
Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
Current specialist system promotes lone wolf tactics. When you give everybody the option to pick and choose how to kit their character, people will automatically choose items that make it so they can enjoy the game by themselves.

Instead of a sniper who wants to camp but has to either go to an ammo station or have a support class spawn on him for ammo, they can just equip a sniper rifle with an ammo box and leave the squad and camp in the corner of the map for 30 min.

But I believe this is what DICE intended all along. This is what the COD audience loves and this is what big time streamers love. DICE knows exactly what they are doing and if you don't like it, then you probably aren't the core audience DICE is trying to have engage long term.

Right, and this is what I was highlighting earlier. Every faculty of this game's design centralises on the individual player's experience, fast tracking action and providing the most frictionless experience possible. I can see what audience they wanted to target with this, and it seems to be in part a result of DICE's admittedly long standing issue with the series and communicating team play, class meta, gear use, etc to the community, and encouraging teamwork plus capture-the-objective play. But with 2042 it feels like they just said "fuck it" and threw the baby out with the bathwater. No friction, instant fun, don't worry about anything else.

If this is what the current senior design and leadership staff at DICE want from the series, especially if they've grown tired of more or less doing the same thing to some degree for almost two decades now. If this invigorates them, cool. I genuinely wish them luck and I'm perfectly sure I'll keep playing the game post launch. But at this point in the series history I also just wish someone would inject a boatload of cash and resources into another developer willing to take on the traditional Battlefield design blueprint, so at the very least there's an alternative.


Oct 28, 2017
Forgetting completely the superb movement system and feel of BFV and adding double tap fast sprinting is flat out laughable.
I hate double tap sprinting with a passion. Feels so dumb and arcadey. And you know EA/DICE completely lost it when jumping with a Quadbike let the Operator scream out:" juhuuu"!


Oct 28, 2017
does anyone know what the gamepad/controller (which platform?) icon next to the player name is?
I've seen monitor, ps logo, xbox logo. I saw some ppl have the controller icon instead of the monitor and thought maybe they are just pc gamepad players, so I hook my controller up to pc and play a fresh match with controller but it still shows "monitor" icon only.


Oct 27, 2017
Played the beta for a very short time and I think I'll pass until it's discounted and improved down the line. Battlefield was never really my jam but I was expecting to be wowed by this, specially with how weak Vanguard is looking. I didn't feel connected at all to the game and my team, had no idea how to contribute to the overall goal and there was no flow to the match.
I also don't really get what's the point of the big map events (rocket, tornado, etc). It adds little to the teams' tactics and gameplay. Seems gimmicky and something that will lose the appeal once you've seen it enough. Feels like they tried to replicate a Fortnite event on every match but didn't realize what made those special. And it ends up feeling a waste of resources that could have been spent on a better destruction system.


Oct 25, 2017
They really should just delay it until the end of the FY, which is the spring. Four extra months wouldn't fix everything but it would help.


Oct 27, 2017
Why do I get the feeling we're about the see a repeat of the BFV situation? DICE changes the game to create some new vision, then spends all the time after release walking back a lot of it in the face of player disapproval. Not to mention releasing with previous features people liked/loved missing.

Seems it might be easier to just listen to what players want beforehand.

Cynically, I wonder if BF expanded to 128 players just because CoD finally got to 64 players with Ground War. Did anyone ask for this?
Oct 26, 2017
Cynically, I wonder if BF expanded to 128 players just because CoD finally got to 64 players with Ground War. Did anyone ask for this?
I mean they added operators, unrestricted loadouts, armor plates, double sprint, and compromised BFV's movement to have Warzone-like movement... Writing is on the wall. As a compromise for not having BR, they wanted it to play like a very popular BR game but in a large sandbox driven multiplayer framework.

Every time something like this happens they always end up reverting it. It never works out. Baffles me how they always ignore this because they are too money hungry.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
I just played for the first time, 2 full games. My Impressions:

1. Either my rig is showing its age or this game is poorly optimized. This is the first game I've ever played where putting it on all low settings still has constant hitching. Scoping in with a sniper halves my framerate, too.

2. 128 players is too many players for conquest. It sounds great on paper, but when actually playing it feels chaotic (in a not-fun way) and there's no real sense of direction for the squad.

3. I like the live-changing attachment system. I didn't like that it kept resetting to default on me.

4. TTK is fine, I guess,.

5. I can see the unrestricted kits becoming an issue very quickly.


Oct 27, 2017
Hang on, what the fuck happened to the squad leader role?

I've noticed you can ping capture points but it seems bugged, how do you tell your squad to focus on something if they're not on comms? Best part about squad leaders was the encouragement of directives and extra XP to incentivise that, especially since bad/inattentive ones could be relieved of the role.


May 31, 2018
I've tried every single youtube tutorial how to get controller settings right, yet I'm still constantly fighting against controls. I can't even properly track enemies that are relatively close.
There something wrong with the controls and the lack of aim assist that is making the gameplay feel bad, for some reason playing on the PS4 version on the PS5 was noticeably better. Oddly enough the PS4 version was more polished, and after playing with a few friends who have not picked up the PS5 version yet, the game clicked on the PS5 version.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean they added operators, unrestricted loadouts, armor plates, double sprint, and compromised BFV's movement to have Warzone-like movement... Writing is on the wall. As a compromise for not having BR, they wanted it to play like a very popular BR game but in a large sandbox driven multiplayer framework.
All the more confusing.

Every time something like this happens they always end up reverting it. It never works out. Baffles me how they always ignore this because they are too money hungry.
I suppose one could compliment the studio on their commitment to letting the devs craft the game they want. I'd love to know what they think of the changes they implement to satisfy players (like BFV). Do they vehemently disagree with them? Do they see their point? Did they not see it coming? Do they think the game as a whole plays worse now than their vision at launch?


May 31, 2018
does anyone know what the gamepad/controller (which platform?) icon next to the player name is?
I've seen monitor, ps logo, xbox logo. I saw some ppl have the controller icon instead of the monitor and thought maybe they are just pc gamepad players, so I hook my controller up to pc and play a fresh match with controller but it still shows "monitor" icon only.
Playing on PS5, same platform has the PS logo, controller is XS, and monitor is PC.


Oct 25, 2017
If they want to they could easily mold these "specialists" (the irony on display here btw) into the more traditional class system. The balance between these specialists is also so strange. Webster getting an always useful, move faster while aiming. Meanwhile Boris has his improved sentry turret while near.

Like why isn't that part of the base ability of Boris? And honestly in general I feel these passives should be used to more closely align these specialists with the traditional class designations they have. For Boris you could have something like "lock twice as fast on enemy vehicles with launchers" for example. You wouldn't be forced to run launchers on him but get a nice perk if you did. And the same for the other passives, have those passives work of off the traditional class gadgets. Another specialist could have "resupply ammo to nearby other friendlies while you have an ammo box equipped", grenades and other explosives would still require the box being put down.

And then there's just the visibility problem with distinguishing friend from foe with the current system. Part of the problem is the UI failing, and not communicating friendlies. On the other hand it says it all that the player has to rely on those designations to distinguish friend from foe is the first place.

But ah well. Let's see what launch is going to bring. I still enjoyed some of my time with it, and there's definitely potential.


Aug 15, 2018
Any success in refunding this via Psn? I know they only refund it in the first two weeks (preordered in August), is it the same for preorders?


The Wise Ones
Oct 26, 2017
The Netherlands
This really feels like the big whigs top priority was to make a game that could go for that CoD crowd

"Let's make a game that's bigger, louder and Call of Dutier than ever before! Oh, and the single most important thing: it has to have HUGE meme potential, so we can bombard our socials with cool clips of people flying their C5 filled jet through a tunnel and taking out a helicopter at the other end. Oh, and that teamwork none sense we had in previous games? Ditch it. That's so 00's and more importantly, that shit doesn't sell skins. And one last thing. My favorite colors are a very specific shade of green and orange and purple, so I want those used in the UI. I know it's not ideal for visibility and gameplay 'n shit, but get it done!"


Deploying the stealth Cruise Missile
Oct 27, 2017
So the more I play, the more this is starts feeling like Battlefield.

Except for these damn Specialists. It adds nothing to the game, and as others have already covered, greatly detracts from the game's strengths.
Going to hold off on purchasing to see how Portal turns out, because if EA are hell bent on keeping specialists the way they are, this is the first normal BF I'm gonna skip.


Oct 28, 2017
Australia (GMT+10)
Just finished playing my first few matches. I love the ability to customise your weapon attachments on the fly, that's a really great addition and the way it works is very intuitive. Unfortunately, that was the only thing I liked.

The default controls felt clunky. The user interface was terrible, one of the worst I've ever seen in a console game. Graphics were absolutely nothing to write home about on PS5. But the worst part: it feels like they've deliberately tried to reduce teamwork, and make it as difficult as possible for those players who want to actually pursue it. To me, teamwork is the only reason I play Battlefield games. I'm out.


Jun 24, 2018
Chicago, IL
Why do I get the feeling we're about the see a repeat of the BFV situation? DICE changes the game to create some new vision, then spends all the time after release walking back a lot of it in the face of player disapproval. Not to mention releasing with previous features people liked/loved missing.

Seems it might be easier to just listen to what players want beforehand.

Cynically, I wonder if BF expanded to 128 players just because CoD finally got to 64 players with Ground War. Did anyone ask for this?

PC players have been asking for 128 players since forever. One of the most popular BF2 mod had 128 players.


Oct 25, 2017
PC players have been asking for 128 players since forever. One of the most popular BF2 mod had 128 players.

And I imagine BF2 at 128 players was much more fun because it meant the match probably actually felt like there was 128 players.

Like it feels like by ballooning the map sizes so much they made 128 players redundant because everyone is more split up more now than ever.

Technically there was more people in my BF2042 games but nothing close to the hectic nature of old BF games for me. Hell, MW Ground War felt more like BF with how hectic it felt lol


Oct 27, 2017
PSA: If you're not carrying a medic or ammo crate, you should be carrying an AA launcher.

Great piloting and teamwork but it shouldn't be possible to dominate so completely.

This is the result of ineffective and restricted troop anti air versus regenerative vehicle ammo and health.

Some of the design decisions in this game truly beggar belief.

What a mess.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Airborne Aquarium
The lack of console aim assist has truly broken me over the last few days. I can't keep my reticule on a target making me rage in ways that are super embarrassing lol

Went back yesterday afternoon to play some BF V to make sure I'm not a raving lunatic about aim assist and sure enough it felt "normal" to shoot again.

(Plus the war atmosphere, UI, movement feel, map flow, class system is all infinitely better than 2042)


May 23, 2018
The weather tech that's on display is truly special. DICE knocked it out of the park in that area.

The lack of teamwork and coordination still hasn't improved over the course of the beta and I have no hope that it will occur during the games release. That's my biggest gripe so far along with the non existent aim assist.

Dr. Sanchez

Nov 15, 2017
after a couple more matches I decided it was enough for me. Not feeling it, I dunno man I just want a bf2 remake or something at this point. Something more slower paced because I'm going to be honest, I miss the stamina meter from bf2 as well as the class system.


Oct 25, 2017
after a couple more matches I decided it was enough for me. Not feeling it, I dunno man I just want a bf2 remake or something at this point. Something more slower paced because I'm going to be honest, I miss the stamina meter from bf2 as well as the class system.

Yes give me BF2 remake. Now I just hope that portal can give us BF3 like gameplay. Then I may jump on board. But for what I saw in the beta, my hype is almost gone at this moment. And I was pretty hyped before the beta :(
Oct 25, 2017
after a couple more matches I decided it was enough for me. Not feeling it, I dunno man I just want a bf2 remake or something at this point. Something more slower paced because I'm going to be honest, I miss the stamina meter from bf2 as well as the class system.

Hopefully this is where the Battlefield Portal stuff comes in for you. Though the lack of footage of that and Firebreak or whatever is a choice.

Interested to see how DICE will respond post beta- I think most want to give it a chance but I'm gonna need a long list and some videos of improvements in the launch build. And even then, I only see myself picking this up way way down the line.


Oct 25, 2017
Hopefully this is where the Battlefield Portal stuff comes in for you. Though the lack of footage of that and Firebreak or whatever is a choice.
My best guess is that Portal and Hazard Zone won't be there on launch day. I hope I'm wrong though, but judging from people's beta impressions Dice has plenty to optimize with just the regular 2042 and it's systems.

Also, lack of footage is certainly a strange choice, we aren't that far out from release. And if anything needs a beta, it would probably be a mode like Portal?


Aug 3, 2020
People that put their hopes in Portal are kinda naive imo. If Dice wanted to provide players with more of a BC2/BF3/4 experience, they would have done so in the main game. My prediction is that they will have to spend all their resources messing with the standard game mode (as that's where the majority of the playerbase will be), going back and forth between the more traditional BF gameplay feeling and the COD stuff(ultimately pleasing no one), leaving Portal an unbalanced/buggy as hell experience

This beta is such a bummer. I'm really sad about all this Specialist stuff. Shame.


Oct 31, 2017
Really have to digest the beta now. So many ups and downs. I am not against it but I am not 109% for it. Ignoring the bugs etc that will hopefully be polished out (graphical, AI, controls etc) I feel like 2042 could be amazing if DICE actually listen to feedback and react. I will formulate a better response later. So much to think about.


Oct 27, 2017
got one last tornado surf in before they pulled the plug lol

overall 2042 has potential but so did bfv so im really unsure how the full game will end up. it's definitely going to be buggy 100%. no way a 1 month delay is enough.


Oct 31, 2017
got one last tornado surf in before they pulled the plug lol

overall 2042 has potential but so did bfv so im really unsure how the full game will end up. it's definitely going to be buggy 100%. no way a 1 month delay is enough.
My issue with BFV was as soon as issues happened, DICE were super slow to react and by the time they did, they pulled the plug on it.

2042 will be buggy, it's DICE. If they commit to support and content, it will be fine. As soon as they panic, content dries up and they move on, then the problems start. If we noticed content getting delayed, latches getting pushed back etc, then the problems start.


Oct 28, 2017
Welp, it seems to be over...
I think the game is amazing, everything I hoped for.
It's not perfect but a few updates to some systems and it could be.
It really needs 1 color for each faction.

I really hope they don't delay it more because of the reception and a very vocal minority.

It's funny how now BFV has so many qualities and is such a good game for a portion of the internet... Probably the same people who have been excessively shitting on it for 2 years.
Oct 27, 2017
Thinking on the beta overnight and my problem with the map - might just be that I don't like Conquest as a game mode, but generally all the maps in BFV and BF1 feel like a place, they feel more logically laid out as if settlements had grown organically in the landscape. In 2042 it's just a vaguely hilly landscape with generic looking, vaguely futuristic warehouses dotted about, there's no real cohesion to it, they're not logically linked. They don't look or feel like places that have/had any sort of function.

Probably not explaining myself very well.
Jul 26, 2018
Dam Beta just ended for me. Booted back to the menus. Nearly 21 hours of playing the beta in total.

Overall....... i'm so mixed about this game. Not a huge fan of the specialists at all. Honestly... I have a bad feeling about this launch. It's hard to believe that the game is apparently more polished. Kinda annoyed by the "its a beta bro" too. Why haven't they just given us a demo of the actual game instead of this beta where most of the feedbacks are just negative? I don't get it.... I just don't get it.....

I really enjoy COD for the "couch gaming" where I relax, sit back, and play on my 4K LG CX with my Xbox Elite 2 controller on my high end PC. Yet... playing against M/K PC players is a massive struggle... Looks like I can't couch game with 2042 which is a disappointment.

I support a 2nd delay but I know it's not gonna happen... hoping for the best!


Oct 27, 2017
Damn. I thought we'd still get the 10th to play some more.

I enjoyed the beta. I mean, it was a total jank fest in so many ways it's hard to count, but the core of the experience is super fun. They just need to iron out all of these issues, and it'll be a fine BF game.

I can't wait to try that skyscraper city map.


Jul 26, 2018
Was curious how the beta of BFV was received.

Just like V, 2042 has a solid foundation and now it's up to DICE to take the feedback to provide a better experience for the players. Quite a lot of people being overly dramatic, but I guess that's probably expected from battlefield "fans/veterans".

Looking forward to release.


Oct 25, 2017

This post in a way puts a lot of the game into perspective and in hindsight the marketing in the reveal trailer should have been an indicator of what was to come.

Battlefield Moments were these amazing moments players made happen that in ways stood out from the typical gameplay. That's why stuff like the RendeZook showed up in the trailer. They want BF2042 to be non stop Battlefield Moments, but by doing that they make Battlefield Moments no longer this unique things. The game has now changed to become way more Arcade-like to allow for those moments to be just something that always happens cause the gameplay more naturally suits it.

It's the difference between a player feeling like they "broke" the game to accomplish something amazing and a player being given the tools to make said thing happen.


The Wise Ones
Oct 26, 2017
The Netherlands
EA should let DICE go full CoD, because apparently that's where their heart lies now, and let another studio make a smaller and cheaper Battlefield game on the side to cater to the more traditional BF crowd.
I really would like to see a studio like PopCap do a 1943 style game.


Oct 25, 2017

Single Reddit video putting into 16 seconds what utter trash "Friend or Foe" identification is in 2042,

It ended 1h 20min ago.

All right thank you for the information, I wanted to play it a little bit more but due to some health issues related to my dogs I was not able to play more than one day, thanks for the answer