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One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
I kind of want to know how, exactly, Captain America put the Soul Stone back.

Would he have to give it to Red Skull so the trial for it can be reset? That would be fun to see, come to think of it.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 30, 2017
Just came out of the movie. I don't see why they needed to add Captain Marvel to this "phase 3". She added nothing to the story.
Oct 27, 2017
Just came out of the movie. I don't see why they needed to add Captain Marvel to this "phase 3". She added nothing to the story.

They added her because they want money and she had her own movie. Why add Ant-Man to Phase II if he wasn't even used in IW? Because money. All of this is because money. Would you rather they had left her out of Endgame altogether?


Oct 25, 2017
My cinema lost its cool when Cap. picked up the hammer. This surprised but enthusiastic moan filled the room. And this is worth mentioning because people are normally whisper quiet during movies over here.


Mar 8, 2019
I don't get how Cap could use the hammer. Can someone explain? It felt weird to me. That is like, Thors thing.

I thought the movie was great other than that (oh and the female super heroes fighting together was utter cringe and too on the nose imo).
Oct 27, 2017
I don't get how Cap could use the hammer. Can someone explain? It felt weird to me. That is like, Thors thing.

I thought the movie was great other than that (oh and the female super heroes fighting together was utter cringe and too on the nose imo).

Well it's happened in the comics before, but Cap's soul is noble and worthy enough that he can wield the hammer besides Thor and Odin. Him using lightning attacks was pretty jarring on the other hand since it was established in Ragnarok that was just inside Thor the whole time.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't get how Cap could use the hammer. Can someone explain? It felt weird to me. That is like, Thors thing.

I thought the movie was great other than that (oh and the female super heroes fighting together was utter cringe and too on the nose imo).

Everybody deemed worthy can wield the hammer. There is a scene in a previous avenger movies where they drink and try to lift the hammer. Everybody fails, but Cap. is able to move it a tiny bit and Thors face ashens for a second. Cap. is worthy now, a noble and heroic creature (or something like that). No idea why he was able to throw lightning though. That is a Thor thing for sure, according to the last Thor movie.


Mar 8, 2019
Everybody deemed worthy can wield the hammer. There is a scene in a previous avenger movies where they drink and try to lift the hammer. Everybody fails, but Cap. is able to move it a tiny bit and Thors face ashens for a second. Cap. is worthy now, a noble and heroic creature (or something like that). No idea why he was able to throw lightning though. That is a Thor thing for sure, according to the last Thor movie.

Yeah, it was the lightening thing more than anything. Hammer, fine. But lightning =/.


Oct 25, 2017
Czech republic
Yeah, it was the lightening thing more than anything. Hammer, fine. But lightning =/.
Everybody deemed worthy can wield the hammer. There is a scene in a previous avenger movies where they drink and try to lift the hammer. Everybody fails, but Cap. is able to move it a tiny bit and Thors face ashens for a second. Cap. is worthy now, a noble and heroic creature (or something like that). No idea why he was able to throw lightning though. That is a Thor thing for sure, according to the last Thor movie.

"Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor."


Oct 30, 2018
Why the fuck the whole revived avengers including Captain marvel couldn't kill Thanos, who was time traveling from the past without gauntlet and zero stone powers, when in infinity wars they almost killed him many times, at his full glory.

It was so ridiculous and forced that Tony had to snap him to his death (Which also didn't have to be Tony, a double forced moment). I really couldn't buy it. And it ruined the ending for me.


Oct 25, 2017
"Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor."

Hmm... okay? But Thor is able to throw lightning without the hammer, is Cap. now also able to throw lightning at will, forever? Did Thor loose the lightning power? Or are the both now able to do so? Are they now on the same power level, which is clearly over 9000?


Oct 25, 2017
There's not only one Cap though. The timeline split means that the Steve Rogers that interfered is a duplicate Steve Rogers that will continue in the new timeline.
Yes and that doesn't change anything. Each time they time travel it creates an alternate timeline. Considering they want to go back and minimize the damage by restoring the stones, it's safe to assume they will be timeline hopping.

By timeline hopping we can assume Cap just comes back to our MCU timeline at a certain point to drop off the Shield to Sam. This way his life is left to our imagination rather than completely changing his character and turning him into a bystander.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
I really got a kick out of seeing Thor: The Dark World being heavily represented within the movie. And Natalie to boot!
Yeah, I didn't expect that movie to be so heavily featured, but then again, they did need the Reality Stone.

It is, however, funny to see people make list of must-see Marvel movies before Endgame and no one puts Thor: The Dark World on it when so much of the movie either references it or is set during it.

It's an Infinity Stone movie. It's the only time Aether has been in play. Of course it'll be relevant at some point.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 30, 2017
Endgame overall was an enjoyable movie. However, it isn't close to the masterpiece that is Infinity War.

Some of the things I didn't like:
- The multi layered time travel was a mess and a cheap way to tell a story.
- Iron Man's sacrafice was generic. Anyone could have done it. Actually most of the other avengers would have done it without dying (Thor, Hulk, Captain Marvel... Etc). They could have done better with how he died. I remember how Iron Man almost died at the end of Avengers 1. Such situation would have been a more meaningful death since he used his unique ability of flying to go to that hole in the sky.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 30, 2017
And so were many other characters who are in it simply because they are part of the universe. There is no reason to exclude her unless you have some other reason.
But she was introduced to us only one month ago. Captain Marvel movie is better off being released after Endgame and have the character be in a more impactful appearances in future movies.


Oct 27, 2017
- Iron Man's sacrafice was generic. Anyone could have done it. Actually most of the other avengers would have done it without dying (Thor, Hulk, Captain Marvel... Etc). They could have done better with how he died. I remember how Iron Man almost died at the end of Avengers 1. Such situation would have been a more meaningful death since he used his unique ability of flying to go to that hole in the sky.

Tony didn't exactly have time to run to another Avenger with the stones at that point.

Also, no other Avenger could create a gauntlet to their hands like Tony did.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah. Captain Marvel was unnecessary in Endgame.

Lol at the scrutiny CM is being put under. Getting silly. There are like 30 heroes in this movie introduced at various points in the MCU's run. What did Black Panther give to the story? What did any characters give? They're just characters from the MCU joining in on a big ass ensemble. Why was she in Endgame? Because she had a movie in the MCU released before Endgame that's the 5th most popular of all MCU movies pre-Endgame so not putting her in Endgame would be a joke.

There's also very much a point to introducing some of the new generation to the universe before the old guard retire, so they don't have to start all on scratch with unfamiliar faces.

For what it's worth the screening I went to had one big applause (Iron Man getting the glove), but the 2nd most hollering was her two big moments. People like her with the Avengers!


Oct 25, 2017
But she was introduced to us only one month ago. Captain Marvel movie is better off being released after Endgame and have the character be in a more impactful appearances in future movies.

Man there's just no pleasing some people.

"If Captain Marvel has been around since the 90s why isn't she helping the Avengers??"

"If Captain Marvel has only been out a month why is she helping the Avengers??"


Dec 1, 2017
So, what is the clanging sound in the end? (And why I couldn't find the thread with search?)

And who the hell is that youngster at Iron Man's memorial service?


Feb 18, 2018
Just out of it, I do agree with others, it's really good but not Infinity War good,
The movie doesn't have an identity, yes it's full a fan service but going the time traveling route destroys watching all previous titles the same way again.


Oct 25, 2017
Man, that was a movie fuuuull of fanservice and I loved it.

- The first scene with Hawkeye was devastating. :(
- Thor was very fun, the jokes around him felt funny, like the whole scene with Hulk's visit, though I kinda hated how he wasn't really "epic" in this movie, especially after the stuff he did on the previous one. The prospects of a GotG 3 with Thor are veeeery good, but I hope he won't just be a comic relief.
- Hawkeye actually felt like a badass in this, even if some of his scenes were a bit cheesy, like the one in Tokyo. Though, honestly, this is the best he has been, even with his incredibly bad haircut.
- I wasn't sure if they'd actually kill characters, but oh boy, they did. Natasha's death was certainly the most unexpected, and it's kinda overshadowed of the events later. Something about the scene felt kind of amateurish though, even if the sequence with Clint and her out tricking each other was really cool. Really devastated about Iron Man's death, though I suppose most people saw it coming. It definitely feels like one of those things that you knew they'd happen and still made you feel bad. It's really the end of an era.
- Cap's future is certainly a bit more open ended, as he isn't exactly dead, though I guess his character arc is most likely over. It was a nice send off to his character. After how disappointing his lack of screen time was on the previous movie, I'm glad he not only got a lot of scenes in this, but also he got some really epic stuff like the hammer and the avengers assemble line. And fuck, I think I lost it at Hail Hydra. lol
- Professor Hulk was great. Hulk dabbing was... something. Also, I wish Carol had a bigger role in this after how much they hyped her. Shuri was basically nonexistent too.

A lot of clapping and cheering in this movie, kinda hated that it's a thing with all marvel movies nowadays, though I guess it's expected for a premiere. Also, during the final fight, when the women of avengers came together, a few people in the crowd booed, I expected better of people.


Oct 25, 2017
Clint never stopped paying for his wife's phone bill even while traipsing around the world as Ronin for five years.


Oct 30, 2017
I have a question, is Gamora from the past dead ?

I didn't remember but for me, when Tony snapped, he killed everyone who is from the past, Gamora included especially when Tony never met this character (the one from the present or the past) and just heard her name in Infinity War when Iron Man/Dr Strange/Spidey met Guardians on Titan


Oct 25, 2017
Ah Time Travel never makes sense. It's messed up here as in most other movies, especially once you start thinking about it.
People will nitpick the time travel here, rightfully so. It really does not add up.
Past Thanos was killed in the future, before he was able to jump start the whole time travel incident, so why was there time travel in the first place?
Nebula killed her past self, but still exists?
Black widow was sacrificed for the soul stone, so shouldn't "future" gamora still be alive? But "past" gamora also time traveled, so "our" future gamora never existed in the first place and Guardians 1+2 never happened as we know it?
Thor's hammer was stolen in the past and was never brought back? With what was past Thor fighting?
Loki escaped with the Tesseract in New York. Was it brought back? Visions could not have been created without the Tesseract, so he never existed and Age of Ultron never happened?

and so on...
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