
Don't F5!
Oct 25, 2017
Hamburg, Germany
RIP VFX Houses.

Unless major investment is made in this industry, none of those films are making their dates.

Not to mention the number of D+ stuff interspersed in there too.
Not to mention the additional vfx work for Kang's nose.

I really hope for the studios out there that Feige/Marvel will improve the time/CGI work ratio, it sucks to have this shit situation for studios in mind while trying to enjoy a movie. Give them more time or dial back on the cg, it's comics anyway and people will also complain anyway.


Oct 27, 2017
So...predictions on the core Avengers team for these films?

- Doctor Strange
- Spider-Man
- Captain Marvel
- Hulk
- She-Hulk
- Hawkeye
- Thor
- Black Panther

+ Fantastic Four

I feel like Disney won't be able to resist throwing large stacks of money at RDJ to come back for Secret Wars.


Nov 5, 2017
So...predictions on the core Avengers team for these films?

- Doctor Strange
- Spider-Man
- Captain Marvel
- Hulk
- She-Hulk
- Hawkeye
- Thor
- Black Panther

+ Fantastic Four

I feel like Disney won't be able to resist throwing large stacks of money at RDJ to come back for Secret Wars.
Shang-Chi and a bunch of the new younger cast (Kate, Cassie, Kamala, etc) will probably be involved


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
Is Doom a bigger villain than Kang? I thought he was human?
Doom is "bigger" in a sense that he's more pivotal to the characters and universe and has more opportunities to cause serious damage. He's like Lex Luthor where there might be more powerful cosmic characters, but never outrule the chance for him to figure out a way to threaten the universe through his genius and resources.


Oct 25, 2017
I honestly wonder how kids view the MCU these days

The idea that it's unapproachable is laughable to me. My 11 YO didn't have an issue getting into it all last year.

The MCU's lengthy, but there's nothing confusing about jumping into it; just start with Iron Man and go in release order from there. Hell, Disney + straight up chronologically orders the MCU content it's got access to for viewers.

If you've got the time to commit to it, it's that simple. And since when do kids not have hours to devote to whatever the hell it is they're fixated on?
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
Is Doom a bigger villain than Kang? I thought he was human?

As far as lasting presence and record of being a threat, Doom is the biggest villain in Marvel. But he is not always just an outright villain either.

IMO we'll see him follow a similar path in the MCU as Loki. If they're doing Secret Wars this early I think it'll be his biggest swing as a supervillain and future appearance will be more of a "will he help us or try to stop us" kind of deal.

Doom has the intellect of Reed Richards, tech beyond what Iron Man is capable, the ability to time travel like Kang, and is a powerful magic user that rivals Strange and Wanda.


Nov 22, 2019
I think it's well past the point of being approachable for new viewers, unless they aren't concerned with watching the entirety of the MCU's content.
Hasn't this always been the way with comics though? I started reading Spider-man and X-men in the 80s, and there were always references to stuff I hadn't read years previously, or other comics I wasn't interested in (or couldn't afford to follow).

A large portion of the films prior to infinity war or after endgame, or the first episode of any of the TV series, make reasonable jumping on points as they don't just assume everyone knows everything. It's also not necessary to. Some fans feel the need to soak up every single hour of content but it's really not needed and I doubt they make up the majority either, kids are gonna follow heroes they like the most and then start to fill in the gaps around them, and that's cool.

If they keep it going over the next 20 years or whatever they are going to need to make clear, new jumping on points in the same way that the comics reboot with new creative teams all the time to refresh sales, but with the different pressure of aging actors. But they are still a long way off from needing to do that.


Mar 17, 2022
So...predictions on the core Avengers team for these films?

- Doctor Strange
- Spider-Man
- Captain Marvel
- Hulk
- She-Hulk
- Hawkeye
- Thor
- Black Panther

+ Fantastic Four

I feel like Disney won't be able to resist throwing large stacks of money at RDJ to come back for Secret Wars.
Sam Wilsons' Captain America.

Bold One

Oct 30, 2017
So...predictions on the core Avengers team for these films?

- Doctor Strange
- Spider-Man
- Captain Marvel
- Hulk
- She-Hulk
- Hawkeye
- Thor
- Black Panther

+ Fantastic Four

I feel like Disney won't be able to resist throwing large stacks of money at RDJ to come back for Secret Wars.
I think Dr Strange is being positioned to lead the Avengers.

I just feel it.


Oct 25, 2017
The idea that it's unapproachable is laughable to me. My 11 YO didn't have an issue getting into it all last year.
Yup. I mean, it's exactly like comic books. You can't possibly read everything that has come out. Starting at the beginning of a new arc is good but really, many people, me included, got into comics reading different random issues and piecing things together over time. It's pretty fun that way.

(Also yes it's pretty easy for kids to just watch everything with Disney+. A friend of mine who never watched any MCU movie started watching them two months ago. He's all caught up now, series included.)


Oct 25, 2017
Yup. I mean, it's exactly like comic books. You can't possibly read everything that has come out. Starting at the beginning of a new arc is good but really, many people, me included, got into comics reading different random issues and piecing things together over time. It's pretty fun that way.

It's not just like comic books, though, in that there's a clear entry point and a thread to follow to the present, if you wish to.


Oct 25, 2017
Is Doom a bigger villain than Kang? I thought he was human?

Kang is also human...

Anyway, if someone rolls up with power beyond Doom, and Doom wants it for himself, he's gonna get it done.

He's also fun as hell to read. He's got his own country, and he takes his responsibility seriously. He's a villain the heroes can team up with because he will always want to save the world, because he can't rule it if it's destroyed.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
The idea that it's unapproachable is laughable to me. My 11 YO didn't have an issue getting into it all last year.

The MCU's lengthy, but there's nothing confusing about jumping into it; just start with Iron Man and go in release order from there. Hell, Disney + straight up chronologically orders the MCU content it's got access to for viewers.

If you've got the time to commit to it, it's that simple. And since when do kids not have hours to devote to whatever the hell it is they're fixated on?
Not everyone is a kid though? The thought that a 30/40/50/whatever year old with a busy career, kids, a commute, other commitments, other hobbies, etc. would have somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 hours of free time in a compressed period of time to start at Iron Man and work your way through all the movies and shows is equally laughable.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Crazy idea, but what if there's actually a third Avengers movie that Marvel hasn't announced yet: AVENGERS: BATTLEWORLD. Shit would be hype.

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
Crazy idea, but what if there's actually a third Avengers movie that Marvel hasn't announced yet: AVENGERS: BATTLEWORLD. Shit would be hype.

if they are smart, they should have disney+ shows loaded each week from Kang Dynasty to Secret Wars - all hoping between different Battleworlds with different characters

it would make Avengers like a 6 month event


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
Secret Wars is gonna break $2 billion in BO minimum.

Most the people that watched Endgame didn't bother watching all the MCU movies.

MCU has always been layered in the sense that there are movies that are 100% filler that will have like one important scene or end credits that's you can just pull up on YouTube instead of seeing the movie.

Then you have others like CW that were incredibly pivotal in setting up Homecoming, Black Panther, Infinity War, Endgame, and whatever else I'm forgetting.

People like these movies. Remember those rumors about Tobey and Andrew appearing in NWH and how that sparked interest that ended up having people buy Raimi and Webb's Spidey movies?

People will make the effort to catch up on shit. And when those two next Avengers films drop, best believe people are going to go with their nerdy friend that can explain everything to them or just watch the recommended movies.

It's accessible because you don't need to watch everything to be entertained. My mom literally only watched BP and had no idea wtf happened in IW or EG but sent me the BP2 trailer last night and hasn't seen an MCU movie since Endgame.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
if they are smart, they should have disney+ shows loaded each week from Kang Dynasty to Secret Wars - all hoping between different Battleworlds with different characters

it would make Avengers like a 6 month event
That would be dope and I really hope Marvel does this. There's still a lot of spots in Phase 6 to fill after all.
Calling it now that the next saga will be "The Mutant Saga".
My thoughts exactly. They'll likely use Secret Wars to do a soft reboot of the MCU. A bunch of characters will be retired or put on the bench for the time being to clear the schedule for the mutants, as they can carry an entire cinematic universe on their own.


Jan 22, 2022
Not everyone is a kid though? The thought that a 30/40/50/whatever year old with a busy career, kids, a commute, other commitments, other hobbies, etc. would have somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 hours of free time in a compressed period of time to start at Iron Man and work your way through all the movies and shows is equally laughable.
People will make the effort to catch up. Especially in a day and age that people will binge hours of content through a night.
Also, you also don't need to watch everything to understand the current multiversal plot. The only things you'd need to watch currently (that we know of) would be Loki, Multiverse of Madness, and then Quantum-mania. And even then, Loki wouldn't be considered all that important outside of telegraphing Kang.
Same thing with IW/Endgame, movies that were "required viewing" were Civil War, Ragnarok, and Ant-Man and the Wasp if you wanted to beeline into the most-talked about films.
Sure, you might not have full context behind who a character is or what their background is, but a majority of the movies provide audiences an idea of what's going on. It's the same thing with the event comics that these are based off of. While you may not have a greater appreciation or understanding of nods/references of events dating back to 2008, a large chunk of it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. You can basically get a viewing order or just watch what dovetails into the next big thing.
That would be dope and I really hope Marvel does this. There's still a lot of spots in Phase 6 to fill after all.

My thoughts exactly. They'll likely use Secret Wars to do a soft reboot of the MCU. A bunch of characters will be retired or put on the bench for the time being to clear the schedule for the mutants, as they can carry an entire cinematic universe on their own.
I could see it being focused purely on X-Men and the F4, maybe Spidey too if Holland/Sony wants to keep playing ball. I wouldn't be surprised if it also resets the timeline somewhat, where they can slot in younger actors for Stark, Widow, and Cap further down the line. Essentially making it to where they have a "complete" Marvel universe to play with everyone in the toybox.


Oct 26, 2017
Fun Fact: Kids who were born in the year Iron Man came out will almost be old enough to vote and finish up their senior year of HS by the time Secret Wars is out. Timing a soft reset around that time seems to make sense.


Aug 30, 2020
So...predictions on the core Avengers team for these films?

- Doctor Strange
- Spider-Man
- Captain Marvel
- Hulk
- She-Hulk
- Hawkeye
- Thor
- Black Panther

+ Fantastic Four

I feel like Disney won't be able to resist throwing large stacks of money at RDJ to come back for Secret Wars.
Secret Wars will have the original 2012 Avengers all reassemble for a big ACT III show-stopping moment. Like Toby and Andrew in No Way Home.

Mark my words



"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Secret Wars will have the original 2012 Avengers all reassemble for a big ACT III show-stopping moment. Like Toby and Andrew in No Way Home.

Mark my words

Yeah that's been my guess for a long time now. Just probably won't be as impactful as I imagined it, just because Secret Wars is so much sooner than I thought it would be.

Rice Eater

Oct 26, 2017
I wonder what the other phase 6 films are. Shang Chi 2, Eternals 2, Thor 5, and Dr Strange 3 are shoo-ins probably right?

I think so so, but what else could they possibly reveal? Is there anything else they can announce that the fans have been waiting a decade+ for and would instantly send us into a frenzy in Phase siX?



Oct 25, 2017
And yeah, I really don't see Secret Wars releasing just six months after The Kang Dynasty. It isn't impossible, since I'm sure they'll be filmed back-to-back like Infinity War and Endgame were, but even those movies were a year apart.

A year apart seems like a good idea for post production.
They're going to really abuse a bunch of studios to get the CG done for these 2


Aug 30, 2020
Yeah that's been my guess for a long time now. Just probably won't be as impactful as I imagined it, just because Secret Wars is so much sooner than I thought it would be.
I think a lot of people in this thread are setting themselves up for disappointment by expecting a direct translation of the comic story (either version) when that's never been Marvel Studio's MO. Straight up, Doom might not even be in this and people should be okay with that.

The similarities between the comic and movie will begin and end with a "big multiversal Marvel crossover".

Like how the similarities between the comic and film versions of Infinity War began and ended with "the purple guy wants the magic rocks and that's bad"


Oct 26, 2017
I honestly wonder how kids view the MCU these days.

I'm an elementary school teacher who sees 600+ kids a week during the school year, they're absolutely still into these movies. I do think their reactions tend a be a bit delayed though because many just wait for them to hit Disney +. Right before we went on break this year one of my 4th graders was going on and on about Moon Knight, which I'd argue is easily the most "out there" MCU entry yet.


Oct 25, 2017
I honestly wonder how kids view the MCU these days.

Back during phase one/two, my friends and I viewed every new Marvel movie as an absolutely huge event and looked forward to them for months prior to release. Now there's something new almost every week, and it feels like a lot of the "magic" around big releases is gone.

Most of my cousins kids think they're the best thing in the world.


Oct 27, 2017
I think a lot of people in this thread are setting themselves up for disappointment by expecting a direct translation of the comic story (either version) when that's never been Marvel Studio's MO. Straight up, Doom might not even be in this and people should be okay with that.

The similarities between the comic and movie will begin and end with a "big multiversal Marvel crossover".

Like how the similarities between the comic and film versions of Infinity War began and ended with "the purple guy wants the magic rocks and that's bad"
Folks lettin the incursions name drop do lots of work in their heads


May 2, 2018
As someone who has never read a Marvel comic, which Hickman stories do I need to read to get the Secret Wars experience? Keep hearing great things

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
As someone who has never read a Marvel comic, which Hickman stories do I need to read to get the Secret Wars experience? Keep hearing great things

You're in luck - if you've seen the MCU so far, you're ready to go.

Hickman wrote 3 stories that make up one large story.

Fantastic Four / F4
Avengers / New Avengers
Secret Wars (8 issue event where this all culminates)

Easiest way to read this is probably an iPad + a Marvel Unlimited trial.


May 2, 2018
You're in luck - if you've seen the MCU so far, you're ready to go.

Hickman wrote 3 stories that make up one large story.

Fantastic Four / F4
Avengers / New Avengers
Secret Wars (8 issue event where this all culminates)

Easiest way to read this is probably an iPad + a Marvel Unlimited trial.
Yep, totally current on the MCU. Thank you so much!


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Dunno if I'm really looking forward this at all... Phase 4 so far was completely mild/ass. So many bad movies (the series, as far as I know, are decent, but I won't touch them as they're not movies and I don't want to pay for a service to watch them).

Only "liked" Shang-chi and Spiderman from all those movies.