
Jun 7, 2018
OSLO (Reuters) - An oil tanker owned by Norway's Frontline has been struck by a torpedo off the coast of Fujairah in the United Arab Emirates, shipping newspaper Tradewinds reported on Thursday, citing unnamed industry sources.
Frontline was not immediately available for comment.
The United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations, which is part of the Royal Navy, had said on Thursday it was aware of an incident in the Gulf of Oman, near the Iranian coast.

This is blowing up all over Arabic media here, don't know how they can confirm torpedoes yet but we'll see.

Tensions are already high between the gulf states, and Iran and the US in general. Either this is a false flag to implicate Iran, or the IRGC is playing a very dangerous game.

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Nov 5, 2017
I can't see the rationale for this. And torpedoes must mean a state level actor right?


Jun 7, 2018
For anyone who might know: Why would something like this happen? Why would an oil tanker get torpedoed, and by whom?

Either a false flag for Bolton to get his wet dream war against Iran, or bring the Europeans to the their side at least against Iran.

OR, the IRGC is putting pressure on Ben Salman.

Rouhani does not control the IRGC nor the Quds force, think of it as good cop bad cop running Iran and General Soleimani might be in the mood to flex some military muscle against Ben Salman, they have been hitting the Saudis pretty hard in Yemen lately too.


Sep 4, 2018
Oh no, I've heard this cover story before, you can't fool us again! You're building another Metal Gear!


Oct 28, 2017
Convenient that these things always happen when the US is looking for another war.


Jun 7, 2018
lol. only took 9 posts for the tin foil hat to appear.

The US and Israel have been implicated in the past for false flags and using false pretexts for war, nothing new so I don't know why anyone is surprised. From the gulf of tonkin incident, operation mongoose, Invasion of south Lebanon and the second gulf war.


Oct 25, 2017
lol. only took 9 posts for the tin foil hat to appear.
It didn't take 9 posts. Re-read the OP. And speaking of reading, it sounds like you have some to do on US history and false flags.

Edit: And of course this isn't necessarily what's happening. But it's a realistic possibility.


Oct 30, 2017
It's hard to find any other rationale on attacks against oil tankers than "political power games". Whether it is terrorism by individuals (or independent groups) or a state actor, and who that actor is, is the question.


Oct 25, 2017
It didn't take 9 posts. Re-read the OP. And speaking of reading, it sounds like you have some to do on US history and false flags.

Where is the evidence that any False Flag talk is anything more than baseless speculation in this situation?

You guys must be in the know.


Jun 7, 2018
Why would Iran attack Norwegian tankers?

Doesn't matter who the owner is as long as they can prove they can seal the Hormuz strait or make it very dangerous enough and choke the KSA and it's satellite states economy. If we're talking that the IRGC is the responsible actor for this.

On the other hand, if this is a false flag, targeting European vessels could be useful in driving Europe completely against Iran, which for the time being is still trying to normalize relations.


Oct 25, 2017
Where is the evidence that any False Flag talk is anything more than baseless speculation in this situation?

You guys must be in the know.
We don't know in this situation. It was just irritating and ignorant of you to talk about tin foil hats when it's actually happened repeatedly.


Metal Face DOOM
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah man. The US starting a war over false evidence sure is tinfoil territory.
*looks at Vietnam and Irak*
I wouldn't call either of those false flags. Bad intel in the case of Iraq and I'm assuming you're talking about the Gulf of Tonkin incident with Vietnam, which was half true half not.


The Fallen
May 9, 2018
That area is the most crucial aspect of the inevitable Iranian war. So many benefactors after that patch of water which controls literally 99.9% of the oil freight of the planet. Things getting fucked up there can easily lead to a global economic meltdown. It's scary as fuck.


Jun 7, 2018
Where is the evidence that any False Flag talk is anything more than baseless speculation in this situation?

You guys must be in the know.

Yes we are speculating, but not speculation without merit. The history of the US in creating false pretexts to justify its engagement in foreign conflicts is enough.

Aside from the US, there are other state actors at play here, who do not mind acting shady and trying to force a conflict, Ben Salman and the KSA being on the top of the list, as well as Israel.
Oct 31, 2017
I wouldn't call either of those false flags. Bad intel in the case of Iraq and I'm assuming you're talking about the Gulf of Tonkin incident with Vietnam, which was half true half not.

The Iraq war was not based on bad intel. It was based on a desire to go to war with Iraq. At the time, the justification for it was that Iraq was somehow in bed with alQaida, and that they possessed said weapons. Both claims were made up out of whole cloth to justify a war the Bush administration had been determined to wage for years. Bad intel my arse


Spirit Tamer
Jan 2, 2018
I like how everyone's first reaction here to oil tankers being attacked in the UAE is "Fuck the United States" instead of showing any concern for the lives of the crews.


Jun 7, 2018
From the sounds of it, the tankers were merely damaged, highly doubt it was a torpedo attack at this point. One single torpedo is probably enough to split a fully loaded oil tanker in half. Probably an improvised drone attack, if the intent is to merely send a message and not cause a regional conflict.


Nov 1, 2017
Suomi Finland
seriously if Trump starts a war against Iran i will become permanently and staunchly anti-American for as long as i live. ANOTHER fucking insane war that is completely unnecessary where millions suffer or die would be 100% unforgivable. the whole world should never forgive it, not in a thousand years.

just complete madness that we are actually at a point where America has a demented criminal TV show host as an unstoppable dictator who can just destroy as much of the world as he feels like. American people have now had YEARS to stop him, and nothing. he still has the ability to start a nuclear war on a whim.


Metal Face DOOM
Oct 25, 2017
The Iraq war was not based on bad intel. It was based on a desire to go to war with Iraq. At the time, the justification for it was that Iraq was somehow in bed with alQaida, and that they possessed said weapons. Both claims were made up out of whole cloth to justify a war the Bush administration had been determined to wage for years. Bad intel my arse
As far as WMDs are concerned, Sadam absolutely had a program up and running. What the US didn't know is that the propgram was dismantled some years prior because they could no longer fund it. I do agree there was a desire to go to war with Iraq, I just don't 100% buy that all of the reasonings were completely made up and nefarious. A lot of dumb shit happens because people act on crap information and quick reactions instead of being patient and getting a bigger picture.
Oct 31, 2017
From the sounds of it, the tankers were merely damaged, highly doubt it was a torpedo attack at this point. One single torpedo is probably enough to split a fully loaded oil tanker in half. Probably an improvised drone attack, if the intent is to merely send a message and not cause a regional conflict.

This is a fair point. Even a lightweight modern torpedo is designed to wreck a warship, let alone an oil tanker.


Jun 7, 2018
I like how everyone's first reaction here to oil tankers being attacked in the UAE is "Fuck the United States" instead of showing any concern for the lives of the crews.

To be fair no one was killed and only one slightly injured. The point here is to discuss the geopolitical fallout of the this incident which could be severe.


Oct 25, 2017
From the sounds of it, the tankers were merely damaged, highly doubt it was a torpedo attack at this point. One single torpedo is probably enough to split a fully loaded oil tanker in half. Probably an improvised drone attack, if the intent is to merely send a message and not cause a regional conflict.
Is there any information on the 4 prior attacks out there? I hadn't been paying much attention to the stuff there cause well, we have our hands full here and Bolton doesn't have a shadow cabinet of ex-Bush 1 officials mad they didn't get to topple Saddam prepping invasion plans years before Trump took office like he did back in 2000.
Oct 31, 2017
As far as WMDs are concerned, Sadam absolutely had a program up and running. What the US didn't know is that the propgram was dismantled some years prior because they could no longer fund it. I do agree there was a desire to go to war with Iraq, I just don't 100% buy that all of the reasonings were completely made up and nefarious. A lot of dumb shit happens because people act on crap information and quick reactions instead of being patient and getting a bigger picture.

This is revisionist nonsense. As far as weapons of mass destruction, Iraq had had chemical weapons stocks during the Iran Iraq war. Those weapons (and their precursor chemicals) were sold to them by Western powers. The US knew precisley what it was doing, and the fact that people are peddling this absolute shit shows how effective propaganda is. Again, the justification for the Iraq war was that it had wmds, which was a lie and a known lie, and that al Qaida had a presence in Iraq, which was also a known lie.


Jun 7, 2018
Is there any information on the 4 prior attacks out there? I hadn't been paying much attention to the stuff there cause well, we have our hands full here and Bolton doesn't have a shadow cabinet of ex-Bush 1 officials mad they didn't get to topple Saddam prepping invasion plans years before Trump took office like he did back in 2000.

Nothing concrete, the Gulf states and Mike Pompeo accused Iran but no evidence whatsoever and the story died, it did create a major ruckus and everyone started believing Gulf war 3 is about to start with the US sending in an additional carrier group.

Now it's more serious as it's a direct attack on ships in transit. If it's the IRGC then at least they're playing it smart with small no casualties attack trying to up Iranian negotiators at the table.

Funky Papa

Oct 28, 2017
Before everybody loses their minds, Bolton may be aching for a war (Trump, not so much, it's been reported that Bolton is indeed profoundly frustrated by Trump's refusal) but there are other actors interested in a war:

  • Saudi Arabia wants Iran out of the maps and has been shown to be ruthless in that regard
  • Iran is not a normal state. It has a bicefalous government and a secret service that essentially acts as a state within a state. The civil government is usually pushed around by the religious one and the armed forces are split in two in order to avoid coups. Bad things happen when they clash.
  • The IRGC and the Quds force feel emboldened for some reason, probably to increase pressure on other parts of Iran's government. European authorities have stopped a number of large assasination plots by Iranian agents that could have claimed dozens of lives through bombing campaigns. They've kept it hush hush because the nuclear deal is paramount, but nobody is comfortable with the situation and the IRGC may have its own devices.
  • Iran is undergoing some significant unrest. See the hundreds of cafeterias being closed by religious authorities and the women being incarcerated for refusing to wear a scarf. Younger people may not want war, but some figures may see it as a way to strengthen their power.

I'd also be wary about "torpedo talk". As far as we know, previous attacks have used what most experts believe to be limpet mines, which means frogmen.

Let's wait for more information. The fact that European vessels have been attacked will probably increase transparency as the EU and its closest partners don't want to get involved in a new war.
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Oct 25, 2017
Convenient that these things always happen when the US is looking for another war.
Or when Iran is trying to tell the US they can fuck the oil shipments to the world too. People always like to bring the fact the US is controlled by a bunch of stupid extremists, but forget Iran is controlled by a bunch of stupid extremists as well who will happily go to war if they have to keep their seats.


Spirit Tamer
Jan 2, 2018
To be fair no one was killed and only one slightly injured. The point here is to discuss the geopolitical fallout of the this incident which could be severe.
That's good to hear. The OP report just said torpedo and didn't mention the extent of the damage so I was wondering. If it's minor damage then it's probably not a torpedo, not a major political actor, and not much to get worked up over.