Deleted member 2913

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017

Another update lol
Oct 27, 2017
The lack of 3D spotting is both amazing and frustrating at the same time.

Getting a lot more of the "Where the fuck was that guy?" and "Where the hell did I get killed from?" that I'm use to from ArmA and Rising Storm 2.


Oct 27, 2017
So does it feel drastically different from BF1? I'm worried it's going to feel like an expansion for BF1.
Oct 30, 2017
I really hope it's true that aircraft has been nerfed because that has been my biggest gripe with Battlefield 1. One player can completely tilt a match if their moderately proficient in a plane. If they do improve the planes, they should at least compensate by limiting repair ability. No more flying outside the map to repair back to 100 the entire round.

Deleted member 1594

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
I really hope it's true that aircraft has been nerfed because that has been my biggest gripe with Battlefield 1. One player can completely tilt a match if their moderately proficient in a plane. If they do improve the planes, they should at least compensate by limiting repair ability. No more flying outside the map to repair back to 100 the entire round.
The "nerf" is mostly due to the lack of 3D spotting, isn't it? You can't just magically see people on the ground, so you don't get free kills.

Sounds great to me. I like aerial vehicles in Battlefield games, but I like them to be balanced. So long as they can still help counter tanks, I'm happy.


Oct 25, 2017
Are there any known issues with selecting the special assignment? i cant seen to activate it


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
New England, USA
So far, I just keep getting disconnected from matches. Clicking exit game also just leaves me at a screen where it shows the background stuff on a loop so that's a thing. I'll give it more of a shot later in the day, in no real rush.


Mambo Number PS5
Oct 26, 2017
So far, the gameplay is a lot nicer than BF1. I'm running on a Ryzen 1700 with an OC of 3.9 & GTX 1060 6GB, and hitting 1440p at max settings with around 60FPS. Looks amazing thus far.


Oct 25, 2017
So far, the gameplay is a lot nicer than BF1. I'm running on a Ryzen 1700 with an OC of 3.9 & GTX 1060 6GB, and hitting 1440p at max settings with around 60FPS. Looks amazing thus far.
Thanks I was looking for a 1060 performance. I had a few issue with bf1 on 1060 .like shuttering in middle of a firefight and all.

Also how are the planes are they open as shit as bf1 or they are toned down?
This is gonna be a long wait for a key lol.


Oct 27, 2017
From some of the E3 gameplay videos, the different classes were kind of hard to make out (in contrast to BF1 and previous titles). That the case here? Fine with customisation as long as it doesn't just force 3D spotting to figure things out at short distance in addition to reducing class visibility, i.e. distinguishing silhouettes like the equipment and helmets on hand.

Not a fan of the blatant capture/kill icons in the centre.


Oct 30, 2017
Yeah i think the Logitech giveaway was the only one of this kind so far.
Don't think I will have a chance since this only lasts for the weekend anyway.

Oh well:D at least i can watch streams

Sou Da

Oct 25, 2017
From some of the E3 gameplay videos, the different classes were kind of hard to make out (in contrast to BF1 and previous titles). That the case here? Fine with customisation as long as it doesn't just force 3D spotting to figure things out at short distance in addition to reducing class visibility, i.e. distinguishing silhouettes like the equipment and helmets on hand.

Not a fan of the blatant capture/kill icons in the centre.
It's impossible to say since there's no player defined customization in the alpha, I can tell who everyone is but that may be different in the full game when people can change it up


Oct 29, 2017
Feels better in comparation to BF1 and the gameplay is fantastic besides you've many information on screen. The graphics are georgeous as usual



Mambo Number PS5
Oct 26, 2017
Thanks I was looking for a 1060 performance. I had a few issue with bf1 on 1060 .like shuttering in middle of a firefight and all.

Also how are the planes are they open as shit as bf1 or they are toned down?
This is gonna be a long wait for a key lol.

During firefights it's not so bad, but being unoptimized, I do have some frame drops in intense fights once there are a ton of people around me. Other than that, it performs beautifully at Ultra Settings. I just lowered it down to 1080p for a more consistent experience just for now, as I don't expect the higher resolutions to be properly playable on my GPU until the final build when it's more polished and optimized.
Oct 30, 2017
The "nerf" is mostly due to the lack of 3D spotting, isn't it? You can't just magically see people on the ground, so you don't get free kills.

Sounds great to me. I like aerial vehicles in Battlefield games, but I like them to be balanced. So long as they can still help counter tanks, I'm happy.
It ultimately depends on the game mode, I think. I primarily play Conquest and Operations so, even without spotting, a pilot can just continually bomb a contested objective and rack up kills and ground troops aren't provided many options. Anti-air turrets get destroyed and can't be repaired and the assault's anti-air launcher does pitiful damage. And if you're not in a communicative squad, all the tanks do is rack up ground kills with no regard for the aircrafts that can wipe tanks out in a couple of flyovers. And the infinite repair just exacerbates the issue.


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
I'm playing with 200 - 300 ping which makes it basically unplayable lol, but from what I can dig up underneath the awful latency is that this is really good stuff.

It's intense. You drop pretty quickly and the interwoven low ammunition and tiered health regen makes encounters feel deadly and tense. I was a with a really good squad just now where we were all making an effort to revive each other. And here's the thing; where in Battlefield 1 rushing a point was just running into gunfire and if you died, whatever, because you'd just respawn. Here it was intense. The audio crackle on automatic gunfire is scary and fast, and you know every shot that hits your team could be a make or break. We had a nice circle of revives, but it didn't feel like a revive train. It felt like a careful approach towards an entrenched capture point. Automatics shoot fast and loud and you cant afford to fuck it up. The flow of the game is far less arena, chaotic wave based like Battlefield 1. It's slower. You don't know where the enemy is. You can't risk just running around like a dickhead. You have to be paced and cautious and deliberate in your actions. Even something as simple as firing your gun makes me anxious. What if I miss and reveal my position? Being seen is itself intense.

It's early days but yeah. Really good first impressions even with an average of 220 ping haha.


Oct 25, 2017


Mambo Number PS5
Oct 26, 2017
Anyone here playing with a 780? I have big FPS issues.

Being an Alpha build, it's not well-optimized currently. I can play BF1 at max settings on 1440P with no issues on my 1060, but even with 1080p, this build is more sluggish (Which is odd, as it performed well at 1440p when I first launched it, but it's just struggling at 1080p currently). It's definitely making good use of all my CPU cores, though. Lmao.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Cologne, GERMANY
Being an Alpha build, it's not well-optimized currently. I can play BF1 at max settings on 1440P with no issues on my 1060, but even with 1080p, this build is more sluggish (Which is odd, as it performed well at 1440p when I first launched it, but it's just struggling at 1080p currently). It's definitely making good use of all my CPU cores, lmao.
Yeah, with big i mean I cannot play. Game runs with ~12 fps.


Oct 25, 2017
Umeå, Sweden
I'm playing with 200 - 300 ping which makes it basically unplayable lol, but from what I can dig up underneath the awful latency is that this is really good stuff.

It's intense. You drop pretty quickly and the interwoven low ammunition and tiered health regen makes encounters feel deadly and tense. I was a with a really good squad just now where we were all making an effort to revive each other. And here's the thing; where in Battlefield 1 rushing a point was just running into gunfire and if you died, whatever, because you'd just respawn. Here it was intense. The audio crackle on automatic gunfire is scary and fast, and you know every shot that hits your team could be a make or break. We had a nice circle of revives, but it didn't feel like a revive train. It felt like a careful approach towards an entrenched capture point. Automatics shoot fast and loud and you cant afford to fuck it up. The flow of the game is far less arena, chaotic wave based like Battlefield 1. It's slower. You don't know where the enemy is. You can't risk just running around like a dickhead. You have to be paced and cautious and deliberate in your actions. Even something as simple as firing your gun makes me anxious. What if I miss and reveal my position? Being seen is itself intense.

It's early days but yeah. Really good first impressions even with an average of 220 ping haha.
Damnit, now I really wanna bloody play this...



Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Another Battlefield, another alpha test I don't get invited to. I always wonder what their criteria is for invites considering I've been playing the series since 1942, bought every Premium pass and game and pre-order each entry and yet I've never been invited to a single alpha.

Meh. Just sucks to always be on the outs and get the shaft from a series I invest so much time and money into.
Jun 1, 2018
I bought bf3, bf3 premium, Bf4 premium, bf 1 premium, yet no key... and I am not getting an alpha key. That is why I didnt preorder. I just dont feel appreciated as a PC customer by EA

Deleted member 1594

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
Another Battlefield, another alpha test I don't get invited to. I always wonder what their criteria is for invites considering I've been playing the series since 1942, bought every Premium pass and game and pre-order each entry and yet I've never been invited to a single alpha.

I bought bf3, bf3 premium, Bf4 premium, bf 1 premium, yet no key... and I am not getting an alpha key. That is why I didnt preorder. I just dont feel appreciated as a PC customer by EA
I'm the same as you guys regarding past Battlefield games. As is a friend of mine. I got a key. He did not. It's just... random, and we both understand this.

But he was still able to get a key easily from that Logitech giveaway.


Oct 30, 2017
Another Battlefield, another alpha test I don't get invited to. I always wonder what their criteria is for invites considering I've been playing the series since 1942, bought every Premium pass and game and pre-order each entry and yet I've never been invited to a single alpha.


Ever heard about random samples? It is required to get feedback worth anything...

If they were to give all veterans alpha keys wouldn't they miss out on all new players opinions?

Pretty sure they just took a random selection from those PC players that indicated they are pro testing new releases.


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, this is legit.

+ Paced encounters that feel more intense and demanding of methodical approach thanks to the elimination of 3D spotting and full health regen, along with the reduction in ammunition. Awareness is very, very important for all parties so rushing in head first doesn't work.
+ Squad play is rewarding. Feels good to heal your opponents, and everyone doing it encourages contribution. Reduced ammo for everyone encourages support to be constantly dealing out ammo, as they themselves need it. Same for health. Good ebb and flow in squad movement.
+ Destruction of houses best the series has seen in a long time. Still prefabs but much more detailed and physics driven in their collapse.
+ TTK feels...actually pretty great for an alpha. Heavy and weighted so bullets really pack a punch, but not so much that dying comes effortlessly. The act of firing your weapon feels meaty and bullets feel weighted. Eliminated random bullet deviation makes lining up shots far more rewarding than BF1.
+ Maps are much, much denser with assets, topographical details, and other stuff compared to the simpler layouts of Battlefield 1. Reminds me more of Battlefield 4 in that respect.
+ Audio is intense and ominous. Gun fire crackles like death especially from heavy automatics like vehicles and mounted machine guns. Coming under heavy fire gives and audio impression of the area being shredded.

- I haven't seen a single person build anything and it's exactly what I expected. People don't give a fuck about prefabs. I know it's more controllable on a design level, but it misses the mark of what people enjoy about construction elements in any game. When you extremely rigidly limit what and where people can build, they won't bother. People want to dig their own trenches and place their own sandbags and gun encampments.
- Squad play value is going to be reliant on community culture. The systems are in place to encourage more ammo/health drops than before, but if people stop giving a shit the game flow is doomed to tedium.
- Visual profile read of classes is non-existent. The aesthetics aren't quirky costumes, the greater variety in visual identity has just eroded any semblance of distinguishable classes.
- Performance is very mixed, but obviously that's down to it being an alpha. Denser level assets and new effects make their impact too.
- Audio mixing is a bit off. Too quiet for some stuff that isn't really too far away, like the dynamic range isn't universal between sources. Again, probably a beta quirk.


The Old Guard
Oct 24, 2017
Biggest things I've noticed:
  • using pistols a lot more when you run out of ammo
  • squad play with current implementation (can't leave/join/change squads), but when ti works it works
  • TTK feels fast, but not too fast
  • Audio is a treat
  • the building shit is basically unused; have to swap to a different tool to see where to build, etc.


Mambo Number PS5
Oct 26, 2017
Hey, please make sure you have installed, if you've an nVidia GPU, v398.36.

Thank you so much for taking the time to help everyone out on here. It means a lot! So, I am using a GTX 1060 6GB with an overclocked Ryzen 7 1700 and have noticed that I am really having my ass handed to me in FPS even on 1080p/Ultra settings and didn't know if there was a known issue internally regarding memory leakage on GPU's? My stats have my GPU at 100% power utilization for 1080p and I don't know if that is correct for something at just full HD. Maybe that is normal, but I am curious either way. It's nice to see the game making great use of all cores on my Ryzen CPU, though. Regardless, this game is absolutely incredible. I just wish the frames wouldn't be dropping so bad.