Oct 27, 2017
This is a follow-up to: https://www.resetera.com/threads/sa...-white-owned-land-without-compensation.26370/

We have had a new development in this story, coming from Australia

White South African farmers "deserve special attention" from Australia due to the "horrific circumstances" of land seizures and violence, Peter Dutton has said.

The home affairs minister told the Daily Telegraph on Wednesday his department was examining a range of methods to fast-track their path to Australia on humanitarian or other visa programs.

South Africa's new president, Cyril Ramaphosa, is pursuing legal changes to allow appropriation of farm lands without compensation for redistribution to black South Africans.

The policy has led to reports, including in the Australian media, that white farmers are being murdered at a rate of more than one per week.

"If you look at the footage and read the stories, you hear the accounts, it's a horrific circumstance they face," Dutton said.


Dutton suggested options included the in-country persecution visa category, and to bring them to Australia on humanitarian visas via referrals from others in Australia.

Much more in the link.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know how you defend this while shoving torture and rape refugee victims into jail on an island. It's difficult or impossible to extract the specter of race preference from it.


Dec 3, 2017
It's sad this even has to be an option. The current South African government can go to hell and I hope tourism crumbles.


Mar 2, 2018
Rhamaposa can go straight to hell, but hey, humanity seems to be doomed to relive history over and over again, this time, just the other way around.
Why can't people just get along, I don't get it. Nobody is inferior to anyone..


Oct 25, 2017
Man what ongoing down in South Africa freaking sucks. When I'm hoping that people having their land stolen from them is the least bad thing that happens, that's pretty scary. I hope the farmers manage to stay safe with the troubling events going on.

But yeah, the blatant hypocrisy of the Australian government is on full display here. Comparing the response to South Africa to Rohingya from the Australian government, it's kinda difficult not to see racism in their decision.


Oct 26, 2017
Anyone noticed the double standards? How they put all the refugees on an island indefinitely without due process?


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know how you defend this while shoving torture and rape refugee victims into jail on an island. It's difficult or impossible to extract the specter of race preference from it.


Only other difference might be that the SA farmers might have money too.

Either way SA government is fucking up.

Hank Hill

Permanently banned for usage of an alt-account.
Oct 25, 2017
Considering what's happening roght now in SA I think that's great.


Oct 30, 2017
So they should just let the farmers get murdered eventually?

'course not, but there's ethnic cleansing being carried out much closer to home that they could be helping people flee from too.

Alternatively, they should use their tax dollars wisely and set up camps in neighboring countries where they can stay, much more cost effective.


Oct 27, 2017
I hope the farmers salt the land the teach the dumb ass SA government it was stupid decision to kick them out.


Oct 29, 2017
I know that many won't quite understand why they would do this over fast tracking impoverished refugees from around the world, but white African land owners are the some of the most elite & educated people in Africa. Basically, they are generally very skilled and have higher university certificates and diplomas. Basically, Australia is looking to capitalize on this very lucrative brain drain on SA and get quick results for Australia.


Oct 30, 2017
I know that many won't quite understand why they would do this over fast tracking impoverished refugees from around the world, but white African land owners are the some of the most elite & educated people in Africa. Basically, they are generally very skilled and have higher university certificates and diplomas. Basically, Australia is looking to capitalize on this very lucrative brain drain on SA and get quick results for Australia.

We understand why they're doing it for them and not for people from poorer regions. Doesn't make it look any less shitty.

Watching South Africa fuck itself is painful though. Absolute morons ruining the country.


Dec 3, 2017
What does South Africa? If anything Myanmar is closer.

I am not saying they shouldnt help the Saffers but having one policy for white refugees and another for poc is racist as all fuck.
Both countries are former British colonies in the southern Hemisphere, share similar cultures in terms of sports and language, and are members of the Commonwealth of Nations.


What is the connection with Myanmar? Does Australia have to first accept refugees from every crisis region on the planet before they help southafricans? Or how exactly is it relevant in regards to helping south african farmers? It's also not like the farmers can just go next door to Zimbabwe and be safe there (also ignoring they'll have had everything taken from them).
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Oct 25, 2017
Rohingya are ethnically Indian. You know a commonwealth country.

Australia sends away Pakistanis, people from a commonwealth country, all the time.

Brining up commonwealth as the reason is pretty dishonest. You know that's obviously not true. Everyone knows the real reason.

It's the "same culture" *wink wink*.

I don't understand what the SA governement is doing wrong, it's called land reform. Why they should have compensation for a land that was stolen by the occupying colonial power ?


Mar 2, 2018
Both countries are former British colonies in the southern Hemisphere, share similar cultures in terms of sports and language, and are members of the Commonwealth of Nations.


What is the connection with Myanmar? Does Australia have to first accept refugees from every crisis region on the planet before they help southafricans? Or how exactly is it relevant in regards to helping south african farmers?

There is racism at foot here, their are only willing to help a subset of SA due to the colour of their skin. Aus never cared to help the black SA when the apartheid was going on.


Nov 6, 2017
Where the Fenians Sleep
What does South Africa have to do with Australia?

Obviously this decision, or at least what was made relative to other refugees struggling to get into Australia, was mostly based on racism, but I think another connection is pretty clear....

Western worship of property rights above all else weirds me out.

This isn't western, every state is totally dedicated to its property right regime, whatever that may be. It's the very basis of the state's power.


Oct 26, 2017
I know that many won't quite understand why they would do this over fast tracking impoverished refugees from around the world, but white African land owners are the some of the most elite & educated people in Africa. Basically, they are generally very skilled and have higher university certificates and diplomas. Basically, Australia is looking to capitalize on this very lucrative brain drain on SA and get quick results for Australia.
We're not happy with the double standard. While the West sings songs of their cultural superiority, they betray themselves with acts like this. You don't think is reasonable to be angry?


Dec 3, 2017
There is racism at foot here, their are only willing to help a subset of SA due to the colour of their skin. Aus never cared to help the black SA when the apartheid was going on.
Or maybe it has to do with the appropriation without compensation and casual talk about genocide (see old thread), or the weekly murders in the OP.


Dec 3, 2017
The question then is why Australia is treating these refugees so differently than the others.
Even if everyone agreed the sole motive was racism, how would it be relevant to the decision from the OP? Do white south african farmers now not deserve to get visas anymore? I fail to see the logic in "either you help everyone or noone", given that the limit in any case seems arbitrary.


Oct 29, 2017
We're not happy with the double standard. While the West sings songs of their cultural superiority, they betray themselves with acts like this. You don't think is reasonable to be angry?

Yes, I agree. What happened to white South Africans was pretty damn awful, but the massacres in Myanmar could definitely be looked at as worse and they aren't getting fast tracked into Australia or Canada.

But it also sucks to be poor instead of rich & educated. My wife is a foreigner and we are still going through a grueling immigration process in America. We don't have enough assets so we have to go the old fashioned way. While the super wealthy in China & India are being fast tracked just by being able to buy property in America and being given citizenship within a few months. It sucks. These South Africans are being fast tracked because they're wealthy af.


Nov 6, 2017
Where the Fenians Sleep
Even if everyone agreed the sole motive was racism, how would it be relevant to the decision from the OP? Do white south african farmers now not deserve to get visas anymore? I fail to see the logic in "either you help everyone or noone", given that the limit in any case seems arbitrary.

I'm not sure where you're getting this from. No one here said Australia shouldn't be doing this. They are just aware that Australia is being hypocritical and racist. I would think what most people want is for Australia to treat other refugees better, not these worse.

You seem to think analysis is somehow not a relevant thing to discuss. What should we be talking about exactly? Just patting Australia on the back for doing this?


Oct 27, 2017
They probably won't be the last to do so; Zambia will probably take advantage of this situation like they did with the whenwes.

And yeah, it's hard to separate the racial implications of this, given Australia's racist history, its treatment of migrants from South and SE Asia, and the language they used in their statement (i.e. 'civilised country like ours').
Western worship of property rights above all else weirds me out.
I think its more that the last time this happened in the region, it led to murder and, through cronyism in how the land was redistributed, economic turmoil.
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Dec 3, 2017
I'm not sure where you're getting this from. No one here said Australia shouldn't be doing this. They are just aware that Australia is being hypocritical and racist.
Calling this measure "disgusting" gave me that impression. Another user saying "South Africa does nothing wrong!" does not seem very sympathetic either.


Mar 2, 2018
Or maybe it has to do with the appropriation without compensation and casual talk about genocide (see old thread), or the weekly murders in the OP.

I won't deny that the situation at hand is awful but blatant racism is the way to go. Talking and try to resolve the problem would be the civil and most logical step. Plus, some White SA people may not want to leave, it's their home much as the Black SA.

Yeesh. The more you think about this double standard the more disgusting it becomes.

Both sides suck.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Is this thread supposed to be about Australia and its treatment of refugees or is it about the much more difficult topic of what is going on in South Africa?

Intellectually, its much easier to pick on Australia and their handling of the situation because it more closely resembles traditional racial talking points, than it is to address the forces at play in South Africa.


Dec 3, 2017
I won't deny that the situation at hand is awful but blatant racism is the way to go. Talking and try to resolve the problem would be the civil and most logical step. Plus, some White SA people may not want to leave, it's their home much as the Black SA.
Given the political climate I believe there is zero chance of that happening.


Oct 27, 2017


Nov 6, 2017
Where the Fenians Sleep
Calling this measure "disgusting" gave me that impression.

It is disgusiting because of the wider context. That doesn't mean Australia needs to recend their offer, it means they should change how they treat other refugees.

Another user saying "South Africa does nothing wrong!" does not seem very sympathetic either.

Now I really don't see how this is relevant under your logic. Weren't we supposed to be talking about Australia here?

I disagree with that post, but I'm not seeing what it has to do with what you're saying.

Intellectually, its much easier to pick on Australia and their handling of the situation because it more closely resembles traditional racial talking points

There might be some other context that you're missing....


Oct 25, 2017
You mean they won't force these farmers to live in war-like conditions in a prison on an island in the middle of nowhere?


Dec 3, 2017
You seem to think analysis is somehow not a relevant thing to discuss. What should we be talking about exactly? Just patting Australia on the back for doing this?
I don't know, maybe about South Africa, the south african farmers and the policies that brought them into this position and triggered the australian reaction? You know, like what the actual OP is about? Which isnt to say australias hypocrisy shouldn't be discussed, but maybe shouldnt be the whole focus.