Oct 24, 2017
You didn't reply to their post with anything of substance, all I see is you repeatedly insinuating anybody who has a problem with the trailer is a sexist, hates amputees, or some other nonsense. Where does the line get drawn here? If we are going to have British women with prosthetic limbs fighting on the frontlines alongside a bunch of hipsters wearing no protective headgear then Dice might as well call this Bad Company 3. Or they could just come out and say this game is set in an alternate timeline to quell a lot of the backlash. Most people aren't pissed off there is a women in their video game - it's that it feels like diversity is being shoehorned in to sell cosmetics while ignoring historical accuracy. Before you come back with "but battlefield was never realistic you can do x, y, and z!!" please stop for a second and hear me out. The game are grounded in realism to an extent but take gameplay liberties to make it fun. For example, you can jump into any vehicle and pilot it instead of going to flight school for 3 months before you unlock the ability to fly because that wouldn't be fun.

If you want to highlight the accomplishments women had in combat then do it in an accurate and respectful way. Let me play as lady death during a sniper segment in Kiev or Stalingrad. Show women fighting Nazi's as part of the underground French Resistance. Focus on British women at home who faced discrimination and danger manning AA guns while their cities were engulfed in flames thanks to the Luftwaffe. Have a segment where you are a medic or in a field hospital considering the vast majority of women served in support roles, not on the front line.

I think the outrage is a little overblown on both sides.
I'll say this again: I'm well aware that women fighting on the frontlines of every fight in the war is unrealistic. I don't care. I want to play a woman in the game, and I'm going to. Get over it. It's a mutliplayer shooter. I'm sure the single-player will have the "respect" you're looking for.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
f you want to highlight the accomplishments women had in combat then do it in an accurate and respectful way.
Why does this only apply to women and not men as well? Why do only women have to be "accurate and respectful" but men can be as stylized as they want? That's the problem with the "be accurate and respectful" BS, we're talking about a game where players literally get rewarded for killing people via numbers popping up on the screen but when it comes to women we have to make sure the portrayal is accurate and respectful compared to literally every aspect. Complaining about accuracy in a fucking multiplayer match is the equivalent of concern trolling.


Oct 25, 2017
Back to WW2. It's been a long time since I've bought a Battlefield game. Looks like it's time.


Jan 18, 2018
I disliked the trailer on YouTube because it's a shit trailer. I believe it's the first Battlefield trailer I have ever disliked. It's just bad in every way.

That said I have already bought the game due to the news from Jackfrags. I don't know what that reveal was and the trailer is even worse, but Jackfrags brought the news we needed to hear.

Deleted member 5764

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Didn't get to post in here last night, but holy shit did I love that trailer. Starts off pretty solid, but my jaw dropped when they transitioned to the fake gameplay view. After reading the details about the game, I re-watched the trailer and realized how much stuff they fit in.

Character customization, diving backwards, shooting grenades... Goddamn. October needs to get here faster.
Oct 25, 2017
Norman, OK
You didn't reply to their post with anything of substance, all I see is you repeatedly insinuating anybody who has a problem with the trailer is a sexist, hates amputees, or some other nonsense. Where does the line get drawn here? If we are going to have British women with prosthetic limbs fighting on the frontlines alongside a bunch of hipsters wearing no protective headgear then Dice might as well call this Bad Company 3...

So just refer to it as "Bad Company 3" then, if it helps you get over it. DICE is making the game they want to make, the way they want to make it. If it doesn't appeal to you, then pass on it and get something that's a better fit for you.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 28, 2017
So wanting a historically accurate game makes you an alt right neo nazi anti women racist. Jesus Christ. You guys win, fuck it.

Probably your best choice thus far in this thread.

"Historical accuracy"

*laughs uncontrollably*

That said, my only complaint is literally a stupid one, and that's just the 'hollywood action" set pieces, which I've never been a fan of, but are exceptionally awesome as spectacle, and drive the action along. Otherwise this looks fantastic, and I'm extremely pleased with both the direction Dice has taken, and the steps they've taken to anger people who failed history classes, apparently.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Historical accuracy in video games has always been an issue, in my opinion.

Developers rarely pay the appropriate credit to the events their games draw inspiration from. I, for one, am sickened by the outrageous callousness they display for real-life historical periods.

The last straw for me was Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball, which bore little to no resemblance to the classic scene from Top Gun, replacing the hairless, oiled bulges of real men with anesthetised anime dolls just to pander to those bloody feminists. They ruin everything.


Oct 27, 2017
They all seemed oddly cheerful despite the death and wanton destruction.

Idc, though, I'm all about the multiplayer and the last BF i actually bought was 4 so I'm excited to get back in. If this improves iver what I played in BF1 I'll be stoked.

Lol at going back to V though.

Also, hard for me to get too excited about those graphics given that I'll be playing on a launch PS4, but still damned impressive.


Oct 28, 2017
Raleigh, NC
Historical accuracy in video games has always been an issue, in my opinion.

Developers rarely pay the appropriate credit to the events their games draw inspiration from. I, for one, am sickened by the outrageous callousness they display for real-life historical periods.

The last straw for me was Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball, which bore little to no resemblance to the classic scene from Top Gun, replacing the hairless, oiled bulges of real men with anesthetised anime dolls just to pander to those bloody feminists. They ruin everything.
I'll out myself, you got me.


Oct 27, 2017
This is the first FPS next "current" gen game we all been waiting for. Hopefully what we've seen is indeed in game. It's mostly doable on PC I think.


Oct 26, 2017
Well here it is, straight from Dice/EA about the authentic and realistic topic that have been battled all over the net.
"our unique take on WW2"

Notice timestamp at 20:40, whole video is worth a watch too for some details.


Deleted member 1190

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Wait let's back up a moment. Do people think those cars were just falling out of the sky for no reason? Theyr'e fighting under a partially destroyed bridge, people.

The main site actually even explained the map itself

Creating this map and choosing this period of WW2 is a good example of our main Battlefield V ambition: letting you visit lesser known battlefields. The surroundings seen are based on events leading up to the evacuation of Dunkirk, in an era where German tank warfare reached its peak. Overall, it's WW2 like you've never seen it before. However, it's also a classic, all-out battlefield experience where infantry, tank, and planes clash. As you fight in the marshlands and dense vegetation surrounding the center piece – a partially destroyed Escaut Bridge – there's a place for every playstyle. Will you go for the close-range assault style, locking down the path across the bridge? Or will you rule the skies as the pilot of a Spitfire and bring death from above to anything that moves? Your call.
Oct 25, 2017
Norman, OK
Well here it is, straight from Dice/EA about the authentic and realistic topic that have been battled all over the net.
"our unique take on WW2"

Notice timestamp at 20:40, whole video is worth a watch too for some details.

So ridiculous that they would even have to answer for such a thing. I understood the uproar over the loot boxes/progression system in BF2, but I don't understand this at all. What I see, largely, is little internet babies throwing a tantrum because they don't like the creative direction DICE have taken. Shit: you're consumers. If you don't like it, don't buy the game. Do you expect your outrage over this to force DICE to pull a creative 180 on this project a few months before it goes gold? Do you really think the world would be a better place if they did?

Blade Wolf

Oct 27, 2017
Super excited for the game but seriously that logo always bugged me, why is the V so...down?


Wouldn't it be more visually pleasing to go with something like this? (lazy MS paint job but I think you know exactly what I mean)

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Oct 31, 2017
SweetNicole said:
Let's try and get this discussion and thread back on track by laying out a few ground rules.

It's fine to have differing opinions on the trailer and presentation of Battlefield V.

What isn't okay is defending the exclusion of female characters on grounds of historical accuracy. Doing so will get you banned for sexism. We aren't messing around with people trying to use their ignorance of history to defend their bigoted views.

What morons are even implying females shouldn't be in WWII games? Historical accuracy? WHO GIVES A SHIT?

I mean holy SHIT that was awesome. I'm now PISSED that there weren't females in world war games before. 10 seconds into the video I was sold on this game.

"w-w-w-women shouldn't be in x or Y in gaming"

Go FUCK yourself if you think this way

Suburban Thug

Nov 13, 2017
considering how many of you morons seem to hate it I'm sure it won't end up like that.
also, how often in a Battlefield game do you ACTUALLY notice what other players look like.

Or it could be because they wanted a female on the cover and had way too much faith in the gaming community to not be fucking morons.

if you think that the game is 100% inaccurate I don't know what to do other than laugh in your face.

becuz my grandpappy fought in the war so imma expert so excuse meh for CARING

but muh saving private ryan

Go make yourself an ARMA mod and stop crying.
Your posts have been absolutely insufferable in this thread. You can have a debate without resorting to theatrics and antics, or vilifying the other side as sexist/racist/amputee-phobic for wanting a historically accurate portrayal of the combat roles women held. If anyone disagrees with you they are called a "moron" or belittled until they put you on ignore or stop responding. We will probably have a much better discussion if you treat others with a little more respect -- I doubt (and hope) you don't talk to people in real life like you do on this forum.

EDIT: And to clarify what I mean by accurate portrayal, I would like to play as someone like Lady Death during the siege of Stalingrad or Kiev. I would like to experience the game through the eyes of a female member of the French Resistance. I would enjoy being a female AA gunner back on the home front defending their city from Luftwaffe bombing raids. How about some missions surrounding WASP which I guarantee most people don't know about?

What I don't want to see is a British woman with an amputated arm surrounded by hipsters wearing no head gear in a glorified Michael Bay movie set piece. To me it cheapens the experience, especially when they portray it as realistic. Just say the game is set in an alternate timeline or call it Bad Company 3. That's my stance at least.
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Dec 13, 2017
If you want to highlight the accomplishments women had in combat then do it in an accurate and respectful way. Let me play as lady death during a sniper segment in Kiev or Stalingrad. Show women fighting Nazi's as part of the underground French Resistance. Focus on British women at home who faced discrimination and danger manning AA guns while their cities were engulfed in flames thanks to the Luftwaffe. Have a segment where you are a medic or in a field hospital considering the vast majority of women served in support roles, not on the front line.

I think the outrage is a little overblown on both sides.

It kinda needs to be , when one of the takes and highlights from posts like this is that to be respectful and accurate , they should instead have those women solely participate in a stealth based/spy based fashion .... despite enough evidence of women having business in the front existing . Next thing we'll hear again are how rare and unique those cases were . Okay.sure , why not.....

But thus far you guys have seen just one woman on the front with a prosthetic limb with a small band of "weirdos" .... not some scripted affair with them making up the whole army and being the norm ... Nor have we seen yet 64 handicapped ladies on the battlefield in multiplayer either


Oct 28, 2017
It's funny.

I can't find the link right now but I remember some article about Red Dead Redemption and how historically inaccurate it is - like many westerns. "Wild West" wasn't really murder-land full of gangs and bandits everywhere. But no one seems to care and cry about lack of historical accuracy.


Oct 28, 2017
Raleigh, NC
If you think the dislikes on the Infinite Warfare trailer weren't indicative of public reception and had something to do with that games huge drop off in sales from previous and future entries idk what to tell you
I apparently missed where I said that or thought that.

The reasons for the dislikes in both games couldn't be more different anyways.
Oct 31, 2017
On the topic of historical accuracy I would like to see more minority representation in games.

I would love to see the experiences of the 761st Tank Battalion.


May 19, 2018
Can we take a minute to discuss the gameplay changes? Anyone else think that these new animations will get in the way of the gameplay?

I'm not a big fan of all this sliding around and rolling sideways stuff which are supposedly new features in this game.


Nov 2, 2017
Remember when Infinite Warfare was ONLY the best-selling game of 2016? DISLIKES DID THAT!
Stop being dense. Dislikes indicate fanbase unhappyness. Just because it was the top selling game doesn't mean it didnt do poorly compared to the franchise previous bar. A game doesn't sell less then half of what the previous and sequential game sell and just say "Hey the dislikes were just random and not a foreshadowing"


Nov 15, 2017
Super excited for the game but seriously that logo always bugged me, why is the V so...down?


Wouldn't it be more visually pleasing to go with something like this? (lazy MS paint job but I think you know exactly what I mean)


I actually like the bottom one much more now, but i can also see why it could have complicated things when being placed over a more dynamic than the background than what's shown here
Jan 10, 2018
Well here it is, straight from Dice/EA about the authentic and realistic topic that have been battled all over the net.
"our unique take on WW2"

Notice timestamp at 20:40, whole video is worth a watch too for some details.

That's a design director that has really put some thought into what he wants the game to be. He seems very passionate about BFV which is nice to see.

And for a swede his english is pretty much flawless. It's so fast and fluent. I had no idea he was even from Sweden the first time I heard him talk.
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