the overall quality by quite a bit. Unnecessary filler garbage.
The game was made by the same crew who made Black Flag, which was very highly praised for its ship battles. So I think it's a case of "stick with what works." The problem is the ship battles here are greatly reduced. Accepting that archers replace cannons, you still lack a front cannon (which slowed enemy ships down), fire barrels, a mortar, or the ability to board vessels. It takes a lot out of the ship battles when you're reduced to holding LB, releasing for a counter-shot, firing a volley or two, and then repeating until whatever you are fighting is dead. I still enjoy the ship battles, but going 1600 years back in time hurt the technology available, and that does adversely impact the enjoyment.

So I was playing earlier and my wife nipped out for a cigarette (filthy habit, I know). So I still had some areas to "defog" and I thought, shit, now is as good a time as any. I don't want to spoil things for anyone (minor non-story spoilers follow).
But it turns out that all these desert bits (specifically the ones West and South of Siwa), which I had been avoiding because they were marked 36-40, are completely empty. And I mean completely. There's a total of like 4 guys in Great Sand Sea, and they are level ONE. There is exactly NOTHING in White Desert. There is a tomb in Desheret Desert (and it is FUCKING AWESOME), but other than that NOTHING. Not a fucking viewpoint in any of them. No question marks. No animals. NOTHING! And I didn't warp between them. I rode my horse from Siwa through all three to wind up at the giant canyon tomb. That's 10+ km in the desert seeing nothing but hallucinations, which was great because it broke up the monotony.
But hey, managed to defog the entirety of the map and nab every viewpoint in the same go, so I got that going for me, which is nice.


Oct 26, 2017
Disabling all hud elements and flying around with Senu is Zen. This game is so good.
Glad to see I'm not the only one doing it. At first I thought that Senu would only be the reskinned drone from WatchDogs 2 but being able to freely fly is great and is a good way to enjoy the world they built.

Deleted member 11995

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
This is totally off-topic but I don't know where else to say it.

People lied to me about Ubisoft.

I allowed myself to be swayed by the constant negativity over the years and, Prince of Persia aside, pretty much never touched any of their games since the original Assassin's Creed.

Played Far Cry: Primal last year and loved it. Loved AC: Origins. Played a few hours of Watch Dogs 2 over the weekend and guess what... Loving it.

Why did I listen to that loud, outspoken crowd that kept telling everyone "Ubisoft SUX!!!".

They lied to me man...


User requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
This is totally off-topic but I don't know where else to say it.

People lied to me about Ubisoft.

I allowed myself to be swayed by the constant negativity over the years and, Prince of Persia aside, pretty much never touched any of their games since the original Assassin's Creed.

Played Far Cry: Primal last year and loved it. Loved AC: Origins. Played a few hours of Watch Dogs 2 over the weekend and guess what... Loving it.

Why did I listen to that loud, outspoken crowd that kept telling everyone "Ubisoft SUX!!!".

They lied to me man...
Everybody lies - Gregory House


Oct 25, 2017
This is totally off-topic but I don't know where else to say it.

People lied to me about Ubisoft.

I allowed myself to be swayed by the constant negativity over the years and, Prince of Persia aside, pretty much never touched any of their games since the original Assassin's Creed.

Played Far Cry: Primal last year and loved it. Loved AC: Origins. Played a few hours of Watch Dogs 2 over the weekend and guess what... Loving it.

Why did I listen to that loud, outspoken crowd that kept telling everyone "Ubisoft SUX!!!".

They lied to me man...
Ubisoft had problems early in the gen with Watch Dogs and Unity critical reception, but shortly after proved to be one of the most invested in new IP, single player blockbusters, and diverse respresentation in well liked games.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
This is totally off-topic but I don't know where else to say it.

People lied to me about Ubisoft.

I allowed myself to be swayed by the constant negativity over the years and, Prince of Persia aside, pretty much never touched any of their games since the original Assassin's Creed.

Played Far Cry: Primal last year and loved it. Loved AC: Origins. Played a few hours of Watch Dogs 2 over the weekend and guess what... Loving it.

Why did I listen to that loud, outspoken crowd that kept telling everyone "Ubisoft SUX!!!".

They lied to me man...

Ubisoft has been on point for quite some time now. Especially their more recent output is excellent.

Far Cry Primal, The Division, Steep, Watchdogs 2, Ghost Recon Wildlands, AC Origins. All really, really good games.

Deleted member 11995

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, I've been really impressed with the overall quality of the 3 titles I mentioned. They've all drew me in, and basically just been good fun, in their own way.

For me, Ubisoft are on a roll.

Deleted member 33761

User requested account closure
Nov 19, 2017
I can't comment on Watch Dogs but other than being buggy Unity was enjoyable. Ubi is pretty much the only big third party that's consistent for me


Oct 26, 2017
Newport, South Wales
Peaked level 40 over the weekend

Did the battle to get Cleopatra back on the Throne, and feel i've been betrayed by Caeser and Co. Now, it's a revenge quest to take out the chap who killed Bayaks son. Probably done in the region of 100 quests, got about 4 or 5 left on the map to clear. Otherwise, it's a clear path on the main quest. Done a few war elephant battles, all the stone circles done and unlocked the legendary armour from the Phylacks.

I'm still enjoying this game, but i feel it's coming to an end.


Oct 26, 2017
Is the Reda daily quest working for you? I can't find it and I'm sure that I haven't done it today.


Visited by Knack
Oct 25, 2017
I defeated Sekhmet and the previous two gods, but no Anubis outfit. Anybody got it to unlock?
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
This is totally off-topic but I don't know where else to say it.

People lied to me about Ubisoft.

I allowed myself to be swayed by the constant negativity over the years and, Prince of Persia aside, pretty much never touched any of their games since the original Assassin's Creed.

Played Far Cry: Primal last year and loved it. Loved AC: Origins. Played a few hours of Watch Dogs 2 over the weekend and guess what... Loving it.

Why did I listen to that loud, outspoken crowd that kept telling everyone "Ubisoft SUX!!!".

They lied to me man...
The best bit was all the memes that compared Ubisoft to EA, such as "Why is EA the worst company in America? Because Ubisoft is French." It's a good gag, but it completely falls apart when you look at what the two companies are doing. EA fills its games with microtransactions and pay-to-win mechanics. Ubisoft puts in microtransactions that let you ride a unicorn. EA will have free weekends occasionally to get you invested in a product, which is nice. But then Ubisoft goes and gives away entire games for free permanently. And good games, too; Assassin's Creed Black Flag is one of the best games of the last generation and you can get it free right now! I got Rayman Origins and Far Cry Blood Dragon for nothing. Some other titles too that I'm blanking on. What service! And you can't even accuse them of being risk-averse. EA took its primary modern shooting game back to World War I and people thought, shit, is that going to work? Ubisoft took its primary modern shooting game back to prehistoric cavemen hurling spears at mammoths! Can you imagine the balls it takes to pitch Far Cry without guns?

People also like to complain that these are just a series of tower-climbing simulators, as if their own preferred titles didn't involve some other rote action repeated across multiple titles. I'm fine with climbing towers in beautiful scenery; I actually think it works as a gameplay mechanic. Given a choice between shooting my way through an orange-and-blue-tinted post-apocalyptic hellscape and climbing a tower on a tropical island, I think I'd actually prefer the latter.

So, yeah, Ubisoft gets some undue hate. I don't understand it myself. I mean, they have missteps *cough* UNITY *cough*. But overall, the games they're producing are legitimately great.