
Oct 25, 2017

Board games come in many varieties, from very light games that can be finished in a matter of minutes, to extremely long sessions with lots of decisions to make your brain burn! Even more plentiful are the themes that can be found. Think of almost any topic, and there is probably a game using that as its theme. Dungeon crawling, eradicating diseases, trading on the Mediterranean (there are countless!), running a TV network, hacking, managing a thrash metal band, and the list goes on! And those are just a few found on my shelves.

If you are not already into the hobby, feel free to ask questions. Let us know your interests, and we can make suggestions for a game that you will probably enjoy.

Games that are useful for introducing new people into the hobby. Usually these will be a little on the "lighter" side of things, with the rules being easy enough to explain in just a few minutes.

Notable titles
Dominion, Ticket to Ride, Love Letter, Splendor, Machi Koro

Traditionally, games in this family are very strategic and don't contain a lot of randomness (such as dice rolling). When they do, there are usually mechanisms within the games to mitigate the randomness. A lot of these games put the gameplay at the forefront, and the theme comes secondary. Over the past few years, we have seen a push for more "thematic" Euros, which are sometimes called "hybrids."

Notable titles
Castles of Burgundy, Agricola, Puerto Rico, Caylus

Here, theme drives the game experience. There is usually a strong narrative, with the player playing an individual character. These games typically have more randomness involved, as opposed to the Euro/Strategy games.

Notable titles
Eldritch Horror, Star Wars: Imperial Assault, Battlestar Galactica

Sometimes you just want to have fun, and aren't really trying to get someone else into the hobby. These games often have the benefit of supporting higher player counts, which is great for gatherings where everyone wants to play together.

Notable titles
Codenames, Dixit, One Night Werewolf, The Resistance

Kickstarter has attributed to the success of many large games over the years. Kingdom Death, Gloomhaven, and Seventh Continent have become massive success stories for their developers and brought in tens of millions of dollars. There are always a plethora of games being crowdfunded, and a lot of them won't be very good. We will highlight games currently up that we feel are the real winners.

Sorcerer - A larger card-based combat game from the creators of Star Realms. Art looks great, and seems to have quite a bit of variety in different play styles, due to the way players create their characters during set up.

Our first review is for Blizzard's review for the new deluxe version of Carl Chudyk's tableau builder, Innovation!

Innovation is a semi-classic tableau-building game for 2-4 players. Theoretically you could use expansions and play with more, but it would be crazy. The game has cards of values 1-10 in 5 colors. Each value has 10 unique cards except for value 1, which has 15. All cards are placed in shuffled supply piles.

Before starting the game, a card is removed from supply piles 1-9 and used as a facedown achievement marker. Players do not know the identity of these cards. Each player is given 2 cards of value 1. They simultaneously choose 1 as their starting tableau, and keep the other 1 as their starting hand. The removed cards plus the different starting cards mean each game plays out a bit differently.

The game ends in one of three ways:
  1. The game ends instantly if a player earns a certain number of achievements ((8 - number of players) + (number of expansions used)). That player wins.
  2. The game ends instantly if a player activates a card that causes a player to win (e.g. "if this condition is true, the player with the most [whatever] symbols wins.")
  3. The game ends instantly if a player attempts to draw a card of value 11 or more by any means. The player with the highest score wins in this case.


In general, the rules are very clear and there's a nice official FAQ. Basic gameplay is quite simple and most of the depth and strategy come from card interactions.

The first player gets 1 action (first 2 players in 4+ player games), and every turn after that gets 2 actions. The same action can be used twice, or two different actions can be used. Options are:
  1. Draw a card from a supply pile to your hand. You use the supply pile matching your highest top card, and if a pile is empty you draw from the next highest pile. Thus players will start drawing 1's and eventually end up drawing 6's etc.
  2. Meld a card from your hand to your tableau. If you meld a card but your tableau already has card(s) of that color, the cards underneath are hidden.
  3. Dogma your topmost card of a color, which means to activate its card text.
  4. Achieve a general achievement that you qualify for. You must have 5x the value in points and a top card of at least the achievement value (you don't spend the points; they just qualify you). e.g. general achievement 3 requires a top card of 3+ and a score of 15+.

There are also 5 special achievements that are instantly claimed by the first player to trigger their condition, even on somebody else's turn or in the middle of an action. For example, if you have 12 clock symbols visible you instantly get a certain achievement.

Gameplay wrinkles are introduced because cards can be "splayed" by dogma effects. Splaying means that each card in a stack is shifted to one side, partially revealing the card underneath. Each card also has 4 symbols on it -- 1 in the upper left and 3 on the bottom. Depending on which direction a stack is splayed, a card underneath will show 1, 2, or 3 symbols, and this is an important gameplay mechanic.

These symbols affect who uses dogma actions. Before doing any actions on a card, you check the symbol count around the table for the symbol marked on an action. Players with fewer of the indicated symbol are "vulnerable to demands", and players with greater than or equal are "eligible for sharing". If the action starts with "I demand that you...", all players who are vulnerable must do what it says. If the action does not start with that, all players who are eligible MUST share the action before you (which may actually hurt them). Finally, you do the action, and you get a free draw action if someone shared a non-demand effect.

The above may sound confusing, but in practice it is pretty straightforward if you read each effect out. However, there is a fair amount of bookkeeping since you have to count symbols around the table every time you use an action.

As a result of all this, the strategy at any given time may change based on which symbols are available at which stage of the game. You may try to use a demand to hurt another player, or if you cannot overcome their defense you might trigger an action they are forced to share which actually hurts them. If you are ahead in points, you may try to score more points so you can quickly claim more general achievements. If you are behind in points, you may attack the other player's score and/or attempt to quickly ladder climb to the higher value cards. Values 7-9 may start having conditions that instantly win the game, and value 10 cards are extremely powerful and potentially game-deciding.

Deluxe Edition and Expansions

The 3rd edition has very modern simple outline drawings rather than the full color art of the Iello edition. I like the Iello art better after seeing Tabletop Simulator. However, the 3rd edition does have a few isolated card balance changes if I recall correctly, and the terms seem clearer ("tuck" instead of "archive", "achievement" instead of "dominion" etc.). The Deluxe Edition also comes with all 4 expansions. Off the top of my head I think 2 were released before, and 2 are new with this edition.

Card quality is okay. I haven't felt the need to sleeve the cards. The box is very shiny but the lid is thin cardboard. There is an insert which is pretty mediocre since most of the box space is wasted and the cards just fall over after you remove any of them. However, they did consider people who sleeve cards and suggest you turn the insert upside down so you can place 2 columns of sleeved cards instead of 1 column of unsleeved cards.

I have only tried the Cities expansion, which allows you to draw a special city card if you use a Meld action to place a new color, or if you splay a color in a new direction. You can only draw a city card if you do not already have one in your hand. These cards may give you achievements, auto-splay stacks, give you a free card, or draw cards with a certain symbol. It seems interesting, but in the one game versus myself, I rarely seemed to find occasion to draw city cards, so the vast majority of the 105 city cards went unused. In addition, Endorse, the max-once-per-turn special action of the Cities expansion very rarely if EVER got used. It seems interesting in theory -- you pick a top action you own, pick a top city you own with a matching symbol, and perform the demand TWICE or the action TWICE (people who use it because of sharing only do it once). You "pay" for this endorsement by tucking a card from your hand underneath one of your card stacks, which may be something you want do anyway.

My problem with this was that most of the time, I did not have a top city matching a symbol I might want to duplicate, and cities completely cover the dogma action underneath them, limiting your strategic options.

My Experiences

I have played 2-player against myself 4-5 times, against my fiancé 3 times, and against XShagrath once.

Obviously I have the advantage of experience, but I have won every game against another player besides one where I refused to get general achievements even though I had the points, basically because I actually wanted to see what 9 and 10 cards did instead of ending it early. I do not mean this in a bragging sense, and I am normally pretty bad at strategy games, but I have gotten the impression this is very strong in 2-player games.

The issue is that unless you use a variant for a longer game where 7 achievements are required, a 2-player game requires only 6 achievements. Chances are good that at least one player will get some early cards that allow scoring points (this may involve drawing a card from a supply pile and putting it in your score stack, or putting a card directly from your hand in your score stack, for example). This player is then motivated to keep doing this several times until they have built up a decent 10-20 point score.

Unless the other player is lucky enough to get the proper symbol to share in the action, a good score card of their own, or a viable attack card to attack the score pile, one player can easily grab 2-4 of the easiest achievements (values 1-4). The other player is then forced to play at a massive deficit for the rest of the game, watching every move by the other player, since any increase in score or qualifying special achievements could quickly end the game.

Another thing I have noticed is that although the game is very swingy by design, with the possibility of coming back late game with powerful cards, it feels BAD to lose, BAD to be attacked, and SORT OF BAD being unable to use your own action without sharing it in some situations. With the right setup, someone can do things like completely demolish your score pile while also removing cards from your tableau. Or, they can steal cards from your tableau. Playing against XShagrath, he killed 2 or 3 of my colors entirely in the early game, but I had enough points that I still won because of sheer general achievements. When you lose you feel stupid, like you are convinced there was a better strategy and you just missed it. But ultimately, a lot of things do depend on RNG, like someone drawing and melding or scoring 3 cards in a row because they happened to all have the correct symbol (this happened with me in the XShagrath game). There are similarly some mighty shenanigans that can happen if you get into the 7+ value cards where someone will instantly snowball or win. This can be exciting if it is a comeback, but it also does not feel very strategic (oh, the 1/10 chance happened to be a "you win if XYZ" card).


Overall it is quite a creative and unique game. The blend of simple mechanics, complex card interactions, and increasingly powerful cards is alluring. Getting to do 2 actions per turn produces interesting combinations. However, I have decided it is not really for me and my fiancé. The sheer meanness of certain cards leads it to feel very random and unfair, even if there is the slight possibility of coming back. Knowing that you could use certain cards to attack a strategy does not help if you do not get those cards. Perhaps my biggest complaint is that in 2-player games, the overwhelming majority seem to end early with 6 achievements. Only occasionally do a few 7-10 cards come out. This could be because I am not playing at a high level, but consider the math -- with 2 players, if they divide the easiest achievements, that is still something like a 3 vs. 4 breakdown. The player with 4 only has to grab one or two special achievements and maybe a score achievement to win, so the other player needs very quick ladder or attack options to have a chance.

In addition, I feel the game is very fiddly for what it provides. It eats a surprising amount of table space when you get 10-20 supply stacks, 10+ player stacks splayed all over, and some score + achievement stacks. Splaying cards feels fiddly. Counting symbols is fiddly since they are not all in the same locations on cards, messing with my visual parsing. Keeping track of your score is awkward when you have stuff like 4/3/5/4/1/2 in a score stack and then something gets removed.

For someone who does enjoy the older version, the Deluxe edition is probably worth it for the extra expansions and minor balance updates.

This is not necessarily the format for all reviews, so don't feel like you have to write an essay to get featured.

As more reviews trickle in, I'll just link back to the original review post in order to save space in the OP.

Other Resources
Some of the larger or more popular games have their own OTs, so as a single game doesn't dominate the discussion for too long.

Arkham Horror: The Card Game |OT|
Miniature Gaming Era (Warhammer and games of that nature)
Star Wars: X-Wing Miniature Game

* Many thanks to Rover for the awesome banner!
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Oct 27, 2017
Been playing a ton of SW: Rebellion lately. Got the expansion after playing ~5 games in my group. We're at the point where we can finish an 8 turn game in 2 hours instead of 4 so it's just been getting more and more play time as we whittle down how much time it takes to play

the manufacturer didn't include any rebel troopers though, so we've been using the US army men from Memoir '44. My brother needs to get on with contacting them before they accuse us of having just lost all of them
Oct 27, 2017
Cool stuff. Love Mage Knight, Twilight Imperium, Through the Ages, etc.

Bought Twilight Struggle a while back based on its reputation and high reviews - the real struggle thus far is finding someone to learn it and play with given it is a complex Cold War political game.


Oct 26, 2017
What's the general consensus on the Dark Souls board game?

I'm not a big board game guy, but after playing Settlers of Catan with some friends, I'm kind of interested in other board games that are a bit more complicated.

Deleted member 20429

user requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
So, I'm slowly getting into the board game hobby at at the moment I'm absolutely in love with Super Dungeon Explore. The problem is I'm having a hard time finding a suitable game for my group.

We tried PnP RPGs a while back but they lacked the attention span and effort to put time into learning rules and character and things like that.

Which is what brought us to Super Dungeon Explore, they really liked the combat of Pathfinder and DnD 5e, and this seemed to scratch that itch for them.

They seem to have issues when the games go on too long though, and we had similar issues when it came to Zombicide when we tried that. Once we reach a game that has gone past the 60-90 minute mark, it might as well be a write off at that point.

Are there any similar games in style with faster paced sessions that could scratch that itch?


Oct 27, 2017
Cool stuff. Love Mage Knight, Twilight Imperium, Through the Ages, etc.

Bought Twilight Struggle a while back based on its reputation and high reviews - the real struggle thus far is finding someone to learn it and play with given it is a complex Cold War political game.
Yeah my group bought that along with SW: Rebellion (we were really lacking in 2p games), the rulebook is basically a trash document that escaped from the bin. You've either got to just hand it to the friend that's best at dealing with super-dry technical writing and leave them alone for a half an hour while they digest it, or you have to watch a youtube playthrough/tutorial.

My group has played a half dozen games and have already had a couple of BS ends. I was forced to start thermonuclear war because I got handed 2 cards that degraded the DEFCON status while the Cuban Missile Crisis was happening and without any mitigating cards. I asked my opponent if they had any DEFCON improving cards and when they said no I immediately conceded rather than play the turn out. Second one was someone using War Games to end the game on the first late war turn while the opponent dominated 4/5 continents


Oct 26, 2017
My office is currently enraptured with Dominion and I will not miss an opportunity to shill it.


It's a deck building game where you draft your deck out of a pool of 10 randomly selected cards (10 copies each) as you play. There's so much variation because choosing 10 cards out of 70ish (hundreds with the expansions) ensures that no two games play exactly the same. The base big box set is so simple that anyone can learn how to play, but it can be as high skill as you want. In 2 months, we've gone from learning the game from scratch to counting cards in our decks and our opponent's decks, being able to "read" the board and come up with what we think are the optimal strategies (until they're not or our opponent's draft forces us to adapt), etc.

Each round is roughly 30min and it can be played with up to 6 people, but I would recommend 2-3, 4 at most to keep the pace up.
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Oct 27, 2017
Dominion is such a great game. We played it so much when it came out years ago.
We used to play Catan every day for years. Every single day we would play a game.


Oct 27, 2017
What's the general consensus on the Dark Souls board game?

I'm not a big board game guy, but after playing Settlers of Catan with some friends, I'm kind of interested in other board games that are a bit more complicated.
I would suggest checking out Viticulture. ATM it is my wife's favorite game. Not over complex but a bit more than Catan I would say.


Oct 26, 2017
Dominion is such a great game. We played it so much when it came out years ago.
We used to play Catan every day for years. Every single day we would play a game.
There's a new Dominion expansion coming out in November! Though we're "only" 4 sets in so I won't get there for a while haha.

Boat Times

Made the Grade
Oct 25, 2017
Yeaaaaaaaaah, Board Game Era! Thanks for getting the OT up Shag. Looking forward to detailing my ever increasing board game journeys in here.

So, I'm slowly getting into the board game hobby at at the moment I'm absolutely in love with Super Dungeon Explore. The problem is I'm having a hard time finding a suitable game for my group.

We tried PnP RPGs a while back but they lacked the attention span and effort to put time into learning rules and character and things like that.

Which is what brought us to Super Dungeon Explore, they really liked the combat of Pathfinder and DnD 5e, and this seemed to scratch that itch for them.

They seem to have issues when the games go on too long though, and we had similar issues when it came to Zombicide when we tried that. Once we reach a game that has gone past the 60-90 minute mark, it might as well be a write off at that point.

Are there any similar games in style with faster paced sessions that could scratch that itch?

So I have not played it (but i have looked into it and Super Dungeon Explore) and I think maybe Arcadia Quest or it's spin off Masmorra fits the bill? Definitely something to look into, at the least.


Oct 27, 2017
Finally got to play 2 games last night.

Oregon Trail which was hot garbage.

Pandemic Cthulhu which was a neat take on the game.


Oct 26, 2017
The title says mostly unplugged, but do we discuss digital versions of boardgames as well? I used to have a semi regular gaming group, but moved to another town a few years ago and haven't played very often since. I do still occasionally play with the old group on iOS though. We've played games such as Agricola, Le Havre, Race for the Galaxy, Twilight Struggle, Eclipse, Lords of Waterdeep and Through the Ages. I also have a few games I play solo like Pandemic. As for actual board games, Dominion is probably my favourite. Unfortunately its digital implementations have been pretty awful.

edit: Oh, other Dominion fans appeared while I was writing my post. Ah, if only I got to play it more often.


Oct 25, 2017
The title says mostly unplugged, but do we discuss digital versions of boardgames as well? I used to have a semi regular gaming group, but moved to another town a few years ago and haven't played very often since. I do still occasionally play with the old group on iOS though. We've played games such as Agricola, Le Havre, Race for the Galaxy, Twilight Struggle, Eclipse, Lords of Waterdeep and Through the Ages. I also have a few games I play solo like Pandemic. As for actual board games, Dominion is probably my favourite. Unfortunately its digital implementations have been pretty awful.
I don't see why we can't discuss digital implementations here. If it gets to dominate the discussions too much, we can always branch off into another thread. My intention with the "mostly" part is that we're starting to see app integration with traditional analog games. Games like Mansions of Madness 2E and Descent 2E have apps that essentially take the role of the game/dungeon master, so that they can be truly co-op. Alchemists uses an app that allows you to craft potions using the camera on your phone. There are also a few others, such as First Martians and X-Com. The use of apps within games is somewhat divisive, but personally, I love it!

Also, Dominion is still a classic. I haven't played it in years, but I've got hundreds (thousands?) of cards in a huge box in my closet. I think I collected it up until Hinterlands, and then we moved on to some other games.

Deleted member 20429

user requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Yeaaaaaaaaah, Board Game Era! Thanks for getting the OT up Shag. Looking forward to detailing my ever increasing board game journeys in here.

So I have not played it (but i have looked into it and Super Dungeon Explore) and I think maybe Arcadia Quest or it's spin off Masmorra fits the bill? Definitely something to look into, at the least.

Arcadia Quest does seem pretty interesting, I think I'll definitely check it out thanks :3


Oct 25, 2017
Arcadia Quest does seem pretty interesting, I think I'll definitely check it out thanks :3

Arcadia Quest is great, although I did sell mine because someone offered me an obscene amount of money for it.

I have hard times finding people to play games with here in Tampa, so I end up usually doing smaller scale games with my family.

Played Kanagawa for the first time last night and really enjoyed it. It's got a unique theme where you are an apprentice of an artist in 1800s Japan. Great art style. Plays fast.
Oct 27, 2017
Oregon Trail was pretty stupid. Kind of a novelty item nostalgia impulse buy for kids who played that on the computer lab back in the day.


Oct 26, 2017
I recommend the Bloodborne Board Game, it's amazing.
I really enjoyed that one. There are some really cool moments pushing your luck or backstabbing your friends. But it didn't stand the test of time because there just isn't enough variety in the player cards imo. I hear there's a new expansion coming early 2018 though so I'd totally jump back in.


Oct 25, 2017
Welcome New Fish.

Let's get you up to speed.

Inis, Innovation, War of the Ring, and Blood Bowl Team Manager are all you need.

Mage Knight and KDM were Hitler's favorite Games.

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
I finally got my friends to play D&D last year and we have been loving every minute.

It's created a real itch for a solo board game I could play in between our sessions.

Thanks to a thread on the old forum, I got great suggestions and ended up with:

Space Hulk: Death Angel
One Deck Dungeon

I am also trying to convince myself I don't need that Batman PvP game from Kickstarter next year...


Oct 26, 2017
Beautiful Chapel Hill, NC
What's the general consensus on the Dark Souls board game?

I haven't played the Dark Souls boardgame myself, so my second-hand comments should be taken with a grain of salt. That said, some pals of mine who play a lot of board games and who are dedicated Souls enthusiasts backed the Kickstarter heavily and, sadly, did not seem incredibly enthused about the final product. There's a lot of good there - the components are top notch, the miniatures are amazing, and a ton of the feel from the Souls games is included in the game - but apparently actually playing it is kinda variable. They said it works best with only two players, rather than attempting to play the game solo or with 3-4 players. Finally, they mentioned that some fairly extensive variant house rules are being developed and, while it sounds like they improve the base game, it's still not what you'd call top notch.

Once again, all this is second hand, so I can't comment on the final product myself - though I am hoping to visit said pals and check it out before too long. Meanwhile, there are a slew of reviews available over at Board Game Geek; the consensus there seems to be that the game is generally fun but somewhat problematic and that the rulebook included with the game is terrible.


Oct 27, 2017
The Sea
Nice thread, i've been meaning to get more board games. Me and my roommates used to play risk all the time but i would love to have some more for variation. Twilight Imperium seems like fun, I love the theme.


Oct 27, 2017
I haven't played the Dark Souls boardgame myself, so my second-hand comments should be taken with a grain of salt. That said, some pals of mine who play a lot of board games and who are dedicated Souls enthusiasts backed the Kickstarter heavily and, sadly, did not seem incredibly enthused about the final product. There's a lot of good there - the components are top notch, the miniatures are amazing, and a ton of the feel from the Souls games is included in the game - but apparently actually playing it is kinda variable. They said it works best with only two players, rather than attempting to play the game solo or with 3-4 players. Finally, they mentioned that some fairly extensive variant house rules are being developed and, while it sounds like they improve the base game, it's still not what you'd call top notch.

Once again, all this is second hand, so I can't comment on the final product myself - though I am hoping to visit said pals and check it out before too long. Meanwhile, there are a slew of reviews available over at Board Game Geek; the consensus there seems to be that the game is generally fun but somewhat problematic and that the rulebook included with the game is terrible.
I played the game a few times and your friends assessment are about right. The game got great miniatures, decent cards and boards but like many KS games it just need more play testing. The biggest problem with the game is the boring grind. You are essentially play the same board with same exact monsters until you get gears and level up to fight the boss. I know they were trying to capture the "reset" mechanism of the video game but I think that is where they went wrong. They should attempt to translate the essence that make Dark Souls and not trying to convert video game into board game. The loot deck is the worst offender of the game and you essentially playing Go Fish for the right cards.

Anyway I actually have to admit that I do enjoy the game playing solo and put it on a slow burn playing. I don't know about 2 player only to be optimal while solo single character is pretty horrible, but playing with 4 characters (solo or with 2 or 4 players would work) as that provide a lot of meaningful decision of where to place your characters and you have more options. The fun part for me of the game is to figure out where best to place aggro and where to position your characters to avoid or take the least damages.

Oh glad to be on Reset and thanks XShagrath for making OT. Let hope the rest of us board games GAF migrate here soon.


Oct 25, 2017
My copy of Kingdom Death arrived last week, and I'm so intimidated by the number of miniatures in need of assembly that I haven't actually opened the box yet. Soon!


Oct 27, 2017
Should probably hang out in this thread more. The MagicERA chat brought up this new Kickstarter for a Richard Garfield game, Carnival of Monsters, and it looks pretty neat.
Glad to see this OT is back!

Ya, the art looks great. The game doesn't look bad either but I think the kickstarter itself probably could be run better.

I played Great Western Trail, Lorenzo il Magnifico last night and finished it off with a game of Caylus.

I'm intrigued by that new building tile for GWT that is in the Essen Goods promo. I've got the Lorenzo expansion pre-ordered too.

As for current kickstarters, I'm in for Root and Time of Legends: Joan of Arc.


Oct 27, 2017
New York
Oooh, happy to be here for this thread. As far as games go, I've been trying to convince my pals that we should play Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 in the lead up to Season 2 but no traction yet.

People all seem to have jobs!? I mean honestly...


Oct 26, 2017
I would suggest checking out Viticulture. ATM it is my wife's favorite game. Not over complex but a bit more than Catan I would say.

Anyway I actually have to admit that I do enjoy the game playing solo and put it on a slow burn playing. I don't know about 2 player only to be optimal while solo single character is pretty horrible, but playing with 4 characters (solo or with 2 or 4 players would work) as that provide a lot of meaningful decision of where to place your characters and you have more options. The fun part for me of the game is to figure out where best to place aggro and where to position your characters to avoid or take the least damages.

Thank you all for your thoughts on Dark Souls. The fact that it might be a good solo game intrigues me since I don't really have a board game group and the one guy I know who would play has a schedule completely opposite of mine.
Oct 27, 2017
Great to see the Dominion talk in here already. Played my first game of it last week and I can see how that game will just stay fun thanks to the endless combinations. I loved how it flipped the card game 'tradition' of not sharing what you're holding in your hand on it's hand as you're discarding unused cards immediately anyway.


Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
Might as well shill a Kickstarter for a game I've been following for a while now called Hero's Crossing. You're in charge of a town in a JRPG and you lure heroes to your village by giving them what they need to save the world.
Wow, this is scarily close to a game I've been working on intermittently for a long time. At least, the conceit of playing as RPG townies is quite similar, and a huge part of the pitch. The games are otherwise very, very different thankfully. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!


Oct 26, 2017
Great to see the Dominion talk in here already. Played my first game of it last week and I can see how that game will just stay fun thanks to the endless combinations. I loved how it flipped the card game 'tradition' of not sharing what you're holding in your hand on it's hand as you're discarding unused cards immediately anyway.
Even during a super competitive game, sometimes we'll show our extremely tricky hand and everyone debates the best play because each turn can be so unique from all of the combinations.


Oct 25, 2017
We back!!

After playing the Terra Mystica board game plenty of times, my friends and I got the app and have at least one game going at all times. It's really well done.

Anyone have thoughts on Merchants and Marauders (including expansion Seas of Glory)? I've been gaming pretty regularly over the past 3 years or so and it's one of those games that I've heard of but just slipped through the cracks. However, after seeing it mentioned in Shut Up & Sit Down's XIA review I went a little crazy trying to read every review I could find and finally pulled the trigger on the base game and expansion yesterday.

It's one of those games that I think if it were launched on kickstarter today would get a BUNCH of money and attention.

I don't expect to get it played a lot due to set-up and playtime, but it seems like "the" pirate game. I can see my friends and I having a great time as long as they keep the pace going, as one of the main complaints is downtime between turns. I find that adding a dash of (silly) role playing in thematic games like this can go a long way.

Boat Times

Made the Grade
Oct 25, 2017
Great to see the Dominion talk in here already. Played my first game of it last week and I can see how that game will just stay fun thanks to the endless combinations. I loved how it flipped the card game 'tradition' of not sharing what you're holding in your hand on it's hand as you're discarding unused cards immediately anyway.

Surprisingly, even though I've played a good amount of deck building games, I've never played the OG Dominion. Didn't even realize how it played, really. Sounds really fun! My first foray into deckbuilding games was Ascension. I came from a Magic: The Gathering background, so Ascension was an easy sell since it was designed by some MTG pro players. Speaking of which...

Should probably hang out in this thread more. The MagicERA chat brought up this new Kickstarter for a Richard Garfield game, Carnival of Monsters, and it looks pretty neat.

If you are looking to get into board/card games beyond Magic, I'd totally recommend checking out Ascension! As for that kickstarter, my heart skipped a beat when I saw the list of artists(Jesper Myfors art has been out of my life for too long), the designer, and that the main gameplay mechanic was drafting (my favorite way of playing Magic!). But man, it seems really expensive for the amount of game they are showing there. I believe after shipping it'll end up being like $70 for the base game. Like, I hope it reaches it's funding because I want the game to be made and I eventually want to own it, but I can't justify backing it at that price. Does that make me a bad person? Speaking of kickstarters...
As for current kickstarters, I'm in for Root and Time of Legends: Joan of Arc.

If my avatar didn't give it away, I'm extremely excited about Root! Asymmetrical games sound very intriguing to me (I think my next board game purchase is going to include Vast), and then this game comes along with wonderful art and a really cool theme to boot? This is another one where I feel like the cost initially seemed to be a bit high, but after looking into the Vast KS and seeing how it works, this KS will essentially include any expansions for the game as well, which makes me feel much better about backing it. They have also gone on record saying any extras (i.e. expansions) that you get from this KS will be sold separately at retail, so there are no real KS exclusives. Which I think is a good thing.


Oct 28, 2017
Just bought the Bloodborne card game! Any tips for a board game newbie here? Tips for playing with some friends?

I want to do a pizza and beer Bloodborne night to convince my not-so-geeky friends, lol. Any tips to warn them in advance?


Oct 27, 2017
The Maldovarium
Yes! Oh man, do I miss board games and talking about them ever since I moved...

I've been aching to play some Arkham Horror again.

By the way, anyone here played the now-dead Call of Cthulhu Card Game? Thoughts?


Oct 27, 2017
Awesome, following this thread.

It also made me remember I haven't even touched my copy of LoTR LCG yet and I've had it year, far too busy building a house.

Boat Times

Made the Grade
Oct 25, 2017
Yes! Oh man, do I miss board games and talking about them ever since I moved...

I've been aching to play some Arkham Horror again.

By the way, anyone here played the now-dead Call of Cthulhu Card Game? Thoughts?

Haven't played Call of Cthulhu, but if you are into card games and Arkham Horror you really ought to check out the....Arkham Horror Card Game! It's what got me into board gaming at the beginning of this year, and you can play it solo, so even if you have yet to find any board gaming friends in your new area you don't have to miss out on playing the game. There's a link to the OT in this OP. Check it out!


Oct 26, 2017
Lausanne, Swizterland
Going to watch this community. I got into boardgames a few years back when I introduced family to Settlers of Catan and Ticket to Ride. Those are still great all around games, however, I personally prefer to pay something meatier and more complex akin to Through the Ages or Mage Knight.

Dark Souls I backed the Kickstarter and it's slightly disappointing. I love the production quality and the feel of the game but it's not polished and gets a wrong side of the Dark Souls experience. It's focusing too much on the loot progress and not the "git gud"aspect. You will not beat the boss without good gear. There are moments however when the great and encounter levels match and then the puzzle becomes very fun. Needs rules 2.0 though or maybe the expansions.

Meanwhile my copy of KD:M is coming next week and Gloomhaven is almost there! I don't know which one to start first with my friends...


Oct 26, 2017
Just bought the Bloodborne card game! Any tips for a board game newbie here? Tips for playing with some friends?

I want to do a pizza and beer Bloodborne night to convince my not-so-geeky friends, lol. Any tips to warn them in advance?
The final boss card is randomly selected and has a passive that affects the whole game. I love them all, but some people (especially first-timers) may not enjoy the permadeath boss. Otherwise, the rules are fairly straightforward and the text outside of one rare interaction is clear, so just play a mock turn with the rulebook and you'll get a good feel for it all.


Oct 25, 2017
Looking forward to Queendomino and Charterstone both hopefully by the end of Nov!

Dino Island should be here soon too.

My kids and I have been playing a lot of Marco Polo and Yokohama lately.


Oct 27, 2017
The Maldovarium
Haven't played Call of Cthulhu, but if you are into card games and Arkham Horror you really ought to check out the....Arkham Horror Card Game! It's what got me into board gaming at the beginning of this year, and you can play it solo, so even if you have yet to find any board gaming friends in your new area you don't have to miss out on playing the game. There's a link to the OT in this OP. Check it out!
You can play the original Arkham Horror board game solo too, but... I mean, let's face it lol. Playing board/card games by yourself is super depressing.


Oct 26, 2017
Great to see the Dominion talk in here already. Played my first game of it last week and I can see how that game will just stay fun thanks to the endless combinations. I loved how it flipped the card game 'tradition' of not sharing what you're holding in your hand on it's hand as you're discarding unused cards immediately anyway.
Infinite replayability and fast play are the greatests strengths of Dominion. Back in the day there used to be a text based online server for Dominion and I played around 500 games on it as you can easily play a game in 5-10 min when not having to shuffle manually. I never got tired of it, and several expansions have been released since those days.

Dominion is mostly strategic and only slightly tactical. That is, deciding on what you need in your deck is vital and how you play a single turn is often not that crucial. Sometimes you may need to think about a particular play, but usually the buys are much more important. A lot of games are restricted in their length so that the game ends before you can build and run an engine but Dominion often lets you do that (at least with expansions) which is very satisfying.

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Oct 27, 2017
Cool stuff. Love Mage Knight, Twilight Imperium, Through the Ages, etc.

Bought Twilight Struggle a while back based on its reputation and high reviews - the real struggle thus far is finding someone to learn it and play with given it is a complex Cold War political game.

Twilight Struggle is in my top 5 games. Great game.
You should get the ios version, really great way to learn the game - and as always with boargames, once you know it well you can teach it in a less complicated way than the when reading rules sheet. And don't sell it as a complex political game (that's Der Macher), sell it as a great card game with area control on board.