
Oct 25, 2017
I think he's slightly above average, if the Bills had a suffocating defense nearing like prime Seattle LOB or 2001 Ravens, then would he still start?

For sure, the Bills would be a playoff team with Tyrod as QB if their defense could maintain their level of play they did through the first 7 games.

I don't think OC Dennison was playing to Tyrod's stengths, and losing WR's like Robert Woods and Sammy Watkins only hurt him. Tyrod is a QB who protects the ball and doesn't like to throw into tight coverage, so now when your entire receiving core can't separate you're going to see opposing teams stack the box against Shady and him.

Now, for anyone claiming Tyrod is having a good/bad year one way or another, they can't...he's consistently the same QB he had been for the past 2.5 seasons. He's on pace to basically hit the exact same numbers as he did the past 2 seasons.


Again, I think this was awful timing by the Bills front office, but they're not the most functional franchise in the league, are they?


Oct 30, 2017
You are deliberately misrepresenting the argument. Black QBs have to excel to a ridiculous degree in college to be top picks. And when they get a chance in the NFL, they are held to a different standard. You don't have to be overtly racist to be biased.

The existence of a long standing bias against black QBs is undeniable.

Bullshit. Kaep was an unproven new quarterback who replaced a white guy because of his potential. Race never an issue. A Black Quarterback (vick) who was a convicted felon for dog fighting ring was let back into the league. You'd think a racist league would let him back ? Come on man!


Oct 27, 2017
I don't know why people are bringing Alex Smith up. Kaepernick got a chance because Smith got hurt and Kaepernick ended up blowing away everyone's expectations, so the QB job became a dilemma when Smith was healthy again.

It's not the same as this.


Oct 25, 2017
For sure, the Bills would be a playoff team with Tyrod as QB if their defense could maintain their level of play they did through the first 7 games.

I don't think OC Dennison was playing to Tyrod's stengths, and losing WR's like Robert Woods and Sammy Watkins only hurt him. Tyrod is a QB who protects the ball and doesn't like to throw into tight coverage, so now when your entire receiving core can't separate you're going to see opposing teams stack the box against Shady and him.

Now, for anyone claiming Tyrod is having a good/bad year one way or another, they can't...he's consistently the same QB he had been for the past 2.5 seasons. He's on pace to basically hit the exact same numbers as he did the past 2 seasons.


Again, I think this was awful timing by the Bills front office, but they're not the most functional franchise in the league, are they?
No, in fact I am one to say that they are one of the worst run

Bullshit. Kaep was an unproven new quarterback who replaced a white guy because of his potential. Race never an issue. A Black Quarterback (vick) who was a convicted felon for dog fighting ring was let back into the league. You'd think a racist league would let him back ? Come on man!
Must be nice to forget the controversy that arose when Smith was healthy again. And it's real funny to be able to act as if there isn't history of racism within the NFL. From the language used to describe black versus white players, to coaches and owners, to draft scouting.
Oct 26, 2017
What gets me is that black quarterbacks (and black athletes in general) are always monsters/freaks of nature/physical specimens while white quarterbacks are deceptively quick/cerebral/methodical.

BTW, OP, this study agrees with your observation:

Black Quarterbacks Are Benched Twice As Often As Whites, Study Finds

This story was originally published by Pacific Standard.

"Black people aren't allowed to make mistakes," musician Prince
declared last year, in a statement that spoke for many. Screw up once, the thinking goes, and you're out, having confirmed the view of many whites that you didn't deserve a shot in the first place.

New research provides evidence of that destructive dynamic on one of America's largest stages: the National Football League.

new study concludes that, after a sub-par performance, black NFL quarterbacks are roughly twice as likely to be benched the following week than their white colleagues.

After taking a series of variables into account (including age, experience, and injury), Assumption College economist
Brian Volz found a pattern of player replacement that suggests systematic racial discrimination.


Oct 30, 2017
I don't know why people are bringing Alex Smith up. Kaepernick got a chance because Smith got hurt and Kaepernick ended up blowing away everyone's expectations, so the QB job became a dilemna when Smith was healthy again.

It's not the same as this.

The league is obviously racist against white people, thats why only like 10 % of the players in NFL is white.


Oct 25, 2017
No, in fact I am one to say that they are one of the worst run

I agree...and I know this pain all too well. =(

The sucky thing is, if Peterman lays an egg, they can't exactly jump back to Tyrod, can they?

They all but told him last season he wasn't in their long-term plans. By some stroke of luck, Tyrod restructured his contract to accommodate the Bills. Whether this is because no other team wanted him, I don't know, but I can say with certainty that Tyrod has been nothing be a true professional throughout all of this while he's been getting jerked around.

As for the hot takes by the national media....I think most of them are wrong. You can tell which ones have actually watched the Bills and Tyrod play the last few seasons.
Oct 27, 2017
I've watched a bunch of Taylor games these past two years, and he's definitely become a check-down qb a la 49ers Alex Smith. Didn't he used to sling it downfield with the ravens? Maybe this is a system thing?


Oct 25, 2017
What gets me is that black quarterbacks (and black athletes in general) are always monsters/freaks of nature/physical specimens while white quarterbacks are deceptively quick/cerebral/methodical.
Of course, hell, one of the things said about Josh Allen was that he had it all, he just couldn't read a defense at all and had no awareness. Yet he supposedly still has the makings of a NFL QB while DeShaun Watson went to back to back Nattys and showed tf out and was still questioned about his ability. Lamar Jackson is probably the best QB in this class and despite him improving his passing tremendously and having no talent around him, he is still seen as a runner first and passer second


Oct 25, 2017
I suggested teams that could use a QB, the Bills have nothing besides Tyrod, they are currently a playoff team, that's just a fact. And they bench their QB after one actual bad game. I realized it was wrong of me to want Kaep on the Bills for multiple reasons

Disagree that they're a playoff team. They've given up 500 yards on the ground the last two weeks. Their offense averages under 12 points a game when the defense has 1 or fewer turnovers. The Bills feasted on teams that gave them the ball, they had 3 games with 3+ turnovers and they somehow managed to lose to the Bengals with that many turnovers.

And peak Tyrod is far and away the best QB they have seen in years yet they want to push him out for an unknown commodity.

Hell you can read the article I posted in the NFL community thread if you want

A lot of the treatment of black QBs, is, and always has been different than their white counterparts

And again, name me a playoff team that just randomly benches their QB after one bad game, hell it took Payton 10 bad games before he was benched
I've read that Lion, thanks for posting it again, it's a good read. I love Tyrod, when The Darkest Red talked him up I thought he was just being a VaTech homer, but I quickly realized why he liked Taylor. You're right that Tyrod is the best QB the Bills have had in years, but peak Tyrod is dead. Peak Tyrod existed when the Bills adopted something I've been preaching for years, option football. Shady McCoy had a great year not because of the OL, but because Tyrod Taylor effectively blocked 8-9 man defensive fronts all game long. Peak Tyrod allowed the Bills to have a pretty effective redzone offense, and finally gave the Bills a top 10 offense in back to back years. But they killed Tyrod by putting him in this WCO, and they also killed Shady by extension. I understand your frustration, but they're doing Tyrod the biggest fucking favor. He will get another shot in this league and hopefully will get it with better coaches. I think the Tyrod situation is less about black/white QBs, than it is about old ass white coaches & GMs who want to come in, take everything apart and start from the ground up doing it their way aka "TRUST THE PROCESS." That's what it comes down to. Just like Rex Ryan ripped up their top 5 D, McDermott/Dennison wrecked a lethal run offense.

They did Tyrod the biggest favor if you ask me. Keep him healthy, he'll be starting for another team in 2018, and the Bills get to pretend like they're evaluating their awful roster.


Oct 25, 2017
Funny Alex Smith is mentioned...all the reasons people don't think much of Tyrod are why people were hating Alex Smith in SF. Tyrod would be interesting in Andy Reid's offense, or playing with the Jaguars or something.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
For sure, the Bills would be a playoff team with Tyrod as QB if their defense could maintain their level of play they did through the first 7 games.

I don't think OC Dennison was playing to Tyrod's stengths, and losing WR's like Robert Woods and Sammy Watkins only hurt him. Tyrod is a QB who protects the ball and doesn't like to throw into tight coverage, so now when your entire receiving core can't separate you're going to see opposing teams stack the box against Shady and him.

Now, for anyone claiming Tyrod is having a good/bad year one way or another, they can't...he's consistently the same QB he had been for the past 2.5 seasons. He's on pace to basically hit the exact same numbers as he did the past 2 seasons.


Again, I think this was awful timing by the Bills front office, but they're not the most functional franchise in the league, are they?

Those are super average stats for today's game. Like, there's 1 or 2 "franchise qb" under him like elite flacco and most people think it's a joke he's a franchise QB. everyone else below him is a journeyman, been benched multiple times, or rookies. I think the only coaches that could make him a hot commodity are the hoodie and andy reid.


Oct 25, 2017
Disagree that they're a playoff team. They've given up 500 yards on the ground the last two weeks. Their offense averages under 12 points a game when the defense has 1 or fewer turnovers. The Bills feasted on teams that gave them the ball, they had 3 games with 3+ turnovers and they somehow managed to lose to the Bengals with that many turnovers.

I've read that Lion, thanks for posting it again, it's a good read. I love Tyrod, when The Darkest Red talked him up I thought he was just being a VaTech homer, but I quickly realized why he liked Taylor. You're right that Tyrod is the best QB the Bills have had in years, but peak Tyrod is dead. Peak Tyrod existed when the Bills adopted something I've been preaching for years, option football. Shady McCoy had a great year not because of the OL, but because Tyrod Taylor effectively blocked 8-9 man defensive fronts all game long. Peak Tyrod allowed the Bills to have a pretty effective redzone offense, and finally gave the Bills a top 10 offense in back to back years. But they killed Tyrod by putting him in this WCO, and they also killed Shady by extension. I understand your frustration, but they're doing Tyrod the biggest fucking favor. He will get another shot in this league and hopefully will get it with better coaches. I think the Tyrod situation is less about black/white QBs, than it is about old ass white coaches & GMs who want to come in, take everything apart and start from the ground up doing it their way aka "TRUST THE PROCESS." That's what it comes down to. Just like Rex Ryan ripped up their top 5 D, McDermott/Dennison wrecked a lethal run offense.

They did Tyrod the biggest favor if you ask me. Keep him healthy, he'll be starting for another team in 2018, and the Bills get to pretend like they're evaluating their awful roster.
The thing is, they are literally a playoff team as of right now, if the playoffs started right now, they are in it. I want Tyrod to be able to go somewhere and do well, he deserves it, especially for being such a pro during this entire process


Oct 25, 2017
Disagree that they're a playoff team. They've given up 500 yards on the ground the last two weeks. Their offense averages under 12 points a game when the defense has 1 or fewer turnovers. The Bills feasted on teams that gave them the ball, they had 3 games with 3+ turnovers and they somehow managed to lose to the Bengals with that many turnovers.

I've read that Lion, thanks for posting it again, it's a good read. I love Tyrod, when The Darkest Red talked him up I thought he was just being a VaTech homer, but I quickly realized why he liked Taylor. You're right that Tyrod is the best QB the Bills have had in years, but peak Tyrod is dead. Peak Tyrod existed when the Bills adopted something I've been preaching for years, option football. Shady McCoy had a great year not because of the OL, but because Tyrod Taylor effectively blocked 8-9 man defensive fronts all game long. Peak Tyrod allowed the Bills to have a pretty effective redzone offense, and finally gave the Bills a top 10 offense in back to back years. But they killed Tyrod by putting him in this WCO, and they also killed Shady by extension. I understand your frustration, but they're doing Tyrod the biggest fucking favor. He will get another shot in this league and hopefully will get it with better coaches. I think the Tyrod situation is less about black/white QBs, than it is about old ass white coaches & GMs who want to come in, take everything apart and start from the ground up doing it their way aka "TRUST THE PROCESS." That's what it comes down to. Just like Rex Ryan ripped up their top 5 D, McDermott/Dennison wrecked a lethal run offense.

They did Tyrod the biggest favor if you ask me. Keep him healthy, he'll be starting for another team in 2018, and the Bills get to pretend like they're evaluating their awful roster.

Great post.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
What gets me is that black quarterbacks (and black athletes in general) are always monsters/freaks of nature/physical specimens while white quarterbacks are deceptively quick/cerebral/methodical.

Yeah, they've been doing that shit forever. Not just QB's either, but it's always certain coded words used to describe players largely based on their race. Similar to how the media reports shootings or incidents on the news.


Oct 25, 2017
Those are super average stats for today's game. Like, there's 1 or 2 "franchise qb" under him like elite flacco and most people think it's a joke he's a franchise QB. everyone else below him is a journeyman, been benched multiple times, or rookies. I think the only coaches that could make him a hot commodity are the hoodie and andy reid.

Keep in mind these stats don't show his run yards. These really should count for his totals.

2015 - 568 yards, 4 TD
2016 - 580 yards, 6 TD
2017 - 237 yards, 2 TD

Dennison wrecked Tyrod, and the coaching staff is sticking with him, and not Tyrod.


Oct 25, 2017
The thing is, they are literally a playoff team as of right now, if the playoffs started right now, they are in it. I want Tyrod to be able to go somewhere and do well, he deserves it, especially for being such a pro during this entire process
I'm hesitant to say this, because I don't know Tyrod the man, and you never know what goes on in private, but the man is class all the way. Like, I truly want him to do well even if he's not on the Bills, and honestly he probably shouldn't have been pulled this early, but I expected this at some point in the year because I felt the Bills were going to be dog shit. Honestly man, it just comes down to coaching, these guys changed the system overnight and even though Tyrod has familiarity with it, it's not the same as running it day in and day out, just not put in a position to succeed here.

Mr. X

Oct 25, 2017
Bills can't keep a starting qb for 2-3 seasons. This is normal for that team. They'll fire the coach next season.


Oct 27, 2017
Houston was very happy with Moon, and pretty happy with Watson while he was healthy.

That being said, there is validity to the argument that black qb's get less chances and shots at being qb's compared to guys like Fitzpatrick, Hoyer, Gabbert, Weeden, etc. which seem to always find a place on some team. Seems to me to stem from the fact they are usually great athletes that coaches want at skill positions.

Where are the white cornerbacks tho?


Oct 30, 2017
yeah I just read an illuminating article on this

it's fucked up for sure. I also hate the coded language in regards to the qb position and being traditionally white. aaron rodgers can be a cocky ass mother fucker all day and it's fine but people fucking hate cam newton when he's winning and showboating and smiling. like legit seething hatred.

I think this is a more valid point than the video in the OP.


Oct 27, 2017
Buffalo, NY
As a Buffalo native, I think benching Tyrod is the right thing right now. Sure, our OL isn't that good, but he holds onto the ball for far too long and isn't making them look any better. Let's not forget, this is also not Tyrod's first season. He's been given a couple years already.

Bringing up his interception ratio is a bit misleading because he almost NEVER throws deep. He's all about checkdowns, throwing to the RB, or scrambling with the ball himself. Of course if you're never throwing to your WRs you have a lower chance at getting an INT.

Last I checked, we were dead last in the league for TD receptions by WRs. Tyrod is also averaging under 200yds passing a game. In a league where QBs are routinely putting up 300-350 per game.

Our wins have been thanks to our stellar defense this year, which leads the league in turnover ratio. We are winning IN SPITE OF the offense, not because of it.


Oct 25, 2017
For generations, the NFL and the relationship between black QBs and them has been rocky at best and awful at worst. They aren't always given the chance to fail like white QBs are. Never have been. The latest example of this is Tyrod Taylor who was benched for rookie Nathan Peterman after his only poor game of the season. A playoff team benched their QB after one bad game. The QB who has led them to a couple of their .500 season since the 90s, of which there are few.

Nick Wright, someome who is admitedly overzealous sometimes, has spoken a lot this season about black QBs in the wake of Colin Kapernick and this latest situation had him heated. So Resetera, anything to say? Anything about the language used to describe black players?

This is a great article that somewhat gets to the heart of the problem conceding black head coaches and quarterbacks (centers, too).


Oct 25, 2017
My only guess is the coaching staff was either looking for an excuse to bench him, or they looked at the all 22 and saw some glaring mistakes. Ronde Barber apparently kept pointing out open receivers he wasn't hitting.

And not targeting Benjamin after the first drive was a little suspect. I don't know if that's the play calling or the reads TT was taking, but the whole point of picking up KB was to get TT to throw some contested balls, which he doesn't do,


Oct 30, 2017
But Cam Newton was the #1 draft pick! The NFL can't be racist against him!

wait, you're going to tell me bill romanowski is racist? The dude played along with all black people when he was in the league for 10+ years, he must really hate himself. He's 51 years old, cam is 27? The thought ever cross your mind he called him boy because he's 25 years older than him? As an asian man, i call people boy who is only 1 year younger than me!

When you have that victim mentality you're going to see things that aren't there.


Oct 25, 2017
Houston was very happy with Moon, and pretty happy with Watson while he was healthy.

That being said, there is validity to the argument that black qb's get less chances and shots at being qb's compared to guys like Fitzpatrick, Hoyer, Gabbert, Weeden, etc. which seem to always find a place on some team. Seems to me to stem from the fact they are usually great athletes that coaches want at skill positions.

Where are the white cornerbacks tho?
They disappeared which is also stupid, but white players are only really put into the position of QB, Olinemen, LBs, TEs, and Kickers/Punters which is also tragic


Oct 27, 2017
I don't think NFL teams put any thought into the color of the QBs skin. Kap is being blackballed not because he is black, but because he is a controversial mediocre QB. There is a curve with contriversy vs talent. Michael Vick got a second chance because he had crazy talent that Kap simply does not possess.

The reason black QBs tend to have shorter careers is simply because they tend to be more athletic, so they take more punishment from running more often. It's not that NFL teams give them a shorter leash. Teams in the NFL care way too much about winning to allow racism to make decisions for them. The Bills benching Taylor after a couple of bad games is stupid, but it's hardly because they don't want to give a black QB a chance.
And peak Tyrod is far and away the best QB they have seen in years yet they want to push him out for an unknown commodity.

Hell you can read the article I posted in the NFL community thread if you want

A lot of the treatment of black QBs, is, and always has been different than their white counterparts

And again, name me a playoff team that just randomly benches their QB after one bad game, hell it took Payton 10 bad games before he was benched
You're comparing Tyrod Taylor to one of the greatest QBs of all time. It's not really a fair comparison.


Oct 25, 2017
BTW, watching that video, the guy is throwing out Tyrod's stats from the Jets game, most of which came in garbage time.
Oct 27, 2017
Edinburgh, Scotland
What gets me is that black quarterbacks (and black athletes in general) are always monsters/freaks of nature/physical specimens while white quarterbacks are deceptively quick/cerebral/methodical.
Remember when guys like Teddy Bridgewater and Jameis Winston were in the draft process and all the hot-take media draft experts were freaking out that they weren't running fast 40 times, because they couldn't get their heads around the idea that a quarterback could be both black and a 'traditional' pocket passer? Fucking infuriating, still.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think NFL teams put any thought into the color of the QBs skin. Kap is being blackballed not because he is black, but because he is a controversial mediocre QB. There is a curve with contriversy vs talent. Michael Vick got a second chance because he had crazy talent that Kap simply does not possess.

The reason black QBs tend to have shorter careers is simply because they tend to be more athletic, so they take more punishment from running more often. It's not that NFL teams give them a shorter leash. Teams in the NFL care way too much about winning to allow racism to make decisions for them. The Bills benching Taylor after a couple of bad games is stupid, but it's hardly because they don't want to give a black QB a chance.
........ Ya know what, I've had this argument too many times

Fuck it

Deleted member 6230

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think NFL teams put any thought into the color of the QBs skin. Kap is being blackballed not because he is black, but because he is a controversial mediocre QB. There is a curve with contriversy vs talent. Michael Vick got a second chance because he had crazy talent that Kap simply does not possess.

The reason black QBs tend to have shorter careers is simply because they tend to be more athletic, so they take more punishment from running more often. It's not that NFL teams give them a shorter leash. Teams in the NFL care way too much about winning to allow racism to make decisions for them. The Bills benching Taylor after a couple of bad games is stupid, but it's hardly because they don't want to give a black QB a chance.
Tired of this revisionist history with Kaep. If Kaep is mediocre then most of the QBs playing right now are A S S.


Oct 25, 2017
You want a crazy stat, in the last 3 seasons no QB has made more defenders miss according to PFF than Tyrod. The next closest is Cam and Tyrod still has him beat by 30 misses. And yet the new staff comes in, all that ball handling/option stuff, it's out of the book, stay in the pocket and try to break everything down with your arm Tyrod! Not a way to win, it's crazy.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not 100% sure about that but their are some really good example like Steve McNair who was the Oilers/Titans franchise QB for many seasons who also shared mvp in 2003 with Peyton Manning, Warren Moon, McNabb, Dante Cunningham....


Oct 25, 2017
It's a lose lose scenario.

Most black QBs in College tend to come from Spread Offense teams, very little under center, mainly shotgun/pistol based offenses, and can use their legs to make plays. Although to be fair, there are less and less traditional pro style offenses in college, just because it's too hard to recruit for, and it's easy to run a Spread / Power Spread / Run and Shoot offense that can use generally gifted athletes to give them the best opportunity to make a play.

The issue comes in the Pros, where most teams utilize more conventionally offenses, but yet expect these players to come in, and automatically acclimate themselves to a new system with next to no growing pains. Which let's be honest, never really happens.


Oct 27, 2017
Tired of this revisionist history with Kaep. If Kaep is mediocre then most of the QBs playing right now are A S S.
He is. He's better than many QBs in the league and he deserves a shot with a team, I'm not saying I agree with them blackballing him. But he is an average at best QB. He's probably in the 15-20 range, which is firmly mediocre.

He had one great year, 1 good year, and then 3 mediocre years. He is better than many QBs, but not most.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a lose lose scenario.

Most black QBs in College tend to come from Spread Offense teams, very little under center, mainly shotgun/pistol based offenses, and can use their legs to make plays. Although to be fair, there are less and less traditional pro style offenses in college, just because it's too hard to recruit for, and it's easy to run a Spread / Power Spread / Run and Shoot offense that can use generally gifted athletes to give them the best opportunity to make a play.

The issue comes in the Pros, where most teams utilize more conventionally offenses, but yet expect these players to come in, and automatically acclimate themselves to a new system with next to no growing pains. Which let's be honest, never really happens.
I'm becoming more of the mindset that the NFL is fucking stupid, saying that a team is running a college offense shouldn't be a negative, but it's seen as one. The college game is always 5-7 years ahead of the league, spread concepts are more pro style now a days, it's useless to run a firmly under center offense in 2017

Crazy Swayze

Oct 31, 2017
Or, it's because the team has two first round draft picks next season. They fail to mention how the previous GM was fired (who brought in Taylor) and they traded away Sammy Watkins (drafted by same fired GM) because he was a sunk cost and not a plan for the future. Buffalo was predicted by many to be absolutely terrible this season and now we're giving them crap for giving up?

Let's face the facts. Tyrod Taylor is a decent quarterback but he won't move the needle on a team like the Bills. It's better for them to pull the plug now and see if Peterman is their man for the future. There was already a distinct probability that Taylor wouldn't return to the Bills in 2018. Now it's official.

Mammoth Jones

Oct 25, 2017
New York
It's a reflection of America's relationship with Black men in positions of leadership in general.

It's so rare when it happens it's like a unicorn.

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Oct 25, 2017
What gets me is that black quarterbacks (and black athletes in general) are always monsters/freaks of nature/physical specimens while white quarterbacks are deceptively quick/cerebral/methodical.
it's why every white WR is compared to another white WR because, hey, they're the same. And Christian McCaffrey was one of the most productive and talented players that's been drafted recently and there was commotion over that.

The fanbase, not so much the scouts, have a big problem with stereotypes.


Oct 25, 2017
You want a crazy stat, in the last 3 seasons no QB has made more defenders miss according to PFF than Tyrod. The next closest is Cam and Tyrod still has him beat by 30 misses. And yet the new staff comes in, all that ball handling/option stuff, it's out of the book, stay in the pocket and try to break everything down with your arm Tyrod! Not a way to win, it's crazy.

That's not play calling, that's teams catching on and making Tyrod beat them as a QB and not a running threat. Contain him on the outside and send in a linebacker for a delayed blitz up the middle as he tries to move forward in the pocket. The Bills record is what it is because the defense overachieved by a mile and their beginning of the season schtick has run out.