
Dec 8, 2017
Damn going through this thread, seems like everyone's parents loves the man. Lol
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Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
Ya'll are cray cray. Who is perfect in your eyes? Maddow? Don Lemon? Chris Cuomo?
Interesting that you bring up perfection as the ideal, which is basically putting not being a piece of shit entirely out of reach. That's not how it works, nobody is perfect, but if you screw up so badly on stuff like purposefully platforming nazis you are so far off the mark as to not be on the same planet.



Oct 27, 2017
He's right on this one in a lot of respects. There are a lot of people on the left that need to reflect on why the right gets so much support and they're literally fucking Nazis.

I'm a huge liberal democrat and I often reflect on how I treat the other side. I have one friend who's a republican and I always have to stop myself from calling him an idiot. It just accomplishes nothing.
Dec 2, 2017
I agree with him to a certain degree. The push for purity tests and rise of cancel culture can cause an over reaction from the "blue side" that just does not vibe well with conservative America. Some of the examples he gave were bad but overall it's a reasonable assessment and concern for future voting trends if you're a democrat.
I mean cancel culture only exists in the mind of conservatives but sure why not.


Oct 26, 2017
"Cancel culture" is absurd because the large majority of people who claim to have been cancelled were either 1) not permanently, materially impacted by the "cancelling" or 2) unpopular anyway and using the cancelling as a scapegoat to avoid responsibility.

On the other hand, getting audiences riled up about "cancel culture" is profitable, whether for social, political or financial reasons.


Oct 26, 2017
His list of "the party of making people disappear" was sloppily and ignorantly listed. Some of his other points though I think are well taken. I don't think you need to conflate cultural changes with a political party, and you certainly shouldn't be supporting putting people's jobs in danger in the case of Mario Lopez or the Coyotes player, to that degree of hypersensitivity/purity. Pandering and purity tests are real issues for the party's likability. Worry about policies, people's liberties, and quality of life.

Also some social circles get a little too uppity and demanding with half-thought out ideas like "#Defundthepolice". Worrying about falling in line more as a social movement, than considering its effectiveness as a policy. Not saying it isn't possibly the right approach, but there's a case to be made for budgets for actual reform.
May 25, 2019
I disagree with him a fair bit but I also enjoy his show a lot. I think it's pretty unmatched in terms of political talk shows. His line that episode about how for the woke left "Silence is violence but looting isn't" was good. Some of the takes I saw on Twitter back in June about how people should just accept looting and vandalism because property isn't people were just insane. Like, you can 100% support BLM and also think that looting is disgraceful and shouldn't be tolerated.


Oct 25, 2017
Man, imagine holding up Bill Maher as an imperfect but ultimately positive force in the discourse.

Not everything he says, thinks or discusses is without value, but fuck him on a whole for normalizing and platforming a bunch of harmful shit.


Nov 18, 2018
You're all trippin' on Maher. He's literally one of a kind in the media where everyone is hyper left or right. He IS absolutely 100% without a doubt a democrat but he gives democrats shit just as much the GOP and that's a good thing.

Literal anti-vaxxer with a long history of islamophobia, transphobia, downplaying of sexual abuse, defending abusers, platforming far-right figures, and having a very cosy relationship with several members of the alt-right adjacent group the intellectual dark web.

This isn't even a purity test. He's just awful.
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Oct 29, 2017
I'm so confused about who his audience is at this point, I feel like he's too islamophobic and politically incorrect for most libs but at the same time all the epic atheist types that used to like him are now alt-right people


Oct 28, 2017
Maher strikes me like the kinda guy who should have been a regular on another hosts show, doing a slightly different take on an otherwise leftist message just so viewers feel they're in control of what to believe. His work during the past years strikes me as a guy who has no idea about what to do with his platform and gradually alienates himself from his roots because he wants to be different in some way.

It's like watching a guy spend 10 years slowly paining himself into a corner.


Jul 9, 2020
I still remember his temper tantrums at Ben Affleck where he had tried to gatekeep liberalism.


Dec 3, 2018
He likes weed and donated a million dollars to the Democrats! what more do you want people

Deleted member 7130

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm so confused about who his audience is at this point, I feel like he's too islamophobic and politically incorrect for most libs but at the same time all the epic atheist types that used to like him are now alt-right people
Gen X and Boomer Dem party die hards still love him. He's willing to push the dog whistles or even say the quiet parts out loud.


Keeper of the White Materia
Oct 27, 2017
I agree with the one guy about Latinx. I don't know where that term came from.


Nov 18, 2018
I'm so confused about who his audience is at this point, I feel like he's too islamophobic and politically incorrect for most libs but at the same time all the epic atheist types that used to like him are now alt-right people

Moderate boomers who think those damn kids with their participation trophies and safe spaces are just as bad as literal nazis.


Oct 28, 2017
Name his good points please

His point for me is that in order to win the senate the democratic party has to deal with the fact that while democratic policies such a Medicare for all and student loan debt forgiveness are popular and should with the party more seats whats happening is democrats arefailing to win races due to the association that if you do not agree with what the most liberal side of the democratic party has to say then you are a racist, bigot, etc. Essentially that you are irredeemable. Bill Maher is saying most people are not super progressive and that the party should move away from the one size fits all approach image the party has. It all come down to messaging.

You need those people with the georgia runoff so we can enact progressive policies.
Dec 2, 2017
His point for me is that in order to win the senate the democratic party has to deal with the fact that while democratic policies such a Medicare for all and student loan debt forgiveness are popular and should with the party more seats whats happening is democrats arefailing to win races due to the association that if you do not agree with what the most liberal side of the democratic party has to say then you are a racist, bigot, etc. Essentially that you are irredeemable. Bill Maher is saying most people are not super progressive and that the party should move away from the one size fits all approach image the party has. It all come down to messaging.
Transparent dude, come on try harder.


Nov 18, 2018
His point for me is that in order to win the senate the democratic party has to deal with the fact that while democratic policies such a Medicare for all and student loan debt forgiveness are popular and should with the party more seats w

You mean what the left of the party is actually pushing?

The only thing Bill Maher is adding is "Actually, we should be nicer to sexual abusers, racists and nazis."


Aug 6, 2018
Stop listening to Maher after that exchange between him and Ben Affleck about Muslims.

Fuck this racist.


Chicken Chaser
Feb 17, 2019
I'm so confused about who his audience is at this point, I feel like he's too islamophobic and politically incorrect for most libs but at the same time all the epic atheist types that used to like him are now alt-right people

Donald Trump watches regularly
Oct 27, 2017
Dude is rich as fuck, and societies problems never affect him. He sits back in his chair with a glass of whiskey and diagnoses what is wrong as if he's a fucking oracle. Fuck his pompous bullshit, and the fact that Rogan is endorsing this idiocy is telling.


Oct 27, 2017
This is the same asshole who had Milo on his show and just shrugged his shoulders at him so I'm not surprised.

John Dunbar

Oct 25, 2017
what was the context of that obama quote? i have no problem believing he shares this view, but just want to make sure.


Oct 27, 2017
He's right on this one in a lot of respects. There are a lot of people on the left that need to reflect on why the right gets so much support and they're literally fucking Nazis.

I'm a huge liberal democrat and I often reflect on how I treat the other side. I have one friend who's a republican and I always have to stop myself from calling him an idiot. It just accomplishes nothing.
but at the same time by not saying anything it makes him believe that he can say anything because he believes that he is right and then when it's switched on the other side, Conservatives would be the first ones to put others down because of their own opinions.


Oct 25, 2017
He's right on this one in a lot of respects. There are a lot of people on the left that need to reflect on why the right gets so much support and they're literally fucking Nazis.

I'm a huge liberal democrat and I often reflect on how I treat the other side. I have one friend who's a republican and I always have to stop myself from calling him an idiot. It just accomplishes nothing.

Let's be frank here, the right gets so much support because a large portion of Democrats and independents don't actually think those people are Nazis. They might think uncle Joe or aunt Karen are nuts for voting Trump but they don't hate them or think they are racist. You can extend this to your network of friends and coworkers.


Oct 29, 2017
This fucker was a Nader voter in 2000 and has blamed the Democratic party for being too centrist in 04 and not pushing for a more liberal candidate.

His grift is to always pick the part of the D ticket that is in power and shit on them and blame them for the parties woes.

He's a left of center contrarian Gen X comedian that thinks voting D absolves you of all other sins. The political equivalent of only doing anal to trick Jesus into thinking your a virgin.