
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder which platform has the better vehicles players, PC or console.

I want to say PC but I've never tried both so I don't know if controller is easier.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, SC
Played alot more rounds on the new map and I think it's probably one of the best breakthrough maps in the game. Feels like I'm never in the open too long to take flags or defend them and there are lots of routes to take to break line of sight too. I just cannot stomach playing this map on conquest as it just doesn't work well even with the ticket count increase it feels like the map is won within the first 3-4 minutes of the round. I wish I was knowledgeable enough to know exactly why it doesn't work as well for conquest but my best guess is the way that the flags closest to the enemy bases are kind of easy to lock down from the next set flags so you can't really be sneaky with ground movement you need to take to the air to not get shredded for 50-100 tickets just trying to take any flag back.


Oct 10, 2021
Figured they'd go for one more season at this point just to make it an even 8. Here's to hoping they knock the next one out of the park.

Stoney Mason

Oct 25, 2017
I'm fine with them moving on and focusing on the next game. 2042 is in about as good a state as could be expected following the disastrous launch. I'll still keep playing it until the next one.

As far as the next game though, I definitely will take a far more cautious approach. 2042 was such a disaster at launch, it made me lose a lot of faith in them. And I'm still not sure if they understand what the actual audience wants in battlefield.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, I'm not buying at launch unless they have a stellar beta/reviews. I'll also be sporadically playing 2042 and giving BFV on PC a real shot.


Oct 26, 2017
I was shredding with the SCZ so makes sense it gets an accuracy nerf.

I'm not really a fan of the shotgun changes, I always felt shotguns having different spread for hipfire and ADS is a dumb mechanic. If they think they need an accuracy nerf (which is mainly for Redacted, let's be honest) they should just do it across the board instead of introduce this new dichotomy.

I'll also never understand why people think hipfiring shotguns is 'low skill' compared to aim down sighting, hipfiring them literally requires you to have to aim more since you are still moving at full speed instead of planting your feet and zooming in. I fear this change is just going to make shotguns shitty for Mnk with accuracy penalties to hipfire and beast mode for controller players since they have such strong snap-to aim assist on ADS which will now be neccessary for them to hit stuff.


Feb 13, 2018
Really hit or miss with Frontlines; either it's a total dogshit slog where a stalemate runs the clock down to zero, or you get lucky and it's a more focused version of Breakthrough.

Stoney Mason

Oct 25, 2017
Really hit or miss with Frontlines; either it's a total dogshit slog where a stalemate runs the clock down to zero, or you get lucky and it's a more focused version of Breakthrough.
The thing is

A. These maps weren't designed in such a way where Frontlines was even a consideration.

B. The awful team balancer along with an already huge skill gap that is only larger with PC players in the mix. I mean I notice I'm often in games with Enders from Twitch/Youtube. A person who's living is playing this game. I'm a good player but there is no way going against him that I'm just not gonna get dusted. Think about way more casual players than me and what they must think about their experience.
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Stoney Mason

Oct 25, 2017
Did all the weekly missions. Just a few more medals to get the Boris Outfit.

I mean I like Frontlines. I like it more than Breakthrough as a mainly Conquest player. Even if the maps aren't ideal for it, I've always liked the mode. I wish they would make it available for all maps before they finish work on 2042. My first bunch of games were one sided straight blowouts. After that, people seemed to learn how to use the vehicles and keep them back and the rest of my games were a more back and forth affair.


May 31, 2018
Did all the weekly missions. Just a few more medals to get the Boris Outfit.

I mean I like Frontlines. I like it more than Breakthrough as a mainly Conquest player. Even if the maps aren't ideal for it, I've always liked the mode. I wish they would make it available for all maps before they finish work on 2042. My first bunch of games were one sided straight blowouts. After that, people seemed to learn how to use the vehicles and keep them back and the rest of my games were a more back and forth affair.
Although seasons are going away, the game will still get support, so maybe existing maps get added later? I still hope the remastered maps and WW2 guns get a bit of polishing, and added to the base game for the latter.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm hoping some of these limited time modes are available as a Portal preset later. Also allow geists to be a selectable faction for a zombie mode.


Oct 26, 2017
Frontlines fucking rules on Discarded. Probably the most underrated reworked map too so glad to have it in an active playlist. Haven is the next best, I think because the wide paths around with lots of cover are giving people routes to get around the points and put down fire on them before trying to take them. The middle point in the plaza is a good example of this.

Reclaimed just seems too fast/small for it for some reason, it's basically a steamroll every time I play it. It seems near impossible to take back a point a team is capping on. Redacted just plays like Redacted normally does lol.

Also the AK5C feels pretty damn good and has a great sound but the dispersion feels a bit high.

I'm hoping some of these limited time modes are available as a Portal preset later. Also allow geists to be a selectable faction for a zombie mode.
I really hope they have an automated system after they fully move on from the game that brings back modes like Control, Shutdown and now Frontlines every few weeks for a weekend or something. That's one thing they've done good at with this game is these limited time modes that changed it up a lot and were a ton of fun during their events.

Control itself should be a main mode going forward in Battlefield games, it's so good.


Oct 27, 2017
I tried frontline for the first time yesterday and ha a great time. Intensive battles and everyone fighting for the same objective.

I'm mostly a conquest player but having played that for to long this felt like a great change.


Oct 27, 2017
Just had a game where my team blew up a and b but then the round did not end. So we all waited for 5 minuts. No enemies on the map. Then I jumped out as there was 22 min left on the timer.


Oct 10, 2021
Lol, I remember when we first introduced it in BF1 and there was no round time limit. There were rounds that went for 7+ hours.

Idea for the next game, "Battlefield Eternal", servers with eternal matches that never end, just push onto the next sector in a map that is procedurally generated as needed. A year post launch and the allied nations are attempting to capture sector 3,568, circling the globe 5 times.


Game Developer
Jun 10, 2018
Idea for the next game, "Battlefield Eternal", servers with eternal matches that never end, just push onto the next sector in a map that is procedurally generated as needed. A year post launch and the allied nations are attempting to capture sector 3,568, circling the globe 5 times.

It's a great idea, stuff like this is being explored by many studios for both SP and MP games, but the technical sophistication and requirements are just not there yet. Maybe one day. Probably would be achieved first in an SP game. I cannot even imagine the online infrastructure and architecture this would require.


Oct 10, 2021
It's a great idea, stuff like this is being explored by many studios for both SP and MP games, but the technical sophistication and requirements are just not there yet. Maybe one day. Probably would be achieved first in an SP game. I cannot even imagine the online infrastructure and architecture this would require.

Takes a puff: okay, so as part of the expanded Battlefield universe, each game set in the universe actually all happen in the same server at the same time. So like, while people are playing a normal Battlefield match, other people playing the newest Battlefield installment, Battlefield KartRacer, are racing in the map with the battle raging around them. At the same time, people squadding up to play the Battlefield Extraction game are entering the battlefield and trying to extract with their loot without dying to huge battle raging around them, or getting run over by a kart or knocked out by a blue shell.


Oct 25, 2017
Really not a fan of the weekly quest being tied to 2 wins in a limited time game mode that has ended in a draw every game I've played so far.


Oct 26, 2017
Really not a fan of the weekly quest being tied to 2 wins in a limited time game mode that has ended in a draw every game I've played so far.

It's funny but before I unlocked that final mission for the week I was getting all wins, and then as soon as it unlocked it's been mostly draws or losses xD I don't mind as long as it's close though. The mode is super fun.


Oct 25, 2017
Really not a fan of the weekly quest being tied to 2 wins in a limited time game mode that has ended in a draw every game I've played so far.

this. I was annoyed one week there was a challenge that was "win 2 matches of breakthrough on Haven". I played over 20 matches and only won once. I got steamrolled every single time too.
lo and behold the next week just changed to "win 2 matches of breakthrough" and I got it right away lol


May 31, 2018
Discarded Frontlines:


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Oct 26, 2017
Got my Frontlines wins finally. This might be the mode most reliant on setting up good spawn beacons for your team as recons just because of the distance between points.

I also really like when it is going to the end of the match and both teams have basically tied and everyone rallies toward the last final Mcom just to get the win. Such an awesome experience.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, I didn't play much of that one for whatever reason. JackFrag's recent video on it made it look pretty cool so I'm kicking myself for that one.

I think Hardline would have been more of a sucess if it did not have Battlefield in the title. It was lots of fun But was missing a lot from the regular Battlefield concept.

Stoney Mason

Oct 25, 2017
I didn't like Hardline for a few reasons. I thought it was too close to Battlefield 4 time wise and as a concept the whole cops and robbers thing felt like a half conceived reskin of 4. I'm not against a cop and robbers multiplayer game. I just want it to be fully conceived that way and take real advantages of that concept. I know Hardline has its fans especially since on consoles it was a technical improvement on Battlefield 4, but I dodged it because I didn't want to send the signal that this was the way Battlefield spin offs should go.


Oct 27, 2017

So the big reveal before Christmas that the next season will have two maps turns out to have been pretty deceitful, what a surprise. It took just as long, if not longer, for those two maps to come out after the release of the season before it, than it would have been if they continued their previous season/map release frequency. They just changed how long a season is instead. Smart.

But not only that, the supposed second "new" map isn't even a reimagining of the Stadium, it has the same layout as before with some cover thrown in. I really, really thought they would add more structures and expand the Stadium itself, instead of using what was there before and throw a flag on the open space in front of it. I mean it is still a nice thing to add, but to advertise all of this as a new map, and finally a season with two new maps, is the very definition of over-promise and under-deliver. I don't know why I keep falling for it.

I am just imagining if they hadn't boasted about two new maps in the next season back in December, released Haven like they did now and then just thrown in Stadium as a surprise together with the news that support will be stopping. Same amount of content, but I bet it would have looked much better on them.


Oct 27, 2017
They're already sunsetting the game so it doesn't really bug me at this point. I just want to see a solid plan for the next game. I also don't want the reveal to be animations we don't get in the main game again. That's a terrible strategy.


Oct 26, 2017
Frontlines on Discarded and Haven has turned into one of my favorite experiences in this game period. Great zone sizes, team size, class synergy, lack of spam/vehicles and everything seems to matter so much more. I'm really going to miss it when it's taken out of the game.

Stoney Mason

Oct 25, 2017
Tried a few maps of the Stadium. It's very mid. The reason the stadium was really memorable in the base game was because it was part of a massive map where you could go reliably get infantry combat. With that context gone, and 64 players just stuffed in there, it's just a meh map that is kind of a meat grinder.

I like it better than redacted but I hate redacted and maps of that ilk so that isn't the highest praise. This has the potential for a little more flanking so you don't feel quite as bottled in, but it doesn't offer the freedom of say haven which is a mostly infantry map, I quite like by comparison.

The spawns also gets really weird in the stadium spot. Something is broken there because I often find myself spawning directly on top of the enemy team.

I also feel like the map is over jammed with objects and geometry. This was done to break up sight lines but it makes it just feel a little clunky to me.


Oct 27, 2017
Tried a few maps of the Stadium. It's very mid. The reason the stadium was really memorable in the base game was because it was part of a massive map where you could go reliably get infantry combat. With that context gone, and 64 players just stuffed in there, it's just a meh map that is kind of a meat grinder.

I like it better than redacted but I hate redacted and maps of that ilk so that isn't the highest praise. This has the potential for a little more flanking so you don't feel quite as bottled in, but it doesn't offer the freedom of say haven which is a mostly infantry map, I quite like by comparison.

The spawns also gets really weird in the stadium spot. Something is broken there because I often find myself spawning directly on top of the enemy team.

I also feel like the map is over jammed with objects and geometry. This was done to break up sight lines but it makes it just feel a little clunky to me.

I've got to give it a shot but watching some vids hasn't inspired much hope for anything than dumb fun. Haven has been my favorite map of the game, I think. The game ended strong in my eyes and I hope it's an indication of the direction they want to take it. I hope that Stadium is just the result of having the game's support ended before they could utilize it better in a different map.

Stoney Mason

Oct 25, 2017
I've got to give it a shot but watching some vids hasn't inspired much hope for anything than dumb fun. Haven has been my favorite map of the game, I think. The game ended strong in my eyes and I hope it's an indication of the direction they want to take it. I hope that Stadium is just the result of having the game's support ended before they could utilize it better in a different map.
It's hard to know. If you look at the best maps of 2042 there is good stuff there, (Oribtal, Haven, Exodus, etc) but DICE has always been odd when it comes to recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of past titles and designing around that.


May 31, 2018
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Stoney Mason

Oct 25, 2017


Update 7.2.0 for Battlefield 2042 marks the arrival of the XFAD-4 Draugr and the new DFR Strife LMG alongside gameplay balancing!
This Season in general we are aiming to slightly slow down the pace of the game and the biggest offenders that can oftentimes feel like they are pushing the limits too much. We are starting with MacKay by making his gadget more defensive and strategic rather than having it as an aggressive enabler offensively.

To do that we are increasing the cooldown of the grapple from 11 seconds to 25 and we are also lowering the boost of his trait "Nimble" which grants a boost to movement speed while aiming down sights from 40% to 25%.

Additionally, in a future patch, we will be implementing a force reload animation when equipping the weapon to further emphasize the strategic use of the gadget.

I made a post about this like a year ago or even longer. How McKay was essentially broken because of how powerful his gadget was at allowing high ground. It's so weird that DICE takes forever to address obvious issues. In this case until support for the game is ending.
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