Deleted member 2802

Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
In your opinion, does a softer brexit go against the spirit of what voters voted on in the referendum - or may they not care too much about the hard vs. soft approach?
There was never a definition of what Brexit actually was (one of the many MANY issues with how it was all handled), so it makes no difference technically. However the right wing press and politicians have been engineering what Brexit actually means ever since then, so there will be upoar from the 52%* for ignoring the will of the people.

... of voters, many of whom have now changed their mind


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
How many of the original Tory Brexiters are left?


Oct 25, 2017
Maybot is gonna shortcircuit. All these resignations create conflicts within strongandstable.exe


Oct 25, 2017
Why did May appoint him in the first place?
She turned out to be even dumber than expected.


Oct 25, 2017
Yet there will be a narrative passed around that everything is under control and this is best of the country, while it's the people, including the people who wanted to leave, who will get affected long term. At this point, I won't be surprised if the current government just ends up imploding.


Oct 25, 2017
Now off to put his feet up while the country deals with the mess he helped create.

The opportunistic cunt will no doubt bitch from the sidelines while he waits for the dust to clear and make his return.


Using an alt account to circumvent a ban
Mar 16, 2018
In your opinion, does a softer brexit go against the spirit of what voters voted on in the referendum - or may they not care too much about the hard vs. soft approach?

No one ever cared really, outside of a small group of the political elite, but the media has made quite a lot of people care. There will be some people that demand a hard brexit, but it'll depend on how a small handful of newspaper editors decide to frame it. I think a lot of people are starting to realise the danger to the economy.

I don't think it betrays the spirit. It was about leaving the EU, not completely breaking off all relationship with them. A soft brexit is really the only realistic option.


Oct 27, 2017
Rumour on twitter is that Boris is concerned that DD has got the jump on him for Tory leadership by resigning first, so that's why he's resigned.

What scum, all of them.


Permanently banned for usage of an alt-account.
Jun 28, 2018
So seeing all this mess and the fact the original Brexit vote wasn't even legally binding what are the chances they just scrap the whole thing and don't do it?

Dan Thunder

Nov 2, 2017
Why is this happening in the UK government right now?

It was inevitable. Johnson never really wanted Brexit. It all stems from a power struggle he had with Cameron. Cameron thought by calling a referendum he could get the eurosceptics back on his side because, let's be honest, what kind of idiots would willingly vote to leave the biggest single market on the planet - that'd be just stupid - and then head off Johnson's attempt to become PM. Johnson thought that by pushing for leave he could build up enough support to push for a leadership challenge.

Now that Brexit is (still) going down the swanny he'll distance himself from the current process and push the view that the government aren't pushing hard enough for a good deal and then try to swoop in again at some point to try and oust May, which shouldn't be hard as she's just as terrible a Prime Minister as Cameron which frankly is commendable in it's own right!


Oct 27, 2017
Still think there's a GE somewhere rummaging around in the remainder of 2018....

Dan Thunder

Nov 2, 2017
Resign Brexit to the waste bin with any complaints about it.

I wish we could but the only hope now is for a people's vote on the final deal. People agreed to the idea without any knowledge of what Brexit actually meant (no Teresa, it doesn't mean Brexit) so people should be allowed to say if they still want it when they know what the actual outcome for the country will be.

Regardless our country's reputation has and will take a big hit regardless of the outcome. If we leave we're fucked, if we stay we're basically going back to the EU with our tail between our legs.


May 31, 2018
My feelings are so conflicted right now. I don't know whether to find this deeply hilarious or deeply worrying.

So seeing all this mess and the fact the original Brexit vote wasn't even legally binding what are the chances they just scrap the whole thing and don't do it?

To put it into perspective; there's more chance of Donald Trump willingly resigning and joining the Democrats than there is of Brexit being called off. It's 100% happening, except everyone's trying to play hot potato with who gets the final blame for when things to tits up.

That's old news, why bring it up now? Come on, just let bygones be bygones and move on!

Now about that "previous Labour government..."

Boy Wander

Alt Account
Oct 29, 2017
Its bullshit, these people shouldn't be allowed to just leave or walkaway. They should fix this mess they've got us into …


It was 52% of the British Public that got us into this mess. These clowns just pandered to them. Anybody handed Brexit was basically handed a shit sandwich that was going to taste bad whichever way you try to slice it.


Oct 29, 2017
Glasgow, Scotland
General election..?

Watched Daily Politics from earlier on and they said Brexiteers wouldn't risk a bit of no confidence on May as they would lose and leave May stronger.. so unsure if this really means a General Election is imminent.. but something's gotta give with such a weak government propped up by the DUP. Interesting times ahead.