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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know why everyone keeps thinking Spiderman's entire class was snapped. The only two people in the final scene we know is Peter and Ned. The rest could just be.... other people, who go to that school. Peter could just be going to school with a new class. We aren't told so any option is reasonable.

The only people that need to be snapped anyhow is Ned, Flash, and MJ. Outside of that, maybe Betty Brant to continue that particular easter egg

Rand a. Thor

Oct 31, 2017
So we know the Avengers movie were the main movies in the mcu what's going to be the next big movie?
I feel The Eternals will be the next thing, leading to Galactus or more Celestials. Well that, but I also think we will eventually see for Phase 4 a Young Avengers initiation, albeit shaken up. Spiderman could be their leader having some actual experience, and I expect Stinger(Cassie Lang), to show up in the inevitable Ant Man 3.


Oct 25, 2017
From infiltrating and fucking things up. They could've just not sent Nebula with Rhodey, and Thanos wouldn't have known. They would've snapped the glove, without Thanos coming back.

As soon as you bring in time-travel, you add so many what-if's, that can undermine the emotional core of the movie.
Why would they have any reason to suspect her? Plus she was the only one among those who went to 2014 who knew where Vormir and Morag were, she was the one who programmed the course to Vormir for Clint and Nat. Not to mention the only one who could fly a space ship apart from Rocket...who went to Asgard.

Additionally your comment about "I started thinking about why they didn't go back in time again to stop Nebula the moment they established what they needed for time travel" is confusing to me because :

1) Nebula switcheroo happens like an hour after they established what they needed in time travel. As such you couldn't have known "why they didn't go back to stop Nebula" an hour before you even see her do anything.
2) Going to the past to stop her from doing something won't have any effect on their own timeline.


Oct 28, 2017
Was out for coffe with some friends and people in the café was talking Endgame. The cashier said to the party closest to the counter "can you please not talk so loud, i have yet to see the movie". I have never seen anything like this before.


One Winged Slayer
May 15, 2018
Toulouse, France
I found that part really really weird. He killed all those things with no remorse. It's almost like Zack Snyder directed that scene.

I guess because those were aliens so its okay.
They are monsters/cyborgs. Remember in Avengers 1 when they all stop functionning after Tony destroyed the Mother Ship ?
And the aliens from Infinity War are just some weird ass ultra powerful dogs.

And even then, what is he supposed to do ? To catch them in his webs ? Lol


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
It was fun watching thanos' army shitting their pants and aiming everything against marvel and she just casually fucks up the gigantic-ass spaceship like nothing.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
It's implied. If it was simply cast down a living thing you love then someone could just throw their dog down instead of their wife. Or cast a friend down instead of your wife. You can love many things and many people, but you don't love them all equally.
Someone made a joke that they should've just sent Thor with a keg. Would've been the saddest scene in the movie.


Oct 25, 2017
It's been discussed to death already in this thread, but I'll write my main complaints:

- They make a huge point that you need one vial of Pym particles and one Stark Time GPS per person to do a time jump. Evil Nebula gets both from Good Nebula and shows them to Thanos. She uses them to go to the future with the rest of the Avengers. Then she manages to get Thanos, his ship and his entire army there as well, despite them not having more particles, suits or time gps. If all it took to get people from the past was someone operating the machine in the future, the whole "we don't have enough Pym particles" deal was bunk.

- Hulk argues that they can just go back in time again and return the stones, fixing those timelines - but, according to the rules, you can't change the past. Every time you go back, you're creating another timeline. So sure, he can go back and create a third timeline where the stones are returned, but it wouldn't fix the second timeline created by removing them.

- In the same vein, when Steve goes back in the end to return the stones, he's going to another timeline. If he never jumps back, the original Falcon would never see him again. He could wait and appear to the Falcon in this new timeline, but those last scenes are clearly meant to be happening in the "main reality". And if he did jump back as an old man, he should have appeared in the time machine, exactly when Falcon thought he would, not in that bench or somewhere else. The machine presumably anchors him in that timeline (otherwise, what's the point of it?).

Bonus nitpick: The Ancient One says removing a stone (don't remember if specifically the time stone or any of them) from a reality messes with the time flow and causes bad shit to happen. How come Thanos destroying them all doesn't fuck everything up, then?
This post raises many good points. We can all explain it away, but the movie doesn't give us explicit answers for these.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Beat the shit out of them? Spider-man doesn't very rarely kill.

Guess this is his rare kill then.

So, can I throw my dog down the well?

If you love it, then sure? (Well, depends if MCU animals have souls :3) Dunno why you looking to outwit this particular rule and making up implications, it's pretty staightforward.

Which will be probably more dramatic and not nearly as bombastic as the avengers movies

Sure, but Vision is likely coming back, all I was getting at.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm talking about it entirely from a character-building standpoint.
She is definitely working for me from a character building standpoint, she has such hope inspiring confidence and unflinching resolve that it's the perfect setup to face threats on a scale hitherto undreamt of. A greater and different starting point than what came before, I feel they are going to throw crazy shit at her, can't wait.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017


Scrooge McDuck

Oct 25, 2017
So, can I throw my dog down the well?
Do you really, really don't want to throw your dog down the well? So much that you really hesitate even if the universe is at stake? So much that you would actually consider dying yourself instead of your dog? So much that you'd mourn for your dog in your every waking hour for a long time afterwards? Then yes.

I mean, at that point, does it really matter if you love something else more than your dog?


Oct 27, 2017
This post raises many good points. We can all explain it away, but the movie doesn't give us explicit answers for these.

The movie is just way too sloppy, even for a time travel comic film. I mentioned it in my long post, but the time travel scenes have no tension because you have no idea what the rules are and the consequences of breaking them. Cap can fight Cap and that's fine, it doesn't screw with anything. So, if there is no consequences to being caught, no consequences to kill your past self, no consequences with people meddling with the way events unfolded, then it's hard to feel any tension during these scenes.

Hell, why didn't Tony just tell his dad who he was and share a real, final heart-to-heart? Again, all they gotta do his return the stones later on and somehow that cleans the slate.

It's just too sloppy and as a result makes it hard to invest yourself in those scenes.

If you love it, then sure? (Well, depends if MCU animals have souls :3) Dunno why you looking to outwit this particular rule and making up implications, it's pretty staightforward.

Because we don't love things equally. If you can thrown your dog down instead of your spouse then was that really a sacrifice? You love them both, but not equally. The same with the choice between a friend and your spouse.

Do you really, really don't want to throw your dog down the well? So much that you really hesitate even if the universe is at stake? So much that you would actually consider dying yourself instead of your dog? So much that you'd mourn for your dog in your every waking hour for a long time afterwards? Then yes.

I mean, at that point, does it really matter if you love something else more than your dog? All the Soul Stone demands is that you demonstrate that you'd understand the weight of loss.

Um, yes. That's what love is. You can love something a whole bunch and never want to lose it, but if you have to choose between it and another thing you love more then it's going.


Dec 19, 2017
Been thinking about how the film would be directed by others.

Synder: Cap's entire hammer sequence would be in slo-mo.
Whedon: Half the cast would be dead by the end.
Oct 24, 2018
I wonder how awkward it must have been for Cap when he went to Vormir to put the Soulstone back into place and was face to face again with the Red Skull


Oct 26, 2017
It's implied. If it was simply cast down a living thing you love then someone could just throw their dog down instead of their wife. Or cast a friend down instead of your wife. You can love many things and many people, but you don't love them all equally.

Should've sent Rocket and Groot; save a piece of Groot, then throw him off.


Oct 27, 2017
I will say, after a couple days of reflection, I think seeing Endgame opening night was the best viewing experience I've ever had. Maybe not the best movie I've ever seen, but everything combined and jumbled together made it just perfect. I can't get it out of my mind.

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
There's like a 2 minute window in the movie where I believed Ant-Man was brutally killed. It would've been at the moment he believed they'd won and it would've been completely impersonal.

Glad Scott lived, cause that would've been a gut punch.
After that blast came out of nowhere, I was super distracted because I half expected several members to have died then.
In retrospect, there's a great sense of desperation when 2014 Thanos and his goons hit the base.

And then Clint just jobs all these outriders.


Oct 25, 2017
This post raises many good points. We can all explain it away, but the movie doesn't give us explicit answers for these.
Even if it takes 2 years to reverse engineer Pym particles Thanos and Nebula would still arrive when they did and Rocket's already mentioned in the movie that there are several brilliant minds in the universe far ahead of earth beings and we know Maw is a science genius.

Basically my point being I don't think the movie needs to be so verbal about these things and provide explanation for everything, very fact that we can theorise about that without any conflicting theory means we got the intended meaning behind it. I mean we are literally asking an explanation for how Thanos a world conquering individual with an army of otherworldly brains and brawns got an extra tube of something he already had.

Destruction of stones doesn't mean the stones energies are gone. They are still around, just that no one can use them. Which is why our timeline isn't doomed. This should not need to be explained either because energy can neither be created nor destroyed is something we learn in school. Granted MCU isn't hard sci fi, it should still at the very least respect basic law of thermodynamics.

The timeline stuff...I'm just giving up on that. It's a never ending rabbit hole because of the infinite nature of multiverse. Could explain it to some extent but then you run into the fact that it's infinite...and can't do anything really
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Oct 25, 2017
What would you think about a William Hurt Red Hulk?

And how do you think Edward Norton would have been in this film?

War Peaceman

Oct 28, 2017
The movie is just way too sloppy, even for a time travel comic film. I mentioned it in my long post, but the time travel scenes have no tension because you have no idea what the rules are and the consequences of breaking them. Cap can fight Cap and that's fine, it doesn't screw with anything. So, if there is no consequences to being caught, no consequences to kill your past self, no consequences with people meddling with the way events unfolded, then it's hard to feel any tension during these scenes.

Hell, why didn't Tony just tell his dad who he was and share a real, final heart-to-heart? Again, all they gotta do his return the stones later on and somehow that cleans the slate.

It's just too sloppy and as a result makes it hard to invest yourself in those scenes.

I actually think it would have been better if they'd been more cavalier with their approach to the time travel. A lot of the 2nd act felt contrived and expositiony - instead of giving a half-hearted explanation, just commit to the moments they clearly wanted to deliver. Personally I found the second act dull. The final showdown rescued the movie.


Dec 3, 2018
I actually think it would have been better if they'd been more cavalier with their approach to the time travel. A lot of the 2nd act felt contrived and expositiony - instead of giving a half-hearted explanation, just commit to the moments they clearly wanted to deliver. Personally I found the second act dull. The final showdown rescued the movie.
"Rescued the movie" .. you must be fun at parties


Self-requested ban
Oct 26, 2017
Uranus, get it?!? YOUR. ANUS.
The movie is just way too sloppy, even for a time travel comic film. I mentioned it in my long post, but the time travel scenes have no tension because you have no idea what the rules are and the consequences of breaking them. Cap can fight Cap and that's fine, it doesn't screw with anything. So, if there is no consequences to being caught, no consequences to kill your past self, no consequences with people meddling with the way events unfolded, then it's hard to feel any tension during these scenes.

Hell, why didn't Tony just tell his dad who he was and share a real, final heart-to-heart? Again, all they gotta do his return the stones later on and somehow that cleans the slate.

It's just too sloppy and as a result makes it hard to invest yourself in those scenes.

Because we don't love things equally. If you can thrown your dog down instead of your spouse then was that really a sacrifice? You love them both, but not equally. The same with the choice between a friend and your spouse.

Um, yes. That's what love is. You can love something a whole bunch and never want to lose it, but if you have to choose between it and another thing you love more then it's going.

"That which you love, a soul for a soul" is not hard to interpret.

The rest of your argument about time mechanics are valid, but your ones for the soul stone are so ridiculous they border on trolling (I know you're not).

If you're on the mountain, and truly love a thing. Even if it's not the greatest love, but still love, and it has a soul, then sacrificing it or it sacrificing itself FOR you, will grant you the stone. Intentions matter.


Oct 30, 2017
It's implied. If it was simply cast down a living thing you love then someone could just throw their dog down instead of their wife. Or cast a friend down instead of your wife. You can love many things and many people, but you don't love them all equally.

If they meant "most", they would have written "most". Y'all are reading way too much into this. You give up something you love, you get the stone, exactly as described.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Because we don't love things equally. If you can thrown your dog down instead of your spouse then was that really a sacrifice? You love them both, but not equally. The same with the choice between a friend and your spouse.

If you want to agonize over rules that were made clear, be my guest.

If they meant "most", they would have written "most". Y'all are reading way too much into this. You give up something you love, you get the stone, exactly as described.

This, like my god, its not that complicated


Oct 29, 2017
New York City
Speaking of Cap's hammertime anybody have any ideas what made him worthy when before he barely moved it? I'm thinking before it was just a contest of pride and this time he was in a fight for everyone's lives but that also seems a little too simple. Any events that have occurred over the movies that would make him more worthy?


Oct 29, 2017
Under my Hela Hela
What would you think about a William Hurt Red Hulk?

And how do you think Edward Norton would have been in this film?

Norton in this sort of film would be a disaster. The ensemble size and amount of moving pieces they have to keep in play would be undercut by an actor constantly trying to get lines/scenes changed because he doesn't care for them. I'm sure Ruffalo has some creative input, but he seems like one of the most laid back and happy actors around. I can't see Norton having that levity on set.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Speaking of Cap's hammertime anybody have any ideas what made him worthy when before he barely moved it? I'm thinking before it was just a contest of pride and this time he was in a fight for everyone's lives but that also seems a little too simple. Any events that have occurred over the movies that would make him more worthy?
I mean he's had a lot of character development since then. If you think about it he was still keeping secrets about members of the team (Stark parents deaths) but by this time he fully gives himself to everyone else.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Speaking of Cap's hammertime anybody have any ideas what made him worthy when before he barely moved it? I'm thinking before it was just a contest of pride and this time he was in a fight for everyone's lives but that also seems a little too simple. Any events that have occurred over the movies that would make him more worthy?

He's no longer keeping the secret about Bucky having killed his parents I guess?
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