
Jun 24, 2021
Signs of the Sounjourner is one of the best gaming experiences I've had, frustrating as it can be.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pugj-5-9iUA

Very vibe-y deckbuilder where you're limited to 20 cards with the twist that you always have to swap out one with one of your opponents after each battle. The reason for this is that it is a conversation building game. Each card represents a different abstraction of speech or communication. There are different 'accents' or styles of speaking or communicating to add to this. Some of these can overlap with different styles, but some cards will just be unreconcilable with one another. Each place you go to will have different 'cards' and styles of stringing a conversation together. If you can't find the right hand to get through the conversation, it ends badly. As a result, it's easy to soft lock yourself off from an area or town due to the cards you picked up and swapped out throughout which, again, you HAVE to do.

The reason this is so brilliant is that the gameplay so perfectly mirrors the themes and narrative driving the game. You're playing a character moving away from their hometown, meeting new people and forging a new path for yourself. In each interaction you add to your vocabulary, your expand your repertoire of understanding of others. At the same time, you invariably move away from the person you were, the less expansive way in which you used to communicate. You have a childhood friend in your hometown who you can speak to a few times throughout. I have had runs where we had a total relationship breakdown, others where we maintained a loving respect. These choices impacted my path through every other conversation.

There are only so many visits you can make, so many places you can stop, distances you can travel. Your character will always be a bit too overstretched. You will always feel you could have done something better. You will likely feel a slight tinge of disappointment as part of the mix of emotions following any playthrough.

This is a game that has something quite profound to say about loss and aspiration and awkwardness and leaving home and love and the sublime, and it does it through an admirable unity of form, theme and execution.

Oh yeah, the music is top tier as well

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=7FGccZzZB7Y
Last edited:
Oct 25, 2017
I've played so many of these and most aren't up to snuff.

Cobalt core is the best one after StS and Monster Train. Even on the hardest difficulty, it's on the easier side, especially if you've played enough of these games, but it was still fun playing through to unlock everything.

Roguebook and Wildfrost are also worth checking out.