
Oct 25, 2017
There must always be a Iron Man!



Oct 25, 2017
Welp, it's pretty obvious they will revive everyone with the gauntlet or just the time stone

anyway the movie was freaking great, glad i went totally blind (didn't watched any trailer or image)!

The only thing i felt wasn't necessary was the whole axe forging scene, it was too long for what it was


Oct 31, 2017
Just saw the movie, the only way i can see the next one going is that they'll go back in time to stop Thanos before he gets all the stones.

The question is, how? They'll probably steal the time stone from Thanos, although i didn't understand if the Gauntlet and the stones got destroyed after the snap.

Also, Dr Strange saw the future and that's why he gave up the stone to save Stark, and Vision is obviously alive (you see the Wakandan doctor quickly do something before they enemies got in the room).


Oct 25, 2017
Welp, it's pretty obvious they will revive everyone with the gauntlet or just the time stone

anyway the movie was freaking great, glad i went totally blind (didn't watched any trailer or image)!

The only thing i felt wasn't necessary was the whole axe forging scene, it was too long for what it was
What? That was amazing. Peter Dinklage as a huge dwarf is the best. Also needed anything to justify Thor adventuring with Rabbit.


Oct 25, 2017
So if 4 is really a five year time jump...I mean the world is going to be a bleak apocalyptic hellhole, right? Half the population of earth is dead, that alone is some end-of-days Rapture stuff

Not to mention all the small-scale stuff? Is Aunt May around? How is she coping with Peter disappearing one day and never coming back? Are kids even going to school anymore after this worldwide catastrophe?

Deleted member 9330

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Oct 26, 2017
So if 4 is really a five year time jump...I mean the world is going to be a bleak apocalyptic hellhole, right? Half the population of earth is dead, that alone is some end-of-days Rapture stuff

Not to mention all the small-scale stuff? Is Aunt May around? How is she coping with Peter disappearing one day and never coming back? Are kids even going to school anymore after this worldwide catastrophe?

But think of the availability of resources! It's a paradise I bet!!!


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
So if 4 is really a five year time jump...I mean the world is going to be a bleak apocalyptic hellhole, right? Half the population of earth is dead, that alone is some end-of-days Rapture stuff

Not to mention all the small-scale stuff? Is Aunt May around? How is she coping with Peter disappearing one day and never coming back? Are kids even going to school anymore after this worldwide catastrophe?
Earth will move on and will probably be in a better place with less world hunger and poverty. There will still be 3 billion people on the planet, it won't be a post apocalyptic type situation.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Whatever they do, leave Dinklage out of it. His acting was atrocious in IW. He's a stinker outside if his GoT work.

The Emperor

Oct 25, 2017
Avengers Forever makes the most sense out of any title I have heard.

And I can see how the Russo bros would think that is a spoiler for the title as in the comic, it involves time travel of Cap to gather Avengers from different time lines. Of course in this movie it will be much different but some elements would carry over from it.

Also you can can get the Avengers 4ever pun going.
Indeed. Will be a good throwback to Batman Forever also. :P

So excited or the next one. Not since Empire Strikes Back have we been left with such an awesome cliffhanger at the end of a franchise property.

Deleted member 1190

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Oct 25, 2017
Tony and Scott jumping back through time to grab different avengers kind of doesnt make sense to me.

Why would they need to grab A1 Steve and Thor, when present day Steve and Thor are still alive? How does Captain Marvel fit into it? She's already been established as being alive and active somewhere out there, so it isn't like they yank her from the 90's into the present day to help out.

So many questions.


Oct 25, 2017
They are simply building up to a big Hulk smash moment in the next movie.
I think there won't be a Hulk Smash. At least not like how he's done it in the past. I think it will come down to Banner begging Hulk to come and Smash, and Hulk just say "whatever, you can keep the keys" and then we have Merged Hulk with Banner's intellect intact.
Oct 25, 2017
I think the end/end credits of Ant Man is gonna be something involving/experimenting with the quantum realm, and Scott reemerging in the future, protected form the snap, emerging in the whatever 5 years post-snap, then using what was learned from that to start Scott and Tony's Excellent Adventure.
Oct 25, 2017
Vancouver, Canada
I noticed this in the original Infinity War trailer, I wonder how extensive the changes to Hulk's storyline were in the last six months. Hulk refusing to come out was a bit weird, I don't really buy the "he's a kid, he's afraid of Thanos" thing I wonder if there is something more.

That shot has always looked very poorly composited to me, I think it was just something they made for the trailer.

Deleted member 1190

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Oct 25, 2017
There was a lot of stuff that seemed to be for the trailer only.

(Tony getting duffed by Thanos not actually being in the movie bummed me out)


Nov 4, 2017
Tony and Scott jumping back through time to grab different avengers kind of doesnt make sense to me.

Why would they need to grab A1 Steve and Thor, when present day Steve and Thor are still alive?

So many questions.

It's apparently 5 years later - Thor probably got himself killed finding Thanos, and Steve probably lost the will to fight.

Deleted member 1190

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Oct 25, 2017

Deleted member 9330

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Oct 26, 2017
There was a lot of stuff that seemed to be for the trailer only.

(Tony getting duffed by Thanos not actually being in the movie bummed me out)

It was there, it was just quick and the lead-in wasn't drawn out like in the trailer. It was a quick punch that downed him, but the fight continued on


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
If they really are going to do the time travel stuff to bring characters back from different time periods it kinda dawns on me that I reckon that's how they'll deal with downgrading Peter back from the Iron Spider suit.

It's a neat novelty to see the suit done once but it's still a really redundant suit that shouldn't stay with the character. They'll probably pick him back up post-Homecoming which is how he'll retain the regular Spidey suit.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I don't buy either of those. Especially the Cap one.

And I just read this article http://comicbook.com/marvel/2018/01/23/avengers-4-time-travel-civil-war-barf-connection/

and now I'm doubting there's actually going to be literal time travel at all.

Just reminds me of all of the speculation for Age of Ultron based on set photos- ooh, Cap in his WW2 uniform, must be a flashback. I bet Ultron is based off of Hydra tech from WW2!

Nope. Just a dream sequence.

Good on the Russos for getting out ahead of this one.


Oct 25, 2017
I would guess the idea of gathering avengers from the past is a little too silly and then you have the problem of what you do with those Avengers once the goal is complete and why you dont just current the modern versions. Its a bit messy.

I think if there is time travel it will be more subtle and more about altering events just enough to make the pre snap battle go different.

Also I wonder what role post snap Thanos will play since he basically completed his goal. He doesn't have another motivation unless he feels regret now.


Oct 26, 2017
"No time travel" doesn't mean there won't be somebody in the past who assembles the avengers before they were originally assembled.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
All I know right now is Avengers 4 better be anime as fuck

I better get at least one "THANOOOOOOS"

Captain Marvel and Thor vs Thanos needs to be a big budget DBZ fight

Gamora gotta sabotage him from inside the gauntlet somehow

Go full stupid

Chrome Hyena

Oct 30, 2017
I think there won't be a Hulk Smash. At least not like how he's done it in the past. I think it will come down to Banner begging Hulk to come and Smash, and Hulk just say "whatever, you can keep the keys" and then we have Merged Hulk with Banner's intellect intact.
we NEED Gray hulk in a suit with a tommy gun.

All I know right now is Avengers 4 better be anime as fuck

I better get at least one "THANOOOOOOS"

Captain Marvel and Thor vs Thanos needs to be a big budget DBZ fight

Gamora gotta sabotage him from inside the gauntlet somehow

Go full stupid

You won't need both. Thor on his own almost one shotted him.


Oct 27, 2017
We will see Cap, Iron Man, Thor, and Hulk again once the X-Men and Fantastic Four is brought into the MCU.
It's just a matter of if it's gonna be a recast of these established characters or not.

Deleted member 1190

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Oct 25, 2017
That's interesting...

Maybe there wont' be time travel after all, although the set pics do seem to heavily suggest that'll be the case.

The BARF tech lets you look through someones memories, basically. Those set pieces could just be Tony and Scott looking through Thor and Caps memories of things that happened in the past.


Oct 27, 2017
If Thor with Stormbreaker can injure Thanos, why does Captain Marvel need to be introduced? Just have the other Avengers distract Thanos and have Thor aim the axe at the head.


Oct 25, 2017
Whatever they do, leave Dinklage out of it. His acting was atrocious in IW. He's a stinker outside if his GoT work.
I felt similarly. His line delivery was so off. I don't know what was up it.
If Thor with Stormbreaker can injure Thanos, why does Captain Marvel need to be introduced? Just have the other Avengers distract Thanos and have Thor aim the axe at the head.
Do you think that Sam Jackson knew that? Either way who cares? If they nail the character, she'll be a great addition.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Hope they send Cap back to 1945 and he can go on a Peggy date

What if Scarlet Witch's illusions cast on each of the Avengers in AoU were twisted versions of their future?

It's already happened for Tony. Tony's the only one left (as far as he knows), just as he has feared and envisioned since AoU.

That vision and dance might happen for Cap if he really does get to go back to 1945, or create a new timeline for himself.

Thor's vision was a major plot point in AoU - in retrospect, even moreso with with Heimdall being with all the Asgardians in the afterlife.

Hulk was shown a vision and got so shook that he broke Africa. Now he won't even Hulk out on Earth anymore.

Maybe Widow is the only one that was just shown her past.


Oct 26, 2017
What if Scarlet Witch's illusions cast on each of the Avengers in AoU were twisted versions of their future?

It's already happened for Tony. Tony's the only one left (as far as he knows), just as he has feared and envisioned since AoU.

That vision and dance might happen for Cap if he really does get to go back to 1945, or create a new timeline for himself.

Thor's vision was a major plot point in AoU - in retrospect, even moreso with with Heimdall being with all the Asgardians in the afterlife.

Hulk was shown a vision and got so shook that he broke Africa. Now he won't even Hulk out on Earth anymore.

Maybe Widow is the only one that was just shown her past.

I'm still pissed that we never actually saw what Banner was seeing in his vision.... it was supposedly the chitauri attacking again. I don't know why they cut that out.


Oct 25, 2017
Just saw this on tumblr:

During an interview for Avengers: Infinity War, Josh Brolin slips and mentions that he was talking about Thanos with Daniel Day-Lewis.

Anyone has the source of the interview?
Did he get shushed because Daniel Day-Lewis is gonna be in Avengers 4?

While I searched "Daniel Day-Lewis Marvel" on Google, I found this in a GQ articlefrom early this month, Mark Ruffalo talking about how Kevin Feige is humble:
"The people that I think are great, like Daniel Day-Lewis, don't make it about them – it's about the material," he said. "You don't see Daniel Day-Lewis trying to show you how fucking great Daniel Day-Lewis is, and he's our greatest actor. Kevin's like that."

Ruffalo has been known to spoil important stuff recently. He told a few things he shouldn't have about Thor Ragnarok and a few days ago he spoiled that half the characters died in Infinity War. So... what's this with Daniel Day-Lewis? Did Ruffalo say "he's our greatest actor" in a general sense or...
I know he said he retired after Phantom Thread, but it wouldn't be the first time he comes back and I can't imagine the number of zeros on his check he would get for Avengers 4.
So, thoughts? Am I onto something or should I calm the F down?


Oct 27, 2017
Where's the stuff about Tony having gray hair coming from? Does my eyesight suck or do the set photos just Tony with blonde hair, not gray?
Oct 25, 2017
I dont know the movie just feels ripe for time travel shenanigans

"You can't resurrect him this time"
"You should have aimed for the head"

Nov 2, 2017
Wtf. Dinklage was fine

Ehhhh.... I feel like I'm incredibly forgiving compared to others when it comes to actor's performances. People bitching about Dinklage's performances in the later seasons of Thrones - I didn't get. People bitching about his performances in Destiny -- I didn't get (he's playing a droid).

Infinity War? Dude phoned it in like a routine call to his mother in a nursing home. It actually took me out of the film. Maybe there's just something nuanced I'm not getting about his take on Etri but I wouldn't be sad at all not to ever see him again here.
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ginger ninja

Oct 25, 2017
I would eat my shorts if Daniel Day-Lewis is in it..like I can't even think of a character important enough that he would play.

Does anyone think instead of pure time travel, rhe heroes might use the pager talk tech to communicate with their former selves.