
Oct 25, 2017
Western Australia

(Click for general game info.)

🖥️ System requirements:

(See this page for more detailed information.)

🧰 Latest drivers: (as at 24/02/2022)
AMD: 22.2.2
Nvidia: 511.79

📊 Benchmarks:
ComputerBase (German; launch build)
GameGPU (Rusian; launch build)
Guru3D (English; launch build)
Overclock3D (English; launch build)
TechPowerUp (English; launch build)
Techspot (English; launch build)

📊 Performance guides:
Hardware Unboxed (English; review build)
PC Gamer (English; launch build)

🎩 Tips and tricks:
Cap the frame rate/potentially improve frame times: Download RivaTuner Statistics Server (if you use MSI Afterburner, then you already have it installed), input your desired framerate limit in the "Framerate limit" box, and hit Enter . Alternatively, those with an Nvidia GPU can either cap the frame rate at the driver level via the Nvidia Control Panel (requires the 441.87+ drivers) or use Nvidia Inspector to force a vsync internal lower than one-half (click the small tool icon to open the game profile section).
Note: Useful if your system can't maintain, say, 60fps and you're sensitive to the wild fluctuations, or you're experiencing uneven frame times. The greater window the engine has to render a given frame, if you're imposing a lower frame rate than the game can otherwise provide, may also help in alleviating stuttering related to data streaming.
Skip intro videos: Navigate to [installation directory]\OakGame\Content\Movies and rename 2KLOGO.mp4, AMDLOGO.mp4, and GBXLOGO.mp4.
Mitigate stuttering (1): Follow these instructions, adjusting accordingly.
Mitigate stuttering (2): Use the DX12 renderer. (Credit to Kernspalt-Kartoffel.)
Note: May result in lower performance and/or instability.
Mitigate stuttering (3): Switch to a different display mode and then back to your preferred one. (Credit to Kernsplat-Kartoffel.)
Mitigate stuttering (4): Set all of the graphics settings to Very Low and then adjust them as desired. (Credit to helemekoko @ Reddit via Fotmhero.)
Mitigate stuttering (5): Play the game offline. (Credit to Ratore @ Reddit via Cyanity.)
Fix infinite initial loading screen when using DX12: Switch back to DX11 by opening Documents\my games\Borderlands 3\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\GameUserSettings.ini and changing the value of PreferredGraphicsAPI to DX11. (Credit to Anoxida.)
Fix cutscenes displaying incorrectly when using an ultra-wide resolution: Disable FidelityFX sharpening. (Credit to jony.)

When posting your own tip/trick or something else you'd like to see here in the OP, be sure to tag my username (@GrrImAFridge), as this way I'll receive a notification. I may miss your suggestion otherwise.

⚙️ Graphics settings:

Display mode: Fullscreen; Windowed borderless; Windowed
Target display: Self-explanatory
Aspect ratio: Self-explanatory
Resolution: Self-explanatory
Resolution scale: 50% -> 200% in increments of 25%
Vertical sync: Off/On
Frame rate limit: Smooth 22-62fps; 30fps; 60fps; 120fps; Unlimited; Custom
Custom FPS limit: 30fps -> 300fps in increments of 1fps
HUD scale: 0.6 -> 1.3 in increments of 0.5
Field of view: 70 -> 110 in increments of 1
Vehicle field of view: 70 -> 110 in increments of 1
Calibrate display: Self-explanatory
Calibrate safe area: Self-explanatory

Graphics API: DirectX 12/DirectX 11
Performance stats: Off; FPS; All
Overall quality: Very Low; Low; Medium; High; Ultra; Badass
Anti-aliasing: None; FXAA; Temporal
FidelityFX sharpening: Off/On
Camera motion blur: Off/On
Object motion blur: Off/On
Texture streaming: Low; Medium; High; Ultra
Anisotropic filtering: Trilinear; 2x; 4x; 8x; 16x
Material complexity: Low; Medium; High; Ultra

Shadows: Low; Medium; High; Ultra
Draw distance: Low; Medium; High; Ultra
Environment detail: Low; Medium; High; Ultra
Terrain detail: Low; Medium; High; Ultra
Foliage: Low; Medium; High; Ultra
Character detail: Low; Medium; High; Ultra
Ambient occlusion: Off; Low; Medium; High; Ultra
Volumetric fog: Off; Low; Medium; High; Ultra
Screen-space reflections: Off; Low; Medium; High; Ultra
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Oct 30, 2017
Seems like Material Complexity and volumetric fog are by far the most taxing options. Game runs decently @ 1440p with my 1080 on mixed medium-high settings.

Edit: TAA makes all game look blurry but the amount of detail you lose with it turned on in a cel shading game like BL3 is monumental. If you game at 1440p or higher do yourself a favor and turn AA off even if you get a little jaggies.
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Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
If you have issues with menus not responding to your mouse and you also own a controller, try turning the controller off / unplug it if you always leave it plugged in. Fixed it for me (was connected over bluetooth).


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Are you guys playing in DX11 or DX12? The word (Beta) or (Experimental) next to the option always bugs me out whenever I see it.

My results:

2560x1080, Badass Quality

DX11 said:
BenchmarkResults 2019-09-12_20-00-04
- FramesPerSecondAvg: 86.66
- FrameTimeMsAvg: 11.54


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Off to a great start. 4690k @ 4.6, RTX 2060, DDR3-2400, newest drivers. I'm getting hitching even though they games not maxing out my CPU and I was even getting hitching during the intro video that's capped at 30 fps. RTSS overlay just shows spikes constantly. I got to the first area of the game after the "tutorial", went over to a bandit camp and scoping in with my gun just causes the game to spike from 60 - 120 + fps and turns into a slideshow. Game is on an SSD if that matters.

I figured I'd try and turn on DX12 however now I can't even reach the main menu. I just get a screen with claptrap dancing and eventually it starts pulling 100% cpu usage and just freezes. If I go to mygames/borderlands3 none of the .ini files have anything written in them so I can't even switch the game back to DX11. So as of right now I literally can't even play the game.

Game is literally unplayable in the open area. Constant stuttering that never ends.
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Oct 25, 2017
Running at high settings at 1080p DX11@
I7 7700
16 gigs ram

I am getting constant hitches and the frame rate fluctuates constantly between 50 and 60 fps.

I tried to set the game to DX12, but it just shows the dancing claptrap on the loading screen forever.

Now I can't even play the game because I can't set it back to DX11.


Oct 30, 2017
Running at high settings at 1080p DX11@
I7 7700
16 gigs ram

I am getting constant hitches and the frame rate fluctuates constantly between 50 and 60 fps.

I tried to set the game to DX12, but it just shows the dancing claptrap on the loading screen forever.

Now I can't even play the game because I can't set it back to DX11.

C:\Users\Your name\Documents\My Games\Borderlands 3\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor

open gameusersettings.ini and change dx12 to 11

The Bad Guy

Oct 25, 2017
1440p, Default Low settings, getting Average FPS of 53.26 and Average frame time of 18.77ms.

i5 4690k
GTX 970
16GB Ram
Jan 24, 2019
Running at high settings at 1080p DX11@
I7 7700
16 gigs ram

I am getting constant hitches and the frame rate fluctuates constantly between 50 and 60 fps.

I tried to set the game to DX12, but it just shows the dancing claptrap on the loading screen forever.

Now I can't even play the game because I can't set it back to DX11.

are you on full screen - I had your problems on windowed-full - but it cleared on full screen.

I get:

16 gigs ram
i7 6700k

High settings, above that had few frame drops.
solid 60fps on 1080p screen, DX11.


Visited by Knack - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
1440p DX11 Windowed Borderless, All Ultra except last two settings with the lowest frame dip being 55 FPS.

i7 8700k
GTX 1080ti


Nov 29, 2018
Perth, Australia

Running on Ultra @ 1440p with Material Complexity, Volumetric Fog, AO, Draw Distance and Shadows turned down to high plus AA turned off and Nvidia's Sharpening filter turned on, I'm getting FPS of between 70-90.

Guess the artstyle hides a lot of complexity.
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Jan 28, 2019
Off to a great start. 4690k @ 4.6, RTX 2060, DDR3-2400, newest drivers. I'm getting hitching even though they games not maxing out my CPU and I was even getting hitching during the intro video that's capped at 30 fps. RTSS overlay just shows spikes constantly. I got to the first area of the game after the "tutorial", went over to a bandit camp and scoping in with my gun just causes the game to spike from 60 - 120 + fps and turns into a slideshow. Game is on an SSD if that matters.

I figured I'd try and turn on DX12 however now I can't even reach the main menu. I just get a screen with claptrap dancing and eventually it starts pulling 100% cpu usage and just freezes. If I go to mygames/borderlands3 none of the .ini files have anything written in them so I can't even switch the game back to DX11. So as of right now I literally can't even play the game.

Game is literally unplayable in the open area. Constant stuttering that never ends.
Sounds like a CPU bottleneck, what's your GPU sitting at percentage wise in the stats?


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Sounds like a CPU bottleneck, what's your GPU sitting at percentage wise in the stats?
Oh I already know it's because of 4 cores, I just think it's absolutely insane considering how the game looks and their own system requirements. But to answer your question after any loading screen at all it's hitting 100% cpu usage for about 30 seconds where I can't even move. After that My CPU will sit at around 60% and GPU at 80-90%. If I use a weapon with a scope and try to scope in my CPU and GPU are at 100% at all times. Can't refund it either because I bought it on GMG. Feels good.

Edit: It doesn't even matter how low I cap the framerate. I tried setting it to 60 fps limit and it just tanks 10 fps below whatever I set it to.
You can see the stuttering in the top left with it only using 65% of my CPU.
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Oct 27, 2017
Every time I start the game it changes the resolution on my tv to 1680x1050 for some reason when I'm full screen mode. I'm trying to play at 1440p on a rtx 2080, it keeps doing this and it's driving me crazy... anyone else having resolution issues? This honestly seems extremely buggy and poorly optimized based on my initial run through the benchmark as well...


Oct 29, 2017
not at all impressed with the performance on a 8700k/2080

at ultra 1440p, i regularly get dips under 60.


Jan 28, 2019
Oh I already know it's because of 4 cores, I just think it's absolutely insane considering how the game looks and their own system requirements. But to answer your question after any loading screen at all it's hitting 100% cpu usage for about 30 seconds where I can't even move. After that My CPU will sit at around 60% and GPU at 80-90%. If I use a weapon with a scope and try to scope in my CPU and GPU are at 100% at all times. Can't refund it either because I bought it on GMG. Feels good.
Damn looks like I might have to upgrade my desktop, have almost the same system besides 590 vs your 2060.


Oct 25, 2017
Seems like Material Complexity and volumetric fog are by far the most taxing options. Game runs decently @ 1440p with my 1080 on mixed medium-high settings.

Edit: TAA makes all game look blurry but the amount of detail you lose with it turned on in a cel shading game like BL3 is monumental. If you game at 1440p or higher do yourself a favor and turn AA off even if you get a little jaggies.
If on Nvidia, turn on Game Filter Sharpen?
Oct 27, 2017
Why are there performance issue. Why cant a 4 core run it? This gamen must be horribly optimized unless there is something I am missing.


Oct 28, 2017
I get around 70FPS in the benchmark with my RTX 2080 laptop with all settings set to ultra at 1080p, the load times in DX12 are long though. Are there many visual artifacts in DX12 or is it okay to use?
May 29, 2018
Anyone else get their fps capped at 30 when launching the game every time? I have to go into the setting and change the window size back and fourth to go back to 60


Oct 25, 2017
Man what is the point of a resolution "slider" if it offers no granularity?

It's already annoying when games only let you increment/decrement in values of 10s (looking at you Ubisoft Anvil games where I can't pick 75% of 1440P i.e. 1080P) but here the choice is 100% of 75%....when I'd like something like 85-90% as 1080P is too blurry in this game.


Oct 30, 2017
1440p. Set to Badass with motion blur and AA off. Benchmark gives 67.1fps average.

16GB Ram


Prophet of Regret - Lizard Daddy
Oct 25, 2017
jesus this game is a monster.

I need a 3440x1440 + 2080Ti FPS report, stat

I'll run one for you real quick hang on


BenchmarkResults                    2019-09-12_22-12-11
- FramesPerSecondAvg:              89.12
- FrameTimeMsAvg:                  11.22

OS:                                 Windows 10
- Version:                         Build 18362
GraphicsAPI:                        D3D11
CPU:                                Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-7920X CPU @ 2.90GHz
- PhysicalCores:                   12
- LogicalCores:                    24
RAM:                                32437.55 MB
GPU:                                NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
- VRAM:                            11048 / 0 / 16219 MB (Dedicated / System / Shared)
- DriverVersion:                   436.15 (Internal:, Unified: 436.15)
- DriverDate:                      8-24-2019
ScreenResolution:                   3440x1440
RenderResolution:                   3440x1440
ScreenPercentage:                   100
HDR:                                Off

- FullscreenMode:                  Fullscreen
- UseVSync:                        0
- PreferredMonitor:                DELA0FA
- bPrimaryIsPreferredMonitor:      1
- PreferredRefreshRate:            0
- StatsLevel:                      0
- FPSLimit:                        Unlimited
- FPSLimitCustom:                  144
- GfxQuality-Override:             Undefined
- GfxQuality-Recommended:          Ultra
- GfxQuality:                      Ultra
- TextureStreaming:                Ultra
- MaterialQuality:                 Ultra
- Aniso:                           SixteenX
- Shadows:                         High
- EnvTexDetail:                    Ultra
- DrawDistance:                    High
- EnvironmentDetail:               Ultra
- Terrain:                         Ultra
- Foliage:                         Ultra
- CharTexDetail:                   Ultra
- CharDetail:                      Ultra
- CAS:                             1
- CameraBlur:                      1
- ObjectBlur:                      1
- AA:                              Temporal
- VolumetricFog:                   Medium
- SSR:                             High
- AO:                              Ultra

Not at Ultra settings, but the game still looks great and I prefer the framerates being much higher.
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Oct 25, 2017
Don't have the game yet but what is "material complexity" even referring to? Is that a LoD setting? Can't be because there are separate settings for terrain and character models?
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
I'll run one for you real quick hang on


BenchmarkResults                    2019-09-12_22-12-11
- FramesPerSecondAvg:              89.12
- FrameTimeMsAvg:                  11.22

OS:                                 Windows 10
- Version:                         Build 18362
GraphicsAPI:                        D3D11
CPU:                                Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-7920X CPU @ 2.90GHz
- PhysicalCores:                   12
- LogicalCores:                    24
RAM:                                32437.55 MB
GPU:                                NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
- VRAM:                            11048 / 0 / 16219 MB (Dedicated / System / Shared)
- DriverVersion:                   436.15 (Internal:, Unified: 436.15)
- DriverDate:                      8-24-2019
ScreenResolution:                   3440x1440
RenderResolution:                   3440x1440
ScreenPercentage:                   100
HDR:                                Off

- FullscreenMode:                  Fullscreen
- UseVSync:                        0
- PreferredMonitor:                DELA0FA
- bPrimaryIsPreferredMonitor:      1
- PreferredRefreshRate:            0
- StatsLevel:                      0
- FPSLimit:                        Unlimited
- FPSLimitCustom:                  144
- GfxQuality-Override:             Undefined
- GfxQuality-Recommended:          Ultra
- GfxQuality:                      Ultra
- TextureStreaming:                Ultra
- MaterialQuality:                 Ultra
- Aniso:                           SixteenX
- Shadows:                         High
- EnvTexDetail:                    Ultra
- DrawDistance:                    High
- EnvironmentDetail:               Ultra
- Terrain:                         Ultra
- Foliage:                         Ultra
- CharTexDetail:                   Ultra
- CharDetail:                      Ultra
- CAS:                             1
- CameraBlur:                      1
- ObjectBlur:                      1
- AA:                              Temporal
- VolumetricFog:                   Medium
- SSR:                             High
- AO:                              Ultra

Not at Ultra settings, but the game still looks great and I prefer the framerates being much higher.
ty so much!

I can work with 90fps for sure. :D


Oct 25, 2017
I was having trouble with cutscenes in 21:9 (even the intro cutscene) as they were being cut-off and off-center.

Disabling FidelityFX fixed the issue.

Ultra on 1080Ti@1440p expect the last two settings MED.


Jan 24, 2019
2080 ti
32gb ram

BenchmarkResults 2019-09-13_04-59-24
- FramesPerSecondAvg: 48.43
- FrameTimeMsAvg: 20.65

BenchmarkResults 2019-09-13_06-57-51
- FramesPerSecondAvg: 47.79
- FrameTimeMsAvg: 20.93

dx12 is unstable currently


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
DX12 is a waste of time even on a 2080ti and a 9900k. The performance is 10fps worse at 3440x1440 and it causes the game to have a 2-3 minute startup time. Stick with DX11.

DX11 Ultra benchmark on a 2080ti + 9900k gets me 70fps at 3440x1440.


Oct 25, 2017
Is this the right thread for a layman to ask questions?
I have the following rig and am disappointed to see that it can't handle the game SUPER well in 21:9 mode, which is my preferred resolution. Lots of ...hitching, I think it's called? Frame stuttering.

i5-6500 @ 3.20GHz
16.0gb RAM
GeForce GTX 1060 3GB

Is my shit just too old? It's a 3-year old rig.
Are there settings or things I could do to optimize performance? Things to toggle on or off, overlock, options to fiddle with in GeForce Experience? It's all so damned intimidating for someone like me, lol.
Oct 27, 2017
9900k stock clocks (for now)
2080ti aorus extreme at stock boost
32gb ddr4 3200

3440x1440 "badass" settings

67.59 fps
14.8 ms frametime

acceptable, but at what cost
hopefully patches/drivers will help sort this out


Oct 27, 2017
lol I have to check in ini settings to change the game in English, what's up with all these devs not putting basic language options in their game?

Also, I don't know what's up, game set to ultra, 1440p, tried the benchmark and i'm at 23fps (i7 8700K, 16GB, RTX 2080 TRIO X, installed on SSD). Going to check my drivers but pretty sure I'm on latest one.
Oct 27, 2017
Game is really pushing the gpu- 2080 running very hot at 1440p mix of high and ultra settings... over 75 degrees with very high gpu usage. Very strange given how the game looks... doesn't make sense for it to be so wholly demanding... seems very poorly optimized.