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Oct 25, 2017
Are there enough sensible, level headed, non-racist people left in America to actually get rid of Trump?
Because honestly I'm not so sure anymore.
If the Presidential votes in 2030 play out the way the House popular vote in 2018 did, Trump loses. Wisconsin appears to be the median swing state.


Oct 26, 2017
In what world is stating objective facts such as the average male lifespan in the United States is 78.6 and that Sanders will be 79 in 2020 which should be a concern to voters "superficial mudslinging"?

I want you to specifically explain, in detail, why and how that is mudslinging.

You're discrediting good political positions because someone is old and god forbid he passed in office, I'd rather he do that and pass a legacy of sound policy to the next generation, than died as a senator.

A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit.


Oct 25, 2017
One of my favorite phenomenons here is when someone posts something dumb from irony-twitter and it just completely misses a bunch of posters or breaks their brains. I'm pretty sure half of ERA is just your parents posting on a bunch of different accounts.

Speaking of Twitter the number one thing I'm looking forward to about Bernie running is the new wave of Woke Toddlers. I wish I could find the original "My daughter spit at the tv because of Bernie's misogyny" tweet.
My 6 year old wouldn't eat her broccoli after seeing Bernie sew division in the Dem primary. She looked at me and said "Daddy, Kamala Harris had no choice but to uphold our broken criminal justice system." I couldn't bear to see the tears in her eyes.


Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco, CA, USA
I dont have any idea of those things. All I know is Bernie is the one causing disarray with offensive bullshit like this comment today:

"We have got to look at candidates not by the color of their skin, not by their sexual orientation or gender, and not by their age. I think we have got to try to move us toward a nondiscriminatory society that looks at people based on their abilities, based on what they stand for."

Tell Bernie to stop being an out of touch asshole on racial and gender issues and I will happily be more accepting of him.
You know that black people like Clarence Thomas and Herman Cain and gay people like Milo and women like Jan Brewer and Mary Fallin exist, right?

Dream Machine

Oct 25, 2017
Continually having somebody on your podcast and never actually pushing back their dumbass takes because you know half your fandom are white dudes who are upset with identity politics because the only leftism they care about is their leftism is actually not good. I'm all for leftism, but actual leftism, not the leftism that excuses the racism of white people because of economic anxiety.

No, what actually is identity politics is when BernieBro's try to say Nina Turner, a nobody State Senator who is only known because she supported Bernie, should be VP.

She had already written her "the alt-right is just a bunch of understood white boys who would totally be leftists if not for political correctness" book though.
Eh, she was on two episodes in quick succession two years ago when people were really trying to understand what the deal with the alt-right was. She has only proved herself to be a simplistic reactionary identity politics goon who was consumed by staring into the Alt-right Jordan Peterson void in the time since, and I highly doubt she will ever be back on. The hosts don't seem to agree with her or take her seriously.

All of the threads on the chapo reddit are about how she sucks, so it's not like the show's fanbase was swept up by her bad ideas either

Pirate Bae

Edelgard Feet Appreciator
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I really doubt he'll get the nomination with Harris running.

Here's hoping she runs a tough as balls campaign.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Cool. I like Bernie. Hopefully he can learn from his blind spots from the previous run, especially with racial justice.


Oct 25, 2017
Bernie's comment (like most of his comments on race/social issues) is pretty dumb, but this time there's a nugget of truth. Do you really see black people fucking with Cory Booker so far?
Oct 27, 2017
if you really believe that then all that other grandstanding you're doing is meaningless

whatever man.

Whatever indeed. Bernie's deficit among minority voters, participating in an ultra competitive field and his constant ignorance when it comes to socioeconomic policies that will lift subjugated people upwards will ensure he has a less than zero chance at getting the Democratic nomination.

The only thing that worries me are his regressive supporters, their mindset on particular social/race issues and disdain for segments of the population who vehemently oppose Bernie ensuring the Butternut Squash gets reelected because they can't fathom him not appealing to everyone else as much as he does to them.
Last edited:


Oct 29, 2017



Oct 26, 2017
I dont have any idea of those things. All I know is Bernie is the one causing disarray with offensive bullshit like this comment today:

"We have got to look at candidates not by the color of their skin, not by their sexual orientation or gender, and not by their age. I think we have got to try to move us toward a nondiscriminatory society that looks at people based on their abilities, based on what they stand for."

Tell Bernie to stop being an out of touch asshole on racial and gender issues and I will happily be more accepting of him.

i mean, his dedication to social justice should be made apparent by the fact that he has been an advocate of social justice for decades, vocally stood up for ilhan omar when whites were clamoring for her head (due to her being a black, muslim woman), and by the fact that the quote in question strongly resembles a famous MLK speech in its content

but you do you, i guess


It's Happening
Oct 25, 2017
If the Presidential votes in 2030 play out the way the House popular vote in 2018 did, Trump loses. Wisconsin appears to be the median swing state.
After 2016, the Midwest will be taken a lot more seriously. Florida Florida Florida is still a key swing state, but Trump would have won 2016 even without Florida. It was the midwest that won it for him, and the dem nom needs to spend more than half their time up there campaigning imo. If time is an unchanged variable, spend more in the Midwest and less in Florida


Oct 25, 2017
You're discrediting good political positions because someone is old and god forbid he passed in office, I'd rather he do that and pass a legacy of sound policy to the next generation, than died as a senator.

A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit.
Mind showing me where I discredited his political positions? Because I most certainly didn't do that. If this is your explanation for calling my comment "superficial mudslinging" it's pretty lacking and hinges on a false assumption.

Saying his age is a factor, which it is, is a critique of his viability as a Presidential candidate and has absolutely nothing to do with his political positions or policies.


Oct 25, 2017
You know that black people like Clarence Thomas and Herman Cain and gay people like Milo and women like Jan Brewer and Mary Fallin exist, right?

There's a context to him saying that today and it's not him talking about Herman Cain or Jan fucking Brewer. It's him QQing and trying to equate age with racism and sexism in his case, which is laughable. He's also possibly implying people might support Kampala or Corey or someone because of their color.

It's really fucking tone deaf from a white guy.


Oct 30, 2017
After 2016, the Midwest will be taken a lot more seriously. Florida Florida Florida is still a key swing state, but Trump would have won 2016 even without Florida. It was the midwest that won it for him, and the dem nom needs to spend more than half their time up there campaigning imo. If time is an unchanged variable, spend more in the Midwest and less than Florida

its embarrassing that this needed to be learned in the first place, we got kavanaugh for 30 years because of this fuckup


Oct 25, 2017
Fiddler's Green
I have issues with Bernie. If he wins the primaries, I'll still vote for him. Until then, without primary voting results, no one really has a clue what's going to happen.

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
it's ironic how the career independent is more of a democrat than many of its party loyalists
It's amazing the number of posts going "HE'S NOT A REAL DEMOCRAT!"

No different then the tribal bullshit on the Republifuck side.
Exactly. People were out their loose with no class consciousness in mind. They just wanted their team to win, havenots be damned. Centre-right doesn't work for everyone and is unappealing after we survived that recession.
I'm a Democrat, and I strongly dislike Sanders (even though I would obviously vote for him in a GE).
As per your Trump comment: Fuck Off.
The truth hurts. There's a reason his primary '16 opponents swaggerjacked his platform and the entire Democratic Party was playing catch up. An outsider literally had to come in and G-check the Democratic Party. Now Bernie's platform is the default, we were right all along kicko.

Even if Bernie loses the primary, he wins.


Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco, CA, USA
There's a context to him saying that today and it's not him talking about Herman Cain or Jan fucking Brewer. It's him QQing and trying to equate age with racism and sexism in his case, which is laughable. He's also possibly implying people might support Kampala or Corey or someone because of their color.

It's really fucking tone deaf from a white guy.
At worst, it's saying "don't be ageist towards me."
Oct 25, 2017
I'm sorry you're so upset. Take some comfort in the fact that the world isn't as simple as you think it is.

The world is actually pretty simple, but I enjoy your attempt to talk down to me, your goofball.

Bernie needs to step aside and maybe gain some perspective, especially on racial issues. He is going to cause as much or more trouble than he did last time with his shenanigans.

Bernie or bust jokers are just as much to blame.


Oct 27, 2017
Now... we have a fight! *dusts off shield that says feel the Bern, grabs my sword*

To battle, my countrymen!


Oct 27, 2017
I'm glad he's going at it

He was really strong last time and got a huge chunk of delegates despite the media constantly saying he didn't have a chance because of the superdelegates (which are a crock imo).
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